Improve Your Golf Game with These Easy Tips

Improve Your Golf Game with These Easy Tips

Article by WA Market

It’s never easy asking for help, but in golf, it is almost a necessity. Unfortunately, we often ask our friends and partners, when in reality we should take a lesson or two.

We think that a Pro would critique harshly, but they are honest, positive and very helpful.Lessons at the local course aren’t as expensive as you might think and they are worth it because your game will improve rapidly and cause you less frustration, making the game much more enjoyable for you.

Of utmost importance, is being honest about your game. The Pro will ask you what you want to start with; driving, chipping, putting or whatever you feel you need help improving.

Listen carefully and follow the instructions. You may have doubts if the Pro changes your stance, your grip or your swing; the Pro knows best. Don’t hesitate to ask questions. Don’t worry about if the question or concern in stupid-they’ve heard it all before and will not make you feel like an idiot for asking. If you don’t “get it”, tell him/her that you’re not getting it. You should never walk away from a lesson with unanswered questions.

You can concentrate on one thing during a lesson, or several. You might start with a lesson in driving; get the right grip, the right stance, the right swing, the right follow-through in one lesson, and then practice it. Next time, you might work on your short game, or putting.

You’ve invested in the equipment, doesn’t it make sense to learn how to use them to their advantage and improve your abilities?

Other than hiring expensive tutors, golf pros use many other tricks in order to improve their game. Rigorous and regular practice is, of course, an obvious tactic.

However, most pros will also exploit their golf accessories in many which ways. If you do the same, it will help improve your game and reduce your handicap as well.

Many pros will attach golf weights to the ends of their clubs. Then they practice their slow swings with the additional weights. This offers 3 distinct benefits –

One, they can quickly develop the correct set of muscles due to the additional resistance.

Second, the extra weights add some zing to their regular training and helps in boosting motivation levels. This in turn, allows the pros to come to the greens and practice regularly, without fail.

And third, it allows them to use the lighter clubs with greater power and accuracy so that their long shots cover a respectable distance with unerring precision.

Pros will also invest a bit of money in another critical accessory – a putting green. This allows them to practice everyday, often, twice a day.

They also prefer using the same putter and same balls that they might use on the golfing green for better control. Pros also watch other pros putting and swinging.

So feel free to rent, buy, download, or borrow instructional DVDs. If you watch other pros then it might help you develop better swings which might help shave a few critical points off your total score.

Must-Have Golf Accessories That Leave You Drooling

Here is a quick check-list of the “It” golf accessories that are must-haves. See if you have them in your golf cart, and if you don’t, put them right on top of your shopping list for golf accessories.

For rookies who keep losing their balls or golfers who cannot keep track of the balls they have hit, this is a god-send. People buy different types and brands of glasses that can keep the golf ball outlined against the grass.

These glasses remove light emitting from non-ball objects so that the only visible object in your line of vision is the errant ball.

Putting greens that throw balls your way and provide inputs on your strokes are must-haves with serious golfers. You may have thought that tees have become as sophisticated as possible but a new version is out these days. This tee comes with a top surface that is made from a brush-like material. This prevents the tee from being ripped out or damaged because your club merely brushes past it instead of impacting it hard.

And the hi-tech golfers all use the scorekeeper which looks a bit like the GameBoy but it keeps score and does all the mathematical calculations for them.

And how about a golf wristwatch which displays your handicap And ever thought about re-using your golf balls by cleaning them professionally with a golf ball cleanser

Is your head already spinning and your mouth drooling Well, keep drooling because there are probably more sophisticated golf accessories hitting the market even as you read this article…

Easy ways to take your game to the next level!

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These Golf Exercises Will Have You Hitting It Like Tiger.not That The Golf Ball Silly

These Golf Exercises Will Have You Hitting It Like Tiger.not That The Golf Ball Silly

The old days of the unfit golfer have gone for ever .Even if you are just a social golfer doing simple routines that will improve your game make sense.

The golf strengthening and conditioning exercises I am going to give you on this page will improve your game and have you feeling fitter and stronger.

The game of golf is now played in a much more athletic way then is was in the past. Players like Tiger Woods and Greg Norman have brought athleticism and fitness to the game. The routines in the gym that modern players like Tiger and Greg use have proven to be just as important as the time they spend practising on course.

Along with some gym exercises I am also going to give you some great stretching exercises that you can do at home or the office.

 I will start with the all time best stretching exercises for Golfers.


 Stretch 1: The Oblique Twist


STEP 1: Sit down and slowly lower your back on to the ground until you are as fat as a pancake. Put your hands out directly from your shoulders to form a t shape, then lower them a little so your hands are pointing about 1 foot wide of your feet.

STEP 2: Raise your legs up whilst keeping your torso completely still, and then lower both legs to one side of your body. The key thing is to keep your upper body quite straight and rigid, as this will strengthen your obliques.

STEP 3: Simply lift your legs back up to the centre position and then lower down again to the other side.

By holding, your legs in the centre position for 30 or 40 seconds each time you will further strengthen your core.

Think about this exercise and then think about the motion your body goes through when you are hitting a shot. The twist with each golf shot put pressure on the obliques so strengthening them up has to make sense.


Stretch 2: The Oblique push down


STEP 1: Lie flat on your back and then bend your knees in towards your buttocks. Lock your fingers and place them behind your neck. like you are about to do a sit up.

STEP 2: Twist your left shoulder towards your left knee until the middle part of your back begins to lift off the floor. Twist until you feel a strain on your abdominals and hold for about 20 seconds.

STEP 3: Return back to your starting position and repeat on the other side.


Dumbbell Exercises


 Exercise one: Wrist Grip Power


STEP 1: Grab a dumbbell with each hand that is light and grip tightly, then hold each weight down against your sides. Lift both weights upward until your elbows are at 90 degrees and hold for 5 seconds.

STEP 2: Whilst tensing your arms and forearms simply twist your wrists at the same time in and then out.

As simple as this exercise sounds it will strengthen you wrists quickly and give you more control when chipping and driving.

 Exercise Two: Stance Power

This exercise will strengthen your quads and your hamstrings, which both play a role when you drive a golf ball.

STEP 1: Stand with your feet shoulder length apart, and hold the same light pair of dumbbells. Lower the dumbbells down against your sides about 10 centimetres wide from your thighs.

STEP 2: Bend down at your knees and stabilize, then spring up into the air. Land down in the knees bent position when you come down and repeat for 20 repetitions.

Over the next few days, I will detail a number of additional golfing stretches and weight routines. The main muscle groups that we will cover in the routines are the hamstrings,glutes,quadriceps,trapezius,triceps,abdominals and the rectus.

Using the exercises described above with the additional ones that I would publish shortly about three times a week will improve your power and endurance quickly.

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