Want to Know More About Long Putters?

Want to Know More About Long Putters?

If you are looking for an opportunity to choose from some of the best putters that is out there in the market you should check out one of the sales that display putters. The range, style and size found here include everything that one needs for in a putter. In fact with better variety of greens the short putters are out; most people are opting for the long putters nowadays.

The long putters are better than the shorter ones mainly because they help to control wrist movement by concentrating the force on the stomach or the chest. These long ones are provided with what is known as a split grip for better support. Therefore, the wrist does not interfere with the swings. There are three main kinds of putters normally found these days:

• Regular- These are around 36 inches long

• Long- The length of this variety ranges between 38 to 45 inches

• Extra Long- These are of course the longest at 52 inches

Long putters focus the grip and the swing on a single central point so that it relieves the fine motor muscles of the hand and prevents it from being de emphasized. It is best to indulge in trial sessions with these putters on the green to get the hang of it. These putters allow one to swing the shoulders freely like a pendulum which is prevented by short putters which only allow average quality handsy strokes.

The correct way to take grip of a long putter is to use your left hand to control the grip and your right hand to hold the handle as you normally would with any other club. Ideally the putter height should be till the chest pocket of your golf t shirt while you are standing at a slightly bent posture. You should also go ahead with any other kind of grip that you are comfortable with, with the putter. A lot of people hold it like they would hold a pencil.

There are two ways of pressurizing the head of the putter:

• You can either pull or push you right arm holding the handle of the club at all times while doing this in order to strike the ball.

• You can also use your shoulder in a rocking motion to do the same.

The idea is to keep the torso of your body unmoving so that it can act as a pivot for your swing. Using the shoulders to rock the motion and hit the ball keeps the right hand rigid. Both techniques ultimately provide the same result: to keep the upper body unmoving and using the limbs or the shoulders for the swing.

You can use the long putters instead of the short ones so that the wrist movement is restricted to the minimum. Extra long putters also serve the same purpose; both using a particular center point of the sternum or the stomach. However, one needs to practice regularly in order to get a hang of this new technique of taking a shot. Without practice it is quite a task to get rid of one’s golf handicap.

Visit http://bananaputting.com to learn how to improve your golf game today with Banana Putting!

Want to Know More About Long Putters?

Want to Know More About Long Putters?

Article by Paul Hobart

If you are looking for an opportunity to choose from some of the best putters that is out there in the market you should check out one of the sales that display putters. The range, style and size found here include everything that one needs for in a putter. In fact with better variety of greens the short putters are out; most people are opting for the long putters nowadays.

The long putters are better than the shorter ones mainly because they help to control wrist movement by concentrating the force on the stomach or the chest. These long ones are provided with what is known as a split grip for better support. Therefore, the wrist does not interfere with the swings. There are three main kinds of putters normally found these days:

* Regular- These are around 36 inches long

* Long- The length of this variety ranges between 38 to 45 inches

* Extra Long- These are of course the longest at 52 inches

Long putters focus the grip and the swing on a single central point so that it relieves the fine motor muscles of the hand and prevents it from being de emphasized. It is best to indulge in trial sessions with these putters on the green to get the hang of it. These putters allow one to swing the shoulders freely like a pendulum which is prevented by short putters which only allow average quality handsy strokes.

The correct way to take grip of a long putter is to use your left hand to control the grip and your right hand to hold the handle as you normally would with any other club. Ideally the putter height should be till the chest pocket of your golf t shirt while you are standing at a slightly bent posture. You should also go ahead with any other kind of grip that you are comfortable with, with the putter. A lot of people hold it like they would hold a pencil.

There are two ways of pressurizing the head of the putter:

* You can either pull or push you right arm holding the handle of the club at all times while doing this in order to strike the ball.

* You can also use your shoulder in a rocking motion to do the same.

The idea is to keep the torso of your body unmoving so that it can act as a pivot for your swing. Using the shoulders to rock the motion and hit the ball keeps the right hand rigid. Both techniques ultimately provide the same result: to keep the upper body unmoving and using the limbs or the shoulders for the swing.

You can use the long putters instead of the short ones so that the wrist movement is restricted to the minimum. Extra long putters also serve the same purpose; both using a particular center point of the sternum or the stomach. However, one needs to practice regularly in order to get a hang of this new technique of taking a shot. Without practice it is quite a task to get rid of one’s golf handicap.

About the Author

Visit http://bananaputting.com to learn how to improve your golf game today with Banana Putting!