Toweling Nappies and how to put them on Ba

Toweling Nappies and how to put them on Ba

Article by Tom Schavo

Toweling nappies are a once only buy which makes them more economic. They come in variety of absorbency and qualities. The more absorbent the nappy the more expensive it is. It is held together with special pins and covered with reusable plastic pants to prevent leakage.

One way liner can be placed inside the nappy to help keep your baby dry; this method also has the added advantage of allowing you to flush any motion down the lavatory with minimum of bother.

How to put on a toweling nappy: Toweling nappy can be folded in a variety of ways to suit the age and sex of your child.

Step 1: Fold Nappy and place a linear in the center. Lay your baby on the nappy with top edge at waist. Now bring nappy up between the baby legs.

Step 2: Holding the nappy in place, fold one side over the central panel and secure with a nappy pin.

Step 3: Fold the other side into the middle and secure. Always keep your finger between the nappy and your baby’s skin when inserting the pin so that there is no risk of pricking your baby.

Step 4: Once the nappy is securely in place you may want to put on a pair of protective plastic pants. Try not to get cross if your baby wets clean nappy immediately and you have to start all over again.

When working out the price of toweling nappies, you need to take into account the cost of washing powder, the electricity used for washing and drying them, sterilizing solution, plastic wraps, nappy liners and clips.

Toweling nappies are harder work than disposables because they need washing, so a washing machine and tumble dryer will make life easier for you. The nappies also need to be sterilized, rinsed, washed and dried. Then they should be aired before being reused.

About the Author

The Author “Tom Schavo” is an expert baby care adviser who runs a site on baby care.

baby items list 11 week old baby 8 week old baby