When Seeking To Improve Your Golf Swing, Don’t Neglect The Set Up

When Seeking To Improve Your Golf Swing, Don’t Neglect The Set Up

Article by Stan Thomas

When you’re looking to improve your golf swing, don’t forget the basic premise of your set up. Jack Nicklaus has said many times that there is nothing more important in the game of golf than this.

Nicklaus: “If you set up correctly, there’s a good chance you’ll hit a reasonable shot, even if you make a mediocre swing. If you set up to the ball poorly, you’ll hit a lousy shot even if you make the greatest swing ever.” He went on to say that the set up is eighty per cent of the game of golf, and I concur.

When considering your set up, keep the following in mind: body alignment, the position of the head, your general stance, the placement of the ball between your feet and the distance the golf ball is from your body, and aim of the clubface itself.

It is easy to be distracted with the mechanics of your golf swing, but if you are to improve at playing golf, your set up is going to demand your constant attention. You’ll want to pay particular attention to the alignment of your body and the aim of your clubface.

How can you ever hope to hit a target if you don’t aim properly? How can you expect your body to perform the task of hitting a golf ball to a particular target if your mind is not focused and attentive to the target?

Golfers of all types could save themselves a lot of anguish and strokes by mastering the set up. But for many the set up seems too obvious of a task to cause concern. This is a big mistake.

The truth is that your golf swing begins before you begin to draw your club into the backswing. The golf swing actually begins at set up.

When addressing the golf ball, do the following:

· Make sure the clubface it square to the ball.

· Make sure your hands are comfortable and correctly gripping the club.

· Position your body properly over the ball.

It should be in that order. If you square the clubface first, it should make your stance follow properly and allow for a more exact aim.

To do this take the club in your right hand (if you are right-handed) and set the bottom of the edge of the club face perpendicular to the aim of your target. This should set your aim in direct contact with your goal.

About the Author

Stan Thomas has been playing golf since before dirt covered the earth. He knows he’ll never master the game, but he can’t deny the quest.

He invites you to visit his website:

http://www.golfimproveswing.com http://www.squidoo.com/golfimproveswing/

Improve your Golf Swings – Lower your Handicap

Improve your Golf Swings – Lower your Handicap

Article by Tricia Deed

See yourself break 80 by improving your golf swings.Just between you and me, to be able to do this you will want to know how to improve your golf swings and in the process you will lower your handicap.

Do you hit the ball farther? Not always the case. The ability to hit the ball with consistent accuracy is the answer to lowering your handicap. Easily said, and achieveable with practice.

Reduce or eliminate slicing, hooking, and topping the ball.

A tendancy to slice the ball and doing it constantly needs immediate correction before it becomes ingrained as unwanted habits. Request to have a professional golfer observe you and offer remedies to correct your golf swing and body positioning flaws.

Hitting the golf ball and have it travel straighter is the goal unless you wanted the golf ball to curve sharply to the right or to the left. There are occasions when you want to hit the ball and direct it to either side of straight, but it takes a lot of control to do this shot intentionally.

Remember what it was like in the beginning? We all topped the golf ball because we released our flexed knees lifting the body upward causing the bottom of the club to thinly hit the top of the golf ball and it slowly rolled. We learned how to correct this flaw and proceeded successfully to the next lesson.

Correcting your golf swings is also a matter of refining and perfecting your grip, the address, the take away, the top of the backswing, the downswing, and the impact to finish. Practice these basics until they are familiar and comfortable to you.

Set up a constructive drill program for yourself. Attend the practice range prepared to practice with a purpose. Here is a suggestion list to include in your practice sessions.

*Check your posture or body alignment.

*Timing needs to be rehearsed.

*Develop rhythm.

*Smoother swing from beginning to golf ball contact.

*Improve consistency and distance.

*Hit the ball directly towards the intended target.

Stop here a minute and think about the above list. Choose one item and one to two irons and design a feasible practical drill. Do not set up impossible goals to practice in one session. Practice with correct accuracy. Constructive practice is essential as the golf swing habits you develop are realities on the golf course.

Investment of time in practice will be necessary to develop the perfect golf swings that you desire. Invest in yourself by engaging a professional golfer for lessons. Play golf as often as possible to gain experience.

The result of a perfect golf swing is when you hit the club head in the exact correct spot on impact with the correct amount of speed and send the ball flying straight to the designated target.

If you have been looking for other techniques as to how to improve your golf swings with the goal to lower your handicap take a look at http://www.infotrish.vpweb.com/

About the Author

Through the years I have learned to be a jack-of-all-trades and maybe mastered one. Because my interests are many, diversity has been the road most traveled. Currently I am exploring different types of hobbies and combining thse intersts with my business of internet marketing.

How To Straighten A Golf Slice

How To Straighten A Golf Slice

Are you getting tired of living with the golf slice which does not want to go away? Every long shot you play you have to aim to the left of the target to allow for the inevitable swing of the ball to the right.

Sometimes it does not curl as it usually does, instead it goes straight, but always right of the target. The trouble is, you don’t know why it bends or why it goes straight? If this is you, then read on.

Here are some tips to straighten your golf slice.

1. Have a look at the angle of your divot. If it goes left of the target you are cutting across the ball at impact. There are different reasons why you are doing this.

2. You could be standing too close to the ball. If you are not sure how far away you ought to be standing, let your arms hang down loose, and that is the desirable distance from the ball. The club head should be flat on the ground at the address.

3. Check your grip, especially that your right hand is not too far over the club. If it is, move it more to the left.

4.Take the club back straight at the start of the backswing, or slightly to the inside, and try not to snatch at the top of the swing. Begin the downswing by turning the hips first.

By following these simple tips you will have taken positive action to straighten your golf slice.

Philip is passionate about golf and is always looking for ways to get rid of my golf slice See also: Golf Swing Tips Online for more helpful golf tips and advice.

Learn to Hit a Low, Penetrating Stinger Shot Like Tiger Does

Learn to Hit a Low, Penetrating Stinger Shot Like Tiger Does

The best time to play the Stinger shot is when you are faced with a very narrow tee shot and there is a lot of trouble bordering the fairway. The last thing you want is for your ball to miss the fairway and land up in one of the multiple hazards.

So what should you do? The first thing is too not hit your driver as it is definitely not worth the risk. This type of shot requires a three wood or even a two iron for you to execute it successfully. Once you have selected the appropriate club follow these steps.

Step 1: Tee the ball very low to the ground.

Step 2: Ensure that you grip the club firmly with your left hand. This is extremely important as your left hand is the most responsible for controlling the movement of the clubhead.

Step 3: Bring your right hand on to the grip, but make sure you grip the club lightly with this hand as it will allow you to increase your hand-arm speed and will also add significant power to your shot. Which you will definitely need to compensate for the distance you will be losing for not using the driver.

Step 4: Position your hands ahead of the ball so that the clubface is still pointing at the target, but is slightly closed.

Step 5: Start your backswing, keeping it as flat as possible until you get to the parallel position. At this point your right hand should be hinged slightly.

Step 6: Start your downswing, but keep your right hand hinged and then unhinge your wrist at impact. You should also ensure that the back of your left hand is turned downward to keep the clubface closed at impact.

This should help you to significantly reduce the loft of the club and will help you hit a long, low flying shot that will split the fairway and consequently have a lot of roll. Make sure you practice this shot on the driving range first as it is a bit unorthodox and will take some getting used to. I hope this helps.

Jakobus Nel is the owner and editor of a successful golf instructional website. To improve your golf and to find more lessons and techniques like the one above, please click here: http://www.thegolflesson.co.za

How To Improve Your Golf Swings And Lower Your Handicap

How To Improve Your Golf Swings And Lower Your Handicap

See yourself break 80 by improving your golf swings.


Just between you and me. In order to be able to break 80 or do better than your current score, you will want to know how to improve your golf swings and in the process you will lower your handicap.


Do you hit the ball farther? This is not always the solution. More problems may develop to increase your score. The ability to hit the ball with consistent accuracy is the answer to lowering your handicap. Easily said, but is achievable with practice.


Reduce or eliminate slicing, hooking, and topping the ball.


A tendency to slice the ball and doing it constantly needs immediate correction before it becomes ingrained as unwanted habits. If a professional golfer is available where you golf, request to have that person observe you and offer remedies to correct your golf swing and body positioning flaws.


Hitting the golf ball and have it travel straighter is the goal unless you want the golf ball to curve sharply to the right or to the left. There are occasions when you want to hit the golf ball directing it to either side of straight, but it takes a lot of control to do this shot intentionally.


Remember what it was like in the beginning? We all topped the golf ball because we released our flexed knees lifting the body upward causing the bottom of the golf club to thinly hit the top of the golf ball and the ball slowly rolled. We learned how to correct this flaw and proceeded successfully to the next lesson.


Correcting your golf swings is also a matter of refining and perfecting your grip, the address, the takeaway, the top of the backswing, the downswing, and the impact to finish. Practice these basics until they are familiar and comfortable to you.


Set up a constructive drill program for yourself. Attend the practice range prepared to practice with purpose. Here is a suggestion list to include in your practice sessions.


Check your posture or body alignment.
Timing needs to be rehearsed.
Develop rhythm
Smoother swing from beginning to golf ball contact.
Improve consistency and distance.
Hit the ball directly towards the intended target.


Stop reading and think about the above list. Choose one item and one or two irons and design a feasible practical drill. After you have practiced and can grade yourself an “A”, select another item on the list and add another iron or two and design another achievable drill. Develop a good practice plan and stick to it.


Do not set up impossible goals to practice in one session. Practice with accuracy. Constructive practice is essential as the golf swing habits you develop are realities on the golf course.


Investment of your active participation of time in practice will be necessary to develop the perfect golf swings you desire. Invest in yourself by engaging a professional golfer for lessons. Play golf as often as possible to gain experience.


The result of a perfect golf swing is when you hit the club head in the exact correct spot on impact with the exact amount of speed and send the ball flying straight to the designated target. Perform this golf swing many times and you are on your way to being an outstanding golfer.


If you have been looking for other techniques as to how to improve your golf swings with the goal to lower your handicap visit the sports section of Tricia Deed at http://www.infotrish.vpweb.com/ and review Welcome to the GolfSwing Book.




I have many interests which have permitted me a gypsy-like and an out of the ordinary lifestyle. Currently I would like to introduce and share with you hobbies and business opportunities which may be used for personal recreation or as income for your financial success.


The Proper Golf Swing and How to Achieve It

The Proper Golf Swing and How to Achieve It

It looks so easy and effortless when you watch the professional players hit the ball on television. But as any scratch golfer can tell you, finding – and keeping – the proper golf swing can take years of practice, lessons and dedication.

Perhaps the most important tip when it comes to the swing is to keep your head down and your eyes on the ball – even though it’s instinctive to look up. Keeping your head down can help to reduce the chances of slicing or hooking your shot, or even worse, topping your ball and just sending it a few yards.

The swing has several components, all of which are essential. The backswing should be smooth and steady – not rushed – and take the club to a horizontal position, in which your ball is in front of your shoulder. Make sure you keep your lower body in its original position.

The downswing should be commenced with your hips and you should accelerate, thus allowing you to hit the shot further. During the downswing, you should rotate your hips towards the target and make sure your lower body is rotating slightly before your upper body. Don’t forget to follow through properly – never just ‘stop’ as soon as you have hit your shot.

If all this seems like too much to remember, one of the best pieces of advice is to simply swing as though you are taking a practice swing – don’t even consciously try to hit the golf ball – and the club and ball will connect as they should.

You may not be breaking 80 any time soon, but with a little practice you can have the proper golf swing and post a respectable score.

Stop wasting any more of your time trying to figure out the proper golf swing by yourself. Learn the proper golf swing and get rid of your golf swing problems for good!


Stop wasting any more of your time trying to figure out the proper golf swing by yourself. Learn the proper golf swing and get rid of your golf swing problems for good!

Learning How to Use Golf Long Irons

Learning How to Use Golf Long Irons

Article by Jeremy Winters

Your golf long irons are usually identified as the one, two, three, and four irons. The vast majority of players generally will simply carry a three and four iron inside their golf bag. Quite seasoned golfers sometimes also employ a one or two iron, but this isn’t the norm.

A majority of the present leading players have a superb game with regards to utilizing these longer golf clubs. This originates from being very familiar with them, which only occurs as a result of consistent practice. If the golfer is only concerned with the short game and putting, they will likely not possess the practical experience and self confidence needed to learn the use of these clubs.

To be able to genuinely succeed with long irons there are actually a couple of techniques that should be mastered. The very first is addressing the ball. This doesn’t suggest saying “hello” and “how are you?” Addressing the ball relates to the stance that you take when getting prepared to strike it. Using a longer club, your stance should be wider than it would if you were working with a shorter club.

As it relates to the flight path your ball will take, your posture must be a little bit closed. Your shoulders, hips and your feet need to be squared towards the ball, meaning that they will need to be in the direction of the hole on an imaginary parallel line. As soon as you have implemented this stance then you move your right foot back roughly an inch or so. This enables you to line up properly just to the right of your planned target. Place your weight evenly on both feet for better balance. Keep your arms in near to your body with your hands just slightly ahead of your ball.

The next step to be mindful of when using golf long irons is the backswing. For a powerful backswing, move the head of the club backwards around ten to twelve inches along the ground using the shoulders and body just to slightly turn when you move into your swing. As your swing passes the outside of your right leg, your arms and hands need to be cocking slightly towards the sky. By the time you reach the top of the backswing, your right side should be holding most of your weight. At the top of your backswing, your turn should be complete and your wrists should be fully cocked. If you allow your left heel to lift just slightly from the ground, it makes it possible for your hips to be free from strain when you turn away from your ball.

The third step is the downswing. As you begin your downswing, you need to anchor your left heel securely against the ground. If you endeavor to make this a constant component of your downswing, it is going to become second nature. By simply doing so, you’re sure to be on the inside plane of the downswing. Your swing will be from the inside out if your weight is too far forward on your toes. When you are halfway through your swing, the wrists need to be completely cocked and your right elbow just a bit tucked in against your right hand side. Your body weight should be shifting in the direction of your left hand side as your right hand side begins to drive into your actual shot.The crucial element to utilizing these clubs is to remember to sustain a smooth swing. Do not rush into your swing by moving way too quickly. That is where much more inexperienced golfers lose their focus. Sustain your pace as you keep your swing smooth.

Golf long irons can be an important part of an effective game if you keep these basic tips in mind. The best golf clubs that money can buy are only as good as the player behind them. Know your clubs and exactly how to work with them properly for a quality game.

About the Author

If you want to learn how you can fix a golf hook or need to learn how to hit your drives straight, then check out our website.

Slicing The Ball? Understand Why And Cure It Forever

Slicing The Ball? Understand Why And Cure It Forever

Curring a slice can seem like a lifetimes work but it doesn’t have to be that way.If you understand the mechanics of the golf swing you can get rid of the slice affliction forever. Untill the time comes when you need a great raking curve ball around a tree to half the match with your playing partners.

Ok that said what causes the slice?

The slice happens when the club comes into the impact area from outside the target line, with the club face open and with a steep angle of attack.

This is caused by the upper body ( shoulders ) starting the downswing, throwing the club out and away from the body which is the complete opposite of what you should be trying to achieve.

So if you take the club to the top of your backswing, and we’ll take it for granted that you have made a full shoulder turn ( 90 degrees ) and only 45 degrees in the hips. From here a slice would come from the hips staying still and the shoulders starting things down. This you’ll notice makes the club move away from you and travel towards the ball from about two feet away from your right toes and on a path towards around six inches from your left toes. So steep and outside the target line inside.

Now compare that to the right way.

Back to the top of the swing and now start by rotating the hips first. You’ll notice the right shoulder naturally drops somewhat. Now continue turning and watch the path this time. The club is now coming from about 6 inches from the right toes to impact, more from close to you to impact and away. The opposite to the slice.

The way I got this motion was to hold a football in both hands at your right hip and now take your golf stance and throw the ball over your left shoulder ( right motion ).

Hope this article will help to cure your slice for good.

Steve has been a keen golfer for over 30 years. He still loves the game and plays on a regular basis. His current handicap is 2. If this tip was helpful to you and you would like to see and hear more of the same. Please go here. http://easyswing.info

The Secret of Improving Your Golf Game is Sports Hypnosis

The Secret of Improving Your Golf Game is Sports Hypnosis

Would you like to Drive the ball 300 yards and putt for birdies on every hole? Sports Hypnosis can help you get there. In fact, it’s most likely the only thing that can help you get there. Get ready for the answers to the most asked questions about sports hypnosis because I’m going to spell it all out in this article. I’ll talk about what’s needed for change, the homework you will have to do and why hypnosis is the preferred tool for quick and lasting change.

How can I improve my game?

If you have been practicing and practicing, beating balls at the driving range and not getting anywhere, then you know that what I am about to say is the truth: practice doesn’t help! You just keep hitting the ball in the same way over and over. The reason is, practice makes permanent.

All of the golfers on the PGA tour have grown up visualizing the golf swing. They know how to change their swing to suit the occasion because they have mastered the mental game. The mental game extends far beyond just having a good attitude. The real secret to the mental game is the ability to see and feel the golf swing needed to create a shot shape that will land the ball on the green and bring it to a stop. In very real terms, the mental part of golf programs the body to behave in specific ways. That is how golfers are able to pull off incredible drives and amazing approaches.

But let’s look at the difference between the average golfer’s swing and a professional’s swing. Yes, there swing is faster. This accounts for the distance. Yes there ball’s flight path is more predictable. This is because they get the ball on the right spot on the clubface which came from the right angle of approach. It really doesn’t matter what you do on the backswing as long as you connect with the ball on the middle of the clubface and swing on the right path or from the right angle.

That said, most golf swings are essentially similar. The real difference is fractions of an inch or seconds. This is known as timing. The time the club head reaches the ball should be fractionally different in order to produce a more optimal flight path of the ball. This is most apparent when we really try to rip one and the harder we swing the wilder the slice or hook.

So visualization is the answer?

Yes, and no. Visualizations purpose is to help you focus inwardly and program your body to perform. This is a form of self hypnosis and can be used to get you into the zone, imagine the perfect ball flight and the swing you will need to make. It will also help you fix that slice or hook and over time help you swing faster and faster while maintaining your timing.

The key to visualization is to do it regularly. Don’t just visualize when you are playing golf. Visualize for five to ten minutes every day. See yourself playing a hole perfectly. See and feel every shot. Watch the ball fly toward the green with pinpoint accuracy. Start preparing your mind and body to respond to your desires.

How can hypnosis help my golf game?

Golf is known as a mental game. Hypnosis is a method of reprogramming the subconscious mind – the part of us that controls our muscle memory! Isn’t it obvious how hypnosis can help now?

Hypnosis directly affects the subconscious mind and, coupled with visualization, can give you more confidence in yourself and your game. Then as you play better golf, you start to rely more and more heavily on your new-found power to play golf the way you have always wanted to play. This starts a upward spiraling cycle where your confidence creates increased ability which instills more confidence.

Hypnosis can directly remove the blocks standing in the way of your game and reprogram your mind to, not only swing the club with better timing, but also to allow you to actually learn from your mistakes and practice more effectively. This way, when you go out to the driving range, you can have fun and not feel like you are continually “working on your game.”

Hypnosis can help any athlete refine their ability to play their chosen sport to the best of their potential. Once you realize that the difference between average and professional is tiny fractions of a second, then you realize that the change you need to make is marginal. So if you have been hitting the ball the same way for 20 years, you have to begin to think that the behavior has been ingrained into your subconscious mind. What you need to do is change the pattern and reprogram your brain.

Are you ready to take your game to the next level? With Sports Hypnosis, you can! Michael Miller, Owner of Miller Hypnosis in Atlanta, Georgia, can show you how to have more confidence, more endurance, more feel and get into the zone at will. Sports Hypnosis is just one of the many areas that you can improve your life with hypnosis. Call or email Michael today! You can find out more at Miller Hypnosis Atlanta.

Golf Swing Instructions for Beginners – Learn How to Swing Like a Pro

Golf Swing Instructions for Beginners – Learn How to Swing Like a Pro

Article by Matthew Barrett

Perfecting your swing in golf is one of the hardest tasks to accomplish. When you stance and swing are not done correctly, it can greatly affect your game in a very negative way. Following golf swing instructions and tips like those found below can help you get on the right track towards looking like a pro on the golf course.

Line Up Your Shoulders

The first golf swing instruction you should follow is to line up your shoulders. When your shoulders are properly aligned, the course you take with your swing will be straight and you can avoid making costly mistakes. Your front shoulder should directly face the target at which you are aiming. The trailing shoulder on the other hand should be square to the area you are aiming at. Your feet should be lined up directly under your shoulders and your knees should be bent slightly.

Grip the Club

The next part of our golf swing instructions involves gripping your club. You should not choke up on or squeeze the club. Instead, you should have a light yet firm hold on the club, with your fingers and palms in the correct positions. Line up your V’s and ensure that your grip is in perfect alignment with the ball and shaft of the club.

Rotate Your Hips

Rotating your hips to the back is imperative so that your shoulders are able to rotate fully to the begin stance for your backswing. When your hips are rotated or rolled properly, your weight should naturally rest on your back foot and your arms are to come up to the same height as your shoulders when you take the club back. Your arm and the shaft of the club should create an “L” shape. Proper use of the hips is an important part of golf swing instructions for beginners.

Roll the Hips Forward

After you have drawn back, you should begin propelling your hips back to the front. This should naturally turn your shoulders and allow you to bring your hands down and drive straight through the ball. Snapping your wrist forward as you hit the ball will allow for a straight drive that travels far and accurately.

Finish Your Swing

One of the most important golf swing instructions that many golfers often forget is to finish the swing. Many will hit the ball and once there is contact they forget to follow through. Without proper follow through, your golf game will suffer and you leave yourself open for hooks, slices and other common mistakes.

Instead of stopping immediately after the strike to see how you have done, instead push all the way through the swing until your arms are at least shoulder height. This will keep your ball on target and give you the maximum return.

Proper golf swing instructions can help you realize your full potential as a golfer. A weak or ill executed swing can cause all kinds of problems that could have you giving up on golf before you truly begin. The information above is a general breakdown of the steps you must take in order to perform a successful swing and start improving your game.

About the Author

Matthew Barret is a golf instructor and enthusiast. Want to learn more about golf swing instructions? Visit his website at CorrectMyGolfSlice.comfor helpful tips and information on curing your golf slice, improving your swing, lowering your scores, and enjoying golf to its fullest.