How to Fix Your Slice – Part 1

How to Fix Your Slice – Part 1

A golf slice can be devastating and very frustrating to a golfer. There are many factors that could cause you to slice the ball. If you find you slice the ball quite often then you will need to fix it.

If you want to improve your overall game and add distance to your shots. Imagine how far the ball would go if you could just straighten out your shot.

A golf slice occurs when your club is open upon impact of the club and relative to the path of the club head.

A wayward left hand is one of the common factors that can cause you to slice the ball far to the right. This happens more often than you would think. When a wayward left hand occurs the back of your left hand will be aligned to the right of the ball and the clubface will be open. This will cause a slice to happen.

If you want to repair a wayward left hand it is important to focus on the back of your hand. The back of your hand should be facing the target at impact. You should at least feel that the back of your hand is facing your target. This will allow you to have a strong grip for the shot so your hand doesn’t slip.

It is important to square your left hand. One of the best ways to do this is by practicing without using a club at all. You will stand with your right arm to the side of your body and rotate your left forearm. Then you will cock your left wrist and swing back. In order to be sure your hand is square practice your swing repeatedly without your club in your hand.

Scott Wells invites you to read – to understand more about gum disease. Something that golfers and non-golfers alike should be aware of.

purepoint Golf Video Lessons – A Simple Tip on How to Fix Your Slice

A couple simple tips to help you try to fix your slice.

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