Mastering the Basics of the Golf Swing

Mastering the Basics of the Golf Swing

Article by Howard Brule

You are an aspiring golfer who isn’t scoring the way you want. Welcome to the world of golf because golf is a difficult game to excel at. Maybe you can play the game okay, but just aren’t performing the way you know you can. Is it a swing problem that is the source of your problems? Here are a few suggestions to help you see some golf swing improvement.

The place to start, no matter if you are a scratch golfer or high handicapper is with a dedicated practice routine. Set up a routine that focuses on your troublesome areas as well as key in on the other critical aspects of your golf swing.

You can arrange for Golf lessons from a golf professional, but before you take that route there are some simple things you can try on your own to improve your basic swing. Golf theory may be worth studying but it is important to have at least the basics of a swing before spending hard earned dollars on instruction.

A helpful way to think of improving your swing is to think of it as giving your swing the g-a-s, as in grip, alignment and stance. The first step toward golf swing improvement is taking a close look at your grip. Your hands should come together naturally and comfortably on the club. If you swing right handed, hooking the pinky finger of your right hand over the index finger of your left is a great way to start. Hold the shaft of the club lightly without tension. There is no need to hold the club tightly in your hands to put a good hit on the ball.

Many players who have difficulty striking the ball with power find their alignment is wrong. You should be aiming where you want the ball to go with your shoulders parallel to the intended line of flight. Most inexperienced golfers take a “closed” stance with their body and shoulders aimed out to the right (for right handers.) You can overcome this by simply shifting your body slightly to a more “open” position when you take your stance. This will help you avoid swinging “across” the ball – the primary source of the slice.

Golf swing improvement will occur naturally if you are aiming correctly and have a good athletic stance. Your knees should be bent slightly, your spine angled forward but fairly straight, and your rear end in something of a sitting position. Don’t be tense. You should be relaxed when you swing a golf club.

Now, before you swing, step back from your ball and take a practice swing. Sweep the club head back and up keeping your arms extended and cocking your wrists as the club is taken up.

Your head should remain quite still and you should try to avoid “sliding” your body back as you take the club around and up. Taking the club back should be a rotational movement with your spine remaining more or less stationary and angled in the same way while rotating your upper body around your spine. As you take the club up and back your shoulders will naturally turn and the club will end up parallel to the target line. Then, keeping that athletic stance, throw the club out and back and down through the ball as you rotate your hips and upper body around your spine.

The golf swing may seem difficult at first but with a bit of dedication toward improving your swing you will almost certainly see an improvement in your game in a matter of weeks. Get to a practice facility or driving range, warm up, then practice swinging using the proper grip, stance and alignment and you will definitely see golf swing improvement. Then once you have mastered the basics you can take your game to the next level.

About the Author

Anton Brule is an avid golfer and student of the golf swing. He makes regular contributions to Internet Golf Review and recommends this free 7 part golf swing improvement course.

Oakville Golf, How To Buy Used Golf Clubs

Oakville Golf, How To Buy Used Golf Clubs

Article by David Wells

Probably the most enjoyment element of starting any new activity is often acquiring the gear, as well as the exact same is true for golf. There may be a particular pleasure derived from heading to the golf store and selecting out your very first golfing glove, acquiring your 1st box of golfballs and needless to say, your very first set of clubs. But these days, the options are overwhelming, particularly for someone which is new to the spor of golft. And while you’ll find a plethora of really higher quality golf clubs idea for beginning and budget minded golfers, there may be also a thriving marketplace for applied and barely used golf equipment that may possibly also be appropriate for a golf player not all set to make the golf equipment expense of a scratch golfer, specifically if you are not certain just just how much you’re intending to be golfing or if you will genuinely stick with it. So here are some ideas on factors to look for when shopping for used golf golf clubs:Grips: Try to find cracks and worn areas in the grip. Make certain you won’t need to immediately re-grip the clubs, which could add anywhere from to for each club in your expenditures. The final thing you’ll want to do is start forking out for golf repairs before you even make it on to the greens.Clubheads: Face wear is what you are looking for in golf clubs that have been used for a extended time might have a shiny worn spot exactly in the center of the face. You truly will not want these due to the fact the clubface will not hold the ball as effectively, which are going to be annoying for a brand new golfer wanting to master the fundamentals. So make certain the grooves still have well-defined edges and stay away from clubs which display indentations inside the clubface becaues these will have an effect on the golf ball flight.Golfing Set Consistency: Line up golf clubs and compare the club throughout the golfing set. Ensure that they all show up to come from the exact same, original golfing set. You do not wish to obtain a set of clubs composed of different shaft kinds and different models, or where there just isn’t a typical progression of lengths from golf club to club. Combining and also matching may throw off the progression of lofts all through the set as well as allow it to be challenging for you to adjust to the feel of your golfing set. Often golf courses will assemble a set of clubs created up of old sets that have lost, lacking or damaged golf equipment. While the price is appealing, you’ll be better off spending a bit extra and having a entire set from 1 family.Shafts: Ensure that the graphite shafts do not have worn areas or additional indentations which could result in weak spot. Analyze the torque simply by rotating the grip and also head in reverse directions. If there isn’t great resistance, it is a sign of weakness. For steel shafts, search down the shaft to make certain it hasn’t been bent back again into shape by a discouraged golfer. Also, make sure all shafts in a golfing set are the very same so the golf clubs feel very much the same from shot to shot.Ask to Demo the Clubs: Exactly like a car or truck, you cannot definitely tell how well a set of golf clubs will perform for you personally until finally you take them out for a handful of swings. Even at a garage sale, you should be granted to at least have a few swings in the front yard (hint: use whiffle balls). Any retail golf shop will enable you to trial the clubs using real golfballs.Good luck in your hunt!

About the Author

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The Proper Golf Swing and How to Achieve It

The Proper Golf Swing and How to Achieve It

It looks so easy and effortless when you watch the professional players hit the ball on television. But as any scratch golfer can tell you, finding – and keeping – the proper golf swing can take years of practice, lessons and dedication.

Perhaps the most important tip when it comes to the swing is to keep your head down and your eyes on the ball – even though it’s instinctive to look up. Keeping your head down can help to reduce the chances of slicing or hooking your shot, or even worse, topping your ball and just sending it a few yards.

The swing has several components, all of which are essential. The backswing should be smooth and steady – not rushed – and take the club to a horizontal position, in which your ball is in front of your shoulder. Make sure you keep your lower body in its original position.

The downswing should be commenced with your hips and you should accelerate, thus allowing you to hit the shot further. During the downswing, you should rotate your hips towards the target and make sure your lower body is rotating slightly before your upper body. Don’t forget to follow through properly – never just ‘stop’ as soon as you have hit your shot.

If all this seems like too much to remember, one of the best pieces of advice is to simply swing as though you are taking a practice swing – don’t even consciously try to hit the golf ball – and the club and ball will connect as they should.

You may not be breaking 80 any time soon, but with a little practice you can have the proper golf swing and post a respectable score.

Stop wasting any more of your time trying to figure out the proper golf swing by yourself. Learn the proper golf swing and get rid of your golf swing problems for good!


Stop wasting any more of your time trying to figure out the proper golf swing by yourself. Learn the proper golf swing and get rid of your golf swing problems for good!