How to Get Fast, Effective and Permanent Chronic Back Pain Relief Naturally

How to Get Fast, Effective and Permanent Chronic Back Pain Relief Naturally

Article by Grant Ramey

Treatment for chronic back pain relief (and other chronic pain relief) is easier, more effective and much more comfortable than you may think.

One of the biggest problems with the traditional body manipulation pain relief techniques is that the treatment is done to you, i.e. somebody else manipulates your body to give you relief. Examples of this are massage, chiropracting, and physiotherapy.

One of the biggest lessons for me was in realizing that body manipulation therapies do not permanently relieve pain. In fact, it is likely that the more often you go to a body manipulation therapist, the more frequently you will need to return.


Well, when your body is treated by somebody else, the results are temporary because you don’t learn how to put yourself into that state. The focus is on getting somebody else to “fix” you… so there is no responsibility taken for bringing awareness to your own unconscious patterns or for creating your own healing.

I began to realise this fact after years of trying many innovative and established pain relief techniques to relieve my chronic, back, neck and shoulder pain. I discovered that the more dynamic the pain relief technique the more the pain continued.

In fact, after years of using “common” pain relief techniques and getting no permanent relief, I began to become less and less active, eventually hoping to find pain relief just lying around. Although my chronic back, neck and shoulder pain decreased with inactivity, I could still feel areas of immobility, pain, and a lack of energy.

This led me on my search for simple and permanent pain relief that I could do myself.

After years of research and exploration into self-healing, I began to understand that true comfort and freedom from pain comes from the spirit within. It is only through acknowledging our pain can we truly heal and live a joyous pain-free life.

But the question remained, how do we go within when there is so much outer all-consuming chronic body pain?

Through trial and error, I found the greatest relief of chronic pain occurred when all parts of my body were simultaneously supported. This meant that all of my body was held in a precise, relaxed position where all joints were centered and all voluntary muscles were disengaged.

So I asked myself, “Where do I remember being the most relaxed and pain-free?” The answer that came to me was: “when I was entirely submerged in water”. It was basically when I felt weightless!

Then I had a moment of revelation. I realized that my body became completely relaxed when underwater because all my joints were centered and all my muscles and fascial sheaths were allowed to rest in their natural length. This allowed my body energy to flow unimpeded (a position we don’t often experience with the tension and stresses of day-to-day life).

Since I did not relish the lack of oxygen under water or the shriveling of my skin after a period of time in water, I decided to recreate this “weightless” body position on land.

So, after a period of combining cushions to support my body in this “weightless” position, I eventually developed a solution that provides permanent relief from chronic pain without the need to do anything! The result is actually so profound, that after a few months of use, I no longer needed to use it because I no longer had pain.

And the final result? I achieved my goal of finding a way to easily self-heal; where there is no more need to rely on somebody else for your own well-being!

About the Author

Article by Grant Ramey of – creator of a simple and permanent solution for natural relief of chronic pain, such as back, neck and shoulder pain relief, for joyous and happy living.

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How to Eliminate Back Pain – Information on Back Pain and Sciatica

How to Eliminate Back Pain – Information on Back Pain and Sciatica

Article by Julian Hooks

There are many causes for back pain. The most common is muscular strain caused by overuse of the back muscles. This would include lifting or lifting and twisting. Other causes of back pain include herniated discs, trauma, tumors and bone diseases.

Sciatica is simply an inflammation of the sciatic nerve which runs down each leg. It is a very large nerve and the main nerve to the legs. Sciatica occurs for many reasons as well. The most common reason for sciatica is some type of pressure on the sciatic nerve, generally caused by the herniation of a spinal disc in the lower back.

Herniation, slippage or movement of the discs between the vertebrae are common causes for pain in the back or neck areas.

The first course of action to back pain treatment is rest for a day or so, then do gentle stretching exercises designed to strengthen the low back. Often it is advised to take an over the counter anti inflammatory to treat your back pain, such as ibuprofen. It is important for everyone to learn to move and lift correctly. The knees should always be bent when picking up a dropped object as opposed to bending at the waist. Bending and twisting is also a major no-no. You need to turn your entire body, not twist at the waist to perform tasks.

If after a couple of weeks, the pain has not been relieved, it would be necessary to take on more aggressive back pain treatment. Generally, it would be a good idea to get an X-ray to check for structural or bone damage of the spine and if that is negative, an MRI would be recommended. An MRI, magnetic resonance imaging, would help indicate if any soft tissue damage is noted. Depending on the results of the MRI, a treatment therapy can be implemented.

If herniation of discs is indicated, physical therapy is often continued with treatment directed towards the afflicted disc or area of spine. Sometimes chiropractic care, whereas gentle spinal manipulations can help align the discs and relieve pressure.

If a bone spur or tumor or cyst is present, then surgery would be indicated. It is often recommended to see an orthopedist who specializes in diseases and conditions of the spine if this sort of ailment is involved. The spine specialist can then advise of the best type of surgery for your condition. Attempts at minimally invasive procedures would be examined first.

Other treatments would include injection of pain relieving medication into the soft tissue and/or epidural area, that is around the spine.

With proper diagnosis and treatment, patients can expect to enjoy pain free living.

If you suffer from any type of back, neck or sciatic pain, then you need to go grab a copy of The Healthy Back Institute’s new book, The 7-Day Back Pain Cure.

Right now they are actually giving it away for FREE… You just pay a small shipping fee. Plus they are also they are also donating a portion of the shipping fee to St. Jude’s Children’s Hospital or Habitat for Humanity – you even get to choose the charity!

Get your FREE Copy at

You can also review our collection of articles about back pain, neck pain and sciatica along with information on causes, back pain treatments, and more.

About the Author

The Most Common Reasons For Back Pain

The Most Common Reasons For Back Pain

Article by Julian Hooks

There are many reasons for back pain, the most common being muscle strain. Muscle strains occur when when lifting or moving items that are too heavy or lifting them incorrectly.

It is important to seek medical attention for back pain that does not go away in a couple of weeks. The first course of back pain treatment for muscle pain is to take an X-ray to be sure there are no bone fractures or abnormalities.

Then, after resting the back for a day or so and treating with over the counter pain medication such as ibuprofen and ice or heat, a gentle exercise program can be prescribed. Any back pain treatment is customized for the patient as every patient experience is slightly different.

Learning to maintain correct posture is very important for back and spine health. The shoulders should always be aligned with the hips and torso kept straight. Gentle exercises further support the trunk of the body, thereby strengthening the back and core muscles overall. The importance of this cannot be stressed enough.

When pain persists, further options can be explored. Magnetic resonance imaging, or MRI films of the neck or lumbar regions can be obtained. These results will be reviewed with you and your orthopedic spine specialist. MRI’s are helpful in determining soft tissue damage of the areas surrounding the spine. These films can reveal herniated discs, tumors or cysts.

Tumors and cysts are relatively rare, but herniated discs are common. The discs are located between the bones of the vertebrae, or spine and help keep the back flexible and supportive. The discs are made of a softer than bone material, known as cartilage. These discs can be misplaced by movements, injury, accidents, falls, poor posture or even heredity, to some extent.

Some people have herniated discs with no symptoms and some cause a great deal of pain. Some resolve on their own and some require medical intervention.

Sciatica is an inflammation of the sciatic nerve, one of two large nerves than run down each leg. It is most commonly caused by a disc compressing the sciatic nerve. If the pain of sciatica is not relieved by physical therapy, chiropractic care or other minimally invasive procedure, epidural injections or surgical options may be discussed with your orthopedic surgeon. Medication can be injected into the painful areas in the office, or more deeply into the back tissues as an ambulatory procedure using an epidural. If pain persists, the surgeon can remove the offending part of the disc and bone that is impinging the nerve and give much needed relief. Of course, surgery requires a longer recovery and a stay in the hospital.

If you suffer from any type of back, neck or sciatic pain, then you need to go grab a copy of The Healthy Back Institute’s new book, The 7-Day Back Pain Cure.

Right now they are actually giving it away for FREE… You just pay a small shipping fee. Plus they are also they are also donating a portion of the shipping fee to St. Jude’s Children’s Hospital or Habitat for Humanity – you even get to choose the charity!

Get your FREE Copy at

You can also review our collection of articles about back pain, neck pain and sciatica along with information on causes, back pain treatments, and more.

About the Author

The Best Way To Get Back With Your Ex in 3 Easy Steps

The Best Way To Get Back With Your Ex in 3 Easy Steps

Article by Ray Weber

Have you recently experienced a break up and questioning “how can I get back together with my ex”? It’s possible you’ll wish to get your ex back almost immediately, and this is a widespread feeling that everyone experiences.

You could find yourself following into an emotionally depressed state, and you could end up wondering what to do. You could instantly really feel like calling your ex and begging her or him to come back to you. However is this really going to make things any better? What it is in all probability going to do is make your situation much worse, chasing your ex away even further.

What you need to truly do at this point is the opposite of what you might be feeling. Are you feeling like calling your ex? Don’t! Do you feel like staying indoors all day feeling sorry for yourself? Don’t! As an alternative, comply with these three easy but very effective steps and you should have the answer to that age old query “How do I get back together with my ex?”

Step 1 – How to get back with my ex: Accept the Break Up! Continue reading “The Best Way To Get Back With Your Ex in 3 Easy Steps”

Obama:Tiger could get his life back together

Obama:Tiger could get his life back together

People Magazine asked Obama about Tiger Woods in the magazine’s year-end interview with the President and the First Lady this week. President Barack Obama said Tiger Woods could get his life back together. By the way, we all know that President Obama is a sports fan and a passionate golfer which made his words more objective. 

Question: Can Tiger Woods be rehabilitated?

President Obama: Absolutely. I don’t want to comment on his personal relationship with his wife, but I’m a strong believer that anybody can look within themselves, find their flaws and fix them. I’m sure he feels terrible about what happened, and I suspect that he will try to put his life back together again.Tiger’s mistress…… 

The famously apolitical Woods took part in Obama’s inauguration celebration, and before Woods’s scandals the two men had talked about playing golf together. 

The golfer-in-chief met with Tiger Woods in the Oval Office in August of last year, when the golfer was receiving a tour of the White House.  In late December Tiger Woods announced that he is taking an “indefinite” leave from golf. 

And many Tiger’s fans also think so. They  pray for Tiger and his family sincerely. Someone says that ” I think he is in essence a good person. But we (layman) will find it hard to understand their world at the top of wealth, fame, sports icon, pressure etc. The world of golf future is heavy on his shoulder together with being successful from a young age. I bet he feels lonely, lost as well as insecure and don’t know how to fight away this emotion “vault” and try to vent it thru the wrong solution (ie sex). I can understand that Elin was hurt by Tiger’s infidelity. But I do think people in Tiger’s lost/lonely/insecure world is in profound pain, and arrogrant man like Tiger won’t talk this out. Elin, despite you are hurt, pls give the support to Tiger because you and Tilda are probably the only ones who are best position to understand his pain. To all, pls pray for Tiger and Elin that they have strength and wisdom to understand the scenario and work out the best solution for their family. I feel very sorry for the tabloid/media who has such a bad heart to fabricate/flood negative e-rumours to ensure the happening of a divorce or family collapse. Pls have a good heart and be kind to this family.”

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Some Tips on How to Get Rid of Back Acne

Some Tips on How to Get Rid of Back Acne

Article by Geoffrey Sweeney

Some Tips on How to Get Rid of Back Acne

Back acne is acne on your back, which can be particularly embarrassing during the summer when the back is more exposed.

Here are some tips on how to get rid of your back acne

The Beach is a great natural source of help for your back acne Stay in the beach water for about 5 minutes with your whole back under, the salt water is a great cleanser.Then lay flat on your stomach with your back exposed to the sun until your back feels hot for about 10 minutes, the sun helps to dry the acne, make sure you don’t get sun burnt thou, so best to wear a non oil sunscreen as well, a nano technology sunscreen is the best, so not too clog the pours and your skin can breathKeep alternating these steps about 4-6 times. The next day, you should see results. For really strong acne, do it 3 days in a row. Have some fun while you are helping cure your acne.

Make sure you drink 8 glasses of water a day. Hydrating properly will ensure that your body will not need to release as much oil and bacteria in the form of back acneCleansing your skin with lemons (slice & rub onto skin) or tomatoes will greatly help, because the acid in them will help to kill harmful bacteria. This is especially good if you have sensitive skin and the chemical treatments will do more harm than good.

Another natural treatment is to make your own exfoliating scrub which will remove dead skin cells that clog up the pores and cause breakouts. Squeeze the juice of one grapefruit into a bowl with 1 1/2 cups of white sugar and 1/2 cup of coarse sea salt. Massage into the affected areas, then pat dry.

TAZORAC is a miracle cream that helped my best friends horrible back acne disappear! try it!

WarningDo not pick or pop the pimples. This only increases the chance of infection. Treat any popped pimples with 3% hydrogen peroxide or 10% benzoyl peroxide to reduce the chance of infection. If you are taking Accutane, do not use Neutrogena or benzoyl peroxide. Accutane works by killing oil glands under the skin, thereby removing the critical producer of oil. Application of benzoyl peroxide when taking Accutane will result in scarring and severe redness.

These methods will also help you get rid of zits on your chest, shoulders and face.

For people with serious or chonic back acne – here is a solution that has worked for many people. Click Here! So if you are seriously looking to get rid of your back acne once and for all.Goto Acne Free!

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