How to Golf begins with your Set-up

How to Golf begins with your Set-up

Article by Keith Barker

How to golf begins with your set-up. The very first and basic fundamentals of golf are to be on the balls of your feet with your knees flexed and your feet about shoulder-width apart. These three fundamentals are crucial to the golf game. If your feet are too far apart, you can’t shift your weight properly and if they are too close, you will lose your balance. If your legs are too straight with no flex, you are not going to be in control of the golf ball. Poor posture equals a bad golf swing.Here is the proper way to set-up. First, stand straight with your feet about shoulder-width apart. Your feet should be slightly open with your left toe, your right if your a lefty, a little more open than your right foot. This will make it a lot easier to turn your lower body through impact. Your right shoulder should be a little lower than your left shoulder. This will make it much easier for you to grip your club, as well as, put you in the right position. Next, bend from the waist and keep your spine angle straight. Don’t bend over too far and don’t let your shoulders slump, you’ll want to keep your spine angle straight throughout the golf swing. Now, bend your knees slightly and keep them bent, as you go through the swing. Shift your weight to your front foot, as you complete your swing. If you have done this correctly, you should finish facing your target and in balance. If your are falling back or away from the ball, you’re not shifting your weight properly to your front foot. This is a very common problem with a lot of beginners and fixing this will make a tremendous difference in your golf game. Use these two golf drills to help you get there. They will seem akward at first, but try it until you begin to get it. First, when you set-up, lean and put most of your weight on your front foot and hit some balls. This will help you to learn how to end up with your weight on your front foot. Another trick is to place a golf ball underneath the outer edge of your back foot. Stand on it and make some swings and hit a few balls and this will all but force you to shift your weight onto your front foot.Another tip that I learned from watching Tiger Woods is to stick your rear end out. Yes, you heard me right. This will help to counter-balance your top half and it will help you to keep your spine angle straight and to keep you in form. Also, remember that your neck is an extension of your spine, so keep your chin up because if your head slumps, it will restrict your backswing. You always here, keep your head down. No, keep your chin slightly up and keep your eyes down on your ball through impact.Another golf tip that I want to add is to not stand to far away from your ball. This will cause stiffness and tension in the shoulders and will probably result in a slice. You should never be reaching for your ball. After setting up your stance, just let your arms hang freely and that’s where you grip your golf club. The longer the club, the farther you’ll stand from your ball, but your arms position will remain the same. These golf tips should make quite an impact on your game. See you on the blog side.

TAGS:\ how to golf,the golf game,the golf ball,golf swing,the golf swing,golf drills,a golf ball,Tiger Woods,golf tip,golf tips

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One thought on “How to Golf begins with your Set-up”

  1. I had this same problem. you may be sndiantg too close the the ball. take a half of a step back and extend your arms a little more. this really helped me. i got my distance back and the slice stopped completely.

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