Mastering the Basics of the Golf Swing

Mastering the Basics of the Golf Swing

Article by Howard Brule

You are an aspiring golfer who isn’t scoring the way you want. Welcome to the world of golf because golf is a difficult game to excel at. Maybe you can play the game okay, but just aren’t performing the way you know you can. Is it a swing problem that is the source of your problems? Here are a few suggestions to help you see some golf swing improvement.

The place to start, no matter if you are a scratch golfer or high handicapper is with a dedicated practice routine. Set up a routine that focuses on your troublesome areas as well as key in on the other critical aspects of your golf swing.

You can arrange for Golf lessons from a golf professional, but before you take that route there are some simple things you can try on your own to improve your basic swing. Golf theory may be worth studying but it is important to have at least the basics of a swing before spending hard earned dollars on instruction.

A helpful way to think of improving your swing is to think of it as giving your swing the g-a-s, as in grip, alignment and stance. The first step toward golf swing improvement is taking a close look at your grip. Your hands should come together naturally and comfortably on the club. If you swing right handed, hooking the pinky finger of your right hand over the index finger of your left is a great way to start. Hold the shaft of the club lightly without tension. There is no need to hold the club tightly in your hands to put a good hit on the ball.

Many players who have difficulty striking the ball with power find their alignment is wrong. You should be aiming where you want the ball to go with your shoulders parallel to the intended line of flight. Most inexperienced golfers take a “closed” stance with their body and shoulders aimed out to the right (for right handers.) You can overcome this by simply shifting your body slightly to a more “open” position when you take your stance. This will help you avoid swinging “across” the ball – the primary source of the slice.

Golf swing improvement will occur naturally if you are aiming correctly and have a good athletic stance. Your knees should be bent slightly, your spine angled forward but fairly straight, and your rear end in something of a sitting position. Don’t be tense. You should be relaxed when you swing a golf club.

Now, before you swing, step back from your ball and take a practice swing. Sweep the club head back and up keeping your arms extended and cocking your wrists as the club is taken up.

Your head should remain quite still and you should try to avoid “sliding” your body back as you take the club around and up. Taking the club back should be a rotational movement with your spine remaining more or less stationary and angled in the same way while rotating your upper body around your spine. As you take the club up and back your shoulders will naturally turn and the club will end up parallel to the target line. Then, keeping that athletic stance, throw the club out and back and down through the ball as you rotate your hips and upper body around your spine.

The golf swing may seem difficult at first but with a bit of dedication toward improving your swing you will almost certainly see an improvement in your game in a matter of weeks. Get to a practice facility or driving range, warm up, then practice swinging using the proper grip, stance and alignment and you will definitely see golf swing improvement. Then once you have mastered the basics you can take your game to the next level.

About the Author

Anton Brule is an avid golfer and student of the golf swing. He makes regular contributions to Internet Golf Review and recommends this free 7 part golf swing improvement course.

Golf Training Review – The Simple Golf Swing System

Golf Training Review – The Simple Golf Swing System

Article by Anthony Devine

Are you looking for online golf training lessons at an affordable price to help improve your golf swing? If so, this article is a review of The Simple Golf Swing system, an online golf swing e-course and guide that has already been sold and used by more than 260,000 golfers! If you are interested to learn more about a golf swing training program that claims it can reduce your golf handicap by 7 to 12 strokes in only two weeks or less, please continue to read this review.

For most golfers, it is difficult to find, perform and repeat their ideal swing. It can be downright difficult and frustrating, even for the most of seasoned golfers. When golf training, your swing requires so much, but, at the same time, so little going on for you to be successful. Ideally, you want your body to be relaxed and at ease, without tension, and allow your hands and arms to swing the club through the golf ball like a pendulum on a clock. Additionally, as you follow through and finish your swing, you need to be balanced as well as freely, yet forcefully, drive your club’s hear through the golf ball.

With The Simple Golf Swing e-course, it provides you with a full golf swing breakdown and analysis, which enables you to identify and correct your swing flaws at any point in the swing process. As discussed in the e-course, the golf swing steps include:

The Setup – In this portion of the e-course, it provides both text and pictures to illustrate proper swing discipline and setting your swing up prior to the swing to help achieve maximum success with each swing you take on the course. Any golfer, regardless of years’ experience and/or skill set, will be able to quickly go through, understand and implement the swing set up tools provided in this section of the e-course. Proper setup, both physically and mentally, can definitely reduce the average golfer’s handicap by 2-4 strokes per round.

The Grip – Without the proper golf club grip, your likelihood for success on the course is not very good. This e-course will take you by the hand and show you the proper grip you need to have a solid, correct and fluid golf swing. This one golf training tip can save the average golfer several golf strokes each time out on the course. This section of the e-course, complete with photos and text, can further reduce an average golfer’s score by another 2-3 strokes per 18 holes.

Alignment – One obvious, but often overlooked, flaw in many golfers’ swing systems is the alignment of their golf club in relation to the golf ball. This is a simple correction, but many golfers do not do it, not because they don’t want to, but rather they do not realize that their golf club’s face is misaligned to the ball in the first place. Consequently, with improper golf club alignment, the average golfer has already lowered his or her probability of success of hitting the ball straight. Once a golfer reads and visually sees the alignment issue in the e-course, he or she will be able to instantly incorporate an alignment correction into their golf swing and thus, should reduce their handicap by 2-4 strokes per round.

Timing – Proper swing timing, which is very difficult to teach, is even more difficult to obtain, but essential to the average golfer’s overall success on the golf course. Much of a golfer’s swing timing is a mental one – trying not to rush or take the swing too slow. The Simple Golf Swing system discusses timing and will help you break down this mental barrier that many golfers have, even after years of playing and experience. That’s what makes golf fun, yet frustrating all at the same time! However, with improved timing, your swing and overall score will greatly improve in a very short period of time!

About the Author

Like myself and many other golfers, golf is, bar none, the most difficult and frustrating game in the world to master and play. And yet, it is one of the most endearing and fun games to play as well. With The Simple Golf Swing system, the average golfer has the opportunity learn the necessary golf training and swing system needed to reduce his or her handicap by 7 to 12 strokes in two weeks or less.

While I’m not the world’s greatest golfer, I have enjoyed the game a little bit more each and every time I go out on to the course. If you are like me, want to learn more about improving your swing, your handicap, and are interested in learning more about an online golf training system, go to, where you will find additional information about The Simple Golf Swing system.

How Can You Develop a Proper Golf Swing? Listen To This Important Advice!

How Can You Develop a Proper Golf Swing? Listen To This Important Advice!

The first question you have to ask yourself is – What is a proper golf swing? All golf swings have the same three main components – the backswing, downswing and the follow through. Sounds simple, but to develop these three components into a strong, powerful swing takes a lot of practice on the course, as well as some training off the course.

In the game of golf, no two people ever have the same golf swing. The way one person swings a golf club may not work for another person, even if they are near in body types. Every golfer has to find the playing style that fits him or her to help them produce the results that they want. Practicing the fundamentals of golf will build a solid foundation upon which you can build upon to create that powerful swing. All the great golf players of the world did this and now it is simple and easy for them to drive a golf ball down the course.

One of the essential things that will affect all three of the golf swing components is your grip. Many golfers feel tension when they address the ball and get ready to execute their golf swing and this results in a tight grip on the club and stiffness in their arms. After the first swing that did not go as they wished it would, the tension builds and starts a vicious cycle that will affect the rest of their swings.

The first thing you can do to help develop a proper golf swing is to relax. Take a deep breath, let it out slowly, and visualize the result of your swing – the ball screaming down the course.

Next, take a firm but not tight grip on the club and think about the golf swing sequence.
The backswing – draw your club back in a smooth arch until the knuckle of your thumb is above your right ear. As you draw back, the club head will trace out a large circle and at the top of your backswing your chest will be pointing away from your target.

The downswing – this is where you swing your golf club down and the club head makes contact with the ball. Let the natural motion of your body carry the club head through the golf balls position down the range toward the target.

The follow through – your body continues and completes the swing arc after contacting the ball. Your finish position is part of your golf swing, so do not stop abruptly and try to keep your motion fluid.

When you start your backswing, take a deep breath as you draw back and release it slowly as you start your downswing. Holding your breath will create stiffness in the upper body that will affect the fluid motion you are trying to develop in your golf swing.

Here are some tips to remember while visualizing your golf swing:

– Keep your left elbow straight during the backswing as the club goes straight up and back.
– Let your left arm roll slightly clockwise at the start of your downswing.
– Your wrists should be at a 90-degree angle when your left arm is parallel to the ground.
– Start your downswing with your lower body, NOT your shoulders.
– As you bring the club down, turn your hips as fast and powerful as you can towards the target.
– At the bottom of the swing arc, your wrists should snap and you will start the follow through.
– Your right arm will swing across your body and end up near your left shoulder.
– Your shoulders will be perpendicular to the target.

At the completion of the follow through portion of your golf swing, your weight should be balanced on your front hip and your back toe should be on the ground. Your hands will come to rest above your left shoulder and with your left knee facing the hole.
Now, going back to the original question What is a proper golf swing? First off there is no simple golf swing as many people try to believe. People who have never played golf will tell you that hitting the golf ball is easy. Just take a club and hit the ball as hard as you can. However, as any golfer will tell you it is never that easy because there are quite a lot of variables and small nuances that go into developing a good golf swing. Therefore, a proper golf swing is one that you can execute repeatedly, and feel good about the results.

To develop your own golf swing, it will take practice and training both on and off the golf course. Take some time to build your body off the course through a golf specific fitness training and conditioning program, and then get onto the course to develop your own proper swing by practicing the fundamentals of golf until they are second nature. Anything you do in life, your overall attitude and expectations of yourself, will ultimately determine your enjoyment of the game. View each golf swing, water hazard, hook and slice as another opportunity to improve. Remember, great players are not born; they work at becoming a great player through training and practice.

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The Best Way To Get Back With Your Ex in 3 Easy Steps

The Best Way To Get Back With Your Ex in 3 Easy Steps

Article by Ray Weber

Have you recently experienced a break up and questioning “how can I get back together with my ex”? It’s possible you’ll wish to get your ex back almost immediately, and this is a widespread feeling that everyone experiences.

You could find yourself following into an emotionally depressed state, and you could end up wondering what to do. You could instantly really feel like calling your ex and begging her or him to come back to you. However is this really going to make things any better? What it is in all probability going to do is make your situation much worse, chasing your ex away even further.

What you need to truly do at this point is the opposite of what you might be feeling. Are you feeling like calling your ex? Don’t! Do you feel like staying indoors all day feeling sorry for yourself? Don’t! As an alternative, comply with these three easy but very effective steps and you should have the answer to that age old query “How do I get back together with my ex?”

Step 1 – How to get back with my ex: Accept the Break Up! Continue reading “The Best Way To Get Back With Your Ex in 3 Easy Steps”

How can you improve your structure to play better and safer golf?

How can you improve your structure to play better and safer golf?

Physical training improves structure

How can you improve your structure to play better and safer golf? A quick physiology lesson is at hand.

Earlier, I talk about fascia. More specifically, your body’s fascial system contributes to your flexibility, mobility, posture, and function. Fascia, or connective tissue, is everywhere; it is the net that holds your body together.

Fascia’s main job is to retain your body’s normal shape, providing resistance to various stresses. In order to change your body structure and improve your ability to play golf, you benefit most by following a specific sequence of physical training, called “Release, Reeducate, and Rebuild,” or, “The Story of Gary McCord’s Career”:

Release: First, you must release your connective-tissue restrictions. Specially designed flexibility exercises help reduce tension in the inelastic portion of the fascial system that resists lengthening. You must perform these stretching exercises at low intensity but for a prolonged duration. Many people with significant fascial tightness need to sustain a single flexibility exercise for a minimum of three to five minutes before the layers of fascia begin to relax. A gentle, sustained stretching technique is far more effective than a short-duration, intense stretch because it more effectively and permanently lengthens the tough connective tissue of the body.
Reeducate: As the fascial restrictions are being reduced, you need to reeducate your structure by doing specialized exercises aimed at improving posture, balance, stability, and control. These reeducation exercises help you capitalize on your improved flexibility by teaching you how to feel the positions in which your body is most functional. The goal for each golfer is to develop a new postural identity that produces a posture at address and swing mechanics that are safe, efficient, reproducible, and highly effective.
Rebuild: Last, you undergo a program of rebuilding exercises, or strengthening exercises designed to solidify and then reinforce your physical structure and dynamic swing motion. These exercises can also improve your swing speed for added distance and improve muscular endurance for better swing control and performance toward the end of a round and/or during longer practice sessions.

This is a must for you prospective golfers: Enhance your structure and improve your game!

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