The Golf Fade Shot ?Tips – How to Hit a Fade

The Golf Fade Shot ?Tips – How to Hit a Fade

Most weekend Golfers hit a fade naturally or its ugly sister the slice. The fade is a higher hit shot than the draw and doesn’t run far when it lands. It’s the perfect shot to play into the heart of a green because it stops quickly and lands softly.

Lee Trevino was the master of the fade shot and he once said he can make the ball hit the green like a butterfly with sore feet. The one thing that should be remembered with this shot is that it will cost you a bit of distance. So you should remember to go up one or two clubs to make up for the loss.

To set up for the fade, I would first keep my stance open, by this I mean that your feet hips and shoulders should all be aiming slightly to the left of your target. With this stance it will encourage an out to in swing path for the club head. This will in turn create a clockwise spin on the golf ball.

You should next set up and adjust your grip. At this point take a look at how you normally grip the club. If you tend to hook the ball, the chances are that you have a strong grip i.e. your hands are turned to the right of the grip and you can see three knuckles of your left hand.

For the fade shot it is required that you use a weaker grip where the left hand is turned slightly to the left on the golf grip. If you already slice the ball you may not need to move your grip so much. Just aiming your body left of target might just be enough for this shot.

The final part of the set up is the ball position relative to where you would normally play it. I you normally hit a straight ball you should place the ball about one ball width further forward in your stance. This will allow you to hit the fade with a bit more height on the ball.

So the key points to hitting the fade are to set up with your body aligned slightly left of target with the club aligned to the target. Your grip should be weaker or turned slightly to the left on the grip. The ball position should be brought slightly forward in your stance.

Being able to fade the ball is quite useful in a variety of situations and it is essential if you ever want to improve your game.

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