Why Owning a Golf Cart is Such a Great Idea

Why Owning a Golf Cart is Such a Great Idea

You are going to love to read this article in search of some valuable instruction in the mystery of the perfect golf cart. But I doubt you are going to find what you are expecting. What I am going to do is give you some advice that will hopefully help you in your game but more in the head game than in the physical part of the game. I want to in the next few paragraphs talk about three truisms that will hopefully put you at ease, steel your confidence, and allow you to play up to your ability. The three areas are rhythm, routine, and consistency.

When I talk about rhythm in relation to the golf cart I mean pace of cart play AND peace in your thought. Most people have heard of the evils of hurrying a cart or of deceleration, but what about rushing your mental game or losing your concentration. First have this one swing thought in mind as you step to the ball-“smooth carts produce better rides, I don’t have to drive slowly.” This allows you to have something for your mind to latch onto in that critical moment as you stand over the ball in front of your cart. It is easy to produce and isn’t complicated or distracting.

Secondly you need to have a routine. The golf course is not the place to be thinking about the mechanics of curing your slice or cutting or drawing the ball. You have to be concentrated on the best type of shot to hit, NOT how to hit it. All of that work should be done on the range. Routine refers to the natural sequence of events that goes into envisioning the shot that you want to hit, selecting the club, and choosing the golf cart that you will use to get yourself around the course. The routine is very much a part of the rhythm of your game and allows you to find a level of “been there, done that” comfort that is so helpful to your confidence.

The last thing is consistency, and this requires discipline and time. The mechanics of the golf cart are important, sure, but the consistency of the cart is ten times more important. If you have a natural slice but you know how to use is and can trust that it is going to go in a certain way you are way better off than if you hit the ball straight 80% of the time and don’t know what is going to happen the other 20%. You can also trust your cart to get you to your shots even when they are in the deep rough.

So instead of filling your mind with all the intricacies of the newest hybrid carts and trying to always have the best, find your natural fit in a golf cart and make it consistent. Then work on the part of the game that has a lot more to do with your score, the head game, and finding the calming and confidence building influences of rhythm and routine.

Learn about cuttlefish facts and donkey facts at the Facts About Animals site.

How To Put On Makeup Like A Pro – Tips Explained In Easy Steps

How To Put On Makeup Like A Pro – Tips Explained In Easy Steps

Article by Michal Afenjar

Makeup has been around for several centuries and was most notable as a beauty enhancer by the Egyptians. Makeup back then was just about simple coloring of the eye that is evident with most Egyptian paintings. However, the art has been carried down through generations, and today the market displays a plethora of brands that have brought in a cut-throat competition to produce some of the finest and the most fascinating make-up products in the industry. Unfortunately, women become overwhelmed by the availability of various cosmetics, and in the attempt of looking beautiful end up under layers and layers of cakes on their face.

This undisputedly becomes the reason why it is not only important to use makeup, but it is equally important to know how to put on makeup. The importance of learning how to put on makeup has been brought forward with the sight of thousand ghosts like women walking around the street. You might be wondering why is it important to learn how to apply makeup. Well, here are the reasons:

* Natural: women are always associated with their natural beauty and charm that can entice anything in the world. It is true that makeup can hide away your flaws, but you should not go to the extent of putting too much makeup so as to hide away your natural beauty. Putting too much of makeup can bring on an artificial look which is not much appreciated by people. * Personality: the ability to know how to put on the right make up will also enhance your personality. A poorly put make up can make yourself a laughing stock in front of people, and you definitely do not want to make an impression with an uneven makeup on your face. A simple analysis on how we look will surely make us certain on judging about the right make-up to be used. * Confidence: Yet another importance of learning how to put on makeup is to boost your confidence level. Proper makeup can surely make you look stunning, and a good-looking woman is more confident than her colleagues. A good-looking face can surely make a woman more confident in her personal as well as professional life. You might have observed many women who have achieved a lot in their career focusing a lot on their makeup. Moreover, there are two things that can cheer up a woman -shopping and makeup. * Age: they say that you should never ask a woman her age. But if you know how to put on the right makeup, people will definitely have no doubt on your age. Improper makeup can either make you look too young or too old. You definitely do not want to look 10 or even 60. Hence, you need to maintain the right equilibrium between looking a little older than a teenager, and a little less than a middle-aged woman. Maintaining the right look with the right makeup will surely bring you great appreciation.

These are only few advantages that tag along with knowing how to put on the right makeup. It is always important to know your makeup so that you can look gorgeous and at the same time build a higher confidence level.

About the Author

Makeup was my biggest passion from my childhood and it was a hobby for me to try new ideas on how to put on makeup and bring new look to my face. The world of cosmetics is really fascinating and there are many items for you to try which will bring a completely different look for you. I constantly write about new ideas on how to put on makeup on my website.

How to Put on Makeup – 4 Top Tips

How to Put on Makeup – 4 Top Tips

Article by Vivian Timson

No matter how much any woman will deny it, we will always love makeup. And once in our lives, we will try or get to use it. Therefore, it is such a great thing if we learn how to put on makeup by ourselves.

Some women simply can’t get enough of makeup and some use it for necessity in their work, while some simply cringe at the thought of using it or even attempting to lay their hands on it. But why? This is so because putting on makeup can be a little more complicated for some, compared to just putting on nothing, and setting off for appointments. But considering these reservations, we must know that basic make-up can be learned and perfected through time. After all, putting it sometimes can change the way we look at ourselves, and may affect the level of our confidence and personality.

We need to put make up on, not only because certain societal standards require so, but because it is a way of putting ourselves at a limelight of our own, not just for others to see, but for ourselves to take pride of. And whether it is a simple everyday make-up, or a striking evening make-up, it will surely highlight our facial assets and make us look and feel beautiful.Here are some basic pointers in putting make-up by yourself:

1. FOUNDATION – Whether it is a matte foundation, a liquid foundation or a cake foundation, the key is to find the perfect color that will blend with your natural skin color, and not to whiten it, or darken it. This way, it appears natural and complementing. In applying it, start with a small amount and spread it all over your face for even coverage. Also, take time to do this, and dont hurry up. The longer it takes to massage it on your face, the better and even it gets.

2. EYE MAKEUP – Eye makeup can be tricky and frustrating if we are not careful on using it. Always consider the kind of look that you want, and the amount of shade that you need, whether it is heavy or light. For basic eye make-up, always start with a base color, which means, the most neutral shade that you can see in your eyeshadow palette. It just creates a little glow all around your upper lids. After that, you may highlight your eyes by applying a darker shade of your choice (for basic, try brown shades or light pink shades) anywhere along your creaseline, or from above your upper eyelids to the creaseline. Blend the two colors together, and after that, curl your lashes to make your eyes look vibrant. Use mascara on your curled upper lashes, and also on your lower lashes, from tip to tip. You may also line your upper lids with eyeliner if you wish to.

3. BLUSH ON – When using blush-on for basic makeup, always choose a shade that looks like a natural shade for flushed cheeks, and apply them on the apple of your cheeks, straight to the direction of your ears. Too much blush on will make you look like a clown, so avoid that.

4. LIP COLOR – For basic lip colors, you may use something bold or something subtle, to your desire. But make sure that it complements your eyes. If the eyes have darker colors, mute your lip’s tint. A tip on making lipstick stay is putting on foundation on the lips before applying lipstick, or putting on a lipliner of the same shade first before your lisptick.

These tips are extremely helpful for basic makeup, but there is nothing as successful as learning how to put on makeup by yourself, than doing it occasionally at home, experimenting with colors that accentuate your face and features. Practice, practice, pratice… it does logically make things perfect.

About the Author

Learn about the best products at the Colorescience Mineral Makeup web site, which is a popular web site that provides tips and advice on the best cosmetics including the Bare Mineral Makeup product range.

How to Be Everything a Guy Wants? Here Are the Tricks to Always Keeping Him Hooked to You

How to Be Everything a Guy Wants? Here Are the Tricks to Always Keeping Him Hooked to You

Not all the guys are looking for the same qualities in their women. If it was so then life would be so monotonous and boring. However, there are some qualities in women that are universally liked by guys. Here they are.

Good looks and a body to match
When we say good looks we don’t mean that you should be tall, fair, with sharp features. Good looks, essentially means neat and presentable appearance. As far as the body goes it would help if you are not obese or fat. A good athletic body is what each man desires in his woman.

Confident demeanor
Girls with confidence attract far more men than women that are low on it. Confidence comes from being well read, educated and being financially independent. A confident girl makes her own decision and does not care so much about what the world thinks of her. This is one quality that is sorely missing in most girls and therefore when a man comes across a confident chic they he lets her go.

Men don’t like fakes. If you have any flaws then don’t try to hide them instead try to work around them or try to get rid of them. Men can smell a fake from a mile. One lie leads to another and eventually you lose both his love and his trust.

Men like women that are loyal to them. When a woman betrays a man’s trust she dents his self esteem. Don’t be very friendly with other men and keep your distance from male colleagues. He on his part will reciprocate in a similar manner.

Betray the stereotype
Being understanding and logical is the best way to please a man. No nagging or being on his case all the time. Learn to look at things from his perspective and appreciate the decisions he makes.

Sexual compatibility
Sex is an important part of your relationship and it is up to you to spice it up when things get repetitive or boring. Giving up your inhibitions and trying new stuff in the bedroom will make him feel satisfied both emotionally and sexually.

Kind and gentle to those he values
He will count himself lucky when you are on good terms with his folks and his siblings. The same applies to his buddies and colleagues. Being nice to his close ones not only increases his respect for you but you too become popular in the bargain. When his friends and family respect and adore you he has one more reason to feel content.

Golf Slice Cures – How to Cure Your Golf Slice in 3 Easy Steps

Golf Slice Cures – How to Cure Your Golf Slice in 3 Easy Steps

Article by Terry Gorry

In this article I am going to give you 3 golf slice cures to cure your golf slice. And you should be hitting the ball with a draw in weeks. Your golfing buddies will no longer tease you and tell you to ‘take the headcover off that driver’!

Step 1

The first place to look for a golf slice cure is your grip. Strengten it. Turn both hands more to the right so that the ‘v’ s formed by your thumb and first finger are pointing outside your right shoulder.

This is a pretty dramatic move but will give you the sensation of hitting a draw or hook pretty quickly. When this happens you will fill with confidence and soon will be able to aim down the right hand side of the fairway and know that your ball will draw back into the middle of the fairway.

Don’t overdose with this cure though..after a little while if you are getting into trouble on the left hand side of the course you can tweak your grip again, but this time you will be doing it with the confidence of hitting draw shots rather than slices and your set up and alignment will improve as a result.

Step 2

Make sure your set up and alignment are spot on..when you slice you will overcompensate for this by aiming to the left. The result of this is that you can acquire the bad habit of open shoulders at address. Playing with a stronger grip will automatically force you to turn your shoulders slightly more closed rather than open.

Step 3

Work on your release through impact. What you need to aim for is a full flowing release with the right forearm climbing up and over the left through impact and into the follow through.

Practice this release without a ball and work also on swinging the club about knee height and watch as the club closes through impact.

Still slicing? Close that clubface earlier in the downswing.

To read more..

To discover more golf slice cures and help to cure your golf slice drop my blog now!

You will discover FREE tips, instruction, video and the latest golf equipment athttp://HowToFixASlice.com

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Three Techniques to Assist Busy Women in Getting Better at Their Golf Game

Three Techniques to Assist Busy Women in Getting Better at Their Golf Game

No matter what level you are on or your duration of playing time, golf is a game that you constantly want to improve. However, sometimes it is difficult to do so. This is especially the case if you do not know why you are not getting any better, even when you continue to practice for hours on end. Below, you will see easy to use advice that will have a good affect on your golf game.

Confidence is often the biggest struggle women have to deal with when they are playing with men. Women often feel that they have no chance at beating men since they are stronger. They also often believe the men are whispering about them behind their backs which leads to frustration even though it’s not often true. No matter what your skill level is if you lack confidence your game will suffer. It’s more important to concentrate on improving your technique and accuracy more so than your strength. Where accuracy is concerned women excel which means they can compensate for the difference in strength and play as well as any man. An exact swing is essential for pulling off low scores time and again on the golf course. Increasing the accuracy of your swing is a matter of having excellent control of the club. However, you might expect to have to tighten your grip to increase control, but the exact opposite is true. A soft grip will authorize you to have a greater feeling of the club. An additional crucial constituent to a perfect swing is to make certain that you aren’t using your muscles to intensify the speed of the club to improve influence the speed of the club Your might should be utilized to bolster the swing although you have to allow the club to do its work, which is to hit the ball. You basically need to take advantage of leverage and momentum for your club pull off the best possible velocity.

Having a good set of professionally fitted clubs can make a big difference in your game as well. Before you go buy clubs though you’ll want to be sure this isn’t just a passing phase. It will only fill you with regret later when you quit playing but still have that expensive set of clubs you wasted money on. Until you know for sure it’s best to rent or borrow clubs or perhaps try locating a set from a garage sale or second hand shop. A custom set of clubs can indeed wait until you are sure you like the game. As you have seen, a lot of things to into the making of a good golfer. However, the good thing is that anybody can make their game batter and make the professionals sweat. All you have to possess is commitment to the game, hard work and persistence and you will be one of the pros soon.

Joe has been a full time internet marketer for about a year now, as an IT consultant he is interested in using technology and sometimes writes on this anonymous surfing blog. He uses security products to protect himself online and to obscure his IP address through his ninjaproxy network.

Golf Slice Cures – How to Fix a Golf Slice and Outdrive Your Friends in Days

Golf Slice Cures – How to Fix a Golf Slice and Outdrive Your Friends in Days

Article by Terry Gorry

You can outdrive your friends in days if you show up at your club with a draw as your secret weapon. This article gives you 3 slice busting tips to do just that.

Tip 1- Don’t cast or come over the top in the downswing.

You need to swing from inside to out, not out to in. To do this you need to be patient in the downswing and think of 1 word..”Wait”.

Wait to let the club come down in front of you and then, and only then, turn.

Think of down before the around and you will hit raking draws in no time. But if you do the ‘around’ before the ‘down’ ie spin the shoulders open too early you will hit pop up slices all day because the path and plane of your swing is all wrong.

The casting or over the top move at the start of the downswing is a major distance sapper because it sets up an out to in cutting across the ball action which will leave you slicing your way around the course all day long.

Tip 2- Start your downswing from the ground up.

This ties in with Tip 1 and means that your weight should shift back in to your left heel early in the downswing, setting up a nice in to out draw inducing draw.

To do this you can replant your left heel to initiate your downswing, if you raised your left heel in the backswing.

If you did not raise it in the backswing, you still need to ensure that you get your weight back into your left heel in the throughswing by a smooth transition of your weight back towards the target to initiate your downswing.

Tip 3- Have good rhythm

Don’t lunge at the ball from the top of the backswing.

This tip ties into the previous 2 and if this means that you slow your swing right down to get this right, then do that at the range and work on it until you build your confidence and know that when the adrenaline is pumping you will have trained your muscles through muscle memory to swing on the correct path.

Your distance sapping slice will never allow you be the player you know you can be.

For more FREE tips and Free video of a long driving champ in action visit my blog at http://MizunoGolf.info.

Find more golf slice cures and take the moolah off your friends with FREE tips and Video now!

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Golf Slice Cures

Mizuno Irons

Refiner Golf Club Review – Now You Can Swing With Confidence!

Refiner Golf Club Review – Now You Can Swing With Confidence!

To improve your golf swing by feel and not by swing mechanics, use the Refiner Golf Club. Should your golf swing is inappropriate, the hinge will break directly, allowing you to realize there’s a flaw within your golf swing.

The entire golf swing will be rectified since the hinging method allows you to experience and determine where the club must be. To have a very good golf swing, getting your golf club to the top in a proper manner during your back swing is a must and if you are cupping your wrists, the training aid will inform you of this by breaking immediately. This early warning enables you to rectify the flaw first before completing your golf swing and it will be nearly impossible to finish your golf swing without rectifying the flaw first.

The Refiner Golf Club is an excellent instrument to work with if you are trying to find ways to achieve the right pace and timing as it will hinge once a swing fault have been discovered. This is especially useful as poor shots usually are the result of swinging too fast.

Other areas that may benefit you as claims from the manufacturer are detecting excessive grip pressure, open / closed club face and improper swing plane.

What I like regarding the Refiner Golf Club is it allows you to train in the home without making use of the golf ball. It’s also ideal to be use at the golf range since Refiner Golf Club can be used as a standard club when swung right.

The Refiner Iron and the Refiner Driver are two swing trainers available to improve your golf swing. 2 different kinds of trainer is necessary as you would wish to catch the ball during the down swing for your iron shot versus the driver where you’ll need to catch the ball during the up swing. These 2 training modes will lead you to perform exactly like that.

The Refiner Golf Club not just caters for the right handed golfers but also for the left handed golf players as well. Various club lengths are available to cater for women as well as for juniors, and should the regular length isn’t fit for you, there’s also an alternative for it to be made-to-order.

Each of the training tools are bundled together with full instructional videos and is presented by PGA trainer Rick Bradshaw, guiding you with the proper way to use the training aid.

To know further on how Refiner Golf Club can aid you with your golf swing, check out http://www.refinergolfclubfile.com/ where you can find extra information regarding Refiner Golf Club.