The Four Key Factors In Your Swing

The Four Key Factors In Your Swing

Article by Jack Moorehouse

When I mention the word basics in my golf lessons, players start thinking about things like grip, posture, ball position, alignment, and so on. That’s only natural. Golf pros talk so much about these subjects in golf instruction sessions that players assume they’re the focus when the discussion comes round to the basics of a golf shot.

But there are four other basics–plane, centering, radius, and face–that key good ball striking. Players must master the four factors to cut their golf handicaps down to size. These factors, which are sometimes neglected in golf lessons and golf tips, determine consistency. If you’re off with these even slightly, you’ll slice, hook, or mis-hit the shot, regardless of your grip, posture, ball position, or alignment.


Plane is the angle your club takes at address. Your swing should have a circular look to it when viewed from a face on perspective. The swing won’t be a pure circle, but it will have a recognizable circular shape. Looking from down the target line, the circle should be tilted the same angle as the clubshaft as it sits at address. This area encompasses the most direct and powerful route back to the golf ball.

The club must remain in this defined plane as it approaches the golf ball on the downswing. While your swing plane may change from waist high in your downswing to waist high in your finish, your club must go through the original plane at address to hit straight shots solidly. So while you may see some odd looking swings by Tour players, you’ll also see that they always return the club to the same plane of address at the bottom of their swings.


Face is the second important factor. To gain control over the clubface at the moment of impact, your hands must be at the same position when you make contact with the ball as at address or may be a bit forward. Returning your hands to the same position guarantees that your clubface is pointing in the same direction as when you set up to hit the ball.

There are three ways you can hold the club at address–with your hands on the left side of the grip (weak), the middle of the grip (neutral), or the right hand side of the grip (strong) for right-handers. The best grip is the one you can produce naturally shot, after shot, after shot. If you look closely at the pros, you’ll see players with different grips, yet they still hit consistently straight shots. Why? Because the way you grip the club matters less than the how your hands are at address. If you have a strong grip at address, you better not have a weak grip when making impact; otherwise, you’ll end up with either an opened or a closed clubface at impact.


Radius is the distance from your left shoulder (for right handers) to the end of the clubshaft. In other words, it is the distance from the center of your golf swing to the outer-edge. Your lead arm must be in line with or trailing your arm at impact, known as “maintaining radius.” Bobby Jones, the great amateur, called this “good timing.”

Maintaining radius enables you to strike the ball solidly. Many recreational players that I give golf lessons to try to force the shaft of the club past the lead arm prior to impact. This effort causes the clubface to travel up not down, resulting in a fat or thin shot. A loss of radius causes a hook, slice, loss of distance, and wide assortment of other poor shots.


Centering refers to the spine and head at address. While you may have some lateral movement of your head and spine in your swing, consistent hitters keep these areas, or their centers, steady. A steady center involves two things. From a down-the-line-look, the amount that you bend forward from your hips at address is constant throughout your swing. From a face-on perspective, your center (spine and head) remains as constant as possible as well. Your swing, as I’ve explained in my golf tips, revolves around your center.

While the basics like grip, posture, ball position, and alignment are important, they only prepare you to take your swing. They increase your chances of hitting a golf ball when the more important basics are in order, producing accurate, solid shots. To lower your golf handicap, you must the other “basics” of the swing–plane, fact, radius, and center.

About the Author

Jack Moorehouse is the author of the best-selling book “How To Break 80 And Shoot Like The Pros.” He is NOT a golf pro, rather a working man that has helped thousands of golfers from all seven continents lower their handicap immediately.

Team Up With Tiger – Gifts For Golf Pros

Team Up With Tiger – Gifts For Golf Pros

Article by John Smith

Golf is one of the most popular sporting pastimes among men and women of all ages, which is perhaps why many such players consider themselves ‘professional’. Indeed, unless these people are in fact professional golfers, the majority of players who spend their time on local and national courses will have only a medium to good level of skill. Thus, whilst teaming up with Tiger Woods, not Tony might not be a realistic option for many golfers, there are a large number of players around the world who possess the credentials to play golf seriously.

Furthermore, due to the passive aggressive nature of competition in the sport, playing seriously is what many of these golfers end up doing, so for this reason it Continue reading “Team Up With Tiger – Gifts For Golf Pros”

Golf tip: Shorten your follow-through on putts

Golf tip: Shorten your follow-through on putts

Article by

Golf tip: Shorten your follow-through on putts

When trying to hole short putts always putt with a positive stroke that accelerates through impact.

Sometimes, however, it doesn’t always go to plan with the short ones and, as I’ve seen many times in pro-ams and with my pupils, when a golfer tries too hard, he or she becomes tense and the putting stroke becomes undefined and wishy-washy.

Rather than accelerating positively towards the hole, the hands freeze, the putter decelerates through impact and the ball limply rolls off line. To hole more putts learn to make a more positive stroke.

I often read in instructional articles how golf pros advocate a stroke where the putter travels back and through the same distance – ideal in a perfect world. But this advice contains very little acceleration and the stroke can easily slip into a limp and weak effort where the putter head overtakes the hands. If you look at some of the great putters, who consistently hole out under pressure, there is a slight rapping tempo to the stroke, almost like a punch shot in golf.

This ensures that the hands are in control as the putter head accelerates into the ball. Study Tiger Woods (or Jack Nicklaus in his heyday) and one of the great pressure putters Ben Crenshaw. They all accelerate into the ball and have defined finish positions to their putting strokes.

If you are struggling on the greens and leave putts short, shorten the follow through to only two inches past the ball and putt with a ‘rapping tempo’ that encourages acceleration. Being able to curtail the follow through also means the hands are in control after impact and this helps keep the putter face squarer, longer.

Recommended Golf Clubs:

Titleist Scotty Cameron Limited Edition Napa Putter

Scotty Cameron Limited Edition Napa PutterPurists will celebrate the elegant simplicity of Scotty’s classic Napa California putter.

Pure and SimpleLike Scotty’s beloved Napa Valley wine-growing region, the Napa California putter is a product of years of design refinement and subtle improvements.

Flowing LinesLike a sculpture, the Napa California’s smooth character is revealed from solid blocks of raw carbon steel by Scotty’s eye and experienced hand.

Custom Designed Leather HeadcoverCrafted in the U.S. from genuine steer hide and embroidered with over 50,000 stitches this headcover pairs perfectly with Scotty’s Napa California.

Hand-Stitched Pittards of London Fine Leather GripWith the supple feel of the world’s finest glove leather, the black leather grip Scotty chose for the Napa California blends old-world class with the best of high-performance design and style.

Source from:

About the Author

The Best Way to Choose Golf Equipments Lesson

The Best Way to Choose Golf Equipments Lesson

Golf is a sport that is not easy to master. One can have a smooth, fluid backswing, turn back to the ball in perfect fashion and then leave clubface a degree open and the ball goes sailing behind Junior’s Pig Farm. And good golf irons are very important.

It’s hard to stare down at that non-moving, little, white ball and not want to crush it. A beautifully executed drive is what all of us desire, strive for and obsess over. Just like all sports, the sound of perfect  contact is a sound and feel worth striving for. How to achieve that is not easy with all the books, magazines, training devices, golf pros, clubs and balls that are out there to confuse us. To make matters worse there is this guy named Tiger that we all want to be like.

We’ve all had that round where everything is working perfect; we swing on plane, our putting stroke is aligned and our feel around the green is spot on. However, we come back the following week and something changes; we feel cocky and swing harder, our putts sail way past the hole and we shank every pitch shot. The frustration keeps us up at night so much so that we spend the following days and weeks buried in all sorts of books, videos and magazines to find the perfect tip to correct our ailing golf game.

We’ve all been there and we’ve all suffered the same problems. When this happens, we turn to pros for help. There are those of us that have read Ben Hogan’s “Five Lessons” and Harvey Penick’s “Little Red Book.” Some of us have studied the images in Jack Nicklaus’ “Golf my Way” and stored in memory the fixes found in David Leadbetter’s “Faults and Fixes.”

Dave Pelz’s is there to help us with our short game in his book “Short Game Bible”. Annika Sorenstam helps the girls in “Golf Annika’s Way.” John Daly will help you learn how not to live your life. Michael Murphy’s “Golf in the Kingdom” explores the beauty and mystery of this game called golf. (This is my personal favorite)


There are books on fixing slices, shanks, hook, chunks, chili dips and even our heads. Now some of us are not much for reading so we turn to videos and dvd’s to help us along. Some need to see how to swing, act and play the game correct. I prefer this method to get a feel for rhythm and swing path.

So we turn on the TV, watch Tiger and Phil for a bit, make our way to the driving range and swing our little hearts out. After buckets of balls and blisters on each hand, we figure out, we are not these guys. So we go  home and search for more advice.

We read articles in magazines, on the internet and try our hand at more fixes. We test these out and search for more. One day we step foot in a pro shop and run across an amazing new training aid that will cure our golf game woes forever.

Who hasn’t strapped on a “Straight Arm Sleeve” or wrestled with an “Impact Ball?” Some of us have wiggled into the “Perfect Connextion” and stood on Hank Haney’s “Step Minder” and felt unconnected to say the least.

Nick Faldo tries to help with his “Step2 Swing”. Then there is the legendary, disjointed Medicus that “buckles” when one isn’t on the correct swing path. There are training aids for putting, curing a slice, gaining more distance, balance, rhythm, stance and a whole host of other oddities.

I’ve been there, I’ve read all the books, I’ve tried all the fixes and I’ve watched so many golf videos and rounds of golf that my brain can’t comprehend anymore.

Don’t get me wrong, these items are useful and help in many ways, but they can also send one in too many directions.

That all changed for me the day I played a round with my dad and two of his friends ages, 72 and 74. I was 32 years old, in great physical shape and limber as can be. My golf game was OK, but still needed a lot of work. I knew that I could show off for these older guys and show them how a longer hitter plays the game. I couldn’t have been more wrong.

The best golf lesson I ever received came from that round of golf and these two older gentlemen.

The round started out the way I expected; the two older men drove the ball short and down the middle of the fairway with myself driving the ball a hundred yards past them. This was going to be a delight.

I pared the first whole and was up by two on the rest of my competitors. Cockiness settled in and on the second hole I bombed a drive into the pines. The older gentlemen poked the ball down the middle of the fairway,  hit to the green and pared. I had to scramble out of the woods and took a double bogey .

This went on the whole round. I ended up off the fairway while my competitors enjoyed the luxury of the short grass with no obstacles in their way.

After nine I was ten strokes behind my nearest competitor. It was there that I realized how to play this game. The older gentleman had odd, short swings, but they took their time, stayed out of trouble and delivered a consistent blow to the ball hole after hole.

To play nice to choose good golf irons. This game is not about how far you hit the ball or how smooth you look when swinging; it’s about playing smart, swinging within your means and enjoying the time on the course.

We are a professional golf irons sell trade team, we have a long-term sales experience for taylormade driver, bakugans so that we established a good trading relationship between customers, we have global stability of suppliers, our products are exported to America, United Kingdom, Europe and AUS.

Improve Your Golf Game with These Easy Tips

Improve Your Golf Game with These Easy Tips

Article by WA Market

It’s never easy asking for help, but in golf, it is almost a necessity. Unfortunately, we often ask our friends and partners, when in reality we should take a lesson or two.

We think that a Pro would critique harshly, but they are honest, positive and very helpful.Lessons at the local course aren’t as expensive as you might think and they are worth it because your game will improve rapidly and cause you less frustration, making the game much more enjoyable for you.

Of utmost importance, is being honest about your game. The Pro will ask you what you want to start with; driving, chipping, putting or whatever you feel you need help improving.

Listen carefully and follow the instructions. You may have doubts if the Pro changes your stance, your grip or your swing; the Pro knows best. Don’t hesitate to ask questions. Don’t worry about if the question or concern in stupid-they’ve heard it all before and will not make you feel like an idiot for asking. If you don’t “get it”, tell him/her that you’re not getting it. You should never walk away from a lesson with unanswered questions.

You can concentrate on one thing during a lesson, or several. You might start with a lesson in driving; get the right grip, the right stance, the right swing, the right follow-through in one lesson, and then practice it. Next time, you might work on your short game, or putting.

You’ve invested in the equipment, doesn’t it make sense to learn how to use them to their advantage and improve your abilities?

Other than hiring expensive tutors, golf pros use many other tricks in order to improve their game. Rigorous and regular practice is, of course, an obvious tactic.

However, most pros will also exploit their golf accessories in many which ways. If you do the same, it will help improve your game and reduce your handicap as well.

Many pros will attach golf weights to the ends of their clubs. Then they practice their slow swings with the additional weights. This offers 3 distinct benefits –

One, they can quickly develop the correct set of muscles due to the additional resistance.

Second, the extra weights add some zing to their regular training and helps in boosting motivation levels. This in turn, allows the pros to come to the greens and practice regularly, without fail.

And third, it allows them to use the lighter clubs with greater power and accuracy so that their long shots cover a respectable distance with unerring precision.

Pros will also invest a bit of money in another critical accessory – a putting green. This allows them to practice everyday, often, twice a day.

They also prefer using the same putter and same balls that they might use on the golfing green for better control. Pros also watch other pros putting and swinging.

So feel free to rent, buy, download, or borrow instructional DVDs. If you watch other pros then it might help you develop better swings which might help shave a few critical points off your total score.

Must-Have Golf Accessories That Leave You Drooling

Here is a quick check-list of the “It” golf accessories that are must-haves. See if you have them in your golf cart, and if you don’t, put them right on top of your shopping list for golf accessories.

For rookies who keep losing their balls or golfers who cannot keep track of the balls they have hit, this is a god-send. People buy different types and brands of glasses that can keep the golf ball outlined against the grass.

These glasses remove light emitting from non-ball objects so that the only visible object in your line of vision is the errant ball.

Putting greens that throw balls your way and provide inputs on your strokes are must-haves with serious golfers. You may have thought that tees have become as sophisticated as possible but a new version is out these days. This tee comes with a top surface that is made from a brush-like material. This prevents the tee from being ripped out or damaged because your club merely brushes past it instead of impacting it hard.

And the hi-tech golfers all use the scorekeeper which looks a bit like the GameBoy but it keeps score and does all the mathematical calculations for them.

And how about a golf wristwatch which displays your handicap And ever thought about re-using your golf balls by cleaning them professionally with a golf ball cleanser

Is your head already spinning and your mouth drooling Well, keep drooling because there are probably more sophisticated golf accessories hitting the market even as you read this article…

Easy ways to take your game to the next level!

About the Author

Trying to make the world a better place for current and future generations.

Click Here to improve your golf game!

Why Phil Mickelson Likes Callaway Golf

Why Phil Mickelson Likes Callaway Golf

All of us may know that Phil Mickelson likes the Callaway golf, but, not every one know that lots of golf stars like the golf brand too. Why so many golf pros like the Callaway golf? Now, let’s know the newest Callaway Irons.

Callaway X-20 Irons deliver in every way by delivering technology, innovation and playability that will take your game to a new level. With its traditional styling and Callaway Golf core technologies, this iron provides the performance and forgiveness to play the game with enhanced confidence.

The Callaway X-20 Irons offer accuracy and distance without sacrificing feel and control, maximising performance and reducing your scores for all to see. The Callaway brand has created their most reliable iron yet, with their unique design and technology proving to be an asset in any golfer’s bag. Complete with lightweight graphite shafts that ensure an increased swing speed for added power helping to get the ball airborne quickly and effectively from a variety of lies.

Callaway X-20 Irons 3-9PS Features:

>>Extreme Notch Weighting: Redistributes weight to the extreme perimeter of the iron for incredible MOI

>>Progressive Wall Reduction System: Lowers the center of gravity for improved feel and playability

>>Patented Callaway Golf Core Technologies: VFT Technology taken by the Callaway X-20 Irons maximizes ball speed and perimeter weighting for more distance and forgiveness; S2H2 increases discretionary weight by removing it from the hosel and repositioning it in the perimeter of the clubhead; Tru-Bore provides improved feel and clubhead control; 360-Degree Undercut Channel maximizes perimeter weighting by moving the CG lower and farther back in the clubhead, enlarging the hitting area and stabilizing the clubhead for more forgiveness

Thank you for reading my article, you could read some other golf articles such as Know General Golf Mistakes in Golf Course on the or my blog.

If you want to buy good golf clubs or discount golf clubs, you may visit this website:


Medicus Golf Clubs – How And Where To Find All Your Golfing Needs

Medicus Golf Clubs – How And Where To Find All Your Golfing Needs

Let me introduce you to the world of Medicus Golf…. These clubs have completely turned my game around, no more slicing or hooking the ball and contiuously finishing last I can now give my friends a run for their money on the golf course and its all thanks to the Medicus Golf Training Aid Range. Instead of my scores growing, its my bank balance that’s looking healthier as the money I’m saving on golf tuition and the small prices I have paid for my Medicus Golf Clubs. These Medicus Training Clubs have been the best investment I have made.

This won’t be the first article that you will read about the quality of the Medicus Training Aid Range and I’m sure it won’t be the last….. But here is my take on the one of the more popular and revolutionary Training Aids used to improve golfers everywhere of all abilities!!!


Use the Medicus Driver a golf club which has been chosen by golf pros as the Number 1 swing trainer club in the world. The NEW 460cc Oversized head is one of Medicus’ biggest and best driver swing trainers. This golf club makes it easier to use on the range and hit live balls. Join the half a million amateur golfers and thousands of pros and loose your slice and learn to start hitting straighter shots which in turn will lead to you shooting lower scores around the golf course. Once you start swinging without breaking the Medicus Driver you know you are swinging in tempo and on plane. All that’s left now is to see your golf game improve!!

Sound to good to be true….. It works… It has for me!!

The patented Medicus Dual Hinge on the Medicus Driver gives you instant feedback when you are swinging incorrectly so you can identify the flaws in your swing and work on where you are going wrong.

Medicus Golf knows that everyone has heard claims such as ” the best on the market, guaranteed to lower your score, improve your game etc.etc…” so they went on to prove that their products actually can improve your golf game as they knew they could and would so instead of just having a slogan saying it they went on to demonstrate it scientifically. They approached TaylorMade and their TaylorMade Performance Lab and they agreed to perform testing on the Medicus Dual-Hinge Driver.

What TaylorMade Golf did was to randomly select 20 golfers and their baseline swings were measured in the Lab. They then re-measured the same golfers after 15-20 minutes practice with the Medicus Dual-Hinge Driver.

The results were astounding…… What emerged was that three quarters of the group gained additional swing speed and a full third realising a dramatic increase. One golfer in the group increased her swing from approx 53 to 63 mph.

This is just one of the many golf clubs in their vast training aid range and the first purchase I made from the Medicus Range but not my last…

I have bought much of my golf attire from places like ebay and amazon so I have recently stumbled upon a website while searching the internet, that can point people in the right direction if they are interested. The quality of the products I have received are fantastic!! You get quality products from internationally known places…and cheaper!!

There is also a demonstration video that you can view along with other information on how to improve your golf game. This website also has great links to other quality products in the golf market.

You can view this site at

The Best Way to Choose Golf Equipments Lesson

The Best Way to Choose Golf Equipments Lesson

Article by Herry

Golf is a sport that is not easy to master. One can have a smooth, fluid backswing, turn back to the ball in perfect fashion and then leave clubface a degree open and the ball goes sailing behind Junior’s Pig Farm. And good golf irons are very important.

It’s hard to stare down at that non-moving, little, white ball and not want to crush it. A beautifully executed drive is what all of us desire, strive for and obsess over. Just like all sports, the sound of perfect contact is a sound and feel worth striving for. How to achieve that is not easy with all the books, magazines, training devices, golf pros, clubs and balls that are out there to confuse us. To make matters worse there is this guy named Tiger that we all want to be like.

We’ve all had that round where everything is working perfect; we swing on plane, our putting stroke is aligned and our feel around the green is spot on. However, we come back the following week and something changes; we feel cocky and swing harder, our putts sail way past the hole and we shank every pitch shot. The frustration keeps us up at night so much so that we spend the following days and weeks buried in all sorts of books, videos and magazines to find the perfect tip to correct our ailing golf game.

We’ve all been there and we’ve all suffered the same problems. When this happens, we turn to pros for help. There are those of us that have read Ben Hogan’s “Five Lessons” and Harvey Penick’s “Little Red Book.” Some of us have studied the images in Jack Nicklaus’ “Golf my Way” and stored in memory the fixes found in David Leadbetter’s “Faults and Fixes.”

Dave Pelz’s is there to help us with our short game in his book “Short Game Bible”. Annika Sorenstam helps the girls in “Golf Annika’s Way.” John Daly will help you learn how not to live your life. Michael Murphy’s “Golf in the Kingdom” explores the beauty and mystery of this game called golf. (This is my personal favorite)

There are books on fixing slices, shanks, hook, chunks, chili dips and even our heads. Now some of us are not much for reading so we turn to videos and dvd’s to help us along. Some need to see how to swing, act and play the game correct. I prefer this method to get a feel for rhythm and swing path.

So we turn on the TV, watch Tiger and Phil for a bit, make our way to the driving range and swing our little hearts out. After buckets of balls and blisters on each hand, we figure out, we are not these guys. So we go home and search for more advice.

We read articles in magazines, on the internet and try our hand at more fixes. We test these out and search for more. One day we step foot in a pro shop and run across an amazing new training aid that will cure our golf game woes forever.

Who hasn’t strapped on a “Straight Arm Sleeve” or wrestled with an “Impact Ball?” Some of us have wiggled into the “Perfect Connextion” and stood on Hank Haney’s “Step Minder” and felt unconnected to say the least.

Nick Faldo tries to help with his “Step2 Swing”. Then there is the legendary, disjointed Medicus that “buckles” when one isn’t on the correct swing path. There are training aids for putting, curing a slice, gaining more distance, balance, rhythm, stance and a whole host of other oddities.

I’ve been there, I’ve read all the books, I’ve tried all the fixes and I’ve watched so many golf videos and rounds of golf that my brain can’t comprehend anymore.

Don’t get me wrong, these items are useful and help in many ways, but they can also send one in too many directions.

That all changed for me the day I played a round with my dad and two of his friends ages, 72 and 74. I was 32 years old, in great physical shape and limber as can be. My golf game was OK, but still needed a lot of work. I knew that I could show off for these older guys and show them how a longer hitter plays the game. I couldn’t have been more wrong.

The best golf lesson I ever received came from that round of golf and these two older gentlemen.

The round started out the way I expected; the two older men drove the ball short and down the middle of the fairway with myself driving the ball a hundred yards past them. This was going to be a delight.

I pared the first whole and was up by two on the rest of my competitors. Cockiness settled in and on the second hole I bombed a drive into the pines. The older gentlemen poked the ball down the middle of the fairway, hit to the green and pared. I had to scramble out of the woods and took a double bogey.

This went on the whole round. I ended up off the fairway while my competitors enjoyed the luxury of the short grass with no obstacles in their way.

After nine I was ten strokes behind my nearest competitor. It was there that I realized how to play this game. The older gentleman had odd, short swings, but they took their time, stayed out of trouble and delivered a consistent blow to the ball hole after hole.

To play nice to choose good golf irons. This game is not about how far you hit the ball or how smooth you look when swinging; it’s about playing smart, swinging within your means and enjoying the time on the course.

About the Author

We are a professional golf irons sell trade team, we have a long-term sales experience for taylormade driver, bakugans so that we established a good trading relationship between customers, we have global stability of suppliers, our products are exported to America, United Kingdom, Europe and AUS.

The Benefits Of Playing With Used Callaway Golf Products

The Benefits Of Playing With Used Callaway Golf Products

Article by Rihk Jezan Camajalan

The Callaway brand is world class in its quality and they are one of the leading brand names that cater to the needs of golfers. Hardly used Callaway clubs are much cheaper and available at steep discount. Used Callaway clubs are graded and certified with structural integrity of the head, as to proper length, proper loft, serial number authentication, integrity of the shaft and head, grips are replaced and the swing weight checked and field tested. This comprehensive testing makes preowned Callaway clubs highly desirable.

If you are in the market for a new pair of golf clubs, definitely look at Callaway golf clubs. They may not suit everyone but clubs and equipment by Callaway can compete with the best in the world. Callaway drivers are world famous. Not all Callaway driver can be used for official games since it will drive the ball further than other drivers. If you just golf weekends, it can add to the enjoyment of the game. The shaft is not very weighty and the head has a good deal of weight to it. There hollow head drivers liken them like fairway woods. There are a lot of different golf club models to choose from.

There are golf clubs and club sets crafted to suit the pros and beginners. It allows those new to the game a superior set of clubs. This will help one become a better player faster using superior tools. The features range from adjustable golf clubs to half sets that help you get used to the sport in no time. Many golf pros and coaches will recommend that amateur player start by purchasing a “half-set” golf clubs. These sets often contain only the even or odd numbered irons, a 3-wood and a putter. A typical set would be 3,5,7,9,PW,SW and 3-wood.

Callaway provides you with the entire range of products necessary for the game from golf apparel, golf shoes or even the hats and shirts, golf bags to golf balls and a whole lot more branded items. Callaway has something for everyone, from beginner to professional, even preowned Callaway clubs.

About the Author

RihkJezan Camajalan has been a regular online shopping client for quite a long time now. He writes reviews and ideas on how to get the best out of online shopping. He’s also interested with sports like golf, winter sports and basketball. He also loves writes about used Callaway clubs.