Three Top Tips To Help You Lower Your Golf Handicap

Three Top Tips To Help You Lower Your Golf Handicap

Article by John Woosey

A golf handicap is a numerical measure of an amateur golfer’s playing ability. It allows players of different skill levels to play each other on a fair scale.

Quite often when meeting a fellow golf enthusiast you’ll be met with the question “What’s your handicap?” Hopefully you won’t embarrass yourself by stating a high handicap but even if your handicap is a bit on the large size there’s no need to worry.

Many golfers go years without seeing massive improvements in their handicap. Essentially you need to think of your handicap score as something that reflects your skills and abilities in general, not the last one or ten rounds you’ve played.

Practicing your wedge shots

Wedge shots whether they are for final approaches to the green or the dreaded bunker recoveries are vital to any golfer’s game. Many golfers are aiming simply to get the ball on the green but if you were to take into consideration the lie of the green you would be able to see which places are likely to give you the easiest putts to finish the hole.

Sand shots are a nightmare for many novice golfers, however using the wedge’s face to your advantage is key to a successful recovery. By standing square to the ball and leaning slightly on your front foot, getting the leading edge of your wedge under the ball should lift the ball high and clear of the steep back wall of the bunker.

Analyse your own swing

Knowing what you are doing wrong is half the battle with golf, taking practice swings or practicing at a driving range can really help you get a better understanding of what your natural shot is like. Some people are lucky and their natural shot is straight as an arrow, for those who hook or fade their shots off to one side by slowly going through your swing or stopping just where you would strike the ball you may find your hands have rotated.

If your hands have rotated that is what will probably be causing your mis-fired shots. Have a look at the position of your clubs face, if it’s opened or closed too much then try rotating your wrists. If it remains a troublesome aspect of your swing then perhaps the grip needs altering so you can swing perfectly and comfortably too.

Reduce your putts

There are many pros that struggle with this part of their short game and it can equal heartbreak in nail-biting finishes to games. Putting is another area where you basically need to practice to get a feel for the right weight to put into your shots.

Practicing from different distances and especially on different gradients should give you a good idea of the power needed to put the ball away in one shot, two at most. It’s advised that your back swing should always be shorter than your follow through as this is what essentially gives the ball it’s thrust towards the hole, the rocking motion of your shoulders should lead your arms, hands and putter through the entire motion and make sure you keep an even grip on the putter throughout the swing.

These three tips are common to many golfers’ short-comings but are all curable to help lower your handicap.

About the Author

John Woosey writes on a range of related subjects such as golf handicap software and golf insurance

Smashing It Straight

Smashing It Straight

Some players drive the ball 250 yards or more every time, but they can’t keep it on the fairway. The harder they try to stay on the fairway, the more they hook it. As a result, they find themselves in a clump of trees or under a bush, without a good second shot, hurting their golf handicap. They’ve taken golf lessons and read golf tips. And they’ve tried throttling back. But they still can’t cure their big hook.

If that’s you, read on. There’s a simple way to cure the problem. All you have to do is make a minor change in your grip—one pioneered by golfing great Ben Hogan. The change takes a little getting used to, as most adjustments do, so you’ll have to hit a few buckets of balls to get comfortable with it. But once you do, you’ll hit the ball straighter than before with just as much power. And you’ll shave strokes off your golf handicap.

A Smasher’s Instinct

Hogan had a smasher’s instinct. When he was on the tee, the right-hander didn’t want to just drive the ball well. He wanted to crush it. He wanted to hit it out of sight. And for a small guy, he hit it a long way. But like many big hitters, Hogan had problems with direction. Whenever he tried to throttle back, he just made things worse. Throttling back just wasn’t in his nature.

But a simple change in his grip transformed him from Captain Hook to Captain Power Fade. Hogan realized that by weakening his grip a bit, he could control his hook and still hit the ball as hard as he wanted. Rather than fight a strong, three-knuckle grip, he decided to change grips. He turned his left hand so that he only saw one knuckle at address while his right palm faced the target. The change let him smash the ball without hooking it.

The change was exactly what Hogan needed. It transformed his game. By the time he retired in 1971, he was not only one of the most feared golfers of his time, he also one of the best of all time. After turning pro in 1929, he won 64 PGA Tour championships. Of these, nine were major championship wins—4 masters, 2 U.S Opens, 1 British Open, and 2 PGA Championships.

Strong Forearms Helped

Keep in mind though that Hogan had very strong forearms. They allowed him to take a weak grip and still square the clubhead at impact. If you don’t have strong forearms, you may want to adjust your grip so that you see one and one-half knuckles on your left hand at address. Then place your right hand on the club so that the palm is facing the target, like Hogan did.

Like most changes, this new grip takes getting used to. Hit balls on the practice range with the grip before trying it on the course. You’ll probably slice a few before getting the hang of it. But the more you let your right side in the swing, if you’re right-handed, the smaller the slice will be. Vice versa for left-handers. And since you can’t hook it, swing as aggressively as you like. You’ll still hit a fade. And you’ll probably still end up on the fairway.

Henry Cotton’s Tire Drill

To get used to hitting the ball with a weak left-handed grip, try one of Henry Cotton’s favorite drills. Cotton was a great player and teacher. He got his students used to hitting with a weak left-handed grip by having them hit an old tire. Here’s how:

Grab an old iron. Grip it with your left hand, so that no more than one and one-half knuckles show. Lay the tire down where you’d tee the ball. Now take some swings with your left arm only. If you’re left-handed, use your right arm.

How can you tell if you’re closing the clubface when you hit the tire? Don’t worry, you’ll know. If the clubface is closed, you’ll feel solid contact. If it’s open, you’ll feel an extra shock in your arm. Use this drill sparingly to prevent injury. You don’t want to injure yourself during a practice session.

Mastering this change in grip conquers the hook for big hitters. Of course, taking a few golf lessons and reading golf tips can’t hurt, either. But the change in grip is something you can do right now. Just have a little patience. The change feels strange at first, but once assimilated, it helps lower golf handicaps. It also puts the fun back in driving the ball.

Jack Moorehouse is the author of the best-selling book How To Break 80 And Shoot Like The Pros. He is NOT a golf pro, rather a working man that has helped thousands of golfers from all seven continents lower their handicap immediately. Free weekly newsletter available with the latest golf tips, lessons and instructions.

Improve your Golf Swings – Lower your Handicap

Improve your Golf Swings – Lower your Handicap

Article by Tricia Deed

See yourself break 80 by improving your golf swings.Just between you and me, to be able to do this you will want to know how to improve your golf swings and in the process you will lower your handicap.

Do you hit the ball farther? Not always the case. The ability to hit the ball with consistent accuracy is the answer to lowering your handicap. Easily said, and achieveable with practice.

Reduce or eliminate slicing, hooking, and topping the ball.

A tendancy to slice the ball and doing it constantly needs immediate correction before it becomes ingrained as unwanted habits. Request to have a professional golfer observe you and offer remedies to correct your golf swing and body positioning flaws.

Hitting the golf ball and have it travel straighter is the goal unless you wanted the golf ball to curve sharply to the right or to the left. There are occasions when you want to hit the ball and direct it to either side of straight, but it takes a lot of control to do this shot intentionally.

Remember what it was like in the beginning? We all topped the golf ball because we released our flexed knees lifting the body upward causing the bottom of the club to thinly hit the top of the golf ball and it slowly rolled. We learned how to correct this flaw and proceeded successfully to the next lesson.

Correcting your golf swings is also a matter of refining and perfecting your grip, the address, the take away, the top of the backswing, the downswing, and the impact to finish. Practice these basics until they are familiar and comfortable to you.

Set up a constructive drill program for yourself. Attend the practice range prepared to practice with a purpose. Here is a suggestion list to include in your practice sessions.

*Check your posture or body alignment.

*Timing needs to be rehearsed.

*Develop rhythm.

*Smoother swing from beginning to golf ball contact.

*Improve consistency and distance.

*Hit the ball directly towards the intended target.

Stop here a minute and think about the above list. Choose one item and one to two irons and design a feasible practical drill. Do not set up impossible goals to practice in one session. Practice with correct accuracy. Constructive practice is essential as the golf swing habits you develop are realities on the golf course.

Investment of time in practice will be necessary to develop the perfect golf swings that you desire. Invest in yourself by engaging a professional golfer for lessons. Play golf as often as possible to gain experience.

The result of a perfect golf swing is when you hit the club head in the exact correct spot on impact with the correct amount of speed and send the ball flying straight to the designated target.

If you have been looking for other techniques as to how to improve your golf swings with the goal to lower your handicap take a look at

About the Author

Through the years I have learned to be a jack-of-all-trades and maybe mastered one. Because my interests are many, diversity has been the road most traveled. Currently I am exploring different types of hobbies and combining thse intersts with my business of internet marketing.

Ping Putters

Ping Putters

However you play your game or how high or low your golf handicap is there is certain to be a Ping Putter that will enhance your short game.

As far back as 1959, when the first putter was created in engineer, Karsten Solheim’s garage for his own personal use, Ping Putters have been assisting golfers to make the money shots. Named after the distinctive sound or ping on impact, Ping putters hit the right tone with golfers who insist on a satisfying resonance when the golf ball is struck.

Ping Putters are custom fitted to suit each golfer’s own golf game and Ping are considered to present a fitting service, which is second to none within the golfing industry and because your game is played differently to your neighbours, partners or best friends, then so will your Ping Putter be different to the one other golf’s may be matched with.

The i-Series® Ping Putters:

Ping Putters within the i-series® are available in conventional, mid and long lengths, so that a golfer may have the option of removing excessive wrist and hand actions by opting for a longer shaft. The putters feature inserts, which achieve the soft feel golfers prefer, coupled with greater alignment, for ease of shot, and varying balances, from the i-series® Craz-E face balance to the ½ Craz-E heel-toe balance.

The Redwood ® series of Ping Putters:

The Redwood® series of putters are milled from superior (303) stainless steel and feature a traditional putter look. Named Redwood after Redwood City, California, where Karsten created his first putter and is Ping’s tribute to what Karsten Solheim had achieved all those years ago. Redwood® putters are available in two finishes: Black satin or black nickel.

The Karsten® Series:

Ping has paid tribute to their founder and creator of the first Ping putter by naming this series after Karsten Solheim, himself. Models within this range benefit from increased sound and feel, a higher MOI (moment of inertia), as well as, greater forgiveness and alignment aids that will help all levels of golfer sink the shot.

When Karsten Solheim created the first Ping Putter (to improve his own game) he could have hardly conceived how influential Ping Putters would one day be in the game of golf, to all golfers at every level of play.

Ping Putters are available in traditional clubhead styles and lengths, as well as, in untraditional styles and lengths, too. Ping Putters are available from Golfbuyitonline, who offer a Ping custom fit to ensure that your Ping Putter is matched and fitted to enhance how you play the game.

How To Improve Your Golf Swings And Lower Your Handicap

How To Improve Your Golf Swings And Lower Your Handicap

See yourself break 80 by improving your golf swings.


Just between you and me. In order to be able to break 80 or do better than your current score, you will want to know how to improve your golf swings and in the process you will lower your handicap.


Do you hit the ball farther? This is not always the solution. More problems may develop to increase your score. The ability to hit the ball with consistent accuracy is the answer to lowering your handicap. Easily said, but is achievable with practice.


Reduce or eliminate slicing, hooking, and topping the ball.


A tendency to slice the ball and doing it constantly needs immediate correction before it becomes ingrained as unwanted habits. If a professional golfer is available where you golf, request to have that person observe you and offer remedies to correct your golf swing and body positioning flaws.


Hitting the golf ball and have it travel straighter is the goal unless you want the golf ball to curve sharply to the right or to the left. There are occasions when you want to hit the golf ball directing it to either side of straight, but it takes a lot of control to do this shot intentionally.


Remember what it was like in the beginning? We all topped the golf ball because we released our flexed knees lifting the body upward causing the bottom of the golf club to thinly hit the top of the golf ball and the ball slowly rolled. We learned how to correct this flaw and proceeded successfully to the next lesson.


Correcting your golf swings is also a matter of refining and perfecting your grip, the address, the takeaway, the top of the backswing, the downswing, and the impact to finish. Practice these basics until they are familiar and comfortable to you.


Set up a constructive drill program for yourself. Attend the practice range prepared to practice with purpose. Here is a suggestion list to include in your practice sessions.


Check your posture or body alignment.
Timing needs to be rehearsed.
Develop rhythm
Smoother swing from beginning to golf ball contact.
Improve consistency and distance.
Hit the ball directly towards the intended target.


Stop reading and think about the above list. Choose one item and one or two irons and design a feasible practical drill. After you have practiced and can grade yourself an “A”, select another item on the list and add another iron or two and design another achievable drill. Develop a good practice plan and stick to it.


Do not set up impossible goals to practice in one session. Practice with accuracy. Constructive practice is essential as the golf swing habits you develop are realities on the golf course.


Investment of your active participation of time in practice will be necessary to develop the perfect golf swings you desire. Invest in yourself by engaging a professional golfer for lessons. Play golf as often as possible to gain experience.


The result of a perfect golf swing is when you hit the club head in the exact correct spot on impact with the exact amount of speed and send the ball flying straight to the designated target. Perform this golf swing many times and you are on your way to being an outstanding golfer.


If you have been looking for other techniques as to how to improve your golf swings with the goal to lower your handicap visit the sports section of Tricia Deed at and review Welcome to the GolfSwing Book.




I have many interests which have permitted me a gypsy-like and an out of the ordinary lifestyle. Currently I would like to introduce and share with you hobbies and business opportunities which may be used for personal recreation or as income for your financial success.


How to Play Golf Like Tiger Woods

How to Play Golf Like Tiger Woods

Are you looking for a way to halve your golf handicap immediately?

Then read on…

Did ya watch Tiger Woods during the U.S Open at Torrey Pines this year?

Tiger meticulously planned each golf shot – he is a pure golf warrior!

Tiger Woods is the best golfer on the planet mainly because he fully understands his strengths – and weaknesses. Yes, even Tiger has weaknesses.

You might think to play golf like Tiger Woods means to bomb every drive.

Or go for the miracle golf shot. This is hardly the case.

Read on…

When Tiger has the lead in the final round of a golf tournament he usually plays conservative; like hitting fairway wood off the tee – this usually takes the big number out of the equation. He lets his opponents beat themselves as they aggressively chase him.

Tiger’s knee hurt badly during all 4 rounds of the U.S. Open at Torrey Pines this past weekend. A weakness in his game not to be denied or ignored. Because of his knee injury Tiger knew what he was capable of, and what he wasn’t capable of.

Tiger played within his limits!

Even with all of Tiger’s power he still lays up on par fives when he’s in the rough, especially when he has the lead in the final round. He didn’t go for the green in two and risk shooting himself out of the golf tournament.

Tiger Woods learned early in life under the tutelage of his father Earl on how to survey the golf course AND his opponents with uncanny precision. Tiger does this through the fine art of course management.

And mental toughness!

What is the fine art of course management you say? It all starts with knowing your limits.

Knowing your strengths and weaknesses, and knowing your opponent’s strengths and weaknesses – and of course know the golf course you are playing on – this is your battlefield!

Tiger Woods knows his limits and plays within them. Amatuer golfers usually try to hit the golf shot they can pull off maybe 1/10 times. This usually ends up costing them at least 10 strokes or more a round (depending on their level).

The truth is, trying to pull off a shot you can perform maybe 1/10 attempts is foolish. This may make for great drama. Remember Tin Cup? How bout Jean Van de Velde when he choked in the ’99 British Open? They both went for the miracle golf shot.

The truth is going for the miracle shot when everything is on the line may make for great T.V. drama; however this attitude will absolutely crush your golf scores!

Do you hit driver on a 300 yard par 4 even though you can only drive the ball 250? The 50 yard pitch shot is one of the hardest shots in golf…

Even for Tiger Woods!

Rather than reaching for the big stick, leave yourself 100 yards for your second shot. For most good golfers 100 yards is a full pitching wedge which they can hit in their sleep.

Play golf like Tiger Woods as he systematically wore down a game competitor in Rocco Mediate during the 18 hole playoff in this year’s U.S. Open. Think and plan ahead – know your strengths – and your weaknesses!

The fact of the matter is, if you plan on leaving the golf ball at your “sweet spot” distance from the hole, you will dramatically improve your chances of hitting more greens in regulation.

And more greens in regulation leads to more circles on your score card – which means more pars and birdies!

For some this sweet spot distance from the pin is 100 yards, some 120 yards, learn what your sweet spot distance is and practice that shot over and over at the range until you can hit that shot in your sleep.

Play golf like Tiger Woods sizing up his next major win!

Hit ’em Long and Straight!

John Lynch

John Lynch is owner of No. 1 Golf Book Reviews and has published hundreds of golf articles. To read more golf articles like this and get instant access to FREE Golf Tips Reports, John recommends you visit:

Some Quick Recommendations To Help Resolve Golf Slice Problems

Some Quick Recommendations To Help Resolve Golf Slice Problems

Reducing handicap is nearly always the objective of folks who are interested in golf. The golf slice is one area that commonly will cause complications for such individuals. It’s a common problem and there are a wide range of things that can be the root cause of it. The guidance shared in this article can help you correct your slice and begin enhancing your scores today.

Taking the golf club too high in the backswing is an usual error made by people who slice the ball. Verify the position of your backswing at the top to correct this problem. Is the shaft of the club over your head or is it above your shoulder? The shaft should be only a little bit higher than your shoulder or you are taking the club too high. Should you utilize a proper golf swing, you will feel your leading arm cross your chest just a bit as you backswing. The end result will be a flatter and more rounded golf swing which can also provide additional power.

A great number of golfers assume that if they slice the ball, it is easily fixed by moving to the left for right handers and to the right for left handers. This is not the case unfortunately. You are in fact slicing the ball as a result of the direction and angle the clubface is looking upon contact.

You are going to slice the ball even worse if you shift your stance off target to make up for your slice. Rather than looking away from the target, take the time to just work at your swing and ensure you are striking the golf ball squarely while being in-line with the target. This will correct overcompensation and might help remedy your slice.

For you to take your swing to the next level and correct slicing issues, it is imperative to develop correct balance into your stance. You’ll probably lose balance and disrupt the orbit of your golf swing if there’s any sort of free motion while you swing the club. Maintaining feet shoulder width apart, adequate forward bending of the torso and a good degree of knee flex can really help promote appropriate balance in your stance.

Make sure your hands are not gripped too far to the left on the golf club. The face of the club might be square to the ball at the outset, but this grip may cause the club to rotate while you swing. Once you grip your golf club you will notice that “V’s” are created in between your thumbs and your forefingers. For the standard slicer these will point toward the leading shoulder when addressing the golf ball. However, the “V’s” will point toward the right shoulder when applying proper grip.

Solving a golf slice is oftentimes a tricky and difficult ordeal. Nevertheless, it’s possible to eliminate golf slicing moving forward by following the information on this page, understanding exactly where issues lie and taking steps to fix these problems.

Matthew Barret offers a totally free system for finally doing away with that irritating slice in golf at If you’re all in favour of finding out much more about golf slice tips and hints than it’s worthwhile to definitely head on over.

Several Very Simple Guidelines To Fix Golf Slice Issues

Several Very Simple Guidelines To Fix Golf Slice Issues

Reducing handicap is nearly always the aim of folks who are interested in golf. The golf slice is one area that frequently causes complications for such individuals. It’s a regular problem and there are a variety of things that can be the cause of it. The advice shared in this article can help you correct your slice and start elevating your scores right away.

Your consistency may be influenced dramatically by merely locating the golf ball back or forward in a player’s stance by just a couple of inches. Ideally you should line-up with the golf ball so the golf ball is about two inches to the inside of your left heel (for right handers). An outside to inside swing path, which usually is a culprit of the golf slice, is often encouraged by a stance where the golf ball is too far forward. Opposite of that scenario, a stance where the golf ball is too far back makes it tough to close the clubface on time which may result in a push slice. A repeatable swing that is precise and slice free can be achieved by establishing a consistent position in your stance.

Your hands should not be turned too far to the left on the golf club. The face of the club may be square to the golf ball at the outset, but this grip causes the club to rotate during your swing. Notice the “V’s” which are made between your thumbs and your index fingers. For the usual slicer these will point toward the leading shoulder at address. However, the “V’s” will point toward the right shoulder when implementing proper grip.

A great number of golfers unknowingly make a mistake as soon as they begin their swing. They will rotate the club clockwise with their hands upon takeaway. This causes the clubface to open on impact, even though it may feel right. The clubface should “open” during your backswing, however this should actually be as a result of rotation of your shoulders and your torso. Your hands shouldn’t be what causes it.

The correction for this is to simply grip your club making zero effort to twist your hands. Here is a simple way to see if you’re doing this right: At the top of your backswing the wrist on your glove hand must be perfectly flat.

Many players think that when they slice the ball, it can be merely adjusted by moving left for righties and to the right for left handers. They are wrong on this idea. You are not miss-hitting the golf ball due to where you’re standing; you are miss-hitting as a consequence of the place on the face of the club you are coming into contact with the ball and what direction the golf club is moving in.

You are going to slice the golf ball even worse if you shift your stance off target to compensate for your golf slice. As opposed to facing off target, make time to work on your swing and be sure you’re striking the golf ball squarely while being lined up with the target. This will correct golf slice issues that come from overcompensation.

Don’t let slicing negatively affect your scores and take away from your game. Utilize recommendations such as the ones above to correct your slicing problems and improve your all around game. You will be able to create a straight shot which reaches your planned target every time if you take time to ensure that your form is implemented the right way.

There is also a free site about golf slicing over at There you will find video tutorials, drills and a variety of tricks that will help you remedy your slice and start shaving strokes off your game today.