Golf Slice Cures: Use This Tip and Cure Your Golf Slice For Good

Golf Slice Cures: Use This Tip and Cure Your Golf Slice For Good

Do you have a golf slice that you just can’t seem to get rid of?  Are you tired of sending your shots into the woods and losing dozens of balls?  Well, here is a really good tip that may help you cure that golf slice once and for all.  Best of all, it’s really pretty simple once you get the hang of it and understand why it is being used.

Did you know that more than 70 percent of golfers struggle with slicing the ball at some point in their golf career?  Dealing with a slice is not fun and it can hurt your golf game in several ways.  The good news is, it’s fairly easy to correct it.  I cannot claim that this small tip will COMPLETELY cure your slice, but there is a good chance that it will, and I hope it does.

When you come into the impact zone, there are really only 2 factors that can determine the “shape” of ball flight.

 1. The angle of the club face at impact.

2. The Path the club is taking at impact.

You’d agree, that’s really not that tough to understand. The tough part is explaining how to correct it, and keeping this article short at the same time. Anyway, here’s a few things you should concentrate on:


Golf Slice Cure Tip #1 – Try to keep your leading shoulder “down” on the ball through impact.  This is called staying strong through impact. Lots of times the leading shoulder (left shoulder if right handed) flies up before impact. Now just for a minute, think about what that does to the club head when it’s in the impact zone.

Golf is all about thinking and analyzing your shots to get better. A huge part of this game is understanding “why” you’re getting a certain result, and the physics behind that result. Thinking through your golf swing will provide huge dividends if you’re willing to invest the time it takes.

Get up from the computer and actually go though the motions slowly. Let your leading shoulder fly up as you approach impact and you’ll actually be able feel and see the clubface coming from an outside-in path. That causes a slice every time.

So what can you do to correct it? Well, as I said before, try to learn to keep your leading shoulder strong. Keep that shoulder “down” on the ball all the way through impact, even after the ball is gone and flying straight down the fairway.


Golf Slice Cure Tip #2 – Initiate The Downswing With Your Arms.  I’m sure that’s the exact opposite of what you’ve heard before. Starting the downswing with the arms is a tough thing to do.  You want the ball to go the maximum possible distance. So subconsciously, many people have the problem of letting their body get way ahead of their hands. That’s the number one slice-producing move among golfers today. It’s probably the toughest one to fix, because when you’re at the top of your backswing, all you can think about is crushing the ball.

Instead of thinking maximum distance, think minimize slice. Start the downswing with your arms. Get to the top of your backswing, and then the first move should be with the arms. Put this move together with keeping the leading shoulder down, and it will do wonders for both your woods and your irons.

 If you look at any of the really good players, you will see that they actually initiate the downswing by “pulling” the club down with their arms.  They do NOT start the downswing by twisting the chest towards the target.  That is a very important distinction to make. 

Ok, that’s all for today, I hope these Golf Slice Cure Tips help you improve your game.



Need More Golf Tips? Grab your copy of my Free Report that is loaded with information the will help you cure your slice and create a simple, consistent swing. Get My FREE REPORT!

You may also enjoy this site…

Cure Your Golf Slice – This site goes into much greater detail on how you can cure your golf slice and improve your game.

Thanks and Enjoy the Info 🙂


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