Golf Swing Techniques-5 Tips How to Cure a Slice in Golf

Golf Swing Techniques-5 Tips How to Cure a Slice in Golf

Article by Terry Gorry

The 5 tips I set out in this article will cure your slice..and add distance to every club in your bag.If they don’t then golf is not the game for you..

Before you get into golf swing techniques in any meaningful way you will need to learn how to cure a slice in golf. Because your slice will cost you miles in distance in the course of a year’s golf.

Here are 5 tips to help you get rid of your slice..

Tip1-Strengthen Your Grip

This is the simplest way to get rid of your slice and it simply involves turning both hands more to the right (if you are right handed) on the grip of the club so that the vees formed by your thumb and forefinger are pointing to or outside your right shoulder.

Tip 2-Sort our your set up

Make sure that your shoulders are not open at set up. Ensure that they are square or even slightly close initially until you lose your slice because open shoulders will cause a downswing that causes you to cut across the ball at impact which will have you slicing all day.

Tip 3-Tilt Your Spine Angle to the right at set up.

This will promote an approach to the ball from the inside, not the outside which will encourage a draw shot.

Tip 4-Favour your right side in terms of weight distribution at set up

This will ensure that you are not hanging on your left side in the takeaway which encourages a reverse pivot and a steep approach to the ball through impact.

Tip 5-Release your forearms through impact

This involves a good free release through impact with the right forearm crossing over the left through impact and on into the follow through.

So before you get too bogged down in golf swing techniques, learn how to cure a slice in golf and these tips will have you hitting raking draws in no time.

About the Author

Terry Gorry runs


where you can access FREE golf video,tips,instruction and all the latest golf equipment, golf swing equipment and golf swing trainers.

How to Cure a Slice With a Fade

How to Cure a Slice With a Fade

Most golfers believe that you have to draw the ball to be a good player.  However, some of the best players ever moved the ball left to right.  Guys like Hogan, Trevino and Nicklaus all played a fade.  So if you are trying to cure a slice you might want to consider turning into a fade instead of a draw.


Curing a slice with a fade is actually easier to do because you are already hitting the ball left to right.  You just need to get it under control.


The best way to approach this is to leverage some of the things you are already doing but fine tune them. There are just a few factors that create a fade.  From a physics standpoint a fade occurs when the clubface is only slightly open relative to the path of the clubhead.  If you are slicing the clubface is very open relative to the face. 



Let’s start with your grip.  The left hand should be on top of the shaft with at least one knuckle, (possibly two) showing.  Then fit your right hand to the left with the thumb of your left hand resting comfortably in the palm of your right hand.  You don’t want to have too strong of a grip or you will start hooking the ball. 


When you are trying to cure a slice and learning to play a fade this should feel close to your usual group.  Your grip will probably be a little stronger than usual but not a whole lot stronger.   Practice taking this grip over and over away from the driving range and golf course to make it feel natural.  When your grip reverts to its old form, and it will, just turn it over a little stronger to the right.



Since you are trying to cure a slice you already set up aimed to the left.  But you are aimed too far left.  So for starters take your normal aiming position and then turn everything a little more to the right.  Get your feet, hips and most importantly shoulders turned more to the right.  If moving all of these feels too awkward you can try leaving your feet and hips pointed where they are now but square up your shoulders more.  Your shoulders are the biggest determinant of the clubhead path.  Try and get your shoulders square. 



Here is the good news.  If you’ve followed the steps above you will still be able to swing a little out to in.  This should produce a gentle fade.  Many instructors will tell you to hit a fade by swinging from the inside but with a slightly open face.  However, the reality is that most slicers can’t easily change their swing path from outside-in to inside-out.  So let’s assume you’re still going to be a little out to in.  Make certain the grip is just strong enough to turn the slice into a fade. 


Here is another tip that may be different than what you are used to hearing.  If you are trying to cure your slice with a fade and you start hitting it left, then go at it a little harder with your body.  Yes, I said swing a little harder.  The reason is, if you swing a little harder with your legs and shoulders the clubhead will not be able to catch up so the ball will start to fade right again instead of going straight left.  


However, if you are still slicing the ball too much then swing a little easier.  Give the clubhead a chance to catch up with your body and swing past center.  This will get you squared up and producing the gentle fade you want.  . 


To cure the slice swing problems, start practicing with a middle iron.  Swing easy, you will be amazed how far you hit it.  If you normally hit a 6-iron 150 yards try and hit it only 130 yards.  Try and quiet down your lower body and swing your arms more.  If the ball starts going left instead of fading then swing a little more aggressively as we talked about above.  Once you’ve mastered this you will be able to play on any course with a controlled fade.

Bob Charles has worked in the Golf Industry for over 13 years and walked inside the ropes at many PGA Tour events. This experience gives him a unique insider’s perspective on the game of golf. To see how other golfers are learning how to cure a slice with a fade go to

Golf Swing Techniques-5 Tips How to Cure a Slice in Golf

Golf Swing Techniques-5 Tips How to Cure a Slice in Golf

Before you get into golf swing techniques in any meaningful way you will need to learn how to cure a slice in golf. Because your slice will cost you miles in distance in the course of a year’s golf.

Here are 5 tips to help you get rid of your slice..
Tip1-Strengthen Your Grip
This is the simplest way to get rid of your slice and it simply involves turning both hands more to the right (if you are right handed) on the grip of the club so that the vees formed by your thumb and forefinger are pointing to or outside your right shoulder.

Tip 2-Sort our your set up
Make sure that your shoulders are not open at set up. Ensure that they are square or even slightly close initially until you lose your slice because open shoulders will cause a downswing that causes you to cut across the ball at impact which will have you slicing all day.

Tip 3-Tilt Your Spine Angle to the right at set up.
This will promote an approach to the ball from the inside, not the outside which will encourage a draw shot.

Tip 4-Favour your right side in terms of weight distribution at set up
This will ensure that you are not hanging on your left side in the takeaway which encourages a reverse pivot and a steep approach to the ball through impact.

Tip 5-Release your forearms through impact
This involves a good free release through impact with the right forearm crossing over the left through impact and on into the follow through.

So before you get too bogged down in golf swing techniques, learn how to cure a slice in golf and these tips will have you hitting raking draws in no time.

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