Odyssey Black Series i 2 Ball Putter Best-selling Golf Clubs This Summar

Odyssey Black Series i 2 Ball Putter Best-selling Golf Clubs This Summar

Odyssey Black Series i 2-Ball Putter

Inspired by the best-selling 2-Ball, the Odyssey Black Series i 2-Ball Putter features an advanced insert and weighting technology for golfers demanding the best in performance, precision and craftsmanship. This milled putter features the same multi-material construction as the original Black Series Putters, but now utilizes the multi-layer Tour insert that provides premium feel and responsiveness, improving performance on the green.

Our engineers have precisely controlled the head weight so it can be matched with the specific shaft length for impeccable consistency and control. The rich, nickel-plated finish will also appeal to elite players. And the Fine-Tuned Loft System optimizes the loft in conjunction with the Center of Gravity (CG) to generate pure roll characteristics.


Overview of the Black Series i 2-Ball:

Unique 2-Ball Putter Alignment System – Improves your aim for better accuracy.
Multi-material construction – The 1025 carbon steel body and weighted tungsten flange create a low, deep CG to promote true roll.
Head weight optimization maximizes consistency and distance control, enhances feel and provides better roll characteristics.
Tour insert inside this milled putter is constructed of an elastomer core that enhances feel and a thin, firm outer striking surface infused with urethane for fine-tuned responsiveness.
Precision milled putter head with a rich, nickel-plated finish creates optimal balanced weighting.
Hogged-Out Hosel allows weight to be redistributed to the tungsten flange for a low, deep CG.

Our Promise for the Odyssey Black Series i 2-Ball Putter

An Odyssey Putter is a promise made. Sure, we design each of our putters to help you slay more demons and sink more putts. But, we also design them to withstand any kind of punishment you can dish out and we back them up with an Odyssey assurance of quality. We rarely see a putter returned, but if you find a defect within a two-year period, we’ll repair it or replace it. No questions asked. And that’s a promise kept.

MORE INFO AT http://www.wowgolfclubs.com/goods-444-Odyssey+Black+Series+i+2+Ball+Putter.html

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Article by BIVO

Embarrassing. I am a prideful person and a carrying husband. However, when it comes to sleep I saw logs that would make a lumberjack proud and often times I wake my wife up in the middle of the night. Sometimes I snore so loud, I wake myself up. If I go to bed before my wife, she will not be able to get to sleep so I stay up way too late to make sure she gets to sleep before me. I am always tired the next day. More often then not, we don’t go to bed at the same time anymore which is no fun at all. I will not travel with my friends and stay in the same room for I know that my nightly cattle call will keep them up all night and thus I will have a dearth of friends. I actually turned down a golf outing and camping trip because the gaggle wanted to stay in one tent. I was embarrassed for sure. I have tried nose strips and over the counter solutions that say they stop snoring – no luck for me! Surgery is too expensive and a breathing machine (CPAP) will assuredly work but I don’t want to be hooked up to a machine every night. Does this sound familiar?

A good friend of mine inquired why I had been so tired so I shared that I just get too little sleep because of my snoring issues so he suggested that I gander the book Stop Your Snoring Naturally (here is the link) https://paydotcom.com/r/18008/dvowler/18611398/

He says that the information in the book has done wonders for him and I am hoping for the same results for me. As the site intonates, “You Spend Over A 1/3 of Your Life Sleeping, Shouldn’t You Get The Most From It?” Amen!!

Here are Five Key Benefits from No Longer Snoring:1) Say “Goodbye” to sleepless nights where you’re constantly woken up by your partner in the middle of the night! 2) Travel without worry! Ever traveled with a friend and got a separate hotel room just because you know you snore too loud, I know I have.3) Wake up feeling energized, healthy and ready to take on the day! No longer will you start wearing down in the afternoon because of a dearth of sleep. You will be refreshed throughout the day.4) Sleep apnea can be the cause of your high blood pressure and your doctor would never know! 5) Go to bed at the same time as your spouse without fear of you falling asleep before they do and thus keeping them up all night!


About the Author


How Can You Develop a Proper Golf Swing? Listen To This Important Advice!

How Can You Develop a Proper Golf Swing? Listen To This Important Advice!

The first question you have to ask yourself is – What is a proper golf swing? All golf swings have the same three main components – the backswing, downswing and the follow through. Sounds simple, but to develop these three components into a strong, powerful swing takes a lot of practice on the course, as well as some training off the course.

In the game of golf, no two people ever have the same golf swing. The way one person swings a golf club may not work for another person, even if they are near in body types. Every golfer has to find the playing style that fits him or her to help them produce the results that they want. Practicing the fundamentals of golf will build a solid foundation upon which you can build upon to create that powerful swing. All the great golf players of the world did this and now it is simple and easy for them to drive a golf ball down the course.

One of the essential things that will affect all three of the golf swing components is your grip. Many golfers feel tension when they address the ball and get ready to execute their golf swing and this results in a tight grip on the club and stiffness in their arms. After the first swing that did not go as they wished it would, the tension builds and starts a vicious cycle that will affect the rest of their swings.

The first thing you can do to help develop a proper golf swing is to relax. Take a deep breath, let it out slowly, and visualize the result of your swing – the ball screaming down the course.

Next, take a firm but not tight grip on the club and think about the golf swing sequence.
The backswing – draw your club back in a smooth arch until the knuckle of your thumb is above your right ear. As you draw back, the club head will trace out a large circle and at the top of your backswing your chest will be pointing away from your target.

The downswing – this is where you swing your golf club down and the club head makes contact with the ball. Let the natural motion of your body carry the club head through the golf balls position down the range toward the target.

The follow through – your body continues and completes the swing arc after contacting the ball. Your finish position is part of your golf swing, so do not stop abruptly and try to keep your motion fluid.

When you start your backswing, take a deep breath as you draw back and release it slowly as you start your downswing. Holding your breath will create stiffness in the upper body that will affect the fluid motion you are trying to develop in your golf swing.

Here are some tips to remember while visualizing your golf swing:

– Keep your left elbow straight during the backswing as the club goes straight up and back.
– Let your left arm roll slightly clockwise at the start of your downswing.
– Your wrists should be at a 90-degree angle when your left arm is parallel to the ground.
– Start your downswing with your lower body, NOT your shoulders.
– As you bring the club down, turn your hips as fast and powerful as you can towards the target.
– At the bottom of the swing arc, your wrists should snap and you will start the follow through.
– Your right arm will swing across your body and end up near your left shoulder.
– Your shoulders will be perpendicular to the target.

At the completion of the follow through portion of your golf swing, your weight should be balanced on your front hip and your back toe should be on the ground. Your hands will come to rest above your left shoulder and with your left knee facing the hole.
Now, going back to the original question What is a proper golf swing? First off there is no simple golf swing as many people try to believe. People who have never played golf will tell you that hitting the golf ball is easy. Just take a club and hit the ball as hard as you can. However, as any golfer will tell you it is never that easy because there are quite a lot of variables and small nuances that go into developing a good golf swing. Therefore, a proper golf swing is one that you can execute repeatedly, and feel good about the results.

To develop your own golf swing, it will take practice and training both on and off the golf course. Take some time to build your body off the course through a golf specific fitness training and conditioning program, and then get onto the course to develop your own proper swing by practicing the fundamentals of golf until they are second nature. Anything you do in life, your overall attitude and expectations of yourself, will ultimately determine your enjoyment of the game. View each golf swing, water hazard, hook and slice as another opportunity to improve. Remember, great players are not born; they work at becoming a great player through training and practice.

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Golf Slice Cures: Use This Tip and Cure Your Golf Slice For Good

Golf Slice Cures: Use This Tip and Cure Your Golf Slice For Good

Do you have a golf slice that you just can’t seem to get rid of?  Are you tired of sending your shots into the woods and losing dozens of balls?  Well, here is a really good tip that may help you cure that golf slice once and for all.  Best of all, it’s really pretty simple once you get the hang of it and understand why it is being used.

Did you know that more than 70 percent of golfers struggle with slicing the ball at some point in their golf career?  Dealing with a slice is not fun and it can hurt your golf game in several ways.  The good news is, it’s fairly easy to correct it.  I cannot claim that this small tip will COMPLETELY cure your slice, but there is a good chance that it will, and I hope it does.

When you come into the impact zone, there are really only 2 factors that can determine the “shape” of ball flight.

 1. The angle of the club face at impact.

2. The Path the club is taking at impact.

You’d agree, that’s really not that tough to understand. The tough part is explaining how to correct it, and keeping this article short at the same time. Anyway, here’s a few things you should concentrate on:


Golf Slice Cure Tip #1 – Try to keep your leading shoulder “down” on the ball through impact.  This is called staying strong through impact. Lots of times the leading shoulder (left shoulder if right handed) flies up before impact. Now just for a minute, think about what that does to the club head when it’s in the impact zone.

Golf is all about thinking and analyzing your shots to get better. A huge part of this game is understanding “why” you’re getting a certain result, and the physics behind that result. Thinking through your golf swing will provide huge dividends if you’re willing to invest the time it takes.

Get up from the computer and actually go though the motions slowly. Let your leading shoulder fly up as you approach impact and you’ll actually be able feel and see the clubface coming from an outside-in path. That causes a slice every time.

So what can you do to correct it? Well, as I said before, try to learn to keep your leading shoulder strong. Keep that shoulder “down” on the ball all the way through impact, even after the ball is gone and flying straight down the fairway.


Golf Slice Cure Tip #2 – Initiate The Downswing With Your Arms.  I’m sure that’s the exact opposite of what you’ve heard before. Starting the downswing with the arms is a tough thing to do.  You want the ball to go the maximum possible distance. So subconsciously, many people have the problem of letting their body get way ahead of their hands. That’s the number one slice-producing move among golfers today. It’s probably the toughest one to fix, because when you’re at the top of your backswing, all you can think about is crushing the ball.

Instead of thinking maximum distance, think minimize slice. Start the downswing with your arms. Get to the top of your backswing, and then the first move should be with the arms. Put this move together with keeping the leading shoulder down, and it will do wonders for both your woods and your irons.

 If you look at any of the really good players, you will see that they actually initiate the downswing by “pulling” the club down with their arms.  They do NOT start the downswing by twisting the chest towards the target.  That is a very important distinction to make. 

Ok, that’s all for today, I hope these Golf Slice Cure Tips help you improve your game.



Need More Golf Tips? Grab your copy of my Free Report that is loaded with information the will help you cure your slice and create a simple, consistent swing. Get My FREE REPORT!

You may also enjoy this site…

Cure Your Golf Slice – This site goes into much greater detail on how you can cure your golf slice and improve your game.

Thanks and Enjoy the Info 🙂


Wanna Get Better At Your Golf Swing? Then Read This!

Wanna Get Better At Your Golf Swing? Then Read This!

Your swing should be one smooth, flowing motion. Swinging violently at the ball is the usual approach of beginners. They don’t realize the different parts of the swing are meant to be one motion. Think of the entire swing as a single musical motion to help improve it. The back swing would be the opening notes, the fore swing would be the next part, and the last part is the follow through. If you approach your swing with violence and only put raw strength behind it, you’re more likely to just slice or to send your ball flying with no hope of accuracy. Use the approach of smooth and lazy.

The inside of your right foot is where you need to place your body weight. The distribution of weight and body mechanics is important to learn as early as possible in your game. Of course you need power in your swings, and you’ll be able to have that much more when you’re resting on that leg/knee. Your ball will not be consistent as it travels if you do not have your weight properly displaced on your right knee. You must maintain that steadiness factor in your game. Your right leg needs to be strong and like some kind of Greek pillar, but relaxed.

Be sure you swing at it easier than normal when it’s windy. You can produce negative effects on your ball trajectory by hitting too hard when it’s windy. Remember what Greg Norman said, “swing easy into the breezy.” It’s easy to think that you need more force when the wind is working against you. Remember: not everything can be solved with force. Swinging easy helps you to maintain control over the ball. Wind can feel good, sure, but don’t let it take you down the wrong path. You can improve your golf swing in a number of different ways. Beginners are willing to pay good money to learn how they can improve their golf swing. There are many classes available, all with this primary goal. You can also improve your golf swing on your own by implementing these tips. If you want to improve your game even further, invest in high quality golf swing analysis software.

Want to improve your golf swing? Then you need our golf swing analysis software.

King’s Choice-Srixon XX10 Prime Driver-Best Driver for This Summer

King’s Choice-Srixon XX10 Prime Driver-Best Driver for This Summer

The XX10 Prime is a premium driver specifically designed for players with a low to mid head speed. The extremely light SP 200 graphite shaft increases the head speed and helps to make the club easy to swing. The 420cc cast DAT 55G Titanium head combined with Srixons Digital Impact Technology gives you the confidence you crave. Player Benefits. Head has very high resilience for maximum energy transfer.

The driver was brand new, it never seemed to hit well right from the start, and there was a large 1″ crack at the heal of the head. Swing speed is just 94-97 mph, so not one of those 120 mph guys. I had read about the Srixon and liked the traditional appearance, the driver head had a nice shape to it, not square or elongated, more like the Titleist pear shape – it also uses SP 700 titanium face. Can’t say much about performance –never did hit well. It’s been in the garage for a while now – -the shaft might be worthwhile.



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