Unique Golf Gifts For The Holiday Golfer

Unique Golf Gifts For The Holiday Golfer

Article by Chris A Smith

If you have a golfer on your gift list, make this the year you give him or her an unique golf gift. Actually, it’s more a perfect golf gift than unique. Do you know what it is?

Ask any golfer what they would like as a gift for the holidays. They may come back with a dozen different answers but at the heart of it, they all want the same thing. The golfer who absolutely needs a new driver to cure his slice, wants the same thing as the golfer who needs to start making those three foot putts and believes he has to have a new putter.

What they both want is a better golf game.

There’s an old adage about amateur golf that says all bad shots can be blamed on the equipment. The logical follow up to that is the fastest way to improve your game is to buy new equipment. Now that’s great news for club manufacturers, but in reality, it does nothing for the golfer.

If your golfer friend has a bad swing, or doesn’t know the fundamentals, he or she is doomed to continue to play badly regardless of what piece of equipment you give them.

Do you know what would turn that around?

Lessons. Another old adage that I am personally way to familiar with is “When all else fails, read the instructions”. Most amateur golfers had never had a lesson. They picked up the club and tried to copy what they saw on TV or their buddy or on the range or whatever. The net result is that there are some really unique, if not effective, golf swings out there.

You could be their saving grace. You could be the person that finally allows them to win a bet or two. Your gift will not be forgotten.

So where do you get these golf lessons. Almost every golf course has a teaching pro or two. Typically you can get gift certificates and then let your golfer work out the time that suits him or her best. Lessons from a pro are the best way to go but they are pricey and will typically run to 0 an hour for individual lessons.

The alternative can work just as well if your golfer puts their mind to it. The internet is full of DVDs and e books that will effectively walk him through all the different swings and strategies. These products are significantly more affordable and are obviously more convenient.

So this holiday forget the new golf towel or 12 piece divot repair tool and give your golfer something that will make their game truly better. Give him lessons.

About the Author

Want that perfect golf gift that your golfer will remember you by? Give him or her the gift of a lower score by visiting Perfect Golf Gifts for the latest in DVDs, audio files and other golf instruction material.

lasers are now a dentist’s best friend

lasers are now a dentist’s best friend

Article by noreen26

It is almost impossible to see people happy over a trip to the dental office. We may never know the reasons but the bottom line is that dentists are also sad when they see their patients over the years with tooth problems that could have been prevented had they abided by their dentist’s advice. But with the entry of technology into the dental field in the past several years, whisper jet micro air abrasion, drill free and the most popular one, pain free have arisen and become great news.

The new hit in the dental office is the laser. Inward bound, to the gum pockets is what this enables him to do and ultimately, any infected linings in there are removed with the laser. The bacteria along the infected pockets can also be killed by this laser. Simply put, combined with the normal root scaling method, the patients heal faster and feel less pain. This also states that the excellent dental health status of the patient, for a much longer span of time, can be preserved.

The equipment otherwise called the wand is a computer controlled anesthesia system that involves a very small needle plus a topical anesthetic so that the patient mouth is numbed. The computer controls the amount of anesthesia and the speed at which it is administered. Thanks to the micro air abrasion system, dentists are able to remove decay on the onset without any drills, shots and create fillings which are remarkably smaller than conventional ones by 25 percent.

Using this very laser, dentists can restore to health filling material in about five seconds compared to the forty seconds or more that normally takes the material to cure out on its own. Lasers can also reduce the number of appointments for teeth bleaching rather than involving quite a lot of appointments. Today, patients also get to understand dental work and what they can expect after a dental visit all thanks to this technology which aids dentists as they work on people’s pearly whites.

All thanks to A CAESY computer, which stands for Clinically Advanced Education System, specific treatments per patient is easily called up. A computer that is fully integrated with other computers in the building is hooked to a computer wherein the CDR enters into to store a patient’s entire dental history. The information includes the patient’s photograph, dental notes, restorative chart and X rays, taken without film.

Patients are exposed to about 90 percent less radiation with the filmless X ray compared to the older kinds of X ray devices. Using an intraoral camera, dentists like can take a detailed close up pictures of the teeth. With the dentists showing enlarged pictures of their patient’s teeth, they can determine exactly where points of decay are exactly. When it comes to good dental hygiene, one ought to note that this goes farther than just a pretty smile and such is what many dentists and hygienists point out to as they stress the magnitude of brushing and flossing the teeth.

Recent studies have been released linking periodontitis or gum disease and cardiovascular disease. It can be remembered that the study was started more than a decade ago and yet the results are being discussed in more detail only today. What we lately come to is that there is a change in the paradigm, in that gum disease may have an effect on many systemic conditions, predominantly those that are multifactorial chronic conditions including conditions such as preterm pregnancy, diabetes and heart ailments. On how oral disease works with systemic health, we can see our perceptions change so much.

For people who need the usual fillings, root canals or crowns, the new dental materials can be able to attract many people. Great new advancements such as porcelain crowns, perhaps, have been made in dentistry that enable the people to have a great tooth and gum care they need, without the hideous metal look that sometimes escorts the method and this is great visually. All at the same time, as many of the advances are concerned on the finished product’s appearance, the fundamental theme remains the same that all the processes are safe, effective and painless. Say hello to pain free dentistry, it is here, and it’s here now thanks to such a technology.

About the Author

You can get the best zoom tooth whitening information by visiting this website. As a person looking for laser dentistry you should visit that site.