Slicing The Ball? Understand Why And Cure It Forever

Slicing The Ball? Understand Why And Cure It Forever

Curring a slice can seem like a lifetimes work but it doesn’t have to be that way.If you understand the mechanics of the golf swing you can get rid of the slice affliction forever. Untill the time comes when you need a great raking curve ball around a tree to half the match with your playing partners.

Ok that said what causes the slice?

The slice happens when the club comes into the impact area from outside the target line, with the club face open and with a steep angle of attack.

This is caused by the upper body ( shoulders ) starting the downswing, throwing the club out and away from the body which is the complete opposite of what you should be trying to achieve.

So if you take the club to the top of your backswing, and we’ll take it for granted that you have made a full shoulder turn ( 90 degrees ) and only 45 degrees in the hips. From here a slice would come from the hips staying still and the shoulders starting things down. This you’ll notice makes the club move away from you and travel towards the ball from about two feet away from your right toes and on a path towards around six inches from your left toes. So steep and outside the target line inside.

Now compare that to the right way.

Back to the top of the swing and now start by rotating the hips first. You’ll notice the right shoulder naturally drops somewhat. Now continue turning and watch the path this time. The club is now coming from about 6 inches from the right toes to impact, more from close to you to impact and away. The opposite to the slice.

The way I got this motion was to hold a football in both hands at your right hip and now take your golf stance and throw the ball over your left shoulder ( right motion ).

Hope this article will help to cure your slice for good.

Steve has been a keen golfer for over 30 years. He still loves the game and plays on a regular basis. His current handicap is 2. If this tip was helpful to you and you would like to see and hear more of the same. Please go here.

How to cure a golf slice

How to cure a golf slice

Playing golf with a slice is like driving a Ferrari in a traffic jam. It takes away the joy from the game and can just leave you wondering why you are spending so much money for nothing. Sure, even the Pros slice the ball from time to time, nobody is perfect, it’s also normal for novice players to slice all the time. But if you want to develop your game, then you must fix your swing.

Let’s start with an explanation of what golf slice is and what are the causes. Here is the mechanical explanation behind a golf slice. Slice is a term describing a specific left-to-right type of trajectory of the golf ball for right-handers, opposite for lefties. A right-hander or a lefty, when a slice occurs, the ball ends up way right or left from the target area. If you examine the game of pro golfers, you will notice that they try to hit the ball squarely and straight, otherwise the ball wills spin which ultimately results in a slice.

To avoid slicing the ball, try to keep the club face squared during the swing until the very moment of impact. If you twist the club in left or right direction, you will slice. To achieve the ideal direction of the club face, you must have a correct grip, proper body setup and good body action.

The most common reason for a slice is the grip is too weak and too tight with the handle in the palm’s tree. Make sure your motion is controllable, it’s about gently swinging the club, not haking it. If you look at how Pro golfers do it, you will see that they don’t put much pressure into their swing, they do it almost effortlessly.

Rhythm and balance are also key elements. The main movement in every golf swing is rotating your upper body back, then rotating it through to the finish. If you perform the motion too fast, then you will loose your balance resulting in poor ball flight. the right setup lays the foundation for a good golf swing. The body weight must be equally balanced between your left and right foot, and then at the point of impact, nearly 75% of your weight should shift to the front foot.

Remember, golf is a mental sport. 90% of the whole thing depends on your mind set. The level of concentration makes the difference. Because, it’s one thing to know it in theory, putting your knowledge into practice is sometimes harder than anticipated. Once you know the theoretical part, it will depend on you and your focus.

Practice, practice, practice. Everything requires effort and you have to put all your new knowledge to the test. It’s a good idea to practice in the driving range as it will save you a lot of money. If you are feeling frustrated about your swing after several unsuccessful attempts, take a break, think about what you are doing wrong and stay positive.

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Know how to correct a golf hook shot

Know how to correct a golf hook shot

Article by Nicolus Cage

A golf hook is a shot that starts right of the target and curves left of the target. The golf hook is one of the most common swing faults. The golf hook most commonly occurs when the clubface is closed relative to the swing path and/or when the swing follows an excessive “in to out” swing path. Other common causes of the golf hook are too strong of a grip (which encourages a closed club face) or body alignment that is too far right of the target.

Quick Fixes for the Golf Hook Shot

Here are a couple of quick fixes that address the golf hook.* Align parallel to target line. To help visualize, think of standing on railway line.* Swing down the target line-not in-to-out.* Check your golf grip and ensure it is neutral – not too weak or too strong.* Take some practice swings and ensure that your club face is square at impact.

Practice Drills to Fix the Golf Hook Shot

To help fix the golf hook shot, top PGA teaching professionals recommend practice drills that help incorporate the proper golf swing mechanics into the golf swing and ingrain the correct “feeling” of a well-executed golf shot. Here are several popular practice drills to fix the golf hook.


Corrects golf hooks caused by excessive IN-OUT swing and encourages proper IN-SQUARE-IN swing path. Also promotes strong balance.

* Assume setup with 7-iron and without ball.* Draw left foot back and keep toe on ground. Keep weight on right side.* Staying balanced, take 5 to 10 practice swings.* Continue drill by hitting balls off tee at half-speed.


Corrects golf hooks caused by excessive IN-OUT swing and encourages proper IN-SQUARE-IN swing path.

* Place two tees and ball left to right diagonally, creating an IN-SQUARE-IN swing path. Allow about 4″x 4″ spacing from each tee to ball.* Assume normal setup and ball position with 7-iron.* Hit ball crisply without hitting tees.

To quickly get rid of your golf hook, incorporate both of these drills into your practice routine whenever a golf hook creeps into your game.

About the Author

Golf hook shot is one of the common swing faults in Golf. Get perfect golf training aids to correct all your golf swing related issues.

Tips for Correcting a Slice in Your Golf Swing

Tips for Correcting a Slice in Your Golf Swing

Here we’re going to discuss one of the most common issues with the golf swing… the dreaded golf slice. There are seemingly countless issues that can led to slicing in the the golf swing, and we’ll discuss some time-tested corrections that can help you get rid of that slice in your golf swing.


One of the most frequent causes of the slice happens during address. Most golfers prefer a square stance at address, where the feet, hips, and shoulders are in line with the target. If you move your left foot too far forward, the club face is likely to open at impact and the ball will fly to the right. The left foot should be directly under the left shoulder.The same holds true for the shoulders and hips. Unless they too are square at impact, the ball will not fly straight and true. Your body must be in complete alignment and totally square to the ball when the club hits the ball. That’s the first step…


The next step is correcting the grip. Many newer players grasp the club too tightly, which can cause the club head to open as it strikes the ball. Again, this will make the ball fly to the right. If the grip is too loose, the head will wobble at impact and that, too, can lead to slicing or hooking.There are several different types of grips, but to cure the slice in your golf swing, start with a neutral grip. It works for the majority of golfers, and it’s a good base to start and it’s easier to make adjustments from a totally neutral position. To check that your grip is neutral: you should be able to see two or three of your left-hand knuckles. If you cannot see any knuckles at all, this is a sign of an improper grip. As your hands come back into the hitting zone, they will rotate to a neutral position, causing the face to open.Rotate your hands—not the club, just your hands—until you see a couple of knuckles. Try hitting a few balls using this new grip. Keep in mind that minor adjustments to your grip can go a long way. Keep working at it until you discover the right position for you. Once you have it, remember it!


When correcting a slice, swing tempo is important. Many golfers have a tendency to try to use their arms as their power source to get some extra yards, but this almost never works. Once they get to the top of their backswing, they allow their hands to take over and lead the downswing. As the hands come down, with everything else following, the club face will almost undoubtedly open. From start to finish, your swing should be smooth and relaxed. Avoid the temptation to jerk the club once you get to the top of your backswing. Let your hips start the downswing and everything else will follow.

Above all, correcting a slice is a matter of finding the one or two things you are doing wrong and fixing them. This, of course, takes time and patience. If you work through the possible causes, you will eventually find the solution, and your enjoyment of the game will soar to new levels.




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Refiner Golf Club Review – Now You Can Swing With Confidence!

Refiner Golf Club Review – Now You Can Swing With Confidence!

To improve your golf swing by feel and not by swing mechanics, use the Refiner Golf Club. Should your golf swing is inappropriate, the hinge will break directly, allowing you to realize there’s a flaw within your golf swing.

The entire golf swing will be rectified since the hinging method allows you to experience and determine where the club must be. To have a very good golf swing, getting your golf club to the top in a proper manner during your back swing is a must and if you are cupping your wrists, the training aid will inform you of this by breaking immediately. This early warning enables you to rectify the flaw first before completing your golf swing and it will be nearly impossible to finish your golf swing without rectifying the flaw first.

The Refiner Golf Club is an excellent instrument to work with if you are trying to find ways to achieve the right pace and timing as it will hinge once a swing fault have been discovered. This is especially useful as poor shots usually are the result of swinging too fast.

Other areas that may benefit you as claims from the manufacturer are detecting excessive grip pressure, open / closed club face and improper swing plane.

What I like regarding the Refiner Golf Club is it allows you to train in the home without making use of the golf ball. It’s also ideal to be use at the golf range since Refiner Golf Club can be used as a standard club when swung right.

The Refiner Iron and the Refiner Driver are two swing trainers available to improve your golf swing. 2 different kinds of trainer is necessary as you would wish to catch the ball during the down swing for your iron shot versus the driver where you’ll need to catch the ball during the up swing. These 2 training modes will lead you to perform exactly like that.

The Refiner Golf Club not just caters for the right handed golfers but also for the left handed golf players as well. Various club lengths are available to cater for women as well as for juniors, and should the regular length isn’t fit for you, there’s also an alternative for it to be made-to-order.

Each of the training tools are bundled together with full instructional videos and is presented by PGA trainer Rick Bradshaw, guiding you with the proper way to use the training aid.

To know further on how Refiner Golf Club can aid you with your golf swing, check out where you can find extra information regarding Refiner Golf Club.

How To Improve Your Golf Swing-Neutralise Your Golf Grip

How To Improve Your Golf Swing-Neutralise Your Golf Grip

One way to improve your golf swing is to neutralise your golf grip.Firstly you will only hook the golf ball if you swing the club face closed at impact.The majority of golfers that hook the ball display a ‘strong grip’,where the hands are too far to the right of the handle.Golfers will swing the club too much from the inside of the line,with the hands,arms and body struggling to hold the clubface open at impact.Weakening the grip will help stop the club face closing on impact.
Secondly,a common fault with a lot of golfers is the stance.The width of stance will vary slightly
according to the golf club you are using.As a general guideline,i recommend that the stance for the 5-iron should correspond to the width of your shoulders.Check your stance regularly when you practise.A wide stance will give you good stability but less mobility.A narrow stance will give you more mobility but less stability.
Thirdly,getting your posture right will make playing the game easier.The reason for this is that your posture controls the balance points in your swing,and good balance is key in helping you develop your game.
Start by placing your thumbs on your hip joints,this is to where you bend from the hip joint.
From there lean forward putting your weight on the front of your feet.Finally flex your knees,feeling the pressure on your thighs.Hope this helps,happy golfing.

Thanks for reading,

The Golf Pull Hook. Cure Golf Hook With 3 Easy Tips!

The Golf Pull Hook. Cure Golf Hook With 3 Easy Tips!

Article by Pjbergen

Many golfers are challenged with golf pull hook.

Are you?

Regardless of your golf ability you may be hooking.

And you want to know how to get rid of it once and for all!

Here are 3 Tips you need to do in order to stop pulling the ball,have more consistent golf swings and lower your golf scores.

Tip 1-

Adjust your swing path

Face of the club must be square with your flight path at impact. Not being square causes a hook.

The cause of the hook is that the club face is closed.

Adjust your swing path; -concentrate on shifting your weight and your body so that everything is going down the flight path.

Open your stance slightly, swinging with the line of the shoulders

Tip 2-

Adjust Grip Pressure

If your grip is too strong, you’ll pull the club to the inside.

Use only as much pressure as it takes to keep the club face square at impact.

Pay attention to your hand placement.

Follow through with the hands to the target, making sure your wrists do not turn over too soon.

Aim for consistent light pressure on the club.

Tip 3-

Adjust Ball and Stance

You want to place ball position in the middle towards the front of the stance.

When ball is too far back in your stance, you create a hook.

Position your feet square to the target line.

Keep both feet even.

Shift your weight to the front foot and make your swing with your weight on the leading foot.

Golf Drill to Cure Your Hook-

Lay club on grass, parallel to your target.

Place a golf ball 2 inches from inside of club.

Try hitting the ball without hitting the club.

If you’re making contact with the toe of the club your ball will go the right.

If your swing is coming from the inside the toe of your club will be lined up left of your target and straight down the fairway.

Instead of your driver, you can use a plastic pipe.

In Conclusion…….

Start with these tips;

however, there are so many more tips to help eliminate the dreadful golf hook.

Get yourself to the driving range and put these tips into practice now and you will start seeing your results immediately that lowers your handicap.

If you sick and tired of your inconsistent shots, higher scores and missed fairways!

Is your golf frustrating and it’s not fun anymore!

Listen up, you must cure your golf hook, today. Any golfer can easily and quickly get rid of the golf pull hook and cure golf hook once and for all.

Imagine this!

Head over to Cure Golf Hook and get into the fun of golf.

About the Author

Free report available at Cure Golf Hook.

Improve Your Golf Score by 5 Strokes with these Chipping Tips

All golfers know the short game is important. Here are some great golf chipping tips to help you improve your short game.

Let’s begin with the disclaimer that there are many types of chips you can make when you get close to the green. In other words, there is no single approved method for getting the ball closer to the hole. The effectiveness of your chipping will depend on the lie you have, the length of the grass, how far you are from the hole, and the condition of the green.

Let’s start our golf chipping tips with a standard chip. This shot is played when you are close to green but not on it. Generally, you play it with either your nine-iron or any wedge you are comfortable using. The rule of thumb is that a good chip will fly about 1/3 of the way to the cup and then roll the rest of the way. This shot should be played in the center of your stance with your hands well ahead of the ball and the club face square.

Repetition is key to better golf chipping shots

As we proceed with our golf chipping tips, we’ll take a look at the soft shot. This type of shot allows the ball to fly farther and land softly close tohow to chip better (and hopefully rolling into) the cup. The most common club used for a soft chip shot is the lob wedge, but the sand wedge can also be used.

For the soft shot, you should address the ball with your club face open a bit. Play the ball forward and keep your hands behind it during the swing. It is imperative that you learn to accelerate the club head for this shot. When performed correctly, the ball will fly high for a short distance and then land softly and roll just a little.

If there is a lot of green between you and the hole, you might try the low chip shot. This shot is normally done with a mid-iron, such as the six- or seven-iron. You must play the ball toward the back of your stance to get the descending type of impact you need. Again, keep your hands ahead of the club head and the club face square to the target.

This shot creates the most roll once the ball lands on the green, and is good to use when you can aim right at the hole but are worried about going too far past it. This can occur if a sand trap or water hazard is close to the rear side of the hole.

Practice make perfect and improve your score with golf chipping skills

Above all, the best golf chipping tip you can get is to practice by regularly using all of your chip clubs, from mid-irons to wedges. Each requires its own setup and swing, and the only way to master all of these options is to get to the range and put them to work.

Start with the standard shot and move on to the soft shot, the two shots you will use the most on any given day. Once you have this mastered, move on to the low shot. This may take more time to learn than the others, but it is well worth the investment.

By putting these golf chipping tips to work for you, you can begin to master your short game and achieve a lower score, time after time. Be patient, and keep practicing.

Golf Short Game Tips – Chipping Practice Lowers Golf Scores

All golfers know the short game is important. Here are some great golf chipping tips to help you improve your short game.

Let’s begin with the disclaimer that there are many types of chips you can make when you get close to the green. In other words, there is no single approved method for getting the ball closer to the hole. The effectiveness of your chipping will depend on the lie you have, the length of the grass, how far you are from the hole, and the condition of the green.

Short Game Practice Drills for Chipping and Pitching:

This shot is played when you are close to green but not on it.  Generally, you play it with either your nine-iron or any wedge you are comfortable using. The rule of thumb is that a good chip will fly about 1/3 of the way to the cup and then roll the rest of the way. This shot should be played in the center of your stance with your hands well ahead of the ball and the club face square.

As we proceed with our golf chipping tips, we’ll take a look at the soft shot. This type of shot allows the ball to fly farther and land softly close to (and hopefully rolling into) the cup. The most common club used for a soft chip shot is the lob wedge, but the sand wedge can also be used.

For the soft shot, you should address the ball with your club face open a bit. Play the ball forward and keep your hands behind it during the swing. It is imperative that you learn to accelerate the club head for this shot. When performed correctly, the ball will fly high for a short distance and then land softly and roll just a little.

When to hit a high chip shot or a low chip shot in your short game:

If there is a lot of green between you and the hole, you might try the low chip shot. This shot is normally done with a mid-iron, such as the six- or seven-iron. You must play the ball toward the back of your stance to get the descending type of impact you need. Again, keep your hands ahead of the club head and the club face square to the target.

This shot creates the most roll once the ball lands on the green, and is good  to use when you can aim right at the hole but are worried about going too far past it. This can occur if a sand trap or water hazard is close to the rear side of the hole.

Above all, the best golf chipping tip you can get is to practice by regularly using  all of your chip clubs, from mid-irons to wedges. Each requires its own setup and swing, and the only way to master all of these options is to get to the range and put them to work.

Start with the standard shot and move on to the soft shot, the two shots you will use the most on any given day. Once you have these mastered, move on to the low shot. This may take more time to learn than the others, but it is well worth the investment.

By putting these golf chipping tips to work for you, you can begin to master your short game and achieve a lower score, time after time. Be patient, and keep practicing.

Want to add yards to every golf shot, read this post.

Process to Correcting a Slice – Golf Slice Swing Correction Tips

Like any golf strategy, correcting a slice is a process. By working your way through the possible culprits, you will eventually find the cause of your problem. Here are some time-tested tips on correcting a slice.

Although there are countless issues that can lead to slicing the ball, some are more common than others. One of the most frequent causes happens during address.

Most golfers prefer a square stance at address, where the feet, hips, and shoulders are in line with the target. If you move your left foot too far forward, the club face is likely to open at impact and the ball will fly to the right. The left foot should be directly under the left shoulder.

The same holds true for the shoulders and hips. If they are not square, the ball will not fly straight and true.

Your Grip is Key in Correcting a Slice:

The next step is correcting the grip. Many newer players grasp the club too tightly, which can cause the club head to open as it strikes the ball. Again, this will make the ball fly to the right. If the grip is too loose, the head will wobble at impact and that, too, can lead to slicing or hooking.

Along with tightness, your grip on the club should be neutral. Check your grip by looking down at it. You should be able to see two or three of your left-hand knuckles. If you cannot see any knuckles at all, this is a sign of an improper grip. As your hands come back into the hitting zone, they will rotate to a neutral position, causing the face to open.

Rotate your hands—not the club, just your hands—until you see a couple of knuckles. Try hitting a few balls using this new grip. Keep in mind that minor adjustments to your grip can go a long way. Keep working at it until you discover the right position for you. Once you have it, remember it!

Tempo, Do this and Correct Your Slice:

When correcting a slice, swing tempo is important. Many golfers have a tendency to try to use their arms as their power source to get some extra yards, but this almost never works. Once they get to the top of their backswing, they allow their hands to take over and lead the downswing. As the hands come down, with everything else following, the club face will almost undoubtedly open.

From start to finish, your swing should be smooth and relaxed. Avoid the temptation to jerk the club once you get to the top of your back swing. Let your hips start the downswing and everything else will follow.

Take a Look at Your Divot, Learn to Notice a Slice Divot:

Another useful tip to correct your slice is to look at your divot. If your divot is pointing too far to the right, this may be your problem. Again, check your posture at address and make sure your feet, hips, and shoulders are in line with the target.

Above all, correcting a slice is a matter of finding the one or two things you are doing wrong and fixing them. This, of course, takes time and patience. If you work through the possible causes, you will eventually find the solution, and your enjoyment of the game will soar to new levels.

More tips on hitting the ball straight in this post.