Golf Swing: 3 Ways to Develop More Power

Golf Swing: 3 Ways to Develop More Power

Golf Swing: 3 Ways to Develop more Power

How can you improve the power of your golf swing? This is a question that all of us want an answer to. Most golfers go to great lengths to get that extra yard off the tee. But how many people actually know that golf swing power is the result of these three specific factors?

* The first and probably most evident of the three is ‘swing mechanics’. Everybody is aware of how important the mechanics of a swing are when it comes to driving the ball. If you are over the top with your swing or come inside too much, you’ll see that dreaded slice or snap hook. Your drives will be inevitably be too short, too low, too high, left, right, or a combination of these if you are putting bad swings on the ball.

To improve your game, it is essential for a golfer to work on the mechanics of the swing at every possible opportunity. The golf swing is a highly complex, mechanically movement, that requires constant work to keep it highly efficient and in check. Professionals realise the importance and have swing coaches that work with them on a consistent basis.

Amateurs throughout the world pack driving ranges, week in and week out, pounding balls without any improvement. This, I feel, is a result of one of two things: a lack of instruction, or low levels of golf strength. A lack of instruction leads to the development and ingraining of improper swing mechanics. This only results in slices, hooks, topping the ball, and hitting it fat on the course. And we all know that those types of swings lead to frustration and bad rounds of golf. I would suggest to almost anyone: find a good instructor and take lessons on a consistent basis. This can only help your game in the long run. But if private lessons sound too expensive for ‘just a past-time’ then consider video tutorials and books in the very least. Swing mechanics are a fundamental in improving your power.

* The second of the three factors is what we term golf strength. It is probably the least recognized of the three, but for many is the ‘key’ to longer drives; yet the category is given the least amount of attention, especially by amateurs. Golf strength is defined as how well your body is conditioned to swing a golf club with maximum power (ie. it is a measure of fitness). Although probably the least understood of the three, golf strength maybe the most needed by golfers in general.


Strength, in terms of golf, is not about how much you can bench press or how much your biceps bulge! Golf strength and weight room strength, are very different. If you do not quite understand the difference, ask yourself one question: How many bodybuilders do you see on Tour?!!

It comes down to this idea: the mechanics of a golf swing require specific levels of flexibility, balance, stability, strength, endurance, and power to perform it efficiently. If your body does not have these required capacities, then the result will be obvious a less than optimal swing.

Essentially, your body supports your swing. I am sure that all of us would choose to build a house on a stone foundation rather than a sand foundation, wouldn’t we? Yet I will say that many amateurs make a different choice when it comes to their golf swing.

Regardless of how much time you work on your swing mechanics, if your body does not have the ‘golf strength’ to support the swing, you are limiting your potential. I have seen it numerous times, people practicing at the range who struggle, not because of trying to get better, but because their bodies are limiting what they can do with their swing. Quite often I see people with limited flexibility, poor balance capabilities, and low levels of strength and power. The bottom line is that your mechanics will not get better until you fix the body that swings the club!

Up to this point we have discussed the two most important ideas when it comes to power on the golf course. A review of the topics tells us that they are optimal swing mechanics and the proper levels of ‘golf strength’. One without the other is going to leave you short when it comes to potential in your game.

* The third most important factor to improve the power of your golf swing is: equipment. Yes, equipment. It does make a real difference to how far you drive the ball. The equipment manufacturers have let this fact be known to everyone, and I bet we all have gone to the pro shop probably more than twice to pick up a new driver that claims to give us that elusive 20 yards. It should be remembered however that, that extra distance might not be down the middle of the fairway; it will give you an extra 20 yards alright… but it could be left, could be right, or it could be down the centre of the fairway. That all depends on points one and two of this article. Equipment and technological advances have definitely lengthened the distance of our drives. But without better swing mechanics and your body in better golf shape, new technology will not help your game. A bad swing will produce a bad result, regardless of what type of ‘new’ driver you may have just purchased.

I think the majority of golfers are aware of the advances that have occurred in golf equipment over the last 20 years. I mean, in the glorious ’80’s when we were still playing with woods that actually had wooden club heads! Imagine that for a moment, and now we are using drivers with space age faces that shoot the ball off of them at warp speed. In addition, we have to mention the advances in terms of golf balls. How manufacturers design golf balls today makes a difference in how far they travel. What a lot of people do not realize is that the USGA has set standards on how ‘hot’ driver faces can be and how ‘fast’ balls can come off the face of drivers. Most clubs are reaching this limit, and anything past these USGA rules becomes illegal to play (in the professional game only of course!).

There’s no doubt that custom made golf clubs can make a significant improvement to your swing power. But before you go off and spend a fortune, remember the saying: ‘a bad workman always blames his tools’. In other words, first improve the fundamentals of your swing mechanics and golfing fitness before you make any purchase.

So in summary, what does power really come down to?

It comes down to three simple ideas. Number one is improving your golf swing mechanics. Improved mechanics will improve your driving distance. Number two is improving your golf strength. By improving your body as it pertains to the golf swing you will improve your distance off the tee. Finally, equipment does make a difference, but only if you hit the ball correctly.

Best of luck with your game.

Paul Buntrage (golf fitness instructor) recommends The Simple Golf Swing and also invites you to take a look at The Golf Fitness Guide

Tips For Throwing A Great Curveball

Tips For Throwing A Great Curveball

Article by Hollis Ware

The curveball grip is fairly simple and, unlike other pitches, allows a pitcher to maintain a good grip on the ball, and therefore, control, and throwing an effective curveball involves more than just your arm. There is no specific moment when a coach or parent will say it is time now to throw curving ball. However, the proper age for the player to be able to throw curving ball is 14 or 15 years old. If young players throw curveballs on a consistent basis at younger ages they can cause damage to their elbows and thus hinder the growth process.

The mechanics of throwing a curveball are completely different from a fastball. The path of the ball on a fastball is generally far from your head. In the case of a curveball, the path will be much closer to your head.

There are several key elements to the curveball that must be followed in order to throw the pitch properly:First of all, start out by hiding your baseball in the palm of your glove. There is no need to advertise what type of pitch you are about to make. The same applies to your windup. Do not use it to advertise what you are about to do. Keep the batter guessing for as long as you can.

Grip the ball with your middle and index fingers together, with the fingers across the seams of the ball at the widest part (the widest distance between the seams). Keep a tight grip on the ball, especially with the middle finger. Don’t let the ball touch the palm of your hand, or you won’t generate enough topspin, which is what allows the ball to drop when it gets close to home plate.

Practice developing your speed as you master your form and stance. Speed is a very important factor in your delivery. Curveballs with little speed are easily hit by the batter as any batter that is any good will seek to determine the particulars of the pitch and respond accordingly. The more time the batter has to gauge the speed and angle of the throw, the easier it will be to successfully launch your curveball into the outfield

When releasing a curveball, your wrist will be hooked and your hand will pull down in front of your body. It is important that you release the ball close to your body (Short Arm). The further you release from your body, the less resistance your middle finger will have on the seam and therefore your rotation will be looser.

About the Author

To learn about corgi dogs and tulip facts, visit the Knowledge Bin website.

Migraine Cures With Brain Entrainment

Migraine Cures With Brain Entrainment

Migranes are a commonplace in today’s society, affecting more than 30 million Americans, with females generally being more susceptible to its symptoms than men. It is the aim of this article to present a brief analysis of this ailment; it’s causes, symptoms, and treatments. In closing, I will discuss brain entrainment as an effective migrane cure.


A migrane is a painful throbbing sensation, usually experienced either in the temples, forehead, around the eyes, or at the rear of the head. This occurs due to the expansion of blood vessels, and the subsequent release of chemicals from the nerves which are attached to them. It is this expansion of the blood vessels which causes the pain associated with with a migrane headaches.


Migranes can be caused by a number of factors; the most common being stress and irritability. It is not surprising therefore that those who experience its symptoms are in busy full-time jobs. They can also manifest in those who wear glasses, and are adjusting to a new prescription.


The most common treatment comes in the form of over-the-counter drugs such as aspirin and ibuprofen, which operate as numbing agents. These can be beneficial as a short term relief to those who experience migranes sporadically, but can cause health problems if persisted with by people who suffer from migranes on a more consistent basis. A more effective antidote is provided by a healthy diet. For example, the ingestion of foods containing niacin, aka Vitamin B3. These include; nuts, tomatoes, fish, pork, wheat, turnips and beans. Dairy products such as milk and butter are also effective.

A Migraine Cure With Brain Entrainment


The activity of the human brain is electromagnetic in nature. Were it to be hooked up to an EEG (Electroencephalograph) thoughout the day, it would become evident that the frequencies generated by the brain vary depending upon the state that the body/mind is operating. For example, in a state of total relaxation, the brain operates at a frequency ranging between 7 &13 Hz (Alpha), whilst in a state of active thinking and concentration, the brain’s frequency alters to 13-40 Hz (Beta). If an alpha state corresponds to a state of relaxation, we can assume that stress, a common precursor to migraine headaches, manifests within the higher frequency ranges. With the use of a binaural beats download, it is possible to entrain your brainwaves to a frequency of -4 Hz (Delta), eliminating that uncomfortable pounding sensation, and thus allowing you to concentrate on your work rather than being in constant pain. The advantage of using a brain entrainment MP3 over medication is that it’s cheaper in the long run, and doesn’t have any negative effects on your health. So exactly how do binaural beats entrain brainwave frequencies? Well if we wanted to induce an Alpha state, a tone of 400Hz would be played into the right ear, and 410Hz into the left. At this point, a third tone is produced, which is the difference between the two – 10Hz. This lies within the alpha range of 7-13Hz. Likewise, different states can be achieved by a variation in the stereo frequencies.


The realm of entrainment is so diverse, that people usually end up exploring other areas, such as sleep induction, creativity enhancement, anxiety induction etc. This article merely highlights one aspect of this amazing phenomenon. For me personally, brain entrainment has never failed to relieve me of pain, and stands out as one of the best migrane cures i’ve experimented with (which includes placing lemon peels on my forehead!). It’s effects are potent, providing immediate relief from migraine systmptoms, but for long term success, it would be wise to get into the complimentary routine of a healthy diet.

Binaural Brainwave – Brain Entrainment With A Binaural Beats Download

My name is Francesco Antonio Costabile. My aim is to establish a greater recognition of the brain entrainment phenomenon to a wider audience, informing people of its potentialities as an effective mode of self improvement and psychotherapy.