Omega Three Fatty Acids Are The Best Thing That has Happened Since Sliced Bread

Omega Three Fatty Acids Are The Best Thing That has Happened Since Sliced Bread

Article by Gordon P Hall

Thousands of people from all over the world are asking what are Omega three fatty acids used for. The truth is that these fatty acids are used for many more ways to help our body than any other remedy. These fats are used to help promote mental health. They are used to alleviate the swellings and the pain associated with rheumatoid arthritis. The help to protect our cardiovascular system from heart attacks.

As I mentioned up above, these Omega three fatty acids are used to promote mental health. They do this, because the DHA fatty acids work very hard to keep us sane. They work in with our serotonin to help stop mental illness. There is a problem if our DHA levels ever become low though. Then we need to watch out for severe bouts of depression.

I also mentioned that the Omega three fatty acids help to alleviate the swellings and the pain associated with rheumatoid arthritis. It gets even better folks. The company that I buy my oil from has a research department that has developed an Omega 3 supplement that has double the anti-inflammatory properties of other companies concentrated oils. This oil is fast becoming the Rolls Royce of fish oils, especially for the relief of arthritic type diseases.

Now these fatty acids help to protect us from heart attacks. And the Omega 3 supplement is an all natural blood thinner, which helps to reduce our blood pressure. Several overseas studies have found that men who eat fish two or three times per week are less likely to suffer a sudden cardiac arrest than men who rarely eat fish.

Pregnant women are buying these Omega 3 supplements more and more these days. Because they have discovered that the DHA fats help to build certain parts of the foetuses brain, and they have also discovered that this helps their babies IQ. The DHA fats also help to build the babies immune system, helping to prevent allergies later on in life.

You must remember to never buy an Omega 3 supplement that has not been through the process called molecular distillation to remove the impurities such as lead and mercury. The toxins especially the PCBs are cacogenic in that they cause cancer. This process is the only way of getting rid of this terrible toxin.

About the Author

Gordon Hall is fervent about enabling you and everyone to live a healthy lifestyle, and is an ardent reviewer of fish oil supplements. To discover which supplements Gordon recommends after far ranging and extensive research. Visit his website now at

The Basics of weight loss diets: getting rid of bread

The Basics of weight loss diets: getting rid of bread

Article by David H. Mason

We all love bread (in its various forms), it is simple, cheap, always available and mostly tasty.Bread fits in on virtually any time of the day. But what do you actually know of this simple food?Did you know that white bread is probably the one worst way to provide your body with carbohydrates?Did you know that white bread is so light in weight that it takes almost a third of a loaf to make a grown person feel full?You didn’t?It’s ok, most people don’t know that.One of the big misconceptions regarding diets is that only sweets and fat cheese can make you fat.I’m telling you right now, white bread makes you fatter.If you are on a diet and you are eating white bread – you need to know that you’re disrupting your own efforts. Let’s get serious for a moment,100 grams of white bread contains 270 calories that’s approximately 3 slices.100 grams of Whole wheat bread contains 210 calories but will make you feel a lot fuller.See, that’s the main reason why you should not eat white bread.Aside of that, white brad contains simple carbohydrates,This means it has the same effect as plain table sugar (carbs wise).What does it mean?It means the carbs in the bread are digested quickly,They provide a boost in your blood sugar level,That makes the body release large amounts of insulin.I don’t want to get into the biological details but in general,Insulin is used to level your blood sugar level,When insulin levels are high the body does not want to burn fat.In other words, the insulin tells the body to not use the fat but to keep it.To sum up, when you eat while bread you tell your body to stop burning fat for a while.Why oh why would you do such thing?The answer is simple – you are used to it.My advice is to start getting used to better types of bread.Almost any type of bread which is not made of white flour is better for your weight loss attempts.I’m sure you understood why you should substitute your white bread but let me tell you one more thing.It’s easy and doing easy things usually provides quick results.While dieting, you have a lot of difficulties and a lot on your mind,So why not help yourself with such an easy solution that really doesn’t require anything except buying different bread?I see no reason and neither should you.I hope I helped giving you push toward a healthier, thinner life.Good luck,

About the Author

David H. Mason,Please feel free to contact me:DHMason@LivingRightLosingWeight.comFor more information about dieting psychology, weight loss, fitness and nutrition you are welcome to visit my site:”>