Important Advice for Golfing Novices

Important Advice for Golfing Novices

Article by Focke

Warren LinckleAt one time, one of your friends might have treated you to a game of golf and took a few swings and made the decision that you wanted to learn how to play the right way. However, before you rush out and purchase everything that you see, to become an actual golfer, you must learn a little about the game first. This article will give you a few important suggestions to help when you begin learning about golf.If you have never played the game before, you probably want to race to the store and buy the most expensive golf clubs that money can buy. However, this is the wrong thing to do if you have not played the game previously. In fact, your first few games of golf should be played with rental clubs until you determine whether or not you like the game. Why waste money before you are positive that you like the game and want to play it on a constant basis. If you have gotten hooked and have played a few games, then you might consider getting a set of customized golf clubs. Although they are not cheap, they can be valuable because of the thickness of the grip to the length and the stiffness of the shaft The easiest approach to learning or improving your golf game is to hire a professional instructor. However, you will need to benefit the most from your instructor, since you will be paying money New York Yankees Jerseys for his time.This means that you have to get your shyness in check and talk to him. If something does not seem logical to you, then let your instructor know. You shouldn’t be afraid to tell them what your goals are and what problems you have been having. Also, try to remain unruffled. This is because if you’re nervous, you will swing too quickly and you won’t be able to concentrate. You must focus on the game and instructor or you are wasting valuable time and will not learn a thing.Having a great golf swing is the key to having a great golf game. Owning the perfect golf swing consists of many different factors. But one of these aspects consists of obtaining the proper aim.Numerous golfers place their feet to the right of their mark and end up swing too far to the left. The smartest method for aligning yourself is to have your toes parallel to the target, with the head of the club facing in the direction you want to the ball to go. On the same note, if you desire a good distance swing, then you need to generate some strength. While strength is important to generating sufficient power, your swing also plays an important role. The way to generate the optimum amount of power is to turn so that your left Oakland Athletics Jerseys shoulder is over your right foot on the backswing. Whether you choose to go it alone or get professional help to improve your game, these tips will come in handy. Don’t forget that your game will perk up when you are better relaxed. So, do not get all worked up about little things. Besides, you are playing golf to have fun.

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Shopping Guide For Golf Beginners

Shopping Guide For Golf Beginners

Article by Steven Lancey

In the modern world, shopping online is the best way to go and golf equipment is no different. Online golf stores are your best bet to finding golf products and options.

Here is some advice on golf equipment purchase and what would be required to get started. Beside golf clubs, there are additional items necessary to prepare yourself for the game. The next most clear-cut items are golf bags and golf balls. If you are purchasing a starter set of clubs many come with a golf bag included. If you like to walk and enjoy a little workout as you play there are carry bags, which are light weight and easy to carry over your shoulders.

Today, one of the best ways to shop is online. Shopping for golf equipment is no different. Online golf stores give you the greatest variety of golfing products and options. Furthermore, online shopping can give you the best pricing to ease the high overhead cost of equipment, if you are just starting to play the game.

If you are just beginning I would recommend that you buy the more economically priced balls. The difference in performance will be minor. You will probably have a tendency to lose more balls as a beginner so why waste money? As start getting the swing of the game, you can always upgrade the type of ball that you use – I would recommend purchasing a couple dozen balls to get started. There are also different compression golf balls made. 80, 90 and 100. The compression selected is directly proportionate to how fast you swing and your golf mechanics. I will not go overboard on this right now but an 80 or 90 compression ball should be more than adequate for now. If you have some power and a fairly quick swing, I would opt for the 90 which may give you a bit more distance. NOTE: The professionals and low handicap players use the higher compression balls because their impact speed and swing mechanics will allow the ball to compress properly, thus attaining the maximum result in distance. Some other equipment I would strongly recommend would be as follows:

A golf towel, golf shoes ( though not absolutely necessary it will assist with stability as you swing), Golf tees ( Note: there are different height golf tees made for different drivers, woods and irons – I would recommend that you pick up an assortment of sizes – 2 1/8″ for woods and irons & 2 3/4″ or 3 1/4″ for Drivers depending on type and size. Check with golf pro or sales person for recommendations if not sure), a golf glove ( not required but it will give you a definite advantage in gripping and holding the club more effectively), ball markers ( used on the green to mark your ball so you will not to block the path of your fellow player – a rule of golf etiquette), and a divot repair tool ( used to repair the indentation made in the green when the golf ball lands – one of the rules of etiquette to be addressed in a future writing ). Although not required to play golf, you may want to consider packing the following ancillary items : Band-aids, sunscreen and insect repellent. You never know when you may need them and it’s better to be prepared to allow for maximum comfort while you play. I think we’ve covered most of the essentials and if you have any questions please feel free to submit them to me. Now you’ve got the Desire, you’ve got your equipment, next step is to learn how to play- “The Correct Way”.

There are numerous options available to learn how to play golf. First, you can self teach ( read books and watch instructional DVDs), ask a friend or relative who knows how to play to teach you. If you are in a high school or a college that offers a golf program, GOFOR IT! You can take lessons from a golf pro at your local driving range or golf course. The method you select can greatly effect your results so be sure to make the decision that’s right for you.

For great deals on all kinds of golfing equipment visit:




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