Where To Find Golf Tips For Beginners

Where To Find Golf Tips For Beginners

Article by Mick Euan Tait

If you are thinking about learning the game of golf, there are many details you need to know about at the beginning. But where do you start if you are a complete novice? Fortunately, there are several resources on-line to help you with your golf education.

Golf Tips For Beginners

The novice golfer can start by studying some free golf tips on the Web. Basic Golf Tips is a website with many resources that you can visit to learn about every facet of the game of golf. There are articles and links to different golf sections for more precise information. Two useful resources that you will find are links to a golf review blog and free golf tips videos.

The Basic Golf Tips

The articles in the Basic Golf Tips series go over the stuff that you need to know to get a good start. The eight articles that cover the basics, start with the scoring system, choosing the correct golf equipment, the different types of golf shots, and golf etiquette.

Golfers Resources

The golf tips for beginners’ page highlights some carefully selected golf resources. You will find PDF e-books specifically written for the beginner golfer, women golfer, and the senior golfer. You will find links to the best golf balls and golf clubs for beginners.

Golfing Gear

You will definitely need some golf equipment to start playing the game of golf. The fundamental items are a golf club set, a golf bag, tees, and balls. However, you don’t really need to invest in these at first; you can rent them out from your local golf course. Although, if you are serious about learning golf, then buying a good golf clubs set, balls and a golf bag will improve your game.

When you decide to buy your own golf equipment you will see that there are hundreds of choices. The big name manufacturers of golf equipment spend millions of dollars each year trying to get you to buy their golf gear. Don’t spend thousands on golf clubs that might not be matched to your style of game.

Preferably, start off with a good set of golf clubs that are designed with the beginner in mind. Sometimes, they are called game improving clubs and they are designed to be more forgiving to miss-hits. You can have them tailor made for your physical size and swing speed by customizing the clubs with the correct shaft type and flex.

Therefore, for your golf basics education, check out what the golf tips for beginners website has to offer. There will be more articles added and more golf reviews at the blog to help you figure out what golf related products are a good investment.

About the Author

Golf newbies – check out the Golf Tips For Beginners articles and more Free Golf Tips today and you will learn how to improve your game quickly.

Golf Slice Cures – How to Cure Your Golf Slice in 3 Easy Steps

Golf Slice Cures – How to Cure Your Golf Slice in 3 Easy Steps

Step 1

The first place to look for a golf slice cure is your grip. Strengten it. Turn both hands more to the right so that the ‘v’ s formed by your thumb and first finger are pointing outside your right shoulder.

This is a pretty dramatic move but will give you the sensation of hitting a draw or hook pretty quickly. When this happens you will fill with confidence and soon will be able to aim down the right hand side of the fairway and know that your ball will draw back into the middle of the fairway.

Don’t overdose with this cure though..after a little while if you are getting into trouble on the left hand side of the course you can tweak your grip again, but this time you will be doing it with the confidence of hitting draw shots rather than slices and your set up and alignment will improve as a result.

Step 2

Make sure your set up and alignment are spot on..when you slice you will overcompensate for this by aiming to the left. The result of this is that you can acquire the bad habit of open shoulders at address. Playing with a stronger grip will automatically force you to turn your shoulders slightly more closed rather than open.

Step 3

Work on your release through impact. What you need to aim for is a full flowing release with the right forearm climbing up and over the left through impact and into the follow through.

Practice this release without a ball and work also on swinging the club about knee height and watch as the club closes through impact.

Still slicing? Close that clubface earlier in the downswing.

To read more..

To discover more golf slice cures and help to cure your golf slice drop my blog now!

You will discover FREE tips, instruction, video and the latest golf equipment at


For FREE golf tips, instruction, video, golf software, golf equipment and DVD stop by HowToFixASlice.com MizunoGolf.Info MizunoGolfIrons.com

Tips on buying golf clubs

Tips on buying golf clubs

Do you need standard length or custom length clubs?

Most golfers use standard length clubs. If you are considerably shorter or taller than the average person, you may want to consider getting custom-length clubs to suit your height. If your arms are longer or shorter than the average person, you may also want to consider custom-length clubs. Generally, the longer the club, the more club head speed it can generate, resulting in more distance. The downside, however, is that the longer the club is the more difficult it is to control.

The only way to find out if you do need custom-length clubs, is to take a simple measurement – you will need a friend or family member to help you with this!

Put your golf shoes on and take your normal golf stance, (feet shoulder-width apart) except that you should stand upright with your arms relaxed down your sides.

If you are a right-handed player, take a measurement from your left wrist (on the line where it connects to your hand), to the floor. Left-handed players should measure from their right wrist. The average height golfer will have a measurement between 30-35 inches. If your measurement is lower that 30 inches or higher than 35 inches, you will most likely need custom-length clubs.

Do you need Steel Shafts or Graphite Shafts?

Good question – see below some general guidelines:


– Should play with graphite shafted irons and woods.


– Should play with graphite shafted irons and woods. As golfers get older, their swing speeds generally slow down, which is why graphite shafts are recommended to try and regain as much distance as possible.


– Should play with steel shafted irons and graphite shafted woods.

For more great free tips on buying golf clubs, visit:

Homepage: http://www.great-free-golf-tips.com

I love everything about golf and am passionate about learning and sharing new tips and techniques for playing better golf.

Golf Swing Techniques-5 Tips How to Cure a Slice in Golf

Golf Swing Techniques-5 Tips How to Cure a Slice in Golf

Before you get into golf swing techniques in any meaningful way you will need to learn how to cure a slice in golf. Because your slice will cost you miles in distance in the course of a year’s golf.

Here are 5 tips to help you get rid of your slice..
Tip1-Strengthen Your Grip
This is the simplest way to get rid of your slice and it simply involves turning both hands more to the right (if you are right handed) on the grip of the club so that the vees formed by your thumb and forefinger are pointing to or outside your right shoulder.

Tip 2-Sort our your set up
Make sure that your shoulders are not open at set up. Ensure that they are square or even slightly close initially until you lose your slice because open shoulders will cause a downswing that causes you to cut across the ball at impact which will have you slicing all day.

Tip 3-Tilt Your Spine Angle to the right at set up.
This will promote an approach to the ball from the inside, not the outside which will encourage a draw shot.

Tip 4-Favour your right side in terms of weight distribution at set up
This will ensure that you are not hanging on your left side in the takeaway which encourages a reverse pivot and a steep approach to the ball through impact.

Tip 5-Release your forearms through impact
This involves a good free release through impact with the right forearm crossing over the left through impact and on into the follow through.

So before you get too bogged down in golf swing techniques, learn how to cure a slice in golf and these tips will have you hitting raking draws in no time.

For FREE golf tips, instruction, video, golf software, golf equipment and DVD stop by HowToFixASlice.com