Uncovered – The Foods That Can Create A Winning Mood And Increase Alertness.

Uncovered – The Foods That Can Create A Winning Mood And Increase Alertness.

Article by Max Webster-Dowsing

For hundreds of years throughout the ages people have stated that consuming certain drinks and food will make you feel better, is there any truth in this? I hear you ask, well in fact there certainly is.

Modern science have discovered how our emotions are directly linked to the use of certain brain chemicals thus identifying the abundance of natural chemicals in food that change how our body feels, this is done by the influence of neurotransmitters in the brain also changing the ways how our brain cells behave in relation to our body and releasing mood-altering chemicals throughout the body.

One of the biggest myths out there today is the fact that most of us believe alcohol relaxes us, this is the exact opposite it is a depressant not a mood lifter. The reason this is so commonly believed is that as you may know when you have a couple glasses of wine you feel looser and more exuberant. This is because alcohol relaxes the body’s controls, these are the brain signals that usually stop you from doing something daft such as singing at the top of your voice down your street at 2am or doing a striptease in public.

Caffeine is a very popular food that is a stimulant, hence the abundance on the market now of fizzy drinks with caffeine in. What this does to the body is raise your blood pressure, burns calories faster and is a mood elevator. It is also reported that caffeine improves performance in fitness as it hooks up a receptor in the brain called adenosine which when caffeine latches onto this receptor makes your brain cells react more such as talking faster and your brain working harder and your body has more energy.

PEA – Phenylethylalanine

This is an amino acid that your body releases when you experience lone making you feel good. The most famous food to contain this amino acid is chocolate, hence all the advertising over the years stating how good it is for your mood.But the thing with chocolate it also contains caffeine so in terms of mood food chocolate is right up there at the top.

There is not a food known to man that can change your personality or cure a mood disorder however by consuming certain foods at certain times can make a difference.But you have to get the balance right I am sure it would be great to think we could all eat chocolate as it tastes great and makes us feel good but of we did that we would all be vastly overweight and feel sick, so I repeat balance is key.

To give you an example of what I do if I need to be extra alert and on my toes I will have a cup of coffee for breakfast then have a grilled chicken breast. With the protein content in this it will make you super alert for the morning. For the remainder of the day I would have pasta for lunch with tomatoes and fresh basil, you need the right carbs without high fat food as this slows your brain and makes you feel sleepy. So avoid fats and oils in the day. Again repeat this for dinner (but have a different meal such as grilled fish and cous cous) and to finish off have a bar of chocolate with a glass of chianti. This will give me the feel-good amino acids and by having one glass of wine to be fair is a safe way to relax, but anymore could be a disaster.

The point is to keep in mind that it is a good idea to influence your body in the correct manner to make you feel as healthy and well as possible but of course to exercise the above in moderation.

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The Right Catfish Hooks to Increase Your Success

The Right Catfish Hooks to Increase Your Success

Knowing how to select the right catfish hooks for the type of catfish you want to catch is very important. Fishing for a 2lb channel is vastly different than fishing for a 50lb blue or flathead catfish. The sizes I use range from 2 to 2/0 in most waters but there are times when you can use larger hooks up to 6/0 effectively.

I usually fish with a 2/0 baitholder hook as I can get both table fare and some good sized cats without having to worry about the hook failing. When I am at a location, such as below a dam, that has proven to produce monster cats consistently I will use a 4/0 hook.

The way I select the right catfish hook is easy. In waters where I am unsure of what to use I always start with a 1/0 baitholder hook. If your drag is set properly this hook is sturdy enough to bring in the big catfish and small enough to provide good table fare.

When I am trying to make sure I have a decent catch to take home for dinner I often switch to a smaller hook. Not many catfish anglers recommend this but I have had great success doing so. For instance, if I am having a problem with the catfish taking my bait, running with it for a short distance and then just simply dropping the bait I will switch to a #2 baitholder. Of course it is not as effective for big fish but it does put food on the table.

When it comes to winter fishing for catfish, you really can get better results using smaller hooks too. Even when you are trying to catch big fish. Especially in the winter, when the water is cold and calm, the catfish tend to be finicky, and you have to try to get them out of the water without spooking them.

In the springtime, when the fish are not so finicky, you can move up to some bigger hooks like a 4/0 baitholder hook. These are particularly good when there are flood water kinds of conditions present. During flood conditions, the fish tend to get very aggressive, and they really grab on to basically whatever is out there. You will miss some fish you could catch if you use the smaller hooks in flood conditions.

No matter what size or type hook you prefer to use you should always have an assortment on hand so that you can adapt to the waters or conditions you are fishing in. Go often enough and you will work out your own system and preferences for choosing the right catfish hooks.

Doug Burns is an avid fishing enthusiast who is committed to providing the best Catfish Fishing information possible. Get more information on the right catfish hooks.