Improve Your Golf Game with”How to Break 80 and Shoot Like the Pros..”

Improve Your Golf Game with”How to Break 80 and Shoot Like the Pros..”

Article by Chris Hector

This book is a very comprehensive coaching manual by author Jack Moorehouse and is intended for players who have played a bit of golf and are perhaps in the 80 to 100 score range, therefore covering a pretty broad range of players.

The intention of this book is to demystify some of those grey areas of the golf game and to give the reader some structure as to how they might approach the game in order to gain some early improvement.

The book itself is a full eighty pages crammed with practical ideas and golf tips written in a very understandable and readable manner that takes the reader by the hand and leads one through the mental and physical minefield that is golf.

If you are looking for a book that starts from the very beginning with what you can realistically expect to achieve by following the instructions contained within and then follows on with all the nitty gritty detail such as grip, stance, posture, set up and all the drills required to get Continue reading “Improve Your Golf Game with”How to Break 80 and Shoot Like the Pros..””

How to Chip in Golf

How to Chip in Golf

Article by Jamie Faidley

One of the most important things to remember if you want to learn how to chip better is just how important it is to have clean, consistent contact. You will need to strike the ball on the way down, avoiding hitting the ground before you hit the ball. Repeating clean contact is not easy, but once you can do it you will quickly find it much easier to control the distance of your chips. Once you learn that distance control you will be able to putt from closer distances, cutting strokes off of your game.

Ball Alignment

While you are swinging a golf club, the middle of your center of gravity is where the lowest point typically falls. Because you want to avoid hitting the ground before you strike the ball, you should move the ball just behind center at address. For beginners, use two inches behind your center, then you can adjust as you become more comfortable. Just don’t forget to keep this ball location consistent as moving it will change the angle of your club impact and you will find it harder to consistently strike the ball cleanly.

Hand Position

You will need to work on consistent hand position each time you chip. Your hands should be in the same place with each chip you make. You will want to position your hands in front of the ball. Draw a straight line from the point where your right knuckle sticks out the farthest. That line typically falls just in front of your ball and is a good reference point to use for your hand positioning.

Weight Balance

Your weight should be distributed about 40 percent-60 percent with more of your weight on your front foot. This is going to help cut down on hitting fat shots by making the lower point of the swing more toward your front foot. Getting this balance down will help you to your goal of hitting clean chip shots more consistently.

Club Alignment

Make an extra effort to keep your club face squared to your target. While playing the ball back in your stance your club face may float open, which requires that extra bit of focus for chipping.

This setup should help you make more up and downs from just beyond the green. Be sure you check my other golf chipping tips if you are looking for additional assistance with improving your chip shots.

About the Author

My goal is to offer helpful golf chipping tips for players of different skill levels ranging from beginner to advanced. With the articles on our site you will find techniques, lessons, how-to’s, and drills to help you become a better golfer.