Useful Golf Putter Choosing Tips

Useful Golf Putter Choosing Tips

Do you know that 50% of your game comes from the putting green? So, as a golfer, no matter weekend or pro, you must get a right golf putter to improve your game. In spite of spending inordinate time to practice with their driver for long-distance shots, those golf beginners can still not improve game quickly. In fact, making effort to practicing putting is the most important respect.


Of course, even many experienced pros often meet trouble with putting, sometimes they lose tournaments due to the putting woes. So if you are a beginner or high handicapper, be sure to pay attention to your putting skills, and get a right putter for yourself.


It’s not a simple work to get the right putter cause there are too many types and styles of putters available in the markets, such as Titleist Scotty Cameron Studio Select Newport 2 Putter, Odyssey White Hot XG 2 Ball F-7 Putter and Ping iWi Series CRAZ-E putter…At times it can even get a little overwhelming when you see all the different kinds of putters that are in use. So, how to choose from among them all? How the hell do you know which one is the best for you?


And the truth is that there is no standard answer that can be provided. Finding the perfect putter for your individual game is something that only you can do by trial and error. (I’m sorry)     It may require using several different kinds of putters over a long period of time before you can decide on which one works best for you.


With all of that said, there are some basic things that you need to know about putters to be able to make the best choice. The first has to do with the kind of material that is used for the putter head. Since putting has more to do with feel than perhaps any other type of golf shot, the material that is used for the putter head will be very important. The confusing part is that putters are often made from all sorts of materials including stainless steel, aluminum, brass, and much more. So which is best for you?


Again, this is something that only you can decide by experimenting with different types of putters yourself. Many golf pro shops and golf equipment retail stores carry a wide variety of putters that you can try out in the store. It’s not a bad idea to take advantage of this opportunity to get familiar with the different types and styles of putters that are available.


Another consideration when selecting a putter is the putter head shape. Generally speaking, most putter head shapes fall into two basic categories, either blade or mallet. You’ll see golfers of all different kinds of skill levels using putters with either head shape. A blade putter sort of looks like a small hockey stick, and they can come in all kinds of designs including the solid flat blade and also cavity-back designs to help keep the putter head straight through impact.


The second putter head shape to consider is the mallet putter. These are easy to recognize because they usually have a head that is larger and more round. The weight is often distributed throughout the putter to help provide a more consistent putting stroke.


As you can see, there are plenty of choices to be made when selecting a golf putter. Hopefully this information will help you understand more about the choices that you have when choosing a putter, but only you can make the final decision by using it yourself.


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How I Cured My Coffee Addiction

How I Cured My Coffee Addiction

Article by Swayze

I have to admit something. I used to LOVE coffee. I had a cup every single morning after my exercise with a “splash” of half and half and a couple tablespoons of sugar. I could not even imagine starting my day without my little cup of energy.

That was about two years ago. Now, I can’t stand the stuff. The smell alone makes me want to hurl. The fragrance is so strong and bitter. Yuck. I’ll just stick to water, thank you.

So what changed? How was I able to kick my coffee habit over two years ago? Why is just the smell of coffee so aggravating to me now?

Coffee Addiction

When I was much younger, I hated everything about coffee. The aroma, the look of it, the few sips I had tasted. I felt the same way about coffee as a child that I do today.

As I got older, I started having a cup in the morning. I still hated it at first, but it just seemed like something people did. Every adult I knew got up in the morning and fixed themselves a cup of coffee. My Mom drank coffee all throughout the day!

Before I knew it, I was hooked on the stuff. And it only took a few weeks to go from something I despised to something I relied on everyday. If I did not have my coffee, it was very hard for me to stay awake during my first few classes at school. I would usually experience a slight twinge in my forehead as well.

At the time, I thought that this was a sign that coffee was necessary in my diet. When I drank coffee, I felt good. When I stopped drinking it, I felt bad.

The Effects of Coffee

You see, coffee has two effects: a short term effect and a long term effect. The caffeine in coffee is a stimulant and consuming it causes your body to work overtime trying to neutralize it. Your body’s sudden state of frenzy causes you to feel energized and awake for a short period of time. This is the short term effect.

Once these effects have worn off, the body returns (or “comes down”) to its original condition. You now feel sluggish and tired again. This is the long term effect of drinking coffee.

Many people only notice the short term effect. While virtually everyone experiences the “drop off” later in the day (I know I did), they do not associate this with the coffee. In fact, I’m sure many of you attempt to solve the problem by having more coffee!

How to Cure Your Coffee Addiction

The best way to stop drinking coffee is to STOP DRINKING COFFEE! If you continue to drink the stuff, you will continue to be dependent upon it.

Personally, I went completely cold turkey from my one cup a day. I had a couple of slight headaches for a few days, but that was the extent of my detox. After a couple of weeks, I felt much better and no longer longed for coffee. After two short months, I could not imagine drinking coffee at all.

If you drink numerous cups of coffee each day, it might be best to gradually reduce how much you drink. An easy way to do this is to replace each cup with caffeine-free tea. If you choose, you can keep going by replacing the tea with just warm or cold lemon water.

Either way you choose, your goal should be to completely eliminate coffee from your diet. It provides no nutritional value and has no place in a healthy lifestyle.

My hope is that one day coffee drinking will be a thing of the past and people will rely on good ole exercise and nutrition to energize themselves for the day.

A girl can dream, right?;)

About the Author

For more information on the best raw vegan diet, be sure to visit Fit On Raw and subscribe to Swayze’s newsletter Peachy Keen Ezine. By subscribing, you will also receive the free report The 4 Principles of a Healthy Raw Diet as well as the 5-week mini-course The Fool Proof Transition to Raw.