Repair the Golf Slice – the Major Key You Must Follow To Cure a Slice

Repair the Golf Slice – the Major Key You Must Follow To Cure a Slice

Article by Sean O’Kelly

The golf slice is among the most irritating challenges to correct for some golfers, but if the factors behind why a golf ball slices are plainly comprehended, solution is not very difficult. But before we give you the answer to remedy that slice, please take a few deep breaths and SLOW DOWN your swing. All will fall into place if you think three-quarter speed.

The foremost key now that we will deal with to correct the golf slice is correct swing path. Since your golf swing is circular, that is, the club head begins behind our head, swings around our body and ultimately ends up behind our head, it might appear physically impossible to not impart spin on a ball. But at the point of contact tend not to think circular. Ok, I’ll explain.

When looking down at the golf ball, picture the ball moving in flight. For the right handed golfer, if the ball is rotating in a clockwise course the ball will slice, or move in the direction toward which the ball is spinning. Naturally, for the left handed golfer the opposite holds. The aim to correct the golf slice would be to eliminate this spin.

How can we accomplish this? If, by looking straight down on the ball, we were to imagine it as being a clock with twelve o’clock being the direction we’d like the golf ball to go, if we were to make initial contact on the ball at seven o’clock and hit through the ball to the one o’clock location, we’d impart minimal spin on the golf ball, and thus giving the ball a straight flight, or possibly a counter clockwise, or hook spin.

Of course this would not be hard if not for the fact we are swinging, to some extent, around the body in somewhat of a circular action. So prior to impact and just right after, we should think about the club taking a virtually inside out path. This isn’t as challenging as it seems. To correct the golf slice, practice accomplishing a couple of things:

1. Close the stance somewhat. Basically, ensure that the front foot is a bit closer to the golf ball than the back foot.

2. Position the ball further back in your stance. Many of us have the propensity to move the ball forward, frequently even past our front foot, which makes it extremely hard to reach that “one o’clock” position on the golf ball. Regularly sticking to those two swing keys will do wonders for the fix the golf slice. Of course some practice to fine-tune those techniques for your swing will be necessary.

About the Author

My name is Sean O’Kelly, and I hope that I have helped you cure that “banana ball”.  For more techniques to  fix the golf slice, and many other golf fixes, click HERE.  Also, if you want to check out some ways to play golf for free, click HERE a 50 page guide.