GOLF TIP fix your slice-golf video

Another great video golf tip from the National Golf Academy.  I found this video and was amazed how it helped.  I found that I was having a little slice when I went out and played last week.  It was the first time to get out and play for a few months.  I demoed this a new Ping driver also.  I love the Ping drivers because they naturally cure a slice.  G15 Draw

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24 thoughts on “GOLF TIP fix your slice-golf video”

  1. This is one of the best. Explains the FIX where others would take you though hours of long winded lessons and cost you a bundle.

  2. this is great if you are an experienced golfer but if you want to cure a slice fast swing a baseball bat a few time and it will make your hands release like this

  3. wow, i couldn’t figure out why i slice.

    i believe this is exactly why, thanks for pointing this out.

  4. Just been on the range to try this and its brill!! Distance is effected but straight down the middle every time, much rather direction to distance!! Thanks for the help!!

  5. Follow this video, what he is saying is true, some people does not square the club face, so try to release it faster.
    Even though you have been playing for 1 year, you cannot fix it that fast, I have been playing for over 8 years and I still have a slight fade (small version of a slice) I am still working on this.

  6. not true.. im an avid baseball player .. and i tend to belive that by swinging the bat the problem then becomes a matter of topping the ball because you tend to do a more level swing rather than dipping down to scoop the ball

  7. He said do that as a drill. He doesn’t mean that’s how you should be swinging when you actually play.

  8. exactly the same with me. i have so much trouble with the slice because now swinging a bat is just a god given natural instinct for me

  9. The club does *not* have to roll over, and in fact trying to accomplish that in a downswing is a recepie for disaster for the majority of golfers, since it gets the golfer obsessed with the club head, scooping the ball. Never do this!! Focus on pulling your *hands* through the ball, and let the momentum of the club hit the ball instead. Never try to accomplish a ‘snap release’ through the ball. Never! That’s bullshit.

  10. And the ‘slice tendency’ he’s talking about, is *easilly* removed with a proper grip or hand alignment (strong grip or bowed left wrist going trought the ball).

  11. plz can any1 help,,,,,,, i rarely slice wen usin irons but when i come to use the driver i seem to slice the ball so much it nearly boomerangs on me

  12. yh try to not open the iron(driver) keep it forward do the other stuff if u want to slice … and if it was windy and you shooted up into the wind then it slices or hookes

  13. hey. I used to do the same thing with the driver. A common cause of the slice is attacking the out side of the ball (this means that if your a righty, your club face comes from the right side of the ball, which makes you pull the club toward you). This puts left to right spin on the ball, causing a slice. Try attacking from the inside of the ball. Also, try to extend your follow through, rather than pulling the club up immediately after you make contact. This worked for me

  14. I’ve Tried this now and WOW was i impressed i went the whole day and i think i sliced it like twice which is a lot less than before … Ill tell ya wut golf is way more fun when ur not chasing the ball around in the rough all day! .. GREAT ADVICE!

  15. 99% of the people who slice hold the club with a weak grip. tee the ball up just inside of your leading foot and use a neutral to strong grip to cure your slice. everybody thinks it’s so hard to hit a driver straight when it’s actually so easy. you can still hit the ball straight even if your swing sucks.

  16. tip for release: relax the right hand and use the left
    right hand=30% power
    left hand=70%power
    choking the club with your right hand will either be an over the top, or a BIG slice

  17. Or, simply turn your hands to the left (Anti-clockwise) through the shot! This is why i stopped paying for lessons……!

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