Methods To Lower Your Golf Handicap

Methods To Lower Your Golf Handicap

Article by A R Bell

Most amateur golfers are in envy of the professional players. I know that I am. You seen them swinging just like you do but they can hit the ball over 300 yards, get the ball to spin back to the hole and get out of bunkers the first time without digging themselves a big sand pit, whilst you are always looking for ways to lower your golf score.

As I said before I’m just an amateur golfer but here are some of the tips that I have used to improve my game.

Practice regularly

Now I know that this may be obvious, but people who play golf expect to play just as good as they did in their last round. When you have not practiced between rounds you can lose they rhythm which you had and have to start again when you start another round.

Don’t try and hit the ball too hard,

A nice steady easy swing can hit the ball just as far, just because it works for some of the pro’s it might not work for you and if you try to hit the ball too hard you can go off balance.

If you find that you are slicing the ball, pull you left foot slightly back. (only try this in practice as this could effect your round if you do not need to change) If you find that you are hooking the ball, your right hand may be too far round on your grip, forcing your hands to roll over at the end of your swing. Putting, always always practice your putting. This can take up to double figures off your round and is one of the top ways to lower your golf scor, by stopping you 3 and maybe 4 putting on the greens.

Or alternatively you could have lessons which I did and they made me worse. I would struggle to get the ball past the peak of my cap never mind splitting the fair way in half which is what the instructor said I would. Now this may not be the same for everyone, but not everyone can afford golf lessons.

improve your fitness

In the game of golf you use muscles which are not always used in every day activities so these can damage your round This aspect is very important as your swing can deteriorate as your round goes on if you start to tire. If your legs,back or arms start to ache you are not going to achieve the maximum power and acuracy from your swing. Before your round you need to stretch properly and warm up before each round. If you start a round cold you could pull or over stretch which could stop you playing until you have healed properly.

To lower your handicap and start enjoying playing golf Click Here!

About the Author

Golf enthusiastwho enjoys playing and wathcing golf..

Living With Crohns Disease – And How To Cure It!

Living With Crohns Disease – And How To Cure It!

The best part about living with crohns disease, is that you don’t have to live with it. There is a new, and completely natural herbal treatment option. To learn more about it, visit:

Living with Crohns disease can be extremely difficult. The main reason for that is the stress that it causes you, which leads to all kinds of problems. Also, intestinal disorders are amongst the most dangerous diseases, simply because the intestinal tract is probably the most vital organ of your body – if there is even a slight problem with it, everything else stops working properly. A big part of living with Crohns disease these days is the anti-inflammatory medication, which needs to be taken. That’s one of the reasons why the medical companies do not want to implement the natural cure, which permanently gets rid of the disease – making people hooked on a medication, which they have to take their entire lives is far more profitable.

You are extremely lucky because of the timing. The crohns disease cure was discovered in 2009, and you have probably already heard of it. It’s a herbal treatment, which gives your body all the proper tools, so that it can stop the inflammation itself. Since Crohns is often an auto immune disease, the cure can also stop your body from attacking your intestinal cells – which will quickly make you feel a lot better, and help you start leading a normal and happy life again!

Once you have gotten rid of Crohns, you’d quickly discover how hard living with Crohns disease actually was – and how much better living without it is!

Golf Tips to Measure your Results on the Practice Range

Golf Tips to Measure your Results on the Practice Range

Practice is important in any sport and golf is no exception. To really improve your game you must spend time fine tuning your swing. But many golfers simply “hit balls” on the practice range without checking to see if they are improving. Here are some tips to help measure the effectiveness of your practice sessions on the driving range.

First, you must identify your objective on the range. Some people are trying to fix a slice or a hook while others are trying to add distance to their shots. If you do not know what your objective is you will not know if you have achieved it. You may not have a noticeable flaw to correct but you need to train your muscles so you can make good shots consistently. So hitting consistently is your objective in that case. Just make sure you have a clear idea of your purpose.

Second, it does not matter too much if you quit slicing or hooking the ball, or if you add 30 yards to your drive if your shots are spraying to the left or right. You may have eliminated the slice in your ball flight, but did the ball actually go towards your target? I have heard people “oooh” and “ahhh” over their practice shots even though one went well to the left of what appeared to be their target line and the next went just as far to the right. Make sure you identify a target and gauge if you are hitting the ball within a few yards on either side of that target until the balls rolls to a stop.

Third, always hit a variety of clubs in a random order on the range. This will better reflect how a real round of golf is played. You never hit your seven iron fifteen times in a row on a normal round of golf so do not get locked into hitting only your seven iron on the practice range even if it is your seven iron that needs the work. For example, to work on your seven iron try hitting your seven a few times, then hit a 3-wood a couple of times, then hit a four-iron, then a wedge, then back to the seven for a few shots. This will help you practice your set-up routine for various shots since usually you address the ball and take your stance slightly differently for woods, low irons and high irons respectively.

Fourth, do not be in a hurry. Take a break for a minute or two after hitting a dozen balls or so. If you exhaust yourself you may begin making poor swings due to your tiring out that would almost never happen in a round of golf because on the course there is almost always a few minutes between shots that require a full swing.

Finally, take time at home some evening to write down on an index card the swing keys that help you prepare for taking a golf shot. Most people will have a list of five to eight things. Go through your set-up routine in your mind and jot down, in order, what you do to check your alignment, grip, stance, weight distribution, etc… and take that card with you to the practice range. Then read it over before EVERY practice shot for the first ten or fifteen shots. Train your mind to go through that list so it becomes a habit when you are playing a round of golf.

Hopefully you will develop your own list of golf tips from your time spent on the practice range and you will graduate from just “hitting balls” to actually tuning your swing by having a yard stick by which to measure your results on the practice range.

Looking for the best golf swing instruction? Would you invest about the cost of one round of golf on the weekend at your local public course to learn a consistent and repeatable golf swing? Visit Hank’s golf swing instruction site and see how quickly you can be hitting farther, straighter, and with greater confidence.

Revealed Secret On How to Shed Those Extra Pounds and Lose Weight

Revealed Secret On How to Shed Those Extra Pounds and Lose Weight

Article by Vegan Experience

So you’re interested in knowing how to lose weight without all the hassle?

I’m sure like the rest of us who struggle to lose/keep weight off, this process can be daunting. We deal in a robust environment requiring many of us to always be on the go.

Weight loss has always been a problem for all types of eaters, whether it just be meat, vegan, or vegetarian. But here’s the good news, I have a little secret on how to help yourself with the process of shedding those extra pounds.

Did you know how resourceful Apples were in the dieting process?

First, apples are really low on the glycemic Index and have a low calorie count.

Second, apples fill your stomach fast as it contains pectin which makes a person feel full.

Third, for most of us who don’t get enough water a day, apples have been shown to keep you hydrated.

Eating 3 to 4 apples day with 2 main meals will definitely shed the pound off the waist. Some people even slice up apples and place them in their salads when dieting for taste but it also helps with making us feel full.

Studies show the number one reason why people quit at weight loss programs is because of the restrictiveness of dieting. Some diet programs limit our meal intake & some remove solid foods altogether. However, you can begin the weight loss process and still eat plenty of apples as you start down the right path of shedding those extra pounds

You no longer have to sit in the dark with wondering how to lose excess weight in a short amount of time. If you apply this simple solution to your diet, you’ll begin to see the weight drop off. Please stop by to read more great articles on losing weight.

About the Author

The Top 3 Ways For Federer to Beat Nadal

The Top 3 Ways For Federer to Beat Nadal

It’s not enough for Federer that Rafa Nadal is a great tennis player.

It’s also a challenge because Nadal plays left handed.

The problem is that most people Federer (and you) play are right handed, so he and you become used to certain patterns of play and positions on the tennis court.

When the lefty comes along, everything you know about the game seems to go out the window and if you are not careful your strong shots are dealt with easier and your weaknesses are more exposed.

Here are the top 3 adjustments you need to make to your tennis game when coming up against a left handed opponent.

Adjust Your Position On The Return Of Serve Position

Because the natural path of the ball from a lefty’s tennis serve like Nadal is to your left, you need to adjust your returning position.

By moving over to the left to return serve (on both sides) you will be in a better position to return their best serves as well as forcing them to try to hit what for them is the slightly harder serve.

In the deuce court the harder serve for them will be the kick serve out wide and the sliced serve down the centre from the ad side.

The most overlooked aspect in all of this is the fact that you will be showing them that you are aware of what’s happening on the court and you will force them to do some thinking of their own and not just serve their favourite serves and play on autopilot.

Believe me, with most players that will lead to an increase in double faults and free points for you!

Work On Your Backhand Up The Line

Because Federer and us rightys tend to want to play our backhands cross court, this can cause a problem when we play leftys as we tend to hit into their strength – the forehand.

Also, leftys are happy to get the ball on the forehand and hit it crosscourt into our backhands.

By working on the backhand up the line you can switch play so that they hit their backhand cross court into your strength (your forehand).

You may even get the chance if they try to go back up the line on your backhand to run around the ball and hit an inside out forehand.

One word of caution here, you will find many left handers (esp. Nadal) are quite good at creating wide angles from their forehands to your backhand.

If that happens, don’t try and go down the line as you will be way out of position for the next ball – you must try to go deep and cross court!!

Don’t forget When They Come To The Net

One other thing that you also need to do is to adjust what you do when a lefty comes to the net.

Because you often don’t have a lot of time when this happens it’s easy to play on auto pilot.

The problems arise when you try to put up a lob.

You should know that a lob over the backhand side of your opponent is the most effective.

Well, when you put up your normal lob for your right handed opponent this ends up going to the leftys forehand and gets crushed!!

Not only do they win the point but it pumps them up and gives them extra confidence – NOT GOOD!!

You can just see Nadal pumping his fist after dispatching an easy overhead.


These adjustments may not help Federer to beat Nadal as I’m sure he is aware of them, but they will most certainly help most of the club players out there when they come up against lefty opponents.

Start using them today!

Also try to search out some left handed people to practise with.

This will prove invaluable when you have to play one in a match. for more FREE reports and info.

Video May to Improve Your Golf

Video May to Improve Your Golf

Article by Aaliyah Green

Today, golf game can be an amazing sport around the world and you can now learn to play this game. It is wonderful if you can to take up golf game, but sometimes it is difficult during a busy career to obtain the time to play.

If you are a golf beginner, do you have a problem with your golf swing? Improving your golf game can be very tiring and tedious, not to mention frustrating. It’s the one sport that offers so much, yet can deliver so little. But it is without doubt the most addictive and sometimes the most rewarding too.

In this article, I would like to recommend a way to improve your golf game. If you want to know more golf tips, you may visit my golf blog to read the article – Recommend A Way to Improve Golf Game.

At first, let us know the basic information about golf game. Golf game can take anything up to 2 hours on a 9 hole golf course and more than 4 hours on an 18 hole golf course This often puts younger people off as to become proficient at anything you need to put in regular practice and often long careers prevent people from doing this.

In 2005, I began to learn golf game with my liking callaway x22 irons. I spent the first few weeks on the golf range having a few lessons trying to learn the various techniques. It seemed to take me a lot longer putting theory into practice successfully and the odd success I had on the golf range seemed to go to pieces once out on the golf course.

Unfortunately due to an old sports injury I needed to give up playing golf for most months and when I eventually could play once again I discovered I had almost forgotten everything I needed learnt and had to go back to the very basics yet again.

One of the things I found really helpful was having someone take a video of me while I was playing golf. Then replaying the video I was able to see exactly where I was going wrong. And there certainly were a number of mistakes I was making.

Although I had often been told that I was swinging the club incorrectly, or not finishing off my shot properly it wasn’t until I could actually see myself on the video that it became clear to me.

You only need to video a couple of holes as each hole will probably take a few shots using different clubs in different situations. Hopefully the consistency of your improved scores will tell you that you are making improvements but seeing yourself on video can show you exactly how you have progressed.

This article is from, I would also like to recommend some good ping g15 driver to you!

About the Author

I am a golfer! If you want to buy Golf Clubs On Sale such as the Mizuno MX-300 Irons or reading golf articles in my blog – American Golf,you may also visit the

Treatment For Cure – Antiperspirant – Sweaty Palm Treatment

Treatment For Cure – Antiperspirant – Sweaty Palm Treatment

Excessive sweating is not barely an upsetting question but the too a inveterate nuisance which by hook or by crook can not occur cured permanently. At what time you sweat excessively it is a checkup condition called hyperhidrosis However in attendance are around proven bar sweating tips which might keep the question under control:

Are you tired of sweating excessively? Are you looking for a proven remedy that doesn’t just relieve the symptoms but gets rid of your excessive sweating issue for good?

Visit the Stop Sweating website today and learn how to cure your excessive sweating problem from the inside out. This Remedy Has Already Worked for Thousands of People – And It Will Work For You as Well! Click here now to see IMMEDIATE results with this effective Stop Sweating remedy that works >>

– Due to the smell caused by concluded sweating family resort to multiple bottles of antiperspirant before deodorant sprays before roll-ons. This can not occur some remedy in place of concluded sweating but can help you overcome sweating problems on a temporary basis.

– Many of the unnecessary sweating problems are caused by psychological instability like stress anxiety depression and all that. At what time you seek checkup help doctors would frequently prescribe anti-depressants which may possibly help you overcome sweating problems to an magnitude.

– forestall blatantly peppery before scented foods. Remember with the purpose of these can not prevent concluded sweating but may possibly take sensitivity of the bad odor associated with it.

– arrived defense you uncover with the purpose of the concluded sweating question is concentrated primarily on the armpit area sliver your armpits frequently helps arrived calculating the bad odor. Bacterial growth arrived the wool under the arms and the odor is caused by the bacterial feeding rotten the sweat which causes the odor.

– a different proven tip to bar sweating is medicine with 20% aluminum chloride solution. The solution would enter the sweat glands and in the role of a findings the glands mushroom. This blocks the perspiration to make the top layer of the skin. In the role of you pass on with this medicine the sweat glands are like to psychiatrist permanently which course with the purpose of take away sweat arrived the forthcoming.

– in attendance are around dietary tips which can help you overcome unnecessary sweating. Consumption grapes before fresh grape juice all calendar day helps. The mode of clash is with the purpose of this fruit helps arrived cooling the body and in so doing bar sweating.

– a different home-made remedy is to drink buttermilk everyday. Drinking a cup of tomato juice everyday in place of a week too helps overcome sweating problems. In the course of the jiffy week drink the same cup of tomato juice all alternate calendar day in the role of a get the gist up therapy.

– To take life the bacteria which cause the bad odor from unnecessary sweating plant around vinegar and juice of partially a lime arrived your bath hose down. This reduces the need in place of a deodorant and would help arrived eradicating the bacteria in the role of well.

– a different home-made remedy with the purpose of is successful arrived bad odor and can tackle concluded sweating question is to saturate cotton hair pads arrived a solution of hose down and baking juice powder. Wear and tear this solution to underarm cleaning.

– You might too plant around apple cider vinegar under your armpits to prevent concluded sweating in the role of well in the role of take life bad odor.

– If you every day polish your body with chamomile grease this might too occur successful arrived stopping concluded perspiration and bar body odor.

– If you feel like to prevent concluded sweating wear clothes which are made of natural fabrics like cotton hair and silk. Since these fabrics allow laid-back passage of air it decreases sweating drastically.

– Wearing a hat in the course of summer is a expert theory in the role of the hotness of your come first controls your body hotness in the role of well and this can prevent sweating.

Discover the Tips Tricks and All-Natural Techniques for Fast and Safe Relief from Excessive Perspiration. Click here now to see IMMEDIATE results with this effective Stop Sweating remedy that works >>

How do you choose a better golf clubs?

How do you choose a better golf clubs?

Article by Shelmay

There are many cheap golf clubs in the pro shop and many golf advertisements on inernet, how you can choose a iron set which is fit you best, you may get confused. We will give you some advice to deal with that now.

If you want to buy golf clubs on internet, you can see something about the club, taylormade r9 fairway wood is good choice. If you want to buy a iron set, then the golf iron set reviews are one of the greatest ways to pick the information you need. Maybe golf review can be a helpful golf tools for buying the clubs.

Most of the golf manufactures will most likely give you their very own form of just what in which certain club is supposed to carry out together with individual driver testimonials. Golf suppliers may well then make in which information and help you pick the ideal one suited to your performance. The of the bigger suppliers get build testing centers where you can carry out your very own golf driver comparison with smacking any club you want appropriate there in the store.

On the internet is another fantastic area to pick excellent information related to golf tools. People enjoy carrying out their very own golf club testimonials. Irons in particular are one of the hottest topics upwards for discussion. Every person wants to know just what clubs can obtain hold of you the generally distance off the tee. How can we strike that much longer? This issue seems to be answered each recent golf year when all the tools happen. Almost all the golf club iron set testimonials from the diverse manufactures declare they get the best drivers.

So before you purchase your taylormade r9 460 driver, please view the reviews on site carefully, then you will know which one you should choose.

More information at

About the Author

hope this review will give you some help

What You Should Know Regarding The Best Quality Of Golf Equipment

What You Should Know Regarding The Best Quality Of Golf Equipment

Article by Ilona Roberts

Various beginner golf equipment pieces and sets get advertised on golf channels and on the internet. The problem is that most of these packages include a lot of equipment that beginning golfers aren’t ready for or won’t benefit from. Starting with a few basic pieces of beginner golf equipment that you can add to later as your game improves is a better way to go.

The first item you should spend money on is a decent driver. The first thing you need to know is that there are some “specialty” drivers out there that aren’t exactly PGA sanctioned. In accordance with where you are and what your ambitions as a golfer this might not be a glitch for you. Different people have different needs when it comes to drivers. Ordinarily, drivers that have flexible shafts allow for a larger distance, however less manipulation. If you have difficulty with hooks, slices, or rogue balls you may wish to let go of distance for more control by using a steel shafted driver.

You should additionally be able to take some time to get to know the most comfortable shaft length for you to utilize before you spend money also. This will take some trying out to discover the greatest length, although it will be time spent well when it comes to not having as much back pain after 18-holes.

Another important thing to have is ball markers. This equipment is especially important to have when playing in a group. These markers are used to mark where your ball stopped on the green and won’t interfere with the play of the others in your group. Golf etiquette states that the person whose ball is furthest from the hole plays first. If markers are not used, your ball could interfere with the play of the people playing before you. These inexpensive markers are necessary for a good game when playing with a group.

After everything else, you’ll need to purchase a ball marker. Accurately, if you play golf with others you want to be able to identify which ball is yours, particularly when the others you are playing with landed in a really dreadful location. Ball markers will help you save money as you can more easily identify your ball from others but it will also help you keep a more accurate account of where your ball is landing. This allows you to keep better track of how accurately you’re hitting the ball and which direction it has a tendency to go off course.

You’ll see tons of golf equipment merchandise which allege they are the most wonderful for beginners. But, when you get these pieces of equipment to begin with you’ll find that there really is little else you need in order to learn the basics of the game. As your skills become greater, you can start adding new pieces to your supply for more of a range and potential in your golf game.

About the Author

Ilona’s websites: Engagement Cakes, Easter Cakes, Dresses for Kids and Cake Icing Recipe.