The Perfect Golf Swing

The Perfect Golf Swing

We all dream of hitting the ball straight and far, landing softly on the green and rolling towards the hole, walk up to the ball, make the putt and move to the next tee…

In our dreams golf is simple and easy, no hassle, no looking after lost balls, no feeling of embarrassment, we are just mastering the art of golf, we have a good golf swing and we are in control of our mind.

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A lovely dream! But what is our reality? Getting little late on the course and not having time to go to the range, nervously driving on the first hole into the woods, but forgiving ourselves because after all we were late, and didn’t have that time to warm up… double bogey on the first hole, not feeling good at the second either… after 9 holes the game is lost, but our thoughts are already on the next round, or maybe we just want to get quickly home and forget about this miserable game…

In our dream it wasn’t like this. In our dream we controlled the ball with our perfect golf swing and we were also in control of our emotions. We know it can happen, because we have done it so often on odd holes, we just don’t seem to be able to make it work for the whole round, but the dream is there… someday I will do it, someday I will play that perfect round or golf. After I done that, my self confidence is going to be so high, I will keep on playing at that level. I don’t have to play with these guys I’m currently playing with… the important low scoring guys in the club will ask me to play with them, and I will be looked up to! This is who I am and what I deserve! I just need some time to work on my game… next summer I will do it…

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If these feelings sound even remotely familiar to you, read on.

Firstly, the dream can come true. But it is going to take some sacrifices before it will be reality. It will mean a good golf swing and physical control, but above all mind control and taking control of the nerves.

One very important part of being successful at anything is self understanding. Now I don’t mean that we make a training program, which might also be important, but it is a question of our dreams versus reality psychologically speaking. Let me explain this concept little more:

If we crave for fantastic results and have unrealistic dreams that we cannot reach, we are going to create unnecessary pressure in our system. This pressure is going to lead to uncontrolled psychological state of mind, and that will result as bad golf, which again is going to burst out as anger.

Golf is a mind game above all. We can play much better within our limits, if we can be clear minded about our skills and what we want and not have unrealistic expectations.

Have you ever tried to be calm and untouched even though you play badly? Is it possible to decide that no matter what is going to happen out there, I’m not going to loose my calm? If you can do this, you are controlling your mind and not letting the mind control you. It is very easy to get out there and just “see” what the round has to give you today. No expectations, no worries, just looking at your game as it was somebody else’s game. And you know what, it is somebody else’s game to everybody else but you… others will not punish you because you missed an easy putt, it is you being hard to you’re self that is creating the bad feelings and pressure. The problem is called “what needs to be and what is”. What needs to be is not reality, what is, IS REALITY, but we don’t want to see it because of “what needs to be”.

I will go deeper into this later, in my next article coming soon, so stay tuned and you will be getting results!



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Your Golf Swing Starts with the Back Swing – Learn to Perfect It

Ready to perfect your golf back swing? You’ve come to the right place.

better back swing tipsThere is no reason your takeaway phase of the swing has to be complicated or difficult. We’ve compiled some golf back swing tips that cover the most important aspects and can be put into action right now.  These tips are are great for any age.  We have taught these tips to young golfers just starting out but it works for any age and any level of play.

Of the many golf back swing tips you will hear or read about, one is crucial. To make a successful shot, you have to play the ball correctly in your stance. Every shot you make has a proper ball position, and you should learn these as soon as possible.

When you take stance, make sure your hands are gripping the club properly. Most players use a neutral grip, neither too weak nor too strong. Do not choke the club too tightly—strive for a firm grip.

Another important golf back swing tip is to put a little flex in your knees. This allows your hips, which are the power behind every shot, to turn fully.

Keep both arms straight as you bring the club back. This promotes a constant distance between the club head and your hands. If you start bending your arms too early, the distance will shorten and will need to be corrected before impact. This can be prevented by keeping both arms straight during the first part of the takeaway.

When the club and your hands are about waist high, your right arm must bend at the elbow. As you start your takeaway motion, try not to allow your hands to rotate. This will achieve a wide arc as you bring the club back.

Swing speed is key to distance, however, back swing should be slow and easy

As your hands get to waist level, you should also turn your upper body and shoulders. Continue this motion until the club is at the top of your back swing. This coiling action generates the energy needed at impact. Many players have trouble mastering the skill of turning the hips until the top is reached. If that is true for you, try some flexibility exercises for your hips, legs, and shoulders.

Another effective golf back swing tip is to know where your “top” is. The top of the swing differs from one person to the next. Some players are able to bring the club well past parallel at the top, while others cannot make it all the way up. No matter where you fall on that scale, it is important to get the maximum height possible, as this will greatly increase the club head speed on the way down.

The last tip involves the transition that leads into the downswing. Avoid jerking the club; maintain smooth movements and initiate the downward swing with your hips, not your hands.

The first part of the overall swing is vital, because it sets up all subsequent movements.

If you find that you are missing a lot of shots, keep these golf back swing tips in mind. Often, a missed shot can be caused by something that went wrong in the first part of the swing. If possible, have an experienced golfer watch you as you do a few slow motion swings. This is the fastest and more effective way to pinpoint and resolve a problem.

For additional golf tips to lower your score read golf chipping and pitching tips.