Scotland Golf Tour – Making Time for a Golf Vacation

  You could be handling piles of work at the office with no rest in sight, but that shouldn’t mean it’s impossible for you to play your favourite game. Long periods of stress at work have been shown to reduce job performance. So why not rethink taking that Scotland golf tour package your golfing friends told you about? Can’t seem to find some time for the golf break you need? Read on.

Scotland Golf Tour –  You need some sleep

  It’s usually more satisfying to play golf when you’re not tired, aching all over, or plagued by headaches. The same rule applies to how you perform at work. You can work better when your mind is rested. Sleeping actually rests your mind and body, relieves some tension, allowing you to take a perspective at things that’s fresh. You’ll feel this need to escape and take a nap anyway, once you get stressed out. If you do, your body is telling you you need a break. Take a break. And then when work is ok, take that Scotland golf you’ve been planning to take.

 Scotland Golf TourRecheck your pending tasks – must you do all of them now?

  Seeing the same clogged calendar over and over can leave us with a sense of helplessness, hopelessness. Have you considered asking for more manpower? It’s ok to say no to tasks management hands down, especially when the schedule they expect is not feasible. Should things still feel unsynchronised despite your efforts, perhaps things may make more sense if you ask a colleague for feedback on what you’re trying to speed things up. Sometimes all you need is somebody else’s point of view.

Scotland Golf TourSchedule tasks realistically

  Judging which tasks need more attention is crucial, and you can’t really do that when you’re mind is stressed out and tired. This is when your extra sleep time pays off. You can decide, since you see things fresh, which needs priority. It’s a plague of modern times, since we can launch many applications in a PC all at one, and be reached instantaneously though emails, VOIP calls, and cellular, that we think we can start and track more tasks. However, we can single task a sequence of projects, efficiently. If one could single task in sequence, it would get more done, as multi-tasking has that effect of making us easily distracted, and therefore it’s tougher to focus, easier to feel overwhelmed. The sooner you can finish more through single tasking, the sooner you can go to that Scotland golf tour.

 Document your work properly, so you don’t get phoned during your golf vacation

  The last thing you want is to be phoned by your office, because your superior or co-worker cannot find or access certain files and reports assigned to you. Email all the project-relevant co-workers and supervisors all the reports needed and make sure attachments are not corrupted. You should prepare emails to all members of the projects you are involved in, so they know where to and how to get data they need even when you’re not in the office. That way delays are not pegged on you, the guy who so wanted to take that Scotland golf tour and get out of the office.

  You could probably think of some other things that would give you some elbow room, so you can take that Scotland golf tour package you’ve been dreaming about.

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