The Most Common Reasons For Back Pain

The Most Common Reasons For Back Pain

Article by Julian Hooks

There are many reasons for back pain, the most common being muscle strain. Muscle strains occur when when lifting or moving items that are too heavy or lifting them incorrectly.

It is important to seek medical attention for back pain that does not go away in a couple of weeks. The first course of back pain treatment for muscle pain is to take an X-ray to be sure there are no bone fractures or abnormalities.

Then, after resting the back for a day or so and treating with over the counter pain medication such as ibuprofen and ice or heat, a gentle exercise program can be prescribed. Any back pain treatment is customized for the patient as every patient experience is slightly different.

Learning to maintain correct posture is very important for back and spine health. The shoulders should always be aligned with the hips and torso kept straight. Gentle exercises further support the trunk of the body, thereby strengthening the back and core muscles overall. The importance of this cannot be stressed enough.

When pain persists, further options can be explored. Magnetic resonance imaging, or MRI films of the neck or lumbar regions can be obtained. These results will be reviewed with you and your orthopedic spine specialist. MRI’s are helpful in determining soft tissue damage of the areas surrounding the spine. These films can reveal herniated discs, tumors or cysts.

Tumors and cysts are relatively rare, but herniated discs are common. The discs are located between the bones of the vertebrae, or spine and help keep the back flexible and supportive. The discs are made of a softer than bone material, known as cartilage. These discs can be misplaced by movements, injury, accidents, falls, poor posture or even heredity, to some extent.

Some people have herniated discs with no symptoms and some cause a great deal of pain. Some resolve on their own and some require medical intervention.

Sciatica is an inflammation of the sciatic nerve, one of two large nerves than run down each leg. It is most commonly caused by a disc compressing the sciatic nerve. If the pain of sciatica is not relieved by physical therapy, chiropractic care or other minimally invasive procedure, epidural injections or surgical options may be discussed with your orthopedic surgeon. Medication can be injected into the painful areas in the office, or more deeply into the back tissues as an ambulatory procedure using an epidural. If pain persists, the surgeon can remove the offending part of the disc and bone that is impinging the nerve and give much needed relief. Of course, surgery requires a longer recovery and a stay in the hospital.

If you suffer from any type of back, neck or sciatic pain, then you need to go grab a copy of The Healthy Back Institute’s new book, The 7-Day Back Pain Cure.

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You can also review our collection of articles about back pain, neck pain and sciatica along with information on causes, back pain treatments, and more.

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