Improve Your Golf Game With The Best Golfing Tips Available Online

Improve Your Golf Game With The Best Golfing Tips Available Online

Article by Lucky Murwanthi

Golf is one sport that requires a lot of mental ability and muscular endurance. At first look, some people will say that golf is one sport that doesn’t need muscle training or strengthening workouts. Additionally, people also think that it is a sport that’s solely centered on precision and accuracy. To some extent, that declaration is correct. Nonetheless, you also have to put in mind that golf can be long and tiring, hence the requirement for conditioning and strengthening. Having said that, before embarking on a golf game, make sure that you spend a lot of time on a driving range. You can also spend some time in the gym to strengthen specific muscle groups to be able to capitalize on your strokes. What you are aiming for is muscle memory. This is when your muscles know what they are intended to do simply by instinct. This though, entails a lot of practice and persistence. You can either enroll in golfing lessons or if you are trying to save money and you want to do everything on your own, you can just purchase a golf instruction book.

No matter what you prefer, what’s important is that you get to prepare yourself prior to the actual game. This way, you know what to do and what to expect. Here are a few important golfing tips that you can utilize in order to save a couple of strokes in your game.


In essence, there isn’t one stroke that is above any other in golf. Driving, putting, ironing, and pitching are all just as important. When you are driving, you must set the pin about two to three inches above the ground. As you start to swing, try to keep your body still but relaxed and don’t get your eyes off the ball. Just proceed with a swing that is not forceful and natural. A graceful swing will always beat a swing that is assertive and forceful.


When putting, you must read the greens thoroughly. You have to learn the speed of the greens, you need to know the incline, and above all, you need to know learn how to putt correctly.


When using an iron, make sure that you keep your body in the middle of the ball. Find a firm and comfortable position before hitting the ball. Be relaxed and do a couple of practice swings before you do the actual swings.


Pitching is best done when you grip the club at mid position. Additionally, you just need to relax, take deep breaths, and swing gracefully to your designated target.Uncover the expert advice, and get the best ground-breaking golfing tips that you need to master in the game of golf.

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To get more tips and to get golf instruction book log on to NOW.

Tiger in the Woods- Animal Time Management

Tiger in the Woods- Animal Time Management

Article by Jim Cassa

A tiger in the woods does not struggle to get his food for the day. This king of the cat world uses no alarm clock or priority list to keep things in order. He doesn’t need to. A tiger’s life is full of order naturally.The tiger, like many felines in the animal world, is always relaxed yet manages very nicely. We can learn a lot from the tiger and his natural time management principles of the animal kingdom. We may not live in the woods but we can still gain from the wisdom of the tiger.Ignore Distractions.The wisdom of how to ignore distractions is a valuable one. This lesson comes from the Tiger. When he hunts his prey he is in the moment with total concentration. Everything except the task at hand is ignored and put aside.Focus on your aim. Be clear about what you want to get done with your time. Then put aside all the rubbish, the noise, anything that takes you away from you goal. This is an act of power representative of the Tiger.It is amazing how much time the clutter in our lives takes up. If we eliminate just his one element we can get better at managing time.Priority List.A tiger does not need a priority list because he already has one hard wired into his brain. We are not so lucky. Make a list of the most important things you want done. Start with the most valuable activities and work down to the least important.Use Intuition.Now with intuition we are becoming more like the tiger. He senses things, it is instinct, and we can do the same. Pay attention to your intuition which is another way of saying your inner voice. Many ideas and new methods come to you in this way. Our inner voice is wisdom speaking and, many times we ignore it and chose not to listen, it is deep inside of us and we can use its animal like instinctive knowing.We may not be a tiger in the woods but we can still master time management. Phone Australian psychic Jim Cassa for the best online reading please visit the value for money Melbourne medium in Australia.

About the Author

Jim Cassa is a psychic medium and writer well known for being a top Australia psychic and shows methods of empowerment available to anyone. Jim’s passion is clarity, insight, and giving the best value for money medium readings .

Smashing It Straight

Smashing It Straight

Some players drive the ball 250 yards or more every time, but they can’t keep it on the fairway. The harder they try to stay on the fairway, the more they hook it. As a result, they find themselves in a clump of trees or under a bush, without a good second shot, hurting their golf handicap. They’ve taken golf lessons and read golf tips. And they’ve tried throttling back. But they still can’t cure their big hook.

If that’s you, read on. There’s a simple way to cure the problem. All you have to do is make a minor change in your grip—one pioneered by golfing great Ben Hogan. The change takes a little getting used to, as most adjustments do, so you’ll have to hit a few buckets of balls to get comfortable with it. But once you do, you’ll hit the ball straighter than before with just as much power. And you’ll shave strokes off your golf handicap.

A Smasher’s Instinct

Hogan had a smasher’s instinct. When he was on the tee, the right-hander didn’t want to just drive the ball well. He wanted to crush it. He wanted to hit it out of sight. And for a small guy, he hit it a long way. But like many big hitters, Hogan had problems with direction. Whenever he tried to throttle back, he just made things worse. Throttling back just wasn’t in his nature.

But a simple change in his grip transformed him from Captain Hook to Captain Power Fade. Hogan realized that by weakening his grip a bit, he could control his hook and still hit the ball as hard as he wanted. Rather than fight a strong, three-knuckle grip, he decided to change grips. He turned his left hand so that he only saw one knuckle at address while his right palm faced the target. The change let him smash the ball without hooking it.

The change was exactly what Hogan needed. It transformed his game. By the time he retired in 1971, he was not only one of the most feared golfers of his time, he also one of the best of all time. After turning pro in 1929, he won 64 PGA Tour championships. Of these, nine were major championship wins—4 masters, 2 U.S Opens, 1 British Open, and 2 PGA Championships.

Strong Forearms Helped

Keep in mind though that Hogan had very strong forearms. They allowed him to take a weak grip and still square the clubhead at impact. If you don’t have strong forearms, you may want to adjust your grip so that you see one and one-half knuckles on your left hand at address. Then place your right hand on the club so that the palm is facing the target, like Hogan did.

Like most changes, this new grip takes getting used to. Hit balls on the practice range with the grip before trying it on the course. You’ll probably slice a few before getting the hang of it. But the more you let your right side in the swing, if you’re right-handed, the smaller the slice will be. Vice versa for left-handers. And since you can’t hook it, swing as aggressively as you like. You’ll still hit a fade. And you’ll probably still end up on the fairway.

Henry Cotton’s Tire Drill

To get used to hitting the ball with a weak left-handed grip, try one of Henry Cotton’s favorite drills. Cotton was a great player and teacher. He got his students used to hitting with a weak left-handed grip by having them hit an old tire. Here’s how:

Grab an old iron. Grip it with your left hand, so that no more than one and one-half knuckles show. Lay the tire down where you’d tee the ball. Now take some swings with your left arm only. If you’re left-handed, use your right arm.

How can you tell if you’re closing the clubface when you hit the tire? Don’t worry, you’ll know. If the clubface is closed, you’ll feel solid contact. If it’s open, you’ll feel an extra shock in your arm. Use this drill sparingly to prevent injury. You don’t want to injure yourself during a practice session.

Mastering this change in grip conquers the hook for big hitters. Of course, taking a few golf lessons and reading golf tips can’t hurt, either. But the change in grip is something you can do right now. Just have a little patience. The change feels strange at first, but once assimilated, it helps lower golf handicaps. It also puts the fun back in driving the ball.

Jack Moorehouse is the author of the best-selling book How To Break 80 And Shoot Like The Pros. He is NOT a golf pro, rather a working man that has helped thousands of golfers from all seven continents lower their handicap immediately. Free weekly newsletter available with the latest golf tips, lessons and instructions.