Turning Your Slice Into A Draw Now

Turning Your Slice Into A Draw Now

Article by Jack Moorehouse

If you’ve ever tried to correct a slice, you know how hard it is to do it. You’ve probably taken golf lessons. Read golf tips. And consulted trusted friends with low golf handicaps. You’ve tried everything you can think of but nothing’s worked. You still hit a slice. Frustration sets in after awhile and you back off. But you haven’t given up. You’d still want to correct your slice.

The problem here isn’t the sources you’ve consulted. It’s the messages they carry. All too often these sources tell you why you slice, but not how to correct it. While knowing why you slice is nice, it doesn’t help correct it. Nor does it help you cut strokes from your golf handicap. What you need is golf tips on how to correct a slice. Below are six key golf tips on turning your slice into a draw.

Starts At Address

Turning your slice into a draw starts at address. Golfers fighting a slice tend to lean away from the ball. It’s a natural reaction. But it makes your slice worse. At address, your weight should be balanced in every direction. It also should be evenly distributed over both feet and proportionally on the balls and heels of your feet. This position prepares you to make a good golf swing.

Tilt Away From The Target

Also, tilt your shoulders away from the target at address as well. This lowers your back shoulder, which is key. Golfers struggling with a slice tend to invert their shoulders at address. This causes them to swipe down on the ball with a forward shoulder that’s lower than the rear one. Instead, tilt your shoulders away from the target. It helps you hit the ball straighter, higher and farther.

Check your Alignment

Aiming your shoulders left of the target (right, if you’re a lefty) encourages a swing that cuts across the ball from outside to inside. Aiming your shoulders right of the target forces your upper body to over-rotate or even come too much inside during the swing. A good way to align yourself is to aim the clubface at the target, draw an imaginary line from the target to the clubface, and position your shoulders parallel to the line.

Flatten The Wrists

It’s critical that your left wrist (right for southpaws) remain flat at the top of the backswing, which avoids rotating the clubface too far open. With a flat left wrist, the clubface remains square or closed at the top of the swing. In this position, the back of your gloved hand is flat with your forearm and both hands above the back shoulder at the top. This position prevents the ball from veering off right (or left) at impact. Move Inside Out

To draw the ball, your swing must move inside out. Thus, you must swing below your shoulders. If your hands get above your shoulders or out in front of them, you’ll come over the top and hit either a double-crossed hook or a big slice. Which you hit depends on whether the clubface is closed or open. Also, you can move your head forward on the downswing. But not so far forward that your head gets out in front of the ball. Keep your head behind the ball.

Rotate Your Arms

If you’re a slicer, you probably don’t rotate your hands properly on the downswing. The way to square a clubface at impact is to continually close it through the downswing. If you stop closing the clubface and start sliding, the face will open and you’ll slice more. As you make the backswing, concentrate on rolling your clubface open. Then, as begin your downswing, roll your hands over and straight out in front of you as they cross your sternum.

Extend Your Arms

Extending your arms after impact closes the clubface and prevents a slice-inducing swing at impact. Extending the arms also encourages the rest of the body to continue turning-a necessary ingredient to hitting a draw. After impact, the ungloved hand should be on top of the gloved hand. Remind yourself to extend your arms during your swing.

Turning a slice into a draw isn’t easy. It won’t come in a day. It takes practice and hard work to do it. But if you follow the golf tips explained above, you can turn your slice into a draw. That in turn will increase your distance and accuracy off the tee and help you trim that golf handicap down to size.

About the Author

Jack Moorehouse is the author of the best-selling book How To Break 80 And Shoot Like The Pros. He is NOT a golf pro, rather a working man that has helped thousands of golfers from all seven continents lower their handicap immediately. Free weekly newsletter available with the latest golf tips, lessons and instructions.

Top Tips for Your Perfect Golf Swing

Top Tips for Your Perfect Golf Swing

If you desire to hold your scores even lower, you have obtained to develop to possess the ability to manage the spin in your golfing ball, and that suggests getting in a placement to curve it when you would like to. uncover how to curve the ball away from trouble – Our golfing professional factors out uncover how to go straight from trouble using the green, helping you how the curve the ball away from trouble within your golfing game. Before your golf excises, you should buy good golf clubs such as the Titleist AP2 Irons at first.

This skill is called working the ball, and it takes practice. But most low-handicappers don not rehearse this part of their game correctly—they will hit 20 draws in a row, and then hit a bunch of fades. This practice sequence does not realistically represent what you will face on the course. In golf, you only get one chance, not 20. In this article, I would like to talk some golf tips. If you want to know much more information or jokes, you may read this funny article.

Here are some golf swing tips:

Step 1: the right way to curve the ball from perfect to left. Arranged up and swing as normal, but alter the placement concerning the clubface from rectangular to closed proceeding for you grip. The terrific offer more you near the clubface, the terrific offer more the ball will curve. Closing the clubface also minimizes the loft concerning the club, making the ball fly lower. You may swing your TaylorMade R9 460 Driver to have a good golf swing.

Use a minimal to mid iron, and start by placing the club mind rectangular at the rear of the ball. Aiming in the direction of the right concerning the trees, consider your standard set-up, near the clubface based on how a terrific offer you need to curve the ball, after which consider your grip. Swing as normal, and as your arms rotate through impact, the closed clubface will make the ball curve in the direction of the left. Should you have branches even although in the way in which of your back again swing, you can prevent getting the club stuck by bending your legs so your swing travels flat near for the body.

Step 2: the right way to curve the ball from left to right. Again, use your standard set-up and swing but this time precede the clubface from rectangular to open. The terrific offer more you available the clubface, the terrific offer more the ball will curve in the direction of the right. An available clubface produces a terrific offer more loft, making the ball fly higher. Should you choose the ball to fly low, use a minimal metal or low-numbered hybrid with much less loft concerning the clubface? Place the club mind rectangular at the rear of the ball, aiming left concerning the trees, and consider you’re arranged up. Available the clubface based on how a terrific offer you choose the ball to curve, after which consider your standard grip. Swing normally, making optimistic you adhere to through to make certain how the available clubface curves the ball back again into play.

Thanks for reading my article! If you want to know much more information or jokes, you may read this funny article in my blog – Golf with My Life. If you follow my suggestions, you should have a good time while hitting the ball by your Ping G15 Irons. Do you agree with me?

Now, swing your taylormade 09 burner irons, you will not feel the same as your former swing. If you want to know much more information, you may read my other articles – Callaway X Series and Big Bertha Irons. Thank you for reading my article!

What Should You Know before Buying Golf Clubs

What Should You Know before Buying Golf Clubs

Article by Aaliyah Green

Now, the weather will become more and hotter, so it is a good time to play golf with your golf friends or your family member. Maybe you are not happy with your old golf driver, golf irons or your golf putter, because you might buy the newest clubs to have a good golf swing.

If you are preparing to replace your old clubs with new ones, you should know a lot of things before buying your liking golf clubs. In this article, I would like to talk how to buy good but discount golf clubs.

If you want to know much more golf information or golf tips, you may read this funny article – What Legs Should Do to Strike Longer Golf Drives in my blog. Here are some useful things to keep in mind before you purchase the newest clubs.

Before buying golf clubs, you’re about to spend hundreds – maybe thousands, according to your bankroll and your level of commitment – of dollars. The most important thing when replacing your older TaylorMade SuperFast Driver with a brand new set is to be honest concerning the state of your game, and your dedication to the game.

How much money and what amount of equipment do you feel is justified because of your game and your dedication with it? Once you’ve identified the present state of your game and your future goals, you’re ready to consider how much you’re prepared to spend.

Some golfers have unlimited budgets, and there is nothing wrong with overspending should you be in that category. Most golfers have a minimum of some budget constraints. The good news is that the “value” or “budget” category of golf equipment continues to offer more and better choices every year. Choose how much you’re willing to spend, and follow it.

When you are satisfied with the nice looks of the new golf clubs, you should pay attention to the forgiving of the new lubs.

Reviews can often be as confusing as they can be helpful, given that different “experts” sometimes offer different conclusions on the same product. But reading reviews may help you get a sense of what’s out there in your price range and what matches your game. Reviews may not provide you with the perfect answer; nonetheless they can help you narrow the sector.

Do you get some useful things from my article? Thanks for reading my article; I would like to recommend the newest TaylorMade R11 Fairway Wood to you! Now, the spring is coming, you might have a good time with your new golf clubs.

About the Author

I am a golfer! If you want to buy Golf Clubs On Sale such as the Mizuno MX-300 Irons or reading golf articles in my blog – American Golf,you may also visit the Pickgf.com.

Perfect Your Draw Golf Shot

Perfect Your Draw Golf Shot

A good golf swing will not only lower your handicap, it will make the game more enjoyable.  Now that you have cured your slice and can keep the ball in the fairway most of the time, you can now start working on controlling the ball. Putting the proper spin on the ball will allow you to draw or fade your shots. Drawing the golf ball causes it to hook to the left and fading the ball cause it to slice slightly to the right.

If you have worked hard to develop a good golf swing so why in the world would you want to develop a hook or slice? Most golf courses have dogleg fairways as well as complex set of obstacles that you must navigate around. One way to accomplish this is to use a draw or a fade. For a right handed player developing a draw is much harder than a fade. This is due to the natural ball spin that develops as the club face strikes right to left across the surface of the ball.  The amount of spin is caused by how much the club face is open or closed as the hands release and the club face impacts the ball.

Controlling your golf swing to develop a good draw or fade requires a consistent good golf swing. Only with repeatability will you be able to confidently draw the ball on a left dogleg with your irons or hybrid. In order to develop a good draw shot you should use your normal address position, take a practice a swing to waist high through your follow through. Make sure that your arms are fully extended in line with the club shaft. As you look down the shaft your club should be pointed about 10 to 15 yards to the right of your target. If your target is obscured by trees or other obstacle then you will have to make a mental picture of your target location.  Most importantly you the blade of your club should be pointing up. Move your club through to the top of your back swing. As you do so will notice that your club has to move inside around your body. This will allow you to make your swing in an inside to outside move. Taking a couple of practice swings will allow you to gain a feel for the correct motion. Now address the ball and repeat your golf swing motion. As a result you should observe a left draw to the ball in flight.

Practicing this golf swing motion on the range will allow you to develop a feel for what it takes to accomplish the draw that your desire. One additional tip to increase your draw is to lighten your left hand grip pressure through impact thereby allowing a more rapid release which will give the ball more draw spin. Another trick is to slightly close the club face to add further draw spin.

Developing a good draw shot first requires that you have developed a good golf swing that is consistent and repeatable. Only then will you be able to step up to the next level of play. Remember to plan your practice with a clear objective. To avoid confusion it is best to deal with one objective per practice session. Keep a log of your practice and include details of techniques and their results. Always start your practice session by reinforcing the skills that let you develop your good golf swing. Remember golf is supposed to be fun and the better you play golf the more enjoyable your golf game will become.

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How To Develop A Brilliant Golf Swing

How To Develop A Brilliant Golf Swing

Article by Gerald Mason

For a good golf swing we have not only to bring the club head down through the same line time after time; we must bring it down so that the club face is square with the ball at the instant of impact–and because the path of the club head is a curve, this means that impact must be timed correctly to an infinitesimal fraction of a second in the sweep of the swing. Also the club head must be accelerating at the moment of impact.

So we have not only to set up the mechanism to make a good swing, which we can all soon do if we only swing at the daisies, but we have to time this swing to the fraction of a second. Now I think that most of us overrate the value of good mechanics in golf and underrate the value of accurate timing. I was once watching, with a pupil of mine who had a most perfect swing, a fellow whose action was not pretty–to put it kindly.

But he kept hitting nice long shots down the middle. “Not much to look at,” I remarked to my pupil. “I would not care a damn what I looked like if I could repeat like that chap!” he replied.

The awkward one could repeat his best shots time after time. His mechanics were ungainly but his timing was near perfect.

Well, you may say, if that is so, why should you go to so much trouble to give us a good mechanical swing? The answer is that good timing plus a good swing is better than good timing plus an awkward swing.

The best swing, mechanically, is the one that pulls the ball a little and then makes it turn a bit to the left at the end of its flight, but if you get your maximum golf happiness out of a swing which slices the ball all around the course, there is no reason to alter your mechanics!

If you do want to make an alteration, it may not be an extensive one. I remember one day at St. Cloud an someone came and begged me to give him even fifteen minutes–which I did out of my lunch time as he seemed so insistent.

His trouble was that every now and then his iron shots to the green would finish in the bunker to the left of the green. For three years he had failed to find a permanent cure. So on the advice of a friend he came to me. It did not take me long to see what was wrong and to explain to him that now and again his foot-and-leg work was sluggish, and in consequence the club head came in too soon–to put his ball a little to the left.

After that brief lesson I never saw him again, as he was on his way back to the States from Paris. But he left me a note of thanks and a handsome present, and when I inquired of the caddy who had been out with him in the afternoon learned he had broken 70. Some time later I saw his photograph in the American Golfer with the news that he had won the West Coast championship.

Too much thought about the mechanics is a bad thing for anyone’s game. Now the reason why golf is so difficult is that you have to learn it and play it through your senses. You must be mindful but not thoughtful as you swing. You must not think or reflect; you must feel what you have to do. Part of the difficulty arises because, apart from simple things like riding a bicycle, we have never learned to do things in this way.

The beginning of the swing movement is in the feet; the movement passes progressively up through the body, through the arms, and out at the club head.

What we try to do is to make the club head come down in the same path time and time again–in such a way that the face of the club comes squarely into the back of the ball every time.

We have one fixed point (the feet) and one moving point (the club head) which we desire to move along the same line time after time. So the golf swing might be compared to the drawing of arcs with a pair of compasses. The reasons why we cannot be so precise in our stroking as the compass can, are that we are supported on two legs instead of one and we are full of flections and joints!

About the Author

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How To Hit The Golf Ball Longer And Straighter With Your Driver

How To Hit The Golf Ball Longer And Straighter With Your Driver

The mechanics of a golf swing are more complex than perhaps that of any other sport on the planet. A good golf swing must be underpinned with sold fundamentals including solid grip, square alignment to the target, a solid base / stance, and a dynamic upright posture. For the purpose of this article I am going to assume that you have solid basic fundamentals.

Please try a selection of the following tips and see which ones have a positive impact on your game. I can guarantee that you will begin to hit the ball further than you have ever done before.

Tip # 1 – Adopt a Stronger Grip

A neutral golf grip is when you can see 2 knuckles of your left hand / the hand at the top of the shaft. A weak grip is when you see less than 2 knuckles on the upper hand. This action tends to promote a fade or slice as the grip returns to neutral at impact thus ensuring the face is opened if the grip is weak. A strong grip is one in which you can see 3 or 4 knuckles on your left hand (for right handed golfers).

A good way to measure a strong grip is to make the “V’s” formed by the thumb and index finger point towards your right shoulder. A strong grip will tend to promote a draw which every golfer knows is a top spin shot that travels much further.

This is especially true with their left hand. To achieve this you should see about three to four knuckles on your left hand. This gives you so much more leverage in terms of your wrist movement. You are able to wait to the last moment to release the club, which results in a surge of club head speed through impact.

Tip # 2 – Release Tensions in Your Hands and Arms

If you were to really tense up your leg muscles and attempt to run a race, you would not be able to walk very fast let alone say run. The muscles in your hands and arms are no different. The grip pressure is perhaps the most important element to eliminating a tense rigid swing. Grip pressure should be light but firm. Professional golfers have stated that you should grip the golf club with the same pressure as if you were:

Lightly squeezing a tube of tooth paste Holding a child’s hand Holding a small bird in your hand Use which ever analogy is best for you but remember always be conscious of your grip pressure especially just before you commence your take away. It is literally not possible to grip a club too lightly. Your muscles will instinctively increase grip pressure throughout your swing to ensure the club does not fly out of your hands.

A light grip pressure will also have the positive effect of releasing tension in your arms. Build a few waggles into your pre-shot routine to further ensure there is no build up of tension.

You will be shocked an amazed how much further your ball will fly as a result of relaxed hand and arm muscles.

Tip # 3 – Increase the Width of Your Arc

Try this simple drill to realize the importance of the swing arc. Hold a golf ball in your hand 10 or so inches directly over your right shoulder. Now throw the ball as far as you can. You will notice the ball didn’t travel very far. Now extend you right hand back as far as is comfortably possible and throw the ball as far as you can. You will notice that the ball traveled significantly further. Many amateur golfers fail to realize the importance of the width of the swing arc in determining the distance the ball flies.

Perhaps the best tip that I have come across for creating a wide powerful swing arc is that of Greg Normans. Greg Norman has long been one of the longest straightest drivers of the golf ball. His tip is simple and powerful. At your address position ensure your left arm and club shaft form a straight line down to the ball. Make sure there is no tension whatsoever in the hand or arm.

Now simply push your left elbow back away from the target. Keep pushing it back, back, back all the way. Sooner or later as your swing reaches the three quarter way position, somethings going to give and your wrist will automatically cock at the top. This business of an early wrist cock advocated by some of the games teachers doesn’t work very well because it eliminates the extension of your arc which is a key source of power in the swing. With sufficient practice, this powerful technique will seriously increase your driving distance.

Tip # 4 – Delay the Club Head Release Through Impact

Many of the games greats will differ in their back swing but generate a very similar down swing sequence. Contrast “Jim Furyk” with “Tiger Woods”. One swing attribute that they all have in common is a powerful late release of the club head (also known as club head lag). In my opinion the golfer with one of the most powerful late releases is “Sergio Garcia”. He has a rather unorthodox back swing but a powerful late release ensures he hits the golf ball a long, long way. What I mean by late release of the golf club is a delayed uncocking/release of the wrists just before impact.

Many amateurs suffer from the dreaded ‘casting’ motion whereby they throw the club at the ball from the top of the swing. Thus they are releasing all their power long before the club ever nears the ball. In order to create a late release you should consciously focus on retaining your fully cocked wrists for as long as possible prior to impact. I have come across two excellent tips to achieve this goal. Please only use one or the other as you should never have two simultaneous swing thoughts prior to impact. The club head is moving too fast to execute more than one.

Insert a tee peg at the butt end of your shaft and focus on the mental image of trying to drive that tee peg into the back of the ball. To condense this into one neat phrase think “pull butt of shaft down to back of ball”. This will cause a very late release of your club and store up considerable power during the downswing.

Ernie Els uses ‘Golf’s Magic Move’, which is a swing thought devised by guru Harvey Pennick for creating a late release of the golf club. To execute this technique, one you arrived at the top of your back swing think “right elbow down to right side”. This effectively retains the wrist angle and ensures a late release into the back of the ball.

Tip # 5 – Increase Your Coil

This move is not for those who have a stiff, unsupple back or back problems in any sense of the word. Effectively one of the greatest sources of power in a golf swing is the coiling of your shoulder turn against your hip turn. The further you can turn your shoulder and limit your hip turn the more wind up you generate in the backswing. This results in a powerful uncoiling in the downswing generating substantial power into the back of the ball. The effect is similar to wrapping an elastic band around your finger. The more tightly you wind it the faster it unwinds. A good mental image to achieve this goal is to imagine you are standing in a barrel of cement. Your legs and hips are thus restricted in their movement. Now focus on turning your back fully to the target. This will create a powerful shoulder turn on top of a limited hip turn. You will create massive distance gains with this single tip alone.

Tip # 6 – Widen Your Stance, Retain Flex in Right Knee

In order to generate strong club head speed, you need a stable base to ensure it is correctly delivered to the back of the ball. Ensure the inside of your insteps are outside the width of your shoulders. To ensure the correct distance apart simply hang two clubs vertically from the outside of both shoulders. The club heads should be directly over the insteps in both feet.

Tip # 7 – Retain Flex in Right Knee

A critical element in the creation of a powerful golf swing is the retention of flex in the right knee in the back swing. If your right knee straightens it’s like snapping the tension in the swing and all your power is immediately destroyed. A good tip is to bend the right knee and tilt it slightly in towards the ball. Focus on retaining this inward tilt throughout the back swing.

With practice you will build muscle memory and these swing changes will become a habit that will not require any conscious effort to execute. In the immortal words of John Daly “Grip it and Rip it.”

Claim your FREE GOLF MEMBERSHIP at http://www.hobeze.com. Hobeze is the Golf Social Network that connects like minded golfers worldwide. The site offers members; PGA Video Lessons, Golf Tips, PGA News Feeds, Equipment Reviews, Golf Forum and a great way to chat with like minded golfers worldwide. Martin O Flynn is a director of Hobeze.com, a 3 handicap, and a regular contributor of golf tips.

How to cure a golf slice

How to cure a golf slice

Playing golf with a slice is like driving a Ferrari in a traffic jam. It takes away the joy from the game and can just leave you wondering why you are spending so much money for nothing. Sure, even the Pros slice the ball from time to time, nobody is perfect, it’s also normal for novice players to slice all the time. But if you want to develop your game, then you must fix your swing.

Let’s start with an explanation of what golf slice is and what are the causes. Here is the mechanical explanation behind a golf slice. Slice is a term describing a specific left-to-right type of trajectory of the golf ball for right-handers, opposite for lefties. A right-hander or a lefty, when a slice occurs, the ball ends up way right or left from the target area. If you examine the game of pro golfers, you will notice that they try to hit the ball squarely and straight, otherwise the ball wills spin which ultimately results in a slice.

To avoid slicing the ball, try to keep the club face squared during the swing until the very moment of impact. If you twist the club in left or right direction, you will slice. To achieve the ideal direction of the club face, you must have a correct grip, proper body setup and good body action.

The most common reason for a slice is the grip is too weak and too tight with the handle in the palm’s tree. Make sure your motion is controllable, it’s about gently swinging the club, not haking it. If you look at how Pro golfers do it, you will see that they don’t put much pressure into their swing, they do it almost effortlessly.

Rhythm and balance are also key elements. The main movement in every golf swing is rotating your upper body back, then rotating it through to the finish. If you perform the motion too fast, then you will loose your balance resulting in poor ball flight. the right setup lays the foundation for a good golf swing. The body weight must be equally balanced between your left and right foot, and then at the point of impact, nearly 75% of your weight should shift to the front foot.

Remember, golf is a mental sport. 90% of the whole thing depends on your mind set. The level of concentration makes the difference. Because, it’s one thing to know it in theory, putting your knowledge into practice is sometimes harder than anticipated. Once you know the theoretical part, it will depend on you and your focus.

Practice, practice, practice. Everything requires effort and you have to put all your new knowledge to the test. It’s a good idea to practice in the driving range as it will save you a lot of money. If you are feeling frustrated about your swing after several unsuccessful attempts, take a break, think about what you are doing wrong and stay positive.

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The Perfect Golf Swing

The Perfect Golf Swing

We all dream of hitting the ball straight and far, landing softly on the green and rolling towards the hole, walk up to the ball, make the putt and move to the next tee…

In our dreams golf is simple and easy, no hassle, no looking after lost balls, no feeling of embarrassment, we are just mastering the art of golf, we have a good golf swing and we are in control of our mind.

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A lovely dream! But what is our reality? Getting little late on the course and not having time to go to the range, nervously driving on the first hole into the woods, but forgiving ourselves because after all we were late, and didn’t have that time to warm up… double bogey on the first hole, not feeling good at the second either… after 9 holes the game is lost, but our thoughts are already on the next round, or maybe we just want to get quickly home and forget about this miserable game…

In our dream it wasn’t like this. In our dream we controlled the ball with our perfect golf swing and we were also in control of our emotions. We know it can happen, because we have done it so often on odd holes, we just don’t seem to be able to make it work for the whole round, but the dream is there… someday I will do it, someday I will play that perfect round or golf. After I done that, my self confidence is going to be so high, I will keep on playing at that level. I don’t have to play with these guys I’m currently playing with… the important low scoring guys in the club will ask me to play with them, and I will be looked up to! This is who I am and what I deserve! I just need some time to work on my game… next summer I will do it…

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If these feelings sound even remotely familiar to you, read on.

Firstly, the dream can come true. But it is going to take some sacrifices before it will be reality. It will mean a good golf swing and physical control, but above all mind control and taking control of the nerves.

One very important part of being successful at anything is self understanding. Now I don’t mean that we make a training program, which might also be important, but it is a question of our dreams versus reality psychologically speaking. Let me explain this concept little more:

If we crave for fantastic results and have unrealistic dreams that we cannot reach, we are going to create unnecessary pressure in our system. This pressure is going to lead to uncontrolled psychological state of mind, and that will result as bad golf, which again is going to burst out as anger.

Golf is a mind game above all. We can play much better within our limits, if we can be clear minded about our skills and what we want and not have unrealistic expectations.

Have you ever tried to be calm and untouched even though you play badly? Is it possible to decide that no matter what is going to happen out there, I’m not going to loose my calm? If you can do this, you are controlling your mind and not letting the mind control you. It is very easy to get out there and just “see” what the round has to give you today. No expectations, no worries, just looking at your game as it was somebody else’s game. And you know what, it is somebody else’s game to everybody else but you… others will not punish you because you missed an easy putt, it is you being hard to you’re self that is creating the bad feelings and pressure. The problem is called “what needs to be and what is”. What needs to be is not reality, what is, IS REALITY, but we don’t want to see it because of “what needs to be”.

I will go deeper into this later, in my next article coming soon, so stay tuned and you will be getting results!



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Refiner Golf Club Review – Now You Can Swing With Confidence!

Refiner Golf Club Review – Now You Can Swing With Confidence!

To improve your golf swing by feel and not by swing mechanics, use the Refiner Golf Club. Should your golf swing is inappropriate, the hinge will break directly, allowing you to realize there’s a flaw within your golf swing.

The entire golf swing will be rectified since the hinging method allows you to experience and determine where the club must be. To have a very good golf swing, getting your golf club to the top in a proper manner during your back swing is a must and if you are cupping your wrists, the training aid will inform you of this by breaking immediately. This early warning enables you to rectify the flaw first before completing your golf swing and it will be nearly impossible to finish your golf swing without rectifying the flaw first.

The Refiner Golf Club is an excellent instrument to work with if you are trying to find ways to achieve the right pace and timing as it will hinge once a swing fault have been discovered. This is especially useful as poor shots usually are the result of swinging too fast.

Other areas that may benefit you as claims from the manufacturer are detecting excessive grip pressure, open / closed club face and improper swing plane.

What I like regarding the Refiner Golf Club is it allows you to train in the home without making use of the golf ball. It’s also ideal to be use at the golf range since Refiner Golf Club can be used as a standard club when swung right.

The Refiner Iron and the Refiner Driver are two swing trainers available to improve your golf swing. 2 different kinds of trainer is necessary as you would wish to catch the ball during the down swing for your iron shot versus the driver where you’ll need to catch the ball during the up swing. These 2 training modes will lead you to perform exactly like that.

The Refiner Golf Club not just caters for the right handed golfers but also for the left handed golf players as well. Various club lengths are available to cater for women as well as for juniors, and should the regular length isn’t fit for you, there’s also an alternative for it to be made-to-order.

Each of the training tools are bundled together with full instructional videos and is presented by PGA trainer Rick Bradshaw, guiding you with the proper way to use the training aid.

To know further on how Refiner Golf Club can aid you with your golf swing, check out http://www.refinergolfclubfile.com/ where you can find extra information regarding Refiner Golf Club.

What Causes the Slice and How to Cure It in Golf

What Causes the Slice and How to Cure It in Golf

Golf is a great sport enjoyed by millions of people around the world, so more and more people take up the golf game. But not every golfer may have a good golf swing. Do you know the slice in golf? The slice is an uncontrolled shot that causes the ball to curve off to the right of the ball-to-target line, causing a loss of both direction and distance.

Right-handed golf players often have the disposition to hit the ball to the right–this is called the slice. Left-handers as well slice the ball; nonetheless it will head to the kept. Oftentimes, the extra they try to suitable the side effect, the more intense the affliction results in being. Golfers often jiggle the clubface open for the backswing, diverse factors for this. Part of the outcome is weak grip, causing the shaft to move marginally. Nonetheless having too formidable grip contributes as well, when it leads to substantial stiffness in the forearms and rotator for the downswing. The slice is the most common fault in golf and in this article I plan to explore what causes a golf slice and how to cure it.

Here will be the ways to get rid of it.

Hold the shoulder muscles aligned correctly down the goal line, right foot inches directly ahead, the kept marginally flared kept. Your harness buckle have to point proper away ahead down the line through the ball. Increase your spine incline conducted by bending extra by the hips and jut your butt.

Check your V’s. You have to take a look at the 1st two knuckles of your kept hand and formed between your browse and forefinger which will points in the direction of your ideal arm.

Hold the shoulder laid back, nonetheless instantly, and grip completely nonetheless not in your passing pull.

Situation the ball where they allows your shoulder muscles to remain parallel to the goal line. Depending for the length of your clubs the angle to the ball can vary; nonetheless you have to not get to reach uncomfortably to put the clubhead during the ball.

For your golf backswing, get started the club come back decreased and marginally to the inside, keeping the ideal elbow nearby to your section. For the downswing, hold part of your particular attention for maintaining the ideal knee nearby your section and allow the clubhead to swing to one o’clock. If you want to get more suggestions for golf tips, you should visit this website: www.pickgolfclubs.com. Thank you for reading my article.



I think the x-24 irons is one of the best golf clubs for any golfer.