How to Eliminate Back Pain – Information on Back Pain and Sciatica

How to Eliminate Back Pain – Information on Back Pain and Sciatica

Article by Julian Hooks

There are many causes for back pain. The most common is muscular strain caused by overuse of the back muscles. This would include lifting or lifting and twisting. Other causes of back pain include herniated discs, trauma, tumors and bone diseases.

Sciatica is simply an inflammation of the sciatic nerve which runs down each leg. It is a very large nerve and the main nerve to the legs. Sciatica occurs for many reasons as well. The most common reason for sciatica is some type of pressure on the sciatic nerve, generally caused by the herniation of a spinal disc in the lower back.

Herniation, slippage or movement of the discs between the vertebrae are common causes for pain in the back or neck areas.

The first course of action to back pain treatment is rest for a day or so, then do gentle stretching exercises designed to strengthen the low back. Often it is advised to take an over the counter anti inflammatory to treat your back pain, such as ibuprofen. It is important for everyone to learn to move and lift correctly. The knees should always be bent when picking up a dropped object as opposed to bending at the waist. Bending and twisting is also a major no-no. You need to turn your entire body, not twist at the waist to perform tasks.

If after a couple of weeks, the pain has not been relieved, it would be necessary to take on more aggressive back pain treatment. Generally, it would be a good idea to get an X-ray to check for structural or bone damage of the spine and if that is negative, an MRI would be recommended. An MRI, magnetic resonance imaging, would help indicate if any soft tissue damage is noted. Depending on the results of the MRI, a treatment therapy can be implemented.

If herniation of discs is indicated, physical therapy is often continued with treatment directed towards the afflicted disc or area of spine. Sometimes chiropractic care, whereas gentle spinal manipulations can help align the discs and relieve pressure.

If a bone spur or tumor or cyst is present, then surgery would be indicated. It is often recommended to see an orthopedist who specializes in diseases and conditions of the spine if this sort of ailment is involved. The spine specialist can then advise of the best type of surgery for your condition. Attempts at minimally invasive procedures would be examined first.

Other treatments would include injection of pain relieving medication into the soft tissue and/or epidural area, that is around the spine.

With proper diagnosis and treatment, patients can expect to enjoy pain free living.

If you suffer from any type of back, neck or sciatic pain, then you need to go grab a copy of The Healthy Back Institute’s new book, The 7-Day Back Pain Cure.

Right now they are actually giving it away for FREE… You just pay a small shipping fee. Plus they are also they are also donating a portion of the shipping fee to St. Jude’s Children’s Hospital or Habitat for Humanity – you even get to choose the charity!

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You can also review our collection of articles about back pain, neck pain and sciatica along with information on causes, back pain treatments, and more.

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How to Get Rid of Acne Scars – A Step By Step Method

How to Get Rid of Acne Scars – A Step By Step Method

So, you intend to learn how to get rid of acne scars, do you? Well, I honestly can not blame you, as such scarring may leave your face looking, well, not so great to say the least. Luckily, you won’t need to just wait for your acne scars to go away on their own — it is possible to do something about them!

4 Steps for How to Get Rid of Acne Scars…

Begin Healing the Skin: The easiest way to start to repair your skin is by using a daily face wash using cucumber juice. The juice alone has remarkable effects on the skin as well as for minimizing inflammation. Simply massage it in every day and watch as acne scars start to steadily fade.

Purge Dead Skin: It’s a well known fact that acne scars are “trapped” — for lack of a better word — inside of dead layers of skin. By ridding yourself of these layers, your skin will get smoother & smoother & smoother as each layer is slowly taken away. The best way to go about accomplishing this is through adding lemon juice to the water when you wash & clean your face. The acidity of the lemon juice will RAPIDLY shed dead layers and bring back the smoothness that once was. Depending on the sensitivity of the skin, you may decide to wash your face JUST using lemon juice or you may dilute it with water.

Rejuvenate Facial Skin: Thinly cut a tomato and apply the slices to your face — more specifically, right to the spots plagued by acne scarring. The antioxidants (such as vitamin-A) will help soften the skin thereby making acne scars significantly less noticeable over time. With dead skin layers taken away (provided you implemented the earlier steps), growing new skincells that are stronger and more healthy won’t be overly tough. If you wish to do this for your ENTIRE face, simply turn the tomato into a paste instead. Allow the slices or paste sit for only 15-20 minutes — no more.

Smoothing Out the Skin: Acne scars are well known for taking soft, smooth skin and turning it into extremely rough skin. Having said that, it only makes sense to look for ways to reduce this roughness. Start routinely massaging your acne scars with small quantities of olive oil. This helps to smooth out the tone & texture and minimize that rough appearance your skin has developed.

You now know precisely how to get rid of acne scars with 4 easy steps. Are these steps certain to clear away acne scarring? Sadly, no — but, that doesn’t mean they won’t help. And besides, if these methods don’t work for you, there are still lots of other, more effective ways of how to get rid of acne scars.

For more detailed information about getting rid of acne scars quickly, or to just learn about the best acne scar remover on the market, try visiting, the top acne treatment website on the web.

Living With Crohns Disease – And How To Cure It!

Living With Crohns Disease – And How To Cure It!

The best part about living with crohns disease, is that you don’t have to live with it. There is a new, and completely natural herbal treatment option. To learn more about it, visit:

Living with Crohns disease can be extremely difficult. The main reason for that is the stress that it causes you, which leads to all kinds of problems. Also, intestinal disorders are amongst the most dangerous diseases, simply because the intestinal tract is probably the most vital organ of your body – if there is even a slight problem with it, everything else stops working properly. A big part of living with Crohns disease these days is the anti-inflammatory medication, which needs to be taken. That’s one of the reasons why the medical companies do not want to implement the natural cure, which permanently gets rid of the disease – making people hooked on a medication, which they have to take their entire lives is far more profitable.

You are extremely lucky because of the timing. The crohns disease cure was discovered in 2009, and you have probably already heard of it. It’s a herbal treatment, which gives your body all the proper tools, so that it can stop the inflammation itself. Since Crohns is often an auto immune disease, the cure can also stop your body from attacking your intestinal cells – which will quickly make you feel a lot better, and help you start leading a normal and happy life again!

Once you have gotten rid of Crohns, you’d quickly discover how hard living with Crohns disease actually was – and how much better living without it is!

My Torn Rotator Cuff – Nearly Made Me Pack In Golf

My Torn Rotator Cuff – Nearly Made Me Pack In Golf

Article by Nick Bryant

As I am a slightly older dad with young kids I do try hard to try to stay fit and active so that I can keep up with my kids as they grow uo. I also enjoy a game of golf, a good walk ruined as they say. I’m not a briiliant player as I never get to play as often as I would like but I do enjoy it, so was really hacked off when I developed a shoulder problem that stopped me playing.

It wasn’t actually as simple as that. The shoulder injury turned out to be nothing less than a torn rotator cuff which prevented me from doing any sort of activity. It was painful when I walked or ran, even though I am right handed, any sudden movement could cause serious pain in my left shoulder. If I forgot for a moment and made a sudden movement I could end up crying with pain. I know exactly how I did it. I was being impatient and trying to lift some flat packed furniture on my own rather than waiting for help, felt a pop in my shoulder and that was that. Shoulder messed up| The next morning I woke up with a painful shoulder and it just got worse with each passing day.

I couldn’t reach much above shoulder height, reaching for anything was impossible. I couldn’t reach behind me. I couldn’t sleep because I couldn’t get comfortable and doing anything with the kids was impossible. Golf was just not going to happen for the forseeable future. So I took myself off to the doctors who sent me to a specialist. He diagnosed my torn rotator cuffand confirmed it with an MRI scan. Your shoulder joint is a simple ball and socket joint. Unlike the hip, the socket is made up of cartilage and not bone like in the hip, and doesn’t grip the bone of the arm. Instead, a group of four muscles help to hold the arm in place and stabilise the shoulder joint. These make up the rotator cuff. I had managed to tear one of these muscles which caused inflammation. Because all the muscles fit snuggly together any inflammation causes an impingement or pinching.

The muscle that I had torn is called the supraspinatus. I had torn a tendon that runs under my clavicle or collar bone and the end of my scapula or shoulder blade. Because it was inflammed, each time that I moved in a certain wayit got pinched or impingedpinched and was aggravated. I was recommended for surgery to cut away part of my collar bone to free up the trapped tendon and allow it to heal without any more damage. It all sounded very easy but I was a bit worried.

Being in the UK we are used to waiting for surgery so I took the time to find out about rotator cuff problems while waiting for my surgery date. Having read up on my injury extensively I finally discovered that most rotator cuff problems are treated with physical therapy.Even a torn rotator cuff can be fixed in this way, as long as it is only a partial tear. You start off by resting the joint to allow the inflammation to calm down, treating it with anti-inflammatory drugs like Ibuprofen and using ice packs. Once the inflammation and pain have calmed down you can start gentle physical therapy exercises aimed at strengthening the rotator cuff

Within six weeks my shoulder was pain free and the movement had improved dramatically. A few more weeks saw me return to full fitness. I have put off the surgery and will probably be cancelling it altogether if I remain pain free.

In the meantime I am playing golf again, still losing but hey, I do have a bad shoulder!

About the Author

If you want to know how i fixed myshoulder impingement without shoulder surgery that I was told I needed, check out my story at