How to Put on Muscle For Skinny Guys

How to Put on Muscle For Skinny Guys

Article by Paul Duncan

Knowing how to put on muscle, even for skinny guys does not have be complicated or hard.

Even if you think that you are a hardgainer, it is totally possible for you to get muscles fast. It is just a question of following the right muscle building principles.

First of all let’s try and understand what a hardgainer is. In general terms a hardgainer is somebody who finds it difficult to gain muscle mass. This can be down to a number of reasons.

Body Type Can Affect Gaining Muscle

First of all it can depend on your body type. If you are thin with thin wrists and ankles, you would be considered an Ectomorph. An ectomorph finds it difficult to gain weight because he will generally have a fast metabolism which burns calories very quickly. People that are overweight will often be envious of an ectomorph, but it can be very frustrating for an ectomorph.

Muscle Building Diet

It is imperative that a skinny guy eats a lot of food. This is vital because your metabolism burns calories quickly. Most skinny guys that want to put on muscle eat nowhere near the amount of food that they need. Keep in mind that a pound of weight equates to 3500 calories. So if you want to gain a couple pounds of weight each week, you will need to consume an extra 7000 calories a week.

Muscle Building Program

This is often the biggest problem for skinny guys who want to put on muscle. Many guys buy the muscle building magazines, and try to follow the routines in them. This is a massive mistake.

Bodybuilders have genetics which are the exception, not the rule. These genetics help them to gain muscle much more easily than the vast majority of us. It is suicidal for any hardgainer to train in the way that professional bodybuilders do.

Look, your ability to grow muscle will depend on how long it takes to recover from a workout. For a hardgainer it is imperative that he gets plenty of rest. This means at least 3 days rest between workouts. You have to understand that the actual training does not induce muscle growth. All it does is break down your muscle. It is the rest and food that you give your body which enables muscles to grow. Ignore this and you will never gain muscle.

Do not get disillusioned if you are a skinny guy and have problems putting on muscle. Building muscle fast is all about training smart, and having the right nutrition. Even the most skinniest guys can can dramatically change their bodies pretty quickly by following the right principles.

About the Author

No matter how skinny you are, if you have the right plan in place, you too can build muscle quickly.

How To Get Skinny After Pregnancy

How To Get Skinny After Pregnancy

Article by jen jolan

I’m going to show you how to get skinny after pregnancy. If you’re struggling with pregnancy weight gain, relax… it’s not as touch as you’d think to get rid of. Here are 4 simple rules to follow. Following them will get you skinny.

First, I’d like to congratulate you on the birth of your baby. Now however, it’s time for me to show you how to get skinny.

Rule #1: Move around more

Yeah, it’s boring when said like that. But do this. Get a mini-trampoline ( at Wal-Mart) and jump on it for 2 minutes at a time. If you watch tv, do it during commercials. Did you know each 1 hour tv show has about 22 minutes of commercials. So there’s 22 minutes of working out without making you more busy or forcing you to block out 30-60 minutes to workout. You get 2 things done at once. Make it three… you also get skinny.

Rule #2: Eat more meals, just smaller meals

This helps speed up your metabolism while making your digestive system way more efficient in pulling out important nutrients for you and expelling the useless wastes. Like the rule above, it accomplishes 2 things at once. It’ll also cut down on your cravings since you won’t have fluctuating blood sugar levels due to big meals.

Rule #3: Eat a big breakfast

Oh, wait… didn’t I just say to eat small meals above? Yes I did. And you can still eat a small breakfast if you want, but if you’re to eat a big meal, make sure it’s at breakfast time so you have time to burn off all the calories later in the day.

Also, by having your big meal in the morning, you’re “front loading” your calories. This helps you to eat less and snack less later in the day. The best choice for breakfast would be 3-4 scrambled eggs with 1/2 a can of black beans.

It’s high in fiber and protein… which is exactly what you need for breakfast.

Rule #4: Snack strategically

With my clients, I’ve found that their snacking seems to hurt their weight loss efforts more than their meals. So let’s take care of this right now for you as well. For snacks, I want you to eat only the following foods… low calorie yogurt, baby food puree, apples, grapefruit, 10 black olives, a slice of cheese wrapped around a dill pickle, string cheese, or red grapes. That’s it!

If you’re serious about losing your pregnancy pounds, then that’s how to get skinny after pregnancy. Nothing complicated. So do it and thank me later.

About the Author

Need to lose weight fast? Go here now for little-known weight loss tricks and secrets such as “Spinning Around Like a Child”. Free ebook included.

How to lose weight in a week ? 3 simple steps to burn fat fast

How to lose weight in a week ? 3 simple steps to burn fat fast

Tell me what do you think your metabolism is doing for your body? Well the metabolism is what burns your fat and endure your weight loss. The importance of weight loss is significant to your health and over all mental state.


You have to make the most important decision to decide whether you want to care for your health or not. Its your choice and no one can decide for you. You are going to have to do some work and no not a construction load just some push on your part to get to your desired goal.


Remember its your word that counts. If you want to be in a size 3 then only you can make that happen. Now that we got that down get ready to learn what you can do right away. Your going to learn how to burn off the fat with 3 easy to do at home lessons you can implement in the comfort of your own home or work area.)

home or at your work place.


The thing is that you don’t have to put yourself through big changes or anything. This diet change will not deprive you from your treats and snacks. You don’t have to remake your whole lifestyle just a few simple changes.


These three easy tips will work wonders for your long term health state.


Lesson #1:


Substitute one or two of your daily intakes with a smoothie or nutritious shake.)

Shakes or smoothies are tasty and nutritious. Now don’t worry shakes/smoothies are delicious when made properly. And you get to choose if you want to replace breakfast and lunch or just one.


These replacement drinks will not just help you from consuming too much calories but if included with protein powder it should keep you from feeling hungry all the time. Though smoothies /shakes are relatively easy to make at home you are more then welcomed to buy store made drink meals such as Special K or Slim Fast shakes.


This is a recipe I use to to brew up a nutritious smoothie:


4(Four) c. of ice, 2 (two) c. of strawberries, 1 (one) c. of blueberries, 1 (one) c. of broccoli, 2 (two) c. of carrots, 3 (three) c. of beets, 1 (one) sliced apples, 2 (two) c. soy milk, 1 (one) c. of water, and 2 (two) c. of light orange juice.


Properly mix them together in a blender and if you have the dial option of “liquify” if you don’t have that selection then use the highest speed you have available.



This is a quick but very delicious recipe for a milk shake:


1 (one) Scoop of protein powder ( Protein powder is good for the muscles and your hunger pangs) ( 4 (four) c. of soy milk, 2 (two) c. of water, 1 (one) teasp. Of vitamin powder (this is optional) 1 ½ ( one and a half) c. of half and half, 1 (one) c. of coco solution of any kind or 1 (one) c. of chocolate, or 1 (one) c. of strawberry syrup (You can substitute with any flavored syrup)

or strawberry syrup( if you have any other flavored syrup be my guess and

substitute with those)


4 (four) c. of crushed ice. Mix those ingredients in a good quality blender thoroughly until the shake is properly thick. Served cold.


Lesson #2:


Substitute your snacks with more nutritious and healthy fruits/vegetables. You can exchange one snack schedule with your favorite snacks such as cookies or maybe a slice of cheesecake every 2nd day of every week. You are allowed to enjoy two snacks a day in between your balanced meals. The time frame you would eat your snacks are for example 10 am and 3 pm.


This is a schedule of your daily intake:


7 a.m. Breakfast block


10 a.m. Snack Block #1


12 a.m. Lunch Block


3 p.m. Snack Block #2


6 p.m. Dinner Block



You are going to have meals such as breakfast, lunch, and dinner but the meal size will be balanced and a bit smaller then your average consumption. Well it really depends on how much food you consume a day. Take one day out of your schedule and east as normal as you would eat without consciously thinking of being on a diet. And write down the calories of every food you consume that day.


Take the time at the end of the say and add up all the calories you consumed. Then you would subtract 500 calories from the sum, afterwords divide the outcome by six. This step is a bit tricky but you should be able to understand make sure you subtract anywhere from fifty to one hundred calories from your snack blocks and then distribute them equally to the lunch block and your dinner block.


So your bigger meals will have the appropriate calorie consumption that way you don’t feel hungry as often. You are allowed to exchange one of your snack blocks with a tasty yet guilty treat like maybe a slice of cheese cake or a lemon square bar.


Lesson #3:


Its important to do some form of exercise to burn those stubborn calories. If you didn’t know already then let me be the first to let you know that exercise furnaces your metabolism. And guess what? Your metabolism down sizes the fat stored in your body.


There are many options of exercise for you. You can jog in the comfort of your own home or spend 30 minutes jogging out around the neighborhood. If you have access to Com cast Xfinity program then you can use the exercise videos that comes with it. If not that’s no biggie because there are free online videos that you can search for via Google to get some free vids of cardio blasting work outs.


If you follow this program outlined for you thoroughly then you will see results and lose weight. You can finally look in the mirror with confidence and not fear of your weight overcoming you. Don’t worry about wanting to burn calories because if you followed through then results will come in, in no time. No depriving yourself of those heart warming sweet treats or salty snacks.



How much more simple yet truthful can this be? Here is the true secret to this diet. Not only do you eat less but you can eat those junk foods in a much more healthier way. The ingredients you would normally use for those hamburgers or those tangy pastas. You can change them to organic ingredients. That means every thing you put in should be organic and or light. That way you eat more healthier.


There for you can change the ground beef in your burger to ground turkey. That lasagna meat can be exchanged for ground chicken. Look how simple it is to lose weight but we just ignore it. Organic ingredients is the key to a proper weight loss.

Plus always eat in smaller yet balanced portions. I hope your still not asking the question ” How to lose weight in a week? Because its all here. And have been stepped out into easy to follow lessons so that you can understand.


You can learn more about how to lose weight with a diet plan I have worked on obtaining for the public eye. Please check out The Diet Solution Program or maybe you can check out my website