How to Quickly Fix Your Golf Club Grip and Improve Your Swing

How to Quickly Fix Your Golf Club Grip and Improve Your Swing

Article by Lex Wayne

Every year after the long hibernation of winter, we dust off our bags, shine up our shoes, polish our clubs, and head off to the golf course to play the gentlemen’s game of golf. So I thought that this would be a wonderful time to think about why we play golf, and review some points of golf etiquette. There is an old golf saying, “Play the ball as it lies, play the course as you find it, and if you cannot do either, do what is fair.” We would always do well to follow this simple rule as it makes the game more enjoyable for everyone concerned.

Golf is a social game, and you frequently find an interesting mix of players on the course at any given time.

So, as we begin a new season of play, this is a wonderful time to think about why we play golf, and review some points of golf etiquette.

Always think safety. There are little, round projectiles sailing past you on all sides. Look where you aim to make sure that there are no other players in your path. Keep your eyes open for a stray ball plummeting from the sky, and sound the alert, “Fore!” if you’ve hit a wild one!

Be considerate of other players in the group by limiting your movement and taking care to speak quietly especially when other players are lining up their shots. You will appreciate it when your friends afford you the same courtesy.

Be aware of your pace of play. Try to rate yourself to the pace of the course on any given day, but if that is just not working, always be polite and allow a faster group to play through, and try not to breathe down the neck of the group in front of you.

Do your absolute best to leave the course as you found it. Everyone causes a divot at some point in his golf career, and there is no shame in this. Leaving it in disrepair, however, is just plain inconsiderate. This same rule would apply to leaving ball marks on the greens. Somewhat in the same vein, when you plow through a bunker, the rake is provided for a reason, to make it like you were never there!

By just putting a little thought into your fellow golfers, you can make everyone’s golfing day the best one — so far anyway!

About the Author

For the best golf tips, visit: <strong>The Simple Golf Swing Review</strong>

How to Eliminate Your Golf Slice Quickly and Easily

How to Eliminate Your Golf Slice Quickly and Easily

Here’s a really good tip that may help you to get rid of your slice. Best of all, it’s really pretty simple once you get the hang of it, and understand why it’s being used.

Chances are that you have battled with a slice at some point in your golfing days. To be completely direct with you, dealing with a slice really sucks. It hurts your golf game in many more ways than one.

Luckily, it’s fairly easy to fix. I cannot claim that this small tip will completely cure your slice, but there’s a good chance that it will. I hope it does.

First off, please understand that when you come into the impact zone, there are really only 2 factors that can determine the “shape” of ball flight.

The angle of the club face at impact.

The Path the club is taking at impact.

So, here’s a few things you should concentrate on.

Try to keep your leading shoulder “down” on the ball through impact. This is called staying strong through impact. Many times the leading shoulder (left shoulder if right handed) flies up before impact. Now just for a minute, think about what that does to the club head when it’s in the impact zone.

Get up from the computer and actually go though the motions slowly. Let your leading shoulder fly up as you approach impact and you’ll actually be able feel and see the clubface coming from an outside-in path. That’s the cause of the slice you are battling.

See, golf is all about thinking and analyzing your shots to get better. A huge part of this game is understanding “why” you’re getting a certain result, and the physics behind that result. Thinking through your golf swing will provide huge dividends if you’re willing to invest the time it takes.

So what can you do to correct that flying shoulder? Well, for starters, try to learn to keep your leading shoulder strong. Keep that shoulder “Down” on the ball all the way through impact, even after the ball is gone and flying straight down the fairway.

So, after impact the leading shoulder is still down. The triangle between your shoulders and chest is still present. Most importantly, the body has NOT gotten ahead of the hands. This is a HUGE distinction. As you may notice, the left shoulder is actually higher than the right shoulder. So what do I mean when I say “leading shoulder down”?

You have to envision yourself from the back looking down on the ball. When I say “down”, I mean that the leading shoulder and chest is still facing the ball through impact.

So even though it may seem like the leading shoulder is higher than the trailing shoulder, it’s still facing the ball at impact. NOT TOWARDS THIRD BASE in comparison to the ball. If your leading shoulder was facing towards third base at impact, which would mean that you have let the leading shoulder fly up.

Furthermore, hand action is huge in this game. You must learn to release your hands correctly through the ball. This means that you release the hands while the leading shoulder is still “down”, or facing the ball.

The key is to let your arms release through the ball, while your left shoulder is “Down” on the ball. To do this you will need to rotate your forearms correctly, and use your leading ELBOW (not shoulder) as a hinge. So another way to explain this movement would be that your hands are still moving towards the target, but your leading elbow has almost stopped.

Keep the leading shoulder down and let your arms and hands release through the ball and you will see the ball go farther and higher. This will take a while to get used to, but once it clicks, the results will be outstanding.

Carl is a pro golfer. Get discounts when buying golf equipment and purchase from cheap online stores: