How to Correct a Golf Swing Slice

How to Correct a Golf Swing Slice

A golf swing slice can be very frustrating for the passionate golfer. To improve your game and lower your scores it is very critical and important to know how to correct a slice and fix it as fast as possible. If you really want to better your game and fix your slice then read on and use these 3 tips and techniques.

The first tip I would like to show you is the easiest one. Simply film yourself or ask a friend of yours to film you. Do your swing and after your training session have a look at the movie and analyse your moves. This is very helpful and you can see what went wrong with your golf slice. Like I said, it is simple and funny too.

Let us go on with the next tip. You need a good stance to stop slicing. Your shoulders have to be up and aligned to the ball or target. The right foot has to be pointed straight ahead and your left foot slightly to the left. Such a stance can make big difference to your game. A proper golf stance can lower your scores and your golf swing slice will be fixed quite fast.

The third tip I would like to give to you is a proper golf backswing and downswing. A proper backswing has to be a smooth move and starts with your arms and then the shoulders. Keep your eyes on the ball. Downswing is followed with the hips and arms. Again keep your eyes on the ball and do a proper golf swing.

If have listed some 4 bonus basic tips which you can use to lower your scores.

1. Doing some sports outside your golf game. As I mentioned above fitness is important to get a good stand while swinging. I would suggest to go cycling or play tennis. Just something you are interested in. Fun is a big point here. I like playing soccer.

2. You need your own clubs. Try a few clubs that fits to your needs. Are you tall, then you need longer ones. Do not expect good results when you use your friends clubs! So, get a own set of clubs.

3. When you buy clubs you have to consider the shafts and the materials. This depends on your needs like height, weight and swing speed. There are quite a few more factors you have to take care of.

4. At least but not last, your mental fitness has to be good. Concentration during a game is crucial if you want to beat your competitor. There are some good guides that may help you. Some of my friends are doing yoga, but that is not for me.

You see the right training can stop your golf swing slice. Regular training systems can do wonders.

Next, you want to go on and see what kind of training guides and methods are available to correct a slice.

Mark Langer has helped a lot of people to improve their golf swing and showed them how to swing a golf club. Marks Free Online Course and his recommended Golf Swing Guides are jam packed with golf swing tips and techniques. Take advantage from a Golf enthusiast here

Your Golf Swing Starts with the Back Swing – Learn to Perfect It

Ready to perfect your golf back swing? You’ve come to the right place.

better back swing tipsThere is no reason your takeaway phase of the swing has to be complicated or difficult. We’ve compiled some golf back swing tips that cover the most important aspects and can be put into action right now.  These tips are are great for any age.  We have taught these tips to young golfers just starting out but it works for any age and any level of play.

Of the many golf back swing tips you will hear or read about, one is crucial. To make a successful shot, you have to play the ball correctly in your stance. Every shot you make has a proper ball position, and you should learn these as soon as possible.

When you take stance, make sure your hands are gripping the club properly. Most players use a neutral grip, neither too weak nor too strong. Do not choke the club too tightly—strive for a firm grip.

Another important golf back swing tip is to put a little flex in your knees. This allows your hips, which are the power behind every shot, to turn fully.

Keep both arms straight as you bring the club back. This promotes a constant distance between the club head and your hands. If you start bending your arms too early, the distance will shorten and will need to be corrected before impact. This can be prevented by keeping both arms straight during the first part of the takeaway.

When the club and your hands are about waist high, your right arm must bend at the elbow. As you start your takeaway motion, try not to allow your hands to rotate. This will achieve a wide arc as you bring the club back.

Swing speed is key to distance, however, back swing should be slow and easy

As your hands get to waist level, you should also turn your upper body and shoulders. Continue this motion until the club is at the top of your back swing. This coiling action generates the energy needed at impact. Many players have trouble mastering the skill of turning the hips until the top is reached. If that is true for you, try some flexibility exercises for your hips, legs, and shoulders.

Another effective golf back swing tip is to know where your “top” is. The top of the swing differs from one person to the next. Some players are able to bring the club well past parallel at the top, while others cannot make it all the way up. No matter where you fall on that scale, it is important to get the maximum height possible, as this will greatly increase the club head speed on the way down.

The last tip involves the transition that leads into the downswing. Avoid jerking the club; maintain smooth movements and initiate the downward swing with your hips, not your hands.

The first part of the overall swing is vital, because it sets up all subsequent movements.

If you find that you are missing a lot of shots, keep these golf back swing tips in mind. Often, a missed shot can be caused by something that went wrong in the first part of the swing. If possible, have an experienced golfer watch you as you do a few slow motion swings. This is the fastest and more effective way to pinpoint and resolve a problem.

For additional golf tips to lower your score read golf chipping and pitching tips.