How to Put on Muscle For Skinny Guys

How to Put on Muscle For Skinny Guys

Article by Paul Duncan

Knowing how to put on muscle, even for skinny guys does not have be complicated or hard.

Even if you think that you are a hardgainer, it is totally possible for you to get muscles fast. It is just a question of following the right muscle building principles.

First of all let’s try and understand what a hardgainer is. In general terms a hardgainer is somebody who finds it difficult to gain muscle mass. This can be down to a number of reasons.

Body Type Can Affect Gaining Muscle

First of all it can depend on your body type. If you are thin with thin wrists and ankles, you would be considered an Ectomorph. An ectomorph finds it difficult to gain weight because he will generally have a fast metabolism which burns calories very quickly. People that are overweight will often be envious of an ectomorph, but it can be very frustrating for an ectomorph.

Muscle Building Diet

It is imperative that a skinny guy eats a lot of food. This is vital because your metabolism burns calories quickly. Most skinny guys that want to put on muscle eat nowhere near the amount of food that they need. Keep in mind that a pound of weight equates to 3500 calories. So if you want to gain a couple pounds of weight each week, you will need to consume an extra 7000 calories a week.

Muscle Building Program

This is often the biggest problem for skinny guys who want to put on muscle. Many guys buy the muscle building magazines, and try to follow the routines in them. This is a massive mistake.

Bodybuilders have genetics which are the exception, not the rule. These genetics help them to gain muscle much more easily than the vast majority of us. It is suicidal for any hardgainer to train in the way that professional bodybuilders do.

Look, your ability to grow muscle will depend on how long it takes to recover from a workout. For a hardgainer it is imperative that he gets plenty of rest. This means at least 3 days rest between workouts. You have to understand that the actual training does not induce muscle growth. All it does is break down your muscle. It is the rest and food that you give your body which enables muscles to grow. Ignore this and you will never gain muscle.

Do not get disillusioned if you are a skinny guy and have problems putting on muscle. Building muscle fast is all about training smart, and having the right nutrition. Even the most skinniest guys can can dramatically change their bodies pretty quickly by following the right principles.

About the Author

No matter how skinny you are, if you have the right plan in place, you too can build muscle quickly.

2 thoughts on “How to Put on Muscle For Skinny Guys”

  1. Well, I am an ectomorph and it is really difficult for me to gain muscle. I eat up to 10 times per day and consume about 4000 calories and 2g of protein per 1kg body weight daily.
    Daniel´s last blog post ..5 Best Weight Gainers

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