Golf Tips: 5 Golf Tips From PGA Pros

Golf Tips: 5 Golf Tips From PGA Pros

You can find golf tips absolutely everywhere. You can find them all over the internet, on TV as well as from many of your buddies. The trick is finding golf tips for a qualified source. A good bet is to stick with the Top 100 teachers or a local PGA Member.

These golf instructors are training in how to teach the game of golf and must be tested in order to teach with the PGA of America.

Here are 5 golf tips from PGA Professionals that will help you improve your game:

1. I want to start these golf tips by de-bunking a few myths first. Keep your head down and keep your eye on the ball at all times is what all of us have heard in old school golf tips. With your left arm locked and your chin on your chest your chest, you are not ready to make any type of athletic move. What is that gal’s name? Oh yeah, Annika seemed to do okay (number one in the world and inducted into the LPGA Hall of Fame while she was still playing) and it was demonstrated at every single time she was on TV.

2. Balance is an overlooked part of the golf swing. You must be in balance at address or else you will need to manipulate the golf club during the swing. If you begin the swing out of balance, you are making swinging the golf club more difficult than it really is. To find your balance, take your stance and simply feel your weight go back and forth between your toes and your heels until you find your center. Once your center is found you may need to move closer or farther away from the golf ball with your feet.

3. The best way to find your alignment is by the line created by the tops of your thighs. This is much easier to monitor than you shoulders or your feet. Using the tops of your thighs allows you to align your base correctly with your target line.

4. Golfers usually make the mistake of trying to take the club to the top of their swing. The challenge is that with your spine being bent over, you do not need to take the club up. You need to take the golf club back or away from the target and not up. Taking the golf club up, will result in you becoming out of balance and taking the golf club too far back.

5. Staying on the theme of balance, once you are in your finish position, you should be able to hold your finish without wiggling on your feet or being so out of balance that your feet move.

Again, you can find golf tips anywhere on the internet, on TV or your buddies usually full of information. You need to make sure that you are receiving and implementing good information into your golf swing. Reading or watching golf tips from the top instructors or from a PGA Professional is your best bet to get good information and improve your golf swing.

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Six Lessons We Can Learn From Sam Snead

Six Lessons We Can Learn From Sam Snead

Article by Jack Moorehouse

Copyright (c) 2006 Jack Moorehouse

Like many of golf’s great players, Sam Snead relied on swing keys to help him achieve consistency. As his membership in golf’s hall of fame attests, these swing keys served him well during his career. What’s interesting is that many of them are still used by today’s pros to do the same thing.

Below are several time-tested swing keys that can help you achieve consistency and knock that golf handicap down a few notches.

1. Relax Your HandsYour hands are one of the keys to your swing. If your hands are tight and tense, your body will be tight and tense, and you won’t be able to swing freely. If your hands are loose, you’ll not only hit the ball farther but you’ll even swing smoother as well.

Snead used to think of gripping the club with the same amount of pressure you’d use to hold a bird just firm enough to let it fly away but not firm enough to hurt it. Others think of holding a tube of toothpaste in their hands, just firm enough to squeeze a little toothpaste out of the tube but not hard enough to push out too much.

2. First Move DownDifferent golfers key on different things to begin their swings. Some focus on pulling downward with the left arm (for right-handers). Others concentrate on turning the front hip in slightly. Still others key on lowering the left heel slightly. For Snead, it was all these things. Since you can think of all them at once while you swing, choose whichever move reminds you to make your first move down.

3. Hit The DimpleA lot of my students ask during golf lessons what to look at when putting the ball. Apparently, a lot of people also asked Sam the same question when he was playing on the tour. He had a simple answer. Pick out a dimple on the ball and try to hit it.

The idea is to make the club strike the farthest back part of the ball every time. Zero in on that particular dimple, then putt away. If you hit that dimple squarely your putter is probably moving and facing in the right direction. You’ll get solid contact unless you’re chopping at the ball or swing up to it. Aiming for the dimple will improve consistency.

4. Cure The SliceThe slice is probably the biggest swing fault among recreational golfers. To cure a slice, check to see that:

* The club starts back inside the line* Your left side is completing the turn* The left arm/hand dominate the backswing/downswing* The stance is not the same for the intentional slice, hindering a complete pivot.

For a quick cure, try hitting the ball to the right of the fairway. This approach aids in bringing the club into the ball more from the inside than the outside.

5. Lobbing to the GreenSnead always relished a challenge. And trying to hit a lob shot over a hazard to the green is a challenge. Snead’s advice when pitching over a hazard with little green between him and the hole was simple: You want the shot to fly high and land soft-one that will settle in its tracks. To execute this shot, you first need to address the ball with the clubface laid back more than usual, increasing the loft.

Once you’ve done that, take the club straight back and break your wrists early in the swing. Strike down through the ball with the hands leading through the clubhead, and with the wrists snapping into the ball. This produces a high lob that lands softly. The whole swing should be leisurely and rhythmical.

6. Swing in “Waltz” TimeEveryone has his or her own pace. Some golfers play at a fast pace. Others play at a more leisurely pace. If you had seen Sam play, you would have noticed that he always swung the club slowly and smoothly. He called it swinging in waltz time and that was his swing key for keeping his swing under control.

Sam liked to tell the story of the time he gave a lesson to player who played like he was going to a fire. He couldn’t get at the ball quick enough in an effort to try and hit the ball 400 yards. The divots were flying father than the balls. Afraid the guy might hurt himself, Sam stepped in and told the guy to slow his swing down. Next time Sam saw the man, he was amazed. The man had slowed his swing down to waltz time.

Sam Snead was one of the games best players and teachers. Like many golfers he used specific keys to trigger his golf swing and achieve consistency. The six we explained above were just a sample. By incorporating them into your swing, you’ll be well on your way to reaching that single-digit golf handicap you’ve always wanted.

About the Author

Jack Moorehouse is the author of the best-selling book “How To Break 80 And Shoot Like The Pros.” He is NOT a golf pro, rather a working man that has helped thousands of golfers from all seven continents lower their handicap immediately. He has a free weekly newsletter with the latest golf tips, golf lessons and golf instruction.