Invest in Golf Accessories

Invest in Golf Accessories

Article by Martin Roman

Even an average golfer needs a handful of golf accessories that he or she must have to be able to play golf well without hassle. Golf accessories are extra stuff that you would need for golf. These include a rain suit, towel, GPS unit, brush, laser unit, bag clip, extra golf balls, tees, wet towel, and many more. Depending on your current level, these items may be important, or not needed at all.

The first level is regarded as a limited golfer. This person only plays around once or twice a year. The accessories that they usually need are much less compared to those in higher levels. The first necessity is extra golf balls. These can be put inside your bag and could come in handy if ever you would need it on the golf course. Another important is tees, which would be better if kept in a separate pouch since it breaks easily. Also, every golfer should have a golf towel. It is used to clean your golf balls and golf clubs. Clean clubs should be used because it can strike the ball better.

The weekly golfers comprise the second group of players. They are those who would go every weekend or play in leagues. Balls and tees are of utmost importance because these accessories really go really fast. A towel and a wet ball cleaner also come in handy. Some weekly golfers also keep extra score cards and pencils in their bags.

Professional or everyday golfers belong to the third group. Aside from the stuff also brought by the other two groups, pro golfers have laser finders or GPS units. These help them know how far their distance is. They also have golf nets that they can put at home so that they can practice every day.

Every golfer has their own needs, and if you want to look for more golf accessories go to

About the Author

Martin Roman, author of this article is also interested in golf accessories and recommends you to please check out Indoor Golf Nets if you liked reading this information.

How to Stop Slicing the Ball

How to Stop Slicing the Ball

For recreational golfers, no part of the golf game is more frustrating than getting great contact on a drive…only to see it slice 50 yards into the woods. To compensate, many golfers make “on-the-fly” adjustments that usually make the problem worse! In this article, I’ll give you FIVE FAQ’s on key swing fundamentals that will help you to stop slicing a golf ball. (These FAQ’s are for right-handers..for left-handers, reverse the directions)

FAQ 1:

The Setup — When a basketball defender is guarding his man, he tries to be perfectly balanced so that he can quickly react to the direction that his opponent is going. If he is leaning right, the offensive player could easily exploit that. In a similar way, you must be properly balanced as you setup to the ball. Bend your knees, get set and avoid leaning to the right or to the left. If you aren’t set properly, your swing is doomed before it begins! If you are perfectly balanced, you’ll be less likely to slice the ball.

FAQ 2:

The Shoulders — When you swing a club, your right shoulder should be LOWER than your left shoulder at the moment of impact! This is a common mistake of many golfers who have problems with slices. When you examine your swing at the moment of impact, if you find that you are one of the many golfers who keeps your left shoulder lower than your right, than you have found the probable cause of your slice!

FAQ 3:

Proper Grip — A quick test to make sure you have the proper grip is to insert two golf tees between your thumb and the webbing of your hand while gripping the club. If the tees point toward the target, than your weak grip is a typical slicer’s mistake. Make sure both tees are pointing straight in front of you.

FAQ 4:

Flat Left Wrist — At the top of your swing, make sure your wrist is flat. A loose wrist or a wrist that is at an angle will cause you to slice the ball. Many who slice the ball find that they have a tendency to cup their wrist at the top of their swing. Keeping that wrist flat and straight will help keep the slice out of your game.

FAQ 5:

Proper Hand Rotation — After you have hit the ball, where are your hands? Your right hand, or ungloved hand, should rotate over and be on top of your left hand after you have struck the ball. If you’re not rotating your hands in this manner, you will find it very difficult to keep your ball straight!

If you are able to implement these five FAQ’s, you should soon stop slicing the ball, see your drives heading down the fairway, and you’ll definitely see your scores start improving dramatically..


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