Straighten Golf Slice

Straighten Golf Slice

When playing golf with your clubs or that golf equipmet online buying, you should know that it is very important to know some tips to make your have better golf playing. In order to make you have a good performance on the golf course, here I would like to introduce you some golf tips for your game of golf. As it is known that golf slice is a key element for your game, so the following tips may help you straighten your golf slice, and enjoy your game more.

Do not choke the golf club

Stop! It is significant to keep in mind. Keep it firmly enough so that you are in control, however loosely enough that somebody can tug it away from your hands.

Build Square

At address, your shoulders, hips, knees, and feet should be parallel to the goal line (the imaginary line from the golf ball to your goal). During exercise, place a PING G15 Fairway Wood across your toes and the other key spots to check for appropriate alignment.

Strengthen Your Golf Grip

Many golf players who slice have got weak hands or a weak grip. In either situation, the hands do not roll over at result, therefore the clubface is open (pointing right) when it matches the golf ball.

Hands Ahead

A lot of slicers begin with the hands right behind the golf ball. At address the left hand need to be ahead of the golf ball therefore a straight line might run down the left arm, through the hands, to the golf ball.

Head Behind

In case your head is not behind the golf ball at address, possibilities are you are not shifting your weight appropriately in the backswing. Motivate the headback location by swiveling your chin to the right just before beginning the golf swing.

Straighten your golf slice can certainly make you have a better playing on the golf course, so why not you take your Callaway Big Bertha Diablo Draw Driver from out and enjoy the game of golf.

Many golf players who slice have got weak hands or a weak grip. In either situation, the hands do not roll over at result, therefore the clubface is open (pointing right) when it matches the golf ball.

How To Straighten A Golf Slice

How To Straighten A Golf Slice

Are you getting tired of living with the golf slice which does not want to go away? Every long shot you play you have to aim to the left of the target to allow for the inevitable swing of the ball to the right.

Sometimes it does not curl as it usually does, instead it goes straight, but always right of the target. The trouble is, you don’t know why it bends or why it goes straight? If this is you, then read on.

Here are some tips to straighten your golf slice.

1. Have a look at the angle of your divot. If it goes left of the target you are cutting across the ball at impact. There are different reasons why you are doing this.

2. You could be standing too close to the ball. If you are not sure how far away you ought to be standing, let your arms hang down loose, and that is the desirable distance from the ball. The club head should be flat on the ground at the address.

3. Check your grip, especially that your right hand is not too far over the club. If it is, move it more to the left.

4.Take the club back straight at the start of the backswing, or slightly to the inside, and try not to snatch at the top of the swing. Begin the downswing by turning the hips first.

By following these simple tips you will have taken positive action to straighten your golf slice.

Philip is passionate about golf and is always looking for ways to get rid of my golf slice See also: Golf Swing Tips Online for more helpful golf tips and advice.