Improve Your Golf Game With The Best Golfing Tips Available Online

Improve Your Golf Game With The Best Golfing Tips Available Online

Article by Lucky Murwanthi

Golf is one sport that requires a lot of mental ability and muscular endurance. At first look, some people will say that golf is one sport that doesn’t need muscle training or strengthening workouts. Additionally, people also think that it is a sport that’s solely centered on precision and accuracy. To some extent, that declaration is correct. Nonetheless, you also have to put in mind that golf can be long and tiring, hence the requirement for conditioning and strengthening. Having said that, before embarking on a golf game, make sure that you spend a lot of time on a driving range. You can also spend some time in the gym to strengthen specific muscle groups to be able to capitalize on your strokes. What you are aiming for is muscle memory. This is when your muscles know what they are intended to do simply by instinct. This though, entails a lot of practice and persistence. You can either enroll in golfing lessons or if you are trying to save money and you want to do everything on your own, you can just purchase a golf instruction book.

No matter what you prefer, what’s important is that you get to prepare yourself prior to the actual game. This way, you know what to do and what to expect. Here are a few important golfing tips that you can utilize in order to save a couple of strokes in your game.


In essence, there isn’t one stroke that is above any other in golf. Driving, putting, ironing, and pitching are all just as important. When you are driving, you must set the pin about two to three inches above the ground. As you start to swing, try to keep your body still but relaxed and don’t get your eyes off the ball. Just proceed with a swing that is not forceful and natural. A graceful swing will always beat a swing that is assertive and forceful.


When putting, you must read the greens thoroughly. You have to learn the speed of the greens, you need to know the incline, and above all, you need to know learn how to putt correctly.


When using an iron, make sure that you keep your body in the middle of the ball. Find a firm and comfortable position before hitting the ball. Be relaxed and do a couple of practice swings before you do the actual swings.


Pitching is best done when you grip the club at mid position. Additionally, you just need to relax, take deep breaths, and swing gracefully to your designated target.Uncover the expert advice, and get the best ground-breaking golfing tips that you need to master in the game of golf.

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To get more tips and to get golf instruction book log on to NOW.

How to Put on Muscle For Skinny Guys

How to Put on Muscle For Skinny Guys

Article by Paul Duncan

Knowing how to put on muscle, even for skinny guys does not have be complicated or hard.

Even if you think that you are a hardgainer, it is totally possible for you to get muscles fast. It is just a question of following the right muscle building principles.

First of all let’s try and understand what a hardgainer is. In general terms a hardgainer is somebody who finds it difficult to gain muscle mass. This can be down to a number of reasons.

Body Type Can Affect Gaining Muscle

First of all it can depend on your body type. If you are thin with thin wrists and ankles, you would be considered an Ectomorph. An ectomorph finds it difficult to gain weight because he will generally have a fast metabolism which burns calories very quickly. People that are overweight will often be envious of an ectomorph, but it can be very frustrating for an ectomorph.

Muscle Building Diet

It is imperative that a skinny guy eats a lot of food. This is vital because your metabolism burns calories quickly. Most skinny guys that want to put on muscle eat nowhere near the amount of food that they need. Keep in mind that a pound of weight equates to 3500 calories. So if you want to gain a couple pounds of weight each week, you will need to consume an extra 7000 calories a week.

Muscle Building Program

This is often the biggest problem for skinny guys who want to put on muscle. Many guys buy the muscle building magazines, and try to follow the routines in them. This is a massive mistake.

Bodybuilders have genetics which are the exception, not the rule. These genetics help them to gain muscle much more easily than the vast majority of us. It is suicidal for any hardgainer to train in the way that professional bodybuilders do.

Look, your ability to grow muscle will depend on how long it takes to recover from a workout. For a hardgainer it is imperative that he gets plenty of rest. This means at least 3 days rest between workouts. You have to understand that the actual training does not induce muscle growth. All it does is break down your muscle. It is the rest and food that you give your body which enables muscles to grow. Ignore this and you will never gain muscle.

Do not get disillusioned if you are a skinny guy and have problems putting on muscle. Building muscle fast is all about training smart, and having the right nutrition. Even the most skinniest guys can can dramatically change their bodies pretty quickly by following the right principles.

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No matter how skinny you are, if you have the right plan in place, you too can build muscle quickly.

Three Techniques to Assist Busy Women in Getting Better at Their Golf Game

Three Techniques to Assist Busy Women in Getting Better at Their Golf Game

Article by Joe Jackson

No matter what level you are on or your duration of playing time, golf is a game that you constantly want to improve. However, many times it is not that simple to do. This is especially the case if you do not know why you are not getting any better, even when you continue to practice for hours on end. Below, you will see easy to use advice that will have a good affect on your golf game.

Confidence is often the biggest struggle women have to deal with when they are playing with men. Women often feel that they have no chance at beating men since they are stronger. They also often believe the men are whispering about them behind their backs which leads to frustration even though it’s not often true. No matter what your skill level is if you lack confidence your game will suffer. Strength can improve you game some but your overall technique and accuracy can be even more important. Where accuracy is concerned women excel which means they can compensate for the difference in strength and play as well as any man. An exact swing is essential for pulling off low scores time and again on the golf course. Increasing the accuracy of your swing is a matter of having excellent control of the club. Still, you might anticipate tightening your grip to elevate control, although the exact opposite is true. A soft grip will authorize you to have a greater feeling of the club. An additional crucial constituent to a perfect swing is to make certain that you aren’t using your muscles to intensify the speed of the club to improve influence the speed of the club Your force should be used to support the swing except you need to let the club do its work, which is to hit the ball. You merely need to take advantage of leverage and momentum in order for your club to reach the most favorable velocity.

Having a good set of professionally fitted clubs can make a big difference in your game as well. Don’t put the cart before the horse however, these clubs are expensive and you shouldn’t jump into buying clubs until you’re sure it’s a sport you’ll continue with long term. It will only fill you with regret later when you quit playing but still have that expensive set of clubs you wasted money on. Avoid this expense at least initially by renting or borrowing clubs at least until you discover whether or not this is the game for you. A custom set of clubs can indeed wait until you are sure you like the game. As you have seen, a lot of things to into the making of a good golfer. However, the good news is that anyone can improve their game and give the pro’s a run for their money. All you have to possess is a little loyalty to the game, a lot of effort and will to persevere and you will be on top of the game soon.

About the Author

Joe has been a full time internet marketer for about a year now, as an IT consultant he is interested in using technology and sometimes writes on this anonymous surfing blog. He uses security products to protect himself online and to obscure his IP address through his ninjaproxy network.

Methods To Lower Your Golf Handicap

Methods To Lower Your Golf Handicap

Article by A R Bell

Most amateur golfers are in envy of the professional players. I know that I am. You seen them swinging just like you do but they can hit the ball over 300 yards, get the ball to spin back to the hole and get out of bunkers the first time without digging themselves a big sand pit, whilst you are always looking for ways to lower your golf score.

As I said before I’m just an amateur golfer but here are some of the tips that I have used to improve my game.

Practice regularly

Now I know that this may be obvious, but people who play golf expect to play just as good as they did in their last round. When you have not practiced between rounds you can lose they rhythm which you had and have to start again when you start another round.

Don’t try and hit the ball too hard,

A nice steady easy swing can hit the ball just as far, just because it works for some of the pro’s it might not work for you and if you try to hit the ball too hard you can go off balance.

If you find that you are slicing the ball, pull you left foot slightly back. (only try this in practice as this could effect your round if you do not need to change) If you find that you are hooking the ball, your right hand may be too far round on your grip, forcing your hands to roll over at the end of your swing. Putting, always always practice your putting. This can take up to double figures off your round and is one of the top ways to lower your golf scor, by stopping you 3 and maybe 4 putting on the greens.

Or alternatively you could have lessons which I did and they made me worse. I would struggle to get the ball past the peak of my cap never mind splitting the fair way in half which is what the instructor said I would. Now this may not be the same for everyone, but not everyone can afford golf lessons.

improve your fitness

In the game of golf you use muscles which are not always used in every day activities so these can damage your round This aspect is very important as your swing can deteriorate as your round goes on if you start to tire. If your legs,back or arms start to ache you are not going to achieve the maximum power and acuracy from your swing. Before your round you need to stretch properly and warm up before each round. If you start a round cold you could pull or over stretch which could stop you playing until you have healed properly.

To lower your handicap and start enjoying playing golf Click Here!

About the Author

Golf enthusiastwho enjoys playing and wathcing golf..

Golf Tips to Measure your Results on the Practice Range

Golf Tips to Measure your Results on the Practice Range

Practice is important in any sport and golf is no exception. To really improve your game you must spend time fine tuning your swing. But many golfers simply “hit balls” on the practice range without checking to see if they are improving. Here are some tips to help measure the effectiveness of your practice sessions on the driving range.

First, you must identify your objective on the range. Some people are trying to fix a slice or a hook while others are trying to add distance to their shots. If you do not know what your objective is you will not know if you have achieved it. You may not have a noticeable flaw to correct but you need to train your muscles so you can make good shots consistently. So hitting consistently is your objective in that case. Just make sure you have a clear idea of your purpose.

Second, it does not matter too much if you quit slicing or hooking the ball, or if you add 30 yards to your drive if your shots are spraying to the left or right. You may have eliminated the slice in your ball flight, but did the ball actually go towards your target? I have heard people “oooh” and “ahhh” over their practice shots even though one went well to the left of what appeared to be their target line and the next went just as far to the right. Make sure you identify a target and gauge if you are hitting the ball within a few yards on either side of that target until the balls rolls to a stop.

Third, always hit a variety of clubs in a random order on the range. This will better reflect how a real round of golf is played. You never hit your seven iron fifteen times in a row on a normal round of golf so do not get locked into hitting only your seven iron on the practice range even if it is your seven iron that needs the work. For example, to work on your seven iron try hitting your seven a few times, then hit a 3-wood a couple of times, then hit a four-iron, then a wedge, then back to the seven for a few shots. This will help you practice your set-up routine for various shots since usually you address the ball and take your stance slightly differently for woods, low irons and high irons respectively.

Fourth, do not be in a hurry. Take a break for a minute or two after hitting a dozen balls or so. If you exhaust yourself you may begin making poor swings due to your tiring out that would almost never happen in a round of golf because on the course there is almost always a few minutes between shots that require a full swing.

Finally, take time at home some evening to write down on an index card the swing keys that help you prepare for taking a golf shot. Most people will have a list of five to eight things. Go through your set-up routine in your mind and jot down, in order, what you do to check your alignment, grip, stance, weight distribution, etc… and take that card with you to the practice range. Then read it over before EVERY practice shot for the first ten or fifteen shots. Train your mind to go through that list so it becomes a habit when you are playing a round of golf.

Hopefully you will develop your own list of golf tips from your time spent on the practice range and you will graduate from just “hitting balls” to actually tuning your swing by having a yard stick by which to measure your results on the practice range.

Looking for the best golf swing instruction? Would you invest about the cost of one round of golf on the weekend at your local public course to learn a consistent and repeatable golf swing? Visit Hank’s golf swing instruction site and see how quickly you can be hitting farther, straighter, and with greater confidence.

Three Techniques to Assist Busy Women in Getting Better at Their Golf Game

Three Techniques to Assist Busy Women in Getting Better at Their Golf Game

No matter what level you are on or your duration of playing time, golf is a game that you constantly want to improve. However, sometimes it is difficult to do so. This is especially the case if you do not know why you are not getting any better, even when you continue to practice for hours on end. Below, you will see easy to use advice that will have a good affect on your golf game.

Confidence is often the biggest struggle women have to deal with when they are playing with men. Women often feel that they have no chance at beating men since they are stronger. They also often believe the men are whispering about them behind their backs which leads to frustration even though it’s not often true. No matter what your skill level is if you lack confidence your game will suffer. It’s more important to concentrate on improving your technique and accuracy more so than your strength. Where accuracy is concerned women excel which means they can compensate for the difference in strength and play as well as any man. An exact swing is essential for pulling off low scores time and again on the golf course. Increasing the accuracy of your swing is a matter of having excellent control of the club. However, you might expect to have to tighten your grip to increase control, but the exact opposite is true. A soft grip will authorize you to have a greater feeling of the club. An additional crucial constituent to a perfect swing is to make certain that you aren’t using your muscles to intensify the speed of the club to improve influence the speed of the club Your might should be utilized to bolster the swing although you have to allow the club to do its work, which is to hit the ball. You basically need to take advantage of leverage and momentum for your club pull off the best possible velocity.

Having a good set of professionally fitted clubs can make a big difference in your game as well. Before you go buy clubs though you’ll want to be sure this isn’t just a passing phase. It will only fill you with regret later when you quit playing but still have that expensive set of clubs you wasted money on. Until you know for sure it’s best to rent or borrow clubs or perhaps try locating a set from a garage sale or second hand shop. A custom set of clubs can indeed wait until you are sure you like the game. As you have seen, a lot of things to into the making of a good golfer. However, the good thing is that anybody can make their game batter and make the professionals sweat. All you have to possess is commitment to the game, hard work and persistence and you will be one of the pros soon.

Joe has been a full time internet marketer for about a year now, as an IT consultant he is interested in using technology and sometimes writes on this anonymous surfing blog. He uses security products to protect himself online and to obscure his IP address through his ninjaproxy network.

How to Improve your Golf Swing Address

How to Improve your Golf Swing Address

Article by Tricia Deed

How to improve your golf swing address is very important. You will be amazed how your golf swings will improve by correcting your posture or spinal alignment, your stance or address, and the strengthening of your muscles and supporting tissues around the joints of the bones.

I will get straight to the point. Place your legs into position as you would do in readiness to strike the golf ball. Bend your knees. Lean onto the right foot while removing the weight from yor left foot. If you find yourself unsteady shift your foot slightly until you find your balance point. Once you have found it stay there until you feel stable. Leave your right foot where it is; then lean to the left foot, remove the weight off the right foot and repeat. You will now recognize and discover your balance stance.

Pick up your golf club positioning your legs according to your newly discovered balanced stance. As you position the golf club in your hands pretending to swing, it will feel differently. The reason is you have not been in your correct address and not able to hit the ball correctly and drive it the desired distance.

You probably already know that if you have been out of alignment you will need to retrain, but the rewards will outweigh the effort. It is better to strike the golf ball correctly, than to keep adjusting or compensating your golf swing to make it happen poorly.

When your spine is out of alignment and you are holding the golf club forward the body tends to lean backwards to maintain balance in order to compensate for the golf club being held too far forward. If the golf club is being held too closely then your body tends to lean forward with some spinal arching. In both instances golf swing difficulties will arise while trying to hit the golf ball.

While practicing my balance maneuver without the golf club, it was surprising how out of balance I became, but once I had my feet in their correct position, then my balance improved. I pretended to swing my golf club and discovered that I needed to incorporate some twist exercises to afford more flexibility and stretch in my upper back and waistline.

I picked up my golf club to do my practice swing and it defintely felt different. So I am back to the drawing board to correct my golf swings. Correct posture or spinal alignment does make a tremendous difference in the mechanics of the golf swing.

You may have noticed that when you held yor golf club to check out your new stance there was an added pull across the shoulders; and when you followed through you may have also noticed that your twist was a bit tight from the waistline and up.

By maintaining correct spinal alignment and exercising upper back, arms, and wrists for stronger muscle control, you will discover a big improvement in the distance and the speed of the golf ball.

As you improve the muscle strength of the upper back, arms and wrists, also include exercises to stretch the joints. Consider the joints as being similar to rubber bands. These rubber bands need to lengthen and be able to keep up with the increased muscle strength.

Picture yourself a few weeks from now having developed improved adjustments of the golf swing mechanics. Tempo, speed, distance, swing plane, and golf swing sequences will be changing causing you to reanalyze your golf swings. But these improvements will make you a better than average golfer.

To learn how to perfect your golf swing and to get great golf swing tips visit

About the Author

Through the years I have learned to be a jack-of-all-trades and maybe mastered one. Because my interests are many, diversity has been the road most traveled. Currently I am exploring different types of hobbies and combining these interests with my business of internet marketing.

Golf Slice Cures – How to Fix a Golf Slice and Outdrive Your Friends in Days

Golf Slice Cures – How to Fix a Golf Slice and Outdrive Your Friends in Days

Article by Terry Gorry

You can outdrive your friends in days if you show up at your club with a draw as your secret weapon. This article gives you 3 slice busting tips to do just that.

Tip 1- Don’t cast or come over the top in the downswing.

You need to swing from inside to out, not out to in. To do this you need to be patient in the downswing and think of 1 word..”Wait”.

Wait to let the club come down in front of you and then, and only then, turn.

Think of down before the around and you will hit raking draws in no time. But if you do the ‘around’ before the ‘down’ ie spin the shoulders open too early you will hit pop up slices all day because the path and plane of your swing is all wrong.

The casting or over the top move at the start of the downswing is a major distance sapper because it sets up an out to in cutting across the ball action which will leave you slicing your way around the course all day long.

Tip 2- Start your downswing from the ground up.

This ties in with Tip 1 and means that your weight should shift back in to your left heel early in the downswing, setting up a nice in to out draw inducing draw.

To do this you can replant your left heel to initiate your downswing, if you raised your left heel in the backswing.

If you did not raise it in the backswing, you still need to ensure that you get your weight back into your left heel in the throughswing by a smooth transition of your weight back towards the target to initiate your downswing.

Tip 3- Have good rhythm

Don’t lunge at the ball from the top of the backswing.

This tip ties into the previous 2 and if this means that you slow your swing right down to get this right, then do that at the range and work on it until you build your confidence and know that when the adrenaline is pumping you will have trained your muscles through muscle memory to swing on the correct path.

Your distance sapping slice will never allow you be the player you know you can be.

For more FREE tips and Free video of a long driving champ in action visit my blog at

Find more golf slice cures and take the moolah off your friends with FREE tips and Video now!

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Golf Slice Cures

Mizuno Irons

How to Complete Your Backswing

How to Complete Your Backswing

Article by melody

Tiger Woods is nearly unbeatable when he is tied for the lead on Sunday at a major championship. However, after watching yesterday’s round, I think there three things that could allow us to witness one of the most incredible David versus Goliath upsets in golf history. If one of the players follows the criteria below, they might be the one holding the Wanamaker trophy today instead of Woods.

Making a full shoulder turn is critical to both distance and accuracy.

From time to time, we all have a tendency to shorten our backswings. Your muscles may not be as loose as normal, you may be faced with a crucial shot and get over cautious, or you may think that shortening your swing will give you more control. Whatever the reason, not making a full shoulder turn can have some negative effects.

Firstly, and most obviously, you’re going to lose distance. The less you wind up the body, the less power you can translate into fast clubhead speed.

More importantly, a full turn gives your body the time and space needed to complete the correct mechanics of the downswing. A truncated backswing means your lower body has to do too much work to get the golf club moving on the correct plane. The result is often an out-to-in swing path, which will result in a pull or a slice (or at best, a weak fade). A full shoulder turn, on the other hand, gives your hips time to gently rotate, which pulls the upper body round in the correct motion, which in turn brings the clubhead on a more powerful in-to-in (i.e. correct) path.

Next time you’re on the practice range, make sure you are making a full shoulder turn.I believe that you can make an great progress only you practice like this.

By the way,if you need another golf clubs,you cannot miss these styles as follows.

Hot products:Callaway X-24 HOT IRONS Callaway?Diablo?EDGE?Driver Ping Rapture V2 Fairway Wood TaylorMade Burner Superfast Driver websites:

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golf clubs

Golfing Lessons To Strengthen Your Stroke

It is just a great view to look at golfers do swinging movements at their golf clubs smoothly and allow the ball to soar and rotate beautifully in the air. If you have just started out playing golf, one important thing you may seriously have to pay attention to in practicing is your golf swing movement.

Acquiring golf lessons will enable you to practice your swing form with pro advice. Using the correct grip is important in the game of golf. To be able to strengthen your golf swing movement, you can easily use a few tips which are taught in golfing lessons.

It is vital to build up your forehand power. This includes the paired strength provided by your wrists and forearms. With this forehand strength, you’ll be able to improve the right golf grip. To enable you to build up your forehand strength, you can apply a few exercises with your golf club. Golf lessons will allow you to do this again and again until eventually you perfect it. The workout is simply to move your club around using your wrists. This can additionally help you with your proper grip so you will be able to make better shots.

Taking golf lessons will in addition give you a chance to build the strength in your palms. Perhaps the most common misunderstanding is that controlling a club must be mostly using your palms. This is incorrect, for it does not offer you enough mobility to maneuver your wrists, which in effect lessens the power of your swing. For that reason, the proper way would be to carry the golf club with a bit more with your fingers than your palms. This gives you a superior grip and an improved chance to carry out longer shots.

Also, it is critical to make sure the pressure in your grip is only halfway in strength. If there is tightness in the muscles, it is going to result in a slower hit and a shot with a shorter distance. If perhaps you might have smaller hands or weaker wrists, you can make up for it by using a grip just like holding a baseball, with all your fingers grasping around the golf club. However, for those who have extra large hands, you may opt for a Vardon or overlapping grip. Many expert golf players take advantage of this. It permits you to use your fingers for your golf club grip.

It is very helpful to receive a golf lesson from a expert trainer if you wish to boost your abilities in golf, particularly with your swing movement. Now armed with a few tips on strengthening your golf swing, you can now visit the greens and give it a try.