Love with Long Distance Between

Love with Long Distance Between

This is not a game for two.  It can be so very hard at times to see those cute couples walking down the street, holding hands, dancing together, going to an event you just have to go to, goodness forbid a wedding because they always try to hook you up with someone.  Your friends and yes, even your family, are going to question you constantly and look at you like you have two heads, because you’re waiting on your love to come home and are so very far apart. It seems that when they can’t see you together, they want to pressure you into dating someone.  There can be NO other consideration of other people.  That will cause resentment and question each other’s devotion. 

Two in love can make it but it takes thought, imagination, and perseverance. It even takes sometimes turning away when you see that couple and your heart breaks in two for your longing. It’s the only thing you can do in your day.  But hang in there.  It will end and you and your love will be together again.

Both of you have to stay positive, remember your love and above all else…..COMMUNICATE!!  Distance may be between you but you can’t let it distance your hearts and let each other go.  Phone calls can get very expensive very quickly.  These days there are so many ways to stay connected: email, video mail, texting, sms, black berry, instant messaging, just to name a few.

Even if your love is away working so very hard, either one of you can send simple one line text messages through the day just to simply say, “Hi, I’m thinking of you” or how about “I miss you”.  It’s not expensive nor does it take a lot of time. You don’t even have to do it 100 time’s day or even every day.  It’s not hard but it does show how much you care.  Something so simple can show so much.  Sometimes, it’s just enough to have that to hold onto and know your love misses you and thinks of you too.  It may keep your loved one going for another week even.  Your text may even be the bright spot in his otherwise busy work day. 

Why don’t you, once in a while, text or instant message her that you’re going to give her a special call that night at a particular time?  It’ll lift her/his heart and give you both a bright spot to look forward to in your day.  Just make sure you make that call and don’t leave her hanging.

Sending him or her pictures of yourself, your home, kids, etc and letting them in on the daily grind is a great way to stay connected and keep them part of your day. Don’t complain and gripe about things all the time.  Keep it light.  He can do the same in return if he gets a chance. Just remember to always make sure that you combine this with some good old fashioned wooing.  That’s right wooing. 

Find one of his favorite quotes, maybe some Shakespeare, Longfellow, Tennyson, lyrics to a song you’ve just heard on the radio that made you think of her.  Be romantic.  Now is NOT the time to keep your heart hidden.  In a long distance relationship you are even more vulnerable to your love because you have to wear your heart on your sleeve in your communications.  You can’t just go on the, “she knows I love her”.  That’s hard even in a daily relationship. This helps to keep him knowing that your love is still strong and that she is in your heart.  It doesn’t have to be a grand gesture, although the occasional one does help.

I won’t lie to you, there will be times that you will cry yourself to sleep because you miss him so much.  You’ll wonder about them, what they are doing, how they are, who they’re with, are they having fun.  Don’t let doubts and nasty thoughts cloud your love.  Let them know you think these things but that they are only fleeting because of your own insecurities.  When it gets to be way too much and it seems like your crashing, that’s when it’s even more important to communicate with each other and visit.  Yes he may be away, far away, but there are always ways to get back home and to each other. Why not take a trip yourself and go visit him.  Think with your heart and let it lead you to do those “foolish things”, those “romantic things” which will last you both a lifetime.

I know that every time my phone rings or a message comes in on the computer or cell, I get butterflies in my stomach just hoping it’s him.  I get all twitter patted at the thought the weekend is coming and maybe, just maybe, he’ll come home to surprise me.  Keep that anticipation alive and communicate your love and longing to one another.  You’ll make it through.  Your distance and separation from one another is temporary and may feel like a lifetime, but don’t forget that it does have an end date.  Love isn’t supposed to have an expiry date.  Let her know yours is unending and true. 

Shakespeare: “The course of true love never did run smooth”

Maisie Clark is a budding new novelist and writer. She writes her articles from personal expersonal experience, tragedy and successes. You can visit her blog at

What Catfish Fishing Hook Do You Choose?

What Catfish Fishing Hook Do You Choose?

Fishing for catfish can be one of the most exciting types of fishing you can do, but there really are some monster cats out there, so knowing how to select the right catfish hooks for the job is of major importance.

Depending on where you plan to fish, and whether you are out to catch basic table cats or huge monster cat, you will want to adjust the type of hook you plan to use. The good news is that there are some outstanding quality products available to help you nail the catfish you are after.

Keep an assortment with you while fishing, so you can change out the hooks to better fit the size of fish you are getting.

If you are fishing for table fish, and having a problem with the catfish taking your bait, running with it for a short distance before just simply dropping the bait, you might want to switch to a smaller hook like a 1/0 baitholder. This usually hangs in there a bit better, and will help you bring some table fare to the table for dinner. Of course, it is not as effective when you want to catch really big catfish.

If you are in a position where you need to cast out a long distance, you can always use a 2/0 octopus. This hook will work very well with a balsa wood and lead float called a Livingston Float. When you cast with this rig, it will really get out there! So, for casting long distances, try the 2/0 octopus.

When it comes to winter fishing for catfish, you really can get better results using smaller hooks too. Even when you are trying to catch big fish. Especially in the winter, when the water is cold and calm, the catfish tend to be finicky, and you have to try to get them out of the water without spooking them.

If you use anything bigger than a 2/0 hook, you will probably get bites, but the tendency is for the cat to spook and drop your hook like it was hot! This is particularly true in heavily fished waters, so no matter where you are fishing…lakes, rivers, ponds, etc. when getting bites is not the problem, just remember that you can always substitute a smaller, strong hook, and probably solve the problem.

In the springtime, when the fish are not so finicky, you can move up to some bigger hooks like a 6/0 baitholder hook. These are particularly good when there are flood water kinds of conditions present. During flood conditions, the fish tend to get very aggressive, and they really grab on to basically whatever is out there. You will miss some fish you could catch if you use the smaller hooks in flood conditions.

Another consideration is using the right size hook for whatever bait you are using. Generally speaking, bigger bait catches bigger fish; smaller bait catches smaller fish. The best hook, in my opinion, for catching catfish using shad head for bait is a 1/0 or 2/0 L042. For general use, you will most likely be satisfied with a 3/0 baitholder. While others will work well, it is best to consider this first.

Dan Eggertsen is a fishing researcher and enthusiast who is committed to providing the best catfish fishing information possible. Get more information on catfish fishing hooks here: