What is the best place for a blog?

What is the best place for a blog?

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The Benefits of Junior Golf for Children and Teens

The Benefits of Junior Golf for Children and Teens

Article by Pat Boardman

Golf is an elite activity out of the reach of many but for those families who can afford it and who are able to interest their children in taking the sport, it can instill confidence as they grow and improve. Learning early will avoid embarrassment later in life if they try to learn as an adult; the sight of their awkward and disjointed swings will invite a lot of ridicule among the more skilled.

Dedication to a sport is difficult to measure when laying money for equipment so parents tend to think twice about golf club quality. Almost all of experienced parents have had a child get bored with a musical instrument or other interest and golf can be a frustrating experience that many players quit. It takes a lot of time to drive the kids out to the golf course, wait for your tee-off time, slog through the rough looking for lost balls while being pressured from behind from the next foursome hoping their drives don’t hit you in the head through eighteen stressful holes of three-putting in the burning sun.

If golf is easily available to the young son or daughter and they show interest and a bit of skill it may well be worthwhile investing in some golf accessories like spiked shoes and high-quality clubs to encourage them to stick with it. There are ideal lengths of clubs based on the height of each youngster; manufacturers use a chart to determine the lengths of the woods, five-irons, and nine irons and match the other clubs accordingly. A golfer who is four foot ten would use woods that are thirty-seven to thirty-eight inches long, a five iron thirty-two and a half inches to thirty-three and a half inches long and so on. As the youngster grows every two inches new golf clubs would be a good idea if funding is no issue. If there is large social circle and family involved in golf then trading or buying and selling used clubs may be possible but as all golfers know, a bag of golf clubs isn’t the biggest expense when taking up the sport. Thousands of dollars are spent on golf course membership fees, travel expenses, food and beverages, and pro shop items when living the lifestyle of a regular golfer.

Very few golfers will go on to play professionally but golf is also a social and business event that can allow making connections with people who can matter in your life. Golf has a lot to do with style and dignity at the country club now that it’s not the all-male activity that it was in the past. Many husbands went to the golf course to get away from the family and drink with his buddies after playing a few rounds. The beauty of the country setting can be just as intoxicating; golf has a fitting reputation as being addictive.

When golfers reach a reasonably skillful level where they can break one-hundred and make a few memorable shots then it all seems worthwhile, although golf is not technically considered good exercise. The motions of golf shots are based on skill and aren’t physically taxing and walking with a bag is more like being a mailman than an athlete. Aerobics aren’t part of golf and the irritation of bad shots puts many in a miserable snit where club-breaking is the first urge. There always seem to be slow players ahead of you and fast players creeping up from behind occasionally yelling “fore!” just to add some danger and excitement to the afternoon.

When watching televised golf tournaments and reading about the fast-lane lifestyle of millionaire golf champions, it’S understandable that we envy those who have mastered the game of millimeters and achieved lasting fame. How they got that good is a mystery to those of us who never seem to get a better score and continually lose twenty-five dollars worth of golf balls each time we play and take liberties with the scorecard to maintain a modicum of dignity at the nineteenth hole. As long as the swing looks good you can proove that you learned as a child.

About the Author

SEO consultant Pat Boardman presents this information in respect to Tiger Cub Junior Golf Clubs, manufacturers of golf equipment and suppliers of golf club sets for young players.

Golf Training Review – The Simple Golf Swing System

Golf Training Review – The Simple Golf Swing System

Article by Anthony Devine

Are you looking for online golf training lessons at an affordable price to help improve your golf swing? If so, this article is a review of The Simple Golf Swing system, an online golf swing e-course and guide that has already been sold and used by more than 260,000 golfers! If you are interested to learn more about a golf swing training program that claims it can reduce your golf handicap by 7 to 12 strokes in only two weeks or less, please continue to read this review.

For most golfers, it is difficult to find, perform and repeat their ideal swing. It can be downright difficult and frustrating, even for the most of seasoned golfers. When golf training, your swing requires so much, but, at the same time, so little going on for you to be successful. Ideally, you want your body to be relaxed and at ease, without tension, and allow your hands and arms to swing the club through the golf ball like a pendulum on a clock. Additionally, as you follow through and finish your swing, you need to be balanced as well as freely, yet forcefully, drive your club’s hear through the golf ball.

With The Simple Golf Swing e-course, it provides you with a full golf swing breakdown and analysis, which enables you to identify and correct your swing flaws at any point in the swing process. As discussed in the e-course, the golf swing steps include:

The Setup – In this portion of the e-course, it provides both text and pictures to illustrate proper swing discipline and setting your swing up prior to the swing to help achieve maximum success with each swing you take on the course. Any golfer, regardless of years’ experience and/or skill set, will be able to quickly go through, understand and implement the swing set up tools provided in this section of the e-course. Proper setup, both physically and mentally, can definitely reduce the average golfer’s handicap by 2-4 strokes per round.

The Grip – Without the proper golf club grip, your likelihood for success on the course is not very good. This e-course will take you by the hand and show you the proper grip you need to have a solid, correct and fluid golf swing. This one golf training tip can save the average golfer several golf strokes each time out on the course. This section of the e-course, complete with photos and text, can further reduce an average golfer’s score by another 2-3 strokes per 18 holes.

Alignment – One obvious, but often overlooked, flaw in many golfers’ swing systems is the alignment of their golf club in relation to the golf ball. This is a simple correction, but many golfers do not do it, not because they don’t want to, but rather they do not realize that their golf club’s face is misaligned to the ball in the first place. Consequently, with improper golf club alignment, the average golfer has already lowered his or her probability of success of hitting the ball straight. Once a golfer reads and visually sees the alignment issue in the e-course, he or she will be able to instantly incorporate an alignment correction into their golf swing and thus, should reduce their handicap by 2-4 strokes per round.

Timing – Proper swing timing, which is very difficult to teach, is even more difficult to obtain, but essential to the average golfer’s overall success on the golf course. Much of a golfer’s swing timing is a mental one – trying not to rush or take the swing too slow. The Simple Golf Swing system discusses timing and will help you break down this mental barrier that many golfers have, even after years of playing and experience. That’s what makes golf fun, yet frustrating all at the same time! However, with improved timing, your swing and overall score will greatly improve in a very short period of time!

About the Author

Like myself and many other golfers, golf is, bar none, the most difficult and frustrating game in the world to master and play. And yet, it is one of the most endearing and fun games to play as well. With The Simple Golf Swing system, the average golfer has the opportunity learn the necessary golf training and swing system needed to reduce his or her handicap by 7 to 12 strokes in two weeks or less.

While I’m not the world’s greatest golfer, I have enjoyed the game a little bit more each and every time I go out on to the course. If you are like me, want to learn more about improving your swing, your handicap, and are interested in learning more about an online golf training system, go to http://www.golftrainingsecrets.com, where you will find additional information about The Simple Golf Swing system.

Guidelines for Driving a Golf Ball Straight

Guidelines for Driving a Golf Ball Straight

Article by David P.

How to Drive a Golf Ball Straight

In the game of golf, your golf club will be your steering wheel. If you use it properly you will be able to direct the golf ball in the right direction. For long range shots, the hardest part is to drive your golf ball straight and as far as possible. To achieve this, one must have perfect stance, position and grip. A different kind of golf club is also needed for long range shots, which makes it even harder.

To fully achieve this, all you need is practice. You just have to do it over and over again, to get a feel of how it should be done, since golf has just one step: to swing the golf club.

Here are some tips to help you execute the perfect drive:

Using the right golf club. When you start buying your very first golf clubs, they usually come in a set. Each golf club has its own specific use in the golf course, and for this task a golfer should master how to use his driver. The driver is the longest club in the set, and has been proven to be the hardest and toughest to learn. Because of its massive size, it makes hitting the ball a daunting task; even professionals find it difficult to do. Being comfortable with using your driver is the best way when one wants to learn how to drive the ball straight and far. Once you feel comfortable with your equipment everything will follow. For beginners, it is ideal to pick a driver with a longer body and a bigger head, this makes it easier to use. As you master the skill, then you can go to use drivers which are developed for skilled golfers; they usually have slimmer heads.

Accuracy and sense of direction. Getting the best driver is useless if the golfer has no sense of accuracy. You don’t just hit a ball and expect it to go far away. When playing golf, you need to have a destination. The location of the flag and golf hole will determine the strength of your swing: the farther the hole, the stronger your swing should be. This can only be mastered by practice. Doing it over and over again will help the golfer get a feel of how strong or how weak a swing should be, the player should also be accurate when it comes to knowing how weak or strong a swing should be.

Stance. Stance is crucial when hitting the ball. A golfer should have a good feel of the ground, and a good positioning of the body is needed in order to create the perfect swing which will in turn create a straighter and farther drive. For longer shots, a golfer should position his feet farther apart and bending his knees slightly for shorter range shots. Focus on the ball, take a deep breathe, swing your club, and hit that golf ball as far as possible. A good stance is the best base for a longer and straighter drive.

All other external factors. Making a long, straight drive is also affected by other elements other than you. The winds and weather on a specific day can greatly affect your performance. It is always best to go and practice your drives on a sunny, windless day. This way your ball doesn’t slow down while it is in the air. Professionals already know how much harder they should swing or hit the ball on days when the winds are strong. To overcome this, one just needs a lot of practice. You can start playing in different kinds of weather and master the techniques in hitting a ball straight even in the harshest of weathers.

Grip. A good grip on your driver can also help create that perfect drive that we all want to achieve. Since the driver is the longest club, gripping it even tighter is needed. Because of its size, if you don’t get a good grip on it, downswings can become great disasters. Some first timers end up losing grip of the driver and eventually send it flying in the air. The basic rules for gripping still stay the same; a tighter one is just needed for this.

About the Author

Want to learn more about driving a golf ball straight? Visit my website at http://www.golfinginstructionmanual.com for helpful tips and information on how to improve your golf game.

Guide To Giving A Golf Accessory As A Gift

Guide To Giving A Golf Accessory As A Gift

No golfer is complete without an odd and eccentric arrangement of strange accessories to help him get through the day. Golfers certainly have a lot to choose from, since it is one of the most accessorized sports out there. If you are looking for some nice golfing accessories, either for yourself or as a gift for a golfing loved one, you will have no problem finding something that will tickle your fancy.

Here I will discuss some of the most practical golf accessories. There are many more than the ones that will be discussed here, but most of them are hardly able to be classified as useful. If you are looking for more of a gag gift, you may want to look elsewhere. However, if your needs include a useful golf accessory, read on.

Motorized golf caddies are devices that will carry the golfer’s clubs alongside him as he walks. Rather than straining himself by carrying the clubs manually, he can simply enjoy a stroll through the scenic golf course while the motorized caddy does most of the hard work. Before you buy one of these, you should be sure that the recipient will have a need for it.

Some golfers prefer to leave their clubs in their golf cart, or to simply hire a human caddy. Find out about the golfer’s habits, and decide for yourself whether you think he would find a motorized caddy useful or not. The prices can run fairly high, so you want to make sure that the enjoyment is worth the money.


Home training equipment is also very popular in the golfing community. There are many different devices that are meant to teach golfers to swing with better technique in the comfort of their own homes. These are known as golf swing trainers, and are generally more on the expensive side than any other golf gift.

There are quite a few different choices, from the basic home putting green to more advanced accelerometer-enhanced clubs that will detect your swinging angles and speed. Again, this is not the kind of gift that you should buy out of nowhere. Discuss it with the person you would like to give it to, and make sure that it would be put to good use.

Overall, you should know that golfers are a fairly easy crowd to please. Anyone who is happy just hitting balls with sticks all day will have no problem entertaining themselves with any of the gimmicky or novelty gifts that you can come up with. Therefore if you are trying to find one of the top golf accessories for yourself or a golfing friends or family member, you shouldn’t worry too much about finding the perfect thing.

As long as they have decent clubs, they should be set. Golf clubs are by far the most expensive part of a golfer’s arsenal of items, and the most important part as well. If you want to buy golf clubs for someone, you would probably do better to give them a gift certificate or coupon so that they can choose them on their own.

Another gift that is great for golfer’s are some sort of trip to a golf course that they would really enjoy going to. Sometimes an avid golfer doesn’t have the time (or doesn’t give himself enough of a break) to visit some of the nicer or more exotic golfing locations. If you really want to surprise and delight a golfer, you should plan a golfing vacation to one of the nicer locations in the world.

Maybe a place where you can golf for most of the day, then swim in the ocean for a few hours before heading to your deluxe hotel. Usually if you plan it right you can keep the cost from being too insanely high, but most of the time it is better to indulge yourself and spend what it takes to have a great time.

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Golf Swing Improvement Secrets To Stop The Insanity

Golf Swing Improvement Secrets To Stop The Insanity

Article by Mike Pedersen, CPT

Golf swing improvement can be elusive for most golfers. I have read many articles and studies on the huge number of golfers quitting the game every year. They are tired of putting in the time, buying equipment, taking lessons, and purchasing every golf training aid on the market only to see no golf swing improvement.

You can’t fault a frustrated golfer who experiences the above and quits. Life is too short to spend 5 hours on a golf course and not enjoy it.

Let’s discuss why this happens!

First off, golf swing improvement should be approached from the inside-out. That means starting with your body. If your body has physical restrictions, you won’t ever be able to make a repeatable golf swing with any power or accuracy. It’s a physical impossibility.

You can try-and-try, but it won’t happen!

You body dictates your golfing ability. Like in any sport, raw talent is hard to come by and is only for a small percent of the athletic community.

Do you feel like you should be a better golfer? How many times have you walked off the course in disgust…knowing you should have played much better? This is a common occurrence and one that can be fixed quickly.

The right approach to golf swing improvement is one that looks at your current golf swing faults and the ‘physical’ reason behind it. I see this all the time. A golfer takes a lesson; the instructor tells the golfer what he needs to do; and the golfer can’t do it!

What a frustrating situation!

For every swing fault, there is an underlying ‘physical’ reason why it keeps happening.

Let me give you one of many examples to substantiate the above statement.

You are a slicer. That means you come “over-the-top” with your upper body. Do you want to know one of the many reasons why this happens?

Here goes!

You have poor core strength and flexibility.

If your body cannot initiate the downswing with the lower body, especially the hips rotating; it is because your core muscles are sending a message to your brain saying, “we can’t do this, so figure out another way (compensation) to get me back to the ball.”

Now the upside to this scenario.

You work on your core rotational strength and flexibility. You don’t hit more balls. You don’t add more swing thoughts to your swing. You don’t do drills at the range til your hands are bleeding. You just improve your core. That’s it!

The result?

You are able to initiate the downswing with your lower body, create and retain stored energy in your core area, and you not only stop your slice, but you add 30 yards to your drives!

That’s golf swing improvement the right way!

Again, this is just one example of a golf swing fault; and the cause and solution to eliminating it forever.

Now golf is fun again!

So when you think of playing better golf; take a new approach to your golf swing improvement.

About the Author

About The Author: Mike Pedersen is one of the top golf performance experts in the country. He is Golf Magazine’s golf performance expert author, and founder of several cutting-edge online golf performance sites. Take a look at his just released golf performance dvds and manual at his golf swing improvement site – Perform Better Golf.

Increased swing speed from TaylorMade Tour Burner Driver Review

Increased swing speed from TaylorMade Tour Burner Driver Review

Article by Golf Club Sets

I’ve layed a friend’s Tour Burner Driver with 10.5 degrees loft, Aldila NV 65R SST Pured shaft.. I wasn’t sure if the pured shaft made the difference, but i was hitting some good drives with it. first off the tee was a low hook. probably due to the slightly closed face angle, but on the next 4-5 holes, i was hitting pretty straight drives in the fairway. the feel of the NV is very smooth. The first thing you’ll notice about the Tour Burner is the large size of the sole of the club which is larger than the crown. This is part of the new Dual Crown technology, which is crucial to the driver’s performance. A clearly delineated groove encircles the extra large clubhead, separating the crown and the sole, giving the club a unique look. An advantage of having a smaller crown is the reduction in weight, making the Tour Burner 18% lighter than the crown of Taylor Made’s Burner Driver.The TaylorMade Golf Tour Burner Driver has a dual crown made of steel, and the weighted power-base promotes increased distance. The lower and precision-placed center of gravity offers a higher launch angle and lower spin, while the SuperFast Technology gives increased swing speed. The exceptionally high MOI of the Taylormade Tour Burner driver head makes it extremely stable and forgiving on off-center hits. During my tests at both the driving range and on the golf course my off-center hits still went straight and long, thanks to the high MOI. That benefit, combined with the advantage provided by TaylorMade’s patented Inverted Cone Technology (ICT), result in even higher ball speed on off-center hits. Inverted Cone Technology is characterized by a shallow cone milled directly onto the inner side of the clubface and changes the way the face behaves at impact so that a larger area of the face delivers higher ball speed. Higher ball speeds leads to the tour-caliber distance we all desire.The Taylormade Tour Burner also features TaylorMade’s SuperFast technology, embodied by the combination of a Fujikura SuperFast 60-gram shaft that combines low torque with a stiff .350″ tip, an extra-light Golf Pride Tour Velvet grip and a club-length of 45.5″. As mentioned before the club feels so light in your hand and looks svelte. Together these premium components promote faster swing speed for increased distance. The online shop Wholesale golf clubs is a good leading golf site to nuy golfequipment and I like this combo so much right now, i’m looking to build a driver with the exact specs. 

About the Author

Wholesale Golf Clubs Mart

Several areas to your playing golf getaway

Several areas to your playing golf getaway

Several areas to your playing golf getaway

Inside scenario you might be an enthusiastic player; you then could be daydreaming regarding planning more than a playing golf getaway. Yet, while using the results regarding playing golf holiday seasons to pick out coming from, the particular problem which is uppermost as part of your feelings is strictly in which to generate a starting out and also just what is the possible places in the first place?

Despite the fact that there could be many playing golf plans to pick from through the entire world, you can find definitely any level of which can be an easy method forwards with all the other folks. Consequently, should anyone ever come in pursuit regarding several with all the very best playing golf web-sites about, in that case your look for comes to an end the following! Several with exceptional playing golf web-sites around the globe could be identified the following. The best possible Playing golf web-sites individuals bring to be able to playing golf in the course of almost all nations around the world, and this also displays that there are truly an extensive selection of playing golf plans regarding 1 to produce a selection about.

Any many are usually outstanding to be able to other folks and also inside scenario you are interested in any really wonderful playing golf getaway then a future playing golf destinations could be especially what you may come in pursuit regarding: The use In the event, an individual are considering moving into The use, you may find out there are many playing golf web-sites which is often merely amazing. Hands Rises is without question on the list of really impressive playing golf holiday seasons specifically to first tee away from. That loves exceptional weather together with merely 20 or so instances regarding maximum negative weather conditions every one of the calendar year by means of and yes it offers exceptionally gorgeous pile opinions. Hands Rises provides all of it, and for that reason no matter whether you might be a great newbie or possibly a particular player, an individual specific can easily locate factor which could verify the expertise. Jamaica Today, should anyone ever are usually really thinking about finding a playing golf crack, next Jamaica could be the best spot to suit your needs. It’s got great playing golf accommodations to pick out coming from including the gorgeous Shoes playing golf holiday resort.


Today, Shoes without doubt certainly are a frequent playing golf place because of the charming environs. should anyone ever are usually looking with all the fantastic holiday resort so that you will basically can easily move playing golf, you then totally should come around that with Shoes Holiday resort. The particular great level concerning selecting Shoes being a playing golf escape with discount golf clubs will be the fact that involves almost everything. eco-friendly expenditures and also travel to be able to and in addition from the playing golf plans are usually built-in and for that reason there’s no added take the time in your case to be able to stress concerning. Consequently,Jamaica is totally on the list of very best places to look playing golf should anyone ever want a great establishing. Scotland regardless of the fact The European union offers regarding the number of playing golf destinations, Scotland provides underlined the supremacy because location.

The particular Prestwick playing golf club definitely could be the very best playing golf internet site inside Scotland, created by Mary Morris. In reality, it really is this kind of unbelievably system in which managed the particular original English Available, in the past once more inside 1860, and also so it will be impressive from your traditional point of view. It’ll be the spot with the complete sponsor regarding tournaments and yes it will make on the market several issues regarding future players together with TaylorMade Burner SuperFast TP Driver. In regards to the complete, you can find relatively any level of totally extraordinary playing golf holiday seasons across the world and also figuring out in regards to the best sorts could be any unbelievably difficult job. However, the particular sorts explained previously mentioned are usually unquestionably well worth evaluating out there and so should anyone ever want planning more than a playing golf getaway, these kinds of can definitely match up the particular costs.

I’m a golf enthusiast, I’v been in this field for just 2 years, I like golf very much, so I have learn a lot of skills from others. I hope more people love this great game and improve their skills with golf clubs for sale and some little suggestions from my articles.

How to Quickly Fix Your Golf Club Grip and Improve Your Swing

How to Quickly Fix Your Golf Club Grip and Improve Your Swing

Article by Lex Wayne

Every year after the long hibernation of winter, we dust off our bags, shine up our shoes, polish our clubs, and head off to the golf course to play the gentlemen’s game of golf. So I thought that this would be a wonderful time to think about why we play golf, and review some points of golf etiquette. There is an old golf saying, “Play the ball as it lies, play the course as you find it, and if you cannot do either, do what is fair.” We would always do well to follow this simple rule as it makes the game more enjoyable for everyone concerned.

Golf is a social game, and you frequently find an interesting mix of players on the course at any given time.

So, as we begin a new season of play, this is a wonderful time to think about why we play golf, and review some points of golf etiquette.

Always think safety. There are little, round projectiles sailing past you on all sides. Look where you aim to make sure that there are no other players in your path. Keep your eyes open for a stray ball plummeting from the sky, and sound the alert, “Fore!” if you’ve hit a wild one!

Be considerate of other players in the group by limiting your movement and taking care to speak quietly especially when other players are lining up their shots. You will appreciate it when your friends afford you the same courtesy.

Be aware of your pace of play. Try to rate yourself to the pace of the course on any given day, but if that is just not working, always be polite and allow a faster group to play through, and try not to breathe down the neck of the group in front of you.

Do your absolute best to leave the course as you found it. Everyone causes a divot at some point in his golf career, and there is no shame in this. Leaving it in disrepair, however, is just plain inconsiderate. This same rule would apply to leaving ball marks on the greens. Somewhat in the same vein, when you plow through a bunker, the rake is provided for a reason, to make it like you were never there!

By just putting a little thought into your fellow golfers, you can make everyone’s golfing day the best one — so far anyway!

About the Author

For the best golf tips, visit: <strong>The Simple Golf Swing Review</strong>

Playing Your 1st Golf Round – The Putt

Playing Your 1st Golf Round – The Putt

Article by Mike D’Auria

The “Putt” is the stroke or shot in golf once your ball has landed on the green. This shot calls for rolling the ball toward the flagstick or cup if the flag has already been removed and is normally made using the putter. The putter is the club which has the least loft and a relatively flat face. If you have followed parts one thru eight in “Playing Your First Golf Round” then you have progressed from making your first tee time reservation, arriving at the golf course, the first tee jitters, hitting your clubs and progressing down the fairway and finally reaching the green. Congratulations!

There are two key ingredients to making a good putt, Speed and Direction. Because the green usually slopes in different directions it is key to learn how to read the slope of the green. The five main different types of putts normally encountered are Uphill, Downhill, Left To Right, Right To Left and Straight. For an uphill putt the ball must be struck harder in order to make it up the incline slope. The opposite holds true for a downhill putt because the ball will have a tendency to accelerate down the slope depending on the severity of the decline of that slope. A left to right putt will do exactly what it says – go from left to right. This means that you will aim your ball toward a target or line left of the cup and the opposite holds true for a right to left putt. The amount of distance left or right again depends on the severity of the slope of the green. There are also double breaking putts and even triple, which are usually associated with longer putts on very undulating greens, but that is a discussion for another time. When first starting to putt I would advise to aim directly at the cup or flagstick and experiment to get a feel for both speed and direction. These two ingredients of putting are critical to ultimately scoring well at golf. More than half of the total strokes of a persons score are usually made on the putting green.

I would strongly recommend that the beginning golfer spend some time on the practice green before teeing off and checking out the golf videos available on Putting if you want to accelerate your learning curve. It is not as easy as it looks to groove a really good putting stroke without some effort and PRACTICE, which is Key to all aspects of the game!

Good Luck with your game and Happy Golfing To All!

About the Author

My name is Mike D’Auria and I grew up in the Canarsie section of Brooklyn. I started playing golf 30 years ago when I sustained a severe hamstring injury while playing softball. I’ve been playing ever since and have never looked back. For more valuable info on golf visit http://guideforbeginninggolfers.com