The Benefits of Antioxidants and Vitamins – A Personal Experience

The Benefits of Antioxidants and Vitamins – A Personal Experience

Article by Tony Luck

A few years ago I had never heard of antioxidants, and vitamins were something that were supposed to be good for you but were only to be found in vegetables – ugh! Today I am a relatively healthy 62 years old and I probably owe my life to antioxidants!

Two days before Christmas 1999 I suffered an attack of pancreatitis. I was rushed to hospital on Christmas eve and stayed in for 3 weeks, after which I was sent home with the doctors telling me that I had suffered a life-threatening illness which would probably occur again. Whereas most pancreatitis cases suffer because of excess drink or gallstones, I was a non-drinker and my gallbladder was fine, so I was classified as idiosyncratic; which basically means the doctors didn’t have any idea why I experienced the attack.

Two months later, as forecast I had another attack. This time I was in hospital for a month (it’s so boring!), hooked up to various tubes and unable to eat for the first 3 weeks, and once again I was told there was no cure.

When I got home I thought there must be some sort of treatment so I did some research on the Internet (thank God for the Internet!), and found a hospital that for 20 years had been successfully treating pancreatitis with antioxidants. That hospital was too far away, but the articles mentioned another that followed the same treatment and was nearer. So I went there and, to cut a long story short, I started on the course of antioxidants – vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin E, selenium, and methionine (which is actually an amino acid).

Thankfully the pancreatitis attacks have stopped. I have to be careful with my diet and drink is banned – which is not a problem. I now take so many vitamins that if you shook me I would rattle, but these wonderful antioxidants are fighting those free radicals or whatever caused my pancreatitis and I have been healthy for six years.

About the Author

For more information about vitamins, nutrition and antioxidants, visit the website.

How to Get Rid of Acne Scars – A Step By Step Method

How to Get Rid of Acne Scars – A Step By Step Method

So, you intend to learn how to get rid of acne scars, do you? Well, I honestly can not blame you, as such scarring may leave your face looking, well, not so great to say the least. Luckily, you won’t need to just wait for your acne scars to go away on their own — it is possible to do something about them!

4 Steps for How to Get Rid of Acne Scars…

Begin Healing the Skin: The easiest way to start to repair your skin is by using a daily face wash using cucumber juice. The juice alone has remarkable effects on the skin as well as for minimizing inflammation. Simply massage it in every day and watch as acne scars start to steadily fade.

Purge Dead Skin: It’s a well known fact that acne scars are “trapped” — for lack of a better word — inside of dead layers of skin. By ridding yourself of these layers, your skin will get smoother & smoother & smoother as each layer is slowly taken away. The best way to go about accomplishing this is through adding lemon juice to the water when you wash & clean your face. The acidity of the lemon juice will RAPIDLY shed dead layers and bring back the smoothness that once was. Depending on the sensitivity of the skin, you may decide to wash your face JUST using lemon juice or you may dilute it with water.

Rejuvenate Facial Skin: Thinly cut a tomato and apply the slices to your face — more specifically, right to the spots plagued by acne scarring. The antioxidants (such as vitamin-A) will help soften the skin thereby making acne scars significantly less noticeable over time. With dead skin layers taken away (provided you implemented the earlier steps), growing new skincells that are stronger and more healthy won’t be overly tough. If you wish to do this for your ENTIRE face, simply turn the tomato into a paste instead. Allow the slices or paste sit for only 15-20 minutes — no more.

Smoothing Out the Skin: Acne scars are well known for taking soft, smooth skin and turning it into extremely rough skin. Having said that, it only makes sense to look for ways to reduce this roughness. Start routinely massaging your acne scars with small quantities of olive oil. This helps to smooth out the tone & texture and minimize that rough appearance your skin has developed.

You now know precisely how to get rid of acne scars with 4 easy steps. Are these steps certain to clear away acne scarring? Sadly, no — but, that doesn’t mean they won’t help. And besides, if these methods don’t work for you, there are still lots of other, more effective ways of how to get rid of acne scars.

For more detailed information about getting rid of acne scars quickly, or to just learn about the best acne scar remover on the market, try visiting, the top acne treatment website on the web.

How to Get Rid of Pimples Easily

How to Get Rid of Pimples Easily

How do you get rid of pimples? Pimples can be embarrassing in an age which stresses beauty. Sometimes you need to get rid of pimples in a hurry as they can happen at the worst times. You are made t0 believe you need expensive products to eliminate blemishes. None of these products are guaranteed to get rid of pimples. You can get rid of pimples easily without expensive products by following these tips. Avoid prolonged sun exposure. Y

ou won’t be able to get rid of pimples by staying in the sun too long. The sun will only redden the blemishes. You do need a little bit of sun for Vitamin D and fifteen to twenty minutes is sufficient. If you go out for longer periods of time, wear a sunscreen of at least 15 SPF. Avoid the sun between 10a.m. and 4p.m. when the rays are strongest. Pay attention to the products you use on your face. Some of the cosmetics and creams you apply to get rid of pimples may worsen the condition. Avoid products with heavy perfumes, alcohol, and chemicals .T

hese components could strip the skin of natural oils.. In turn, the skin will make more oils to compensate. Choose creams and cosmetics that are non-comegenic. Wear loose clothing if pimples are on your back. Loose clothing is recommended while exercising. Tight clothes irritate skin and aggravate pimples not to mention being uncomfortable. Sweating adds additional unwanted material in the clothing. Let the skin breathe.

For a natural way to get rid of pimples, drink green tea green tea has been used as a treatment for many ailments of thousands of years. It is made differently than other teas retaining ingredients that fight free radicals. The antioxidants are beneficial to prevent pimples. The antibacterial substances in green tea regulate hormonal activity thus reducing breakouts.

Supplement your diet with Vitamin C .selenium, and zinc. To effectively get rid of pimples, your diet needs these nutrients. Pimples may mean you are deficient in these nutrients. Zinc and selenium are essential trace elements abundant in Brazil nuts and dried fruits. Vitamin C gives the skin a healthy glow and has alkaline properties which eliminate bacteria. Bananas are not only rich in Vitamin C but contain but are high in potassium and healing properties.

A few fruits can be used to get rid of pimples externally on the face. Tomatoes work well for small areas of acne. Slice a ripe tomato in half. Place the inside wet portion on your face. Leave for around an hour and rinse. You can do the same thing with slices of apple. Apples have cleansing properties that eliminate bacteria. Lemon juice is another remedy to get rid of pimples. It serves as a gentle exfoliate to remove dead skin cells. Apply lemon juice to infected areas. Let set a few minutes then rinse.

For more beauty tips visit

Powerful Tips For How to Cure Acne Naturally

Powerful Tips For How to Cure Acne Naturally

Acne is a skin problem that can be treated with medication and over the counter products. However, there are many natural treatments that are just as effective. Here are some tips that will show you how to cure acne naturally.


A healthy diet is important for good skin. If you are lacking certain nutrients, your pores will become clogged, and your acne will become worse. Your skin will not be able to fight off bacteria, so a multivitamin will provide you with the nutrients that your body needs.


Carrots contain Vitamin A, which helps to eliminate and prevent acne. It contains powerful antioxidants and it works to eliminate toxins in the body. Studies show that a Vitamin A deficiency can cause blemishes.


If you want to know how to cure acne naturally, supplement with chromium. Many people take chromium when they need to lose weight, but it also works for healing skin conditions. Take one chromium supplement per day to prevent breakouts and eliminate acne.

Acne Soap

Wash your skin and face with acne soap every day. Acne soap was designed to treat breakouts, and you should use it at least two times a day. Be careful not to scrub too hard or wash too many times, because your acne may get worse.


If you want to cure your acne, apply a natural honey mask a few times a week. Honey works to eliminate bacteria, and it heals blemishes. Honey is natural, safe and gentle on the skin, and it will help you prevent further breakouts.

Furthermore, if you want to cure acne, you should get enough sleep. Your immune system is more powerful when you sleep enough. It will help you reduce your stress levels and control your hormones, which can lead to breakouts. Also, you should drink a lot of water each day to flush out toxins and keep the skin looking vibrant and healthy. You should eat a healthy diet that includes fruits and vegetables. These foods contain essential vitamins that will fight off bacteria and heal your blemishes. Further, you should avoid wearing makeup on the skin, because it will clog the pores and cause acne. If you do wear makeup, make sure you wash your skin as soon as you can.

To get the facts on exactly how to eliminate your Acne from the root 100% naturally and permanently, and achieve lasting clear skin without spending your hard-earned money on drugs and over the counter products…
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