Golf Slice Cure Tips

Golf Slice Cure Tips

Article by Mike Murray

One of the problems most golfers have is slicing the golf ball. It causes great frustration and some struggle for years hoping to improve this problem. There are many tips and tricks to eliminate the problem, it’s up to you to identify which areas of your game, grip or stance needs work.

Proper GripStart by moving your hands until they are in proper golf grip position. Take the club in your left hand and place your thumb on the shaft. If the line between your thumb and your index finger is pointing towards your right eye then it’s placed correctly. Now you have to wrap your right hand over the left hand and place your left thumb on the palm of your right hand.Avoid gripping the golf club too tightly if you are right handed, it could cause the ball to hook towards the left. But you could cause the ball to slice towards the right if your grip is too weak; therefore you have to practice having a neutral grip when holding your golf club.

Proper StanceEnsure that your shoulders are aligned with the ball. You are allowed to adjust stance to feel comfortable, but stance does play quite a big role when it comes to eliminating golf slice. Pay close attention to how you stand and address the ball – if you are doing everything else right but still slice the ball, you might want to practice your stance in the mirror and see if you find any areas to improve.

Tips to Avoid Golf Slice* As mentioned previously as well, the easiest to fix is your grip. Don’t tighten up when you get nervous, relax and keep the grip as neutral as you can.* If nothing you try seems to work – experiment with a stronger grip bit by bit. This won’t work for everyone and it should be something you try when nothing else seems to work for you.* During the downswing, your left hip will be leading and during the early downswing it will be your right shoulder that lowers and your right elbow should return to your side. A slice will be produced if your elbow is flying or flapping in the breeze, you must avoid this.* Proper position means your right arm will be closer to your torso than your left, your shoulders will be in line with the target line and your right shoulder will be lower than the left.* Avoid turning your hips too much, limit the movement. If you have too much movement the club will go too far inside and loop over the top.* Move into your forward swing with a leg thrust to the left.

About the Author

Mike Murray is a keen golf enthusiast. He owns and maintains The Golf Pro Online, a professional resource for all golf players and where you can find more great tips on golf slice cures and other effective golf advice.

The Best Solution to Drawing a Golf Ball – 4 Easy Steps

The Best Solution to Drawing a Golf Ball – 4 Easy Steps

Article by Sean O’Kelly

Most of us who don’t hit the golf ball for great distance hope to improve our long game by drawing, or imparting a little hook, on our long shots. For any beginner as well as some intermediate players this might initially appear extremely hard, however with a little knowledge of what we are attempting to accomplish plus a little practice, anyone can be hitting this shot consistently.

There are two key benefits to draw the golf ball:

• Distance. Hitting a ball which has a hook spin will cause the ball to roll a greater distance than will a fade spin.

• Accuracy. If we are able to consistently strike the ball with a controlled draw, we could aim to the right of our target and allow the golf ball to shape toward our target area.

So to understand how to draw a golf ball, we have to first consider the grip. The main elements, then, to get a hook grip are as follows:

1. Place the grip of the club along the base of the fingers. This permits you to produce increased power as a result of greater wrist hinge, while doing so enhancing your control, or feel, for the club.

2. Do not grasp the club too hard. As the great Sam Snead once said, “If a lot of people gripped a knife and fork the way they do a golf club, they’d starve to death”.

3. When gripping the golf club using a normal grip, the “V” between your thumb and forefinger points at the right shoulder for right-handed golfers, and the left shoulder for left-handed golfers.

4. To draw a golf ball, make use of a strong grip, which can be achieved merely by moving your hands on the club so the “V” is to the right of your right shoulder (and of course to the left of your left shoulder for lefties). This will automatically shut the face of the club as it approaches the ball, imparting a counter-clockwise, or hook spin.

These simple methods to draw the golf ball are only general, as each golfer will have to experiment how strong his grip must be for the ideal effect. For example, those with naturally strong hands might find a stronger grip unnecessary to bring the club into proper position.

The final component that must accompany the hook grip to properly draw the golf ball is correct swing path. In the event the club on impact doesn’t go through the ball, that is, if it cuts across the ball on an outside to inside path, the closed face of the club will result in a “pull” shot. This for a right-handed golfer will cause the ball to go far to the left. The path of the golf club head needs to be on a slightly inside to outside plain. The desired result will be achieved when the grip and the swing path of the club work together.

About the Author

My name is Sean O’Kelly, for more tips and information on how to improve your long game, click HERE, and for an interesting perspective on how to play golf for free, click HERE for a 50 page guide.