The Joy Of A Golf Cart

The Joy Of A Golf Cart

Article by Julee Mitchelsin

You are going to love to read this article in search of some valuable instruction in the mystery of the perfect golf cart. But I doubt you are going to find what you are expecting. What I am going to do is give you some advice that will hopefully help you in your game but more in the head game than in the physical part of the game. I want to in the next few paragraphs talk about three truisms that will hopefully put you at ease, steel your confidence, and allow you to play up to your ability. The three areas are rhythm, routine, and consistency.

When I talk about rhythm in relation to the golf cart I mean pace of cart play AND peace in your thought. Most people have heard of the evils of hurrying a cart or of deceleration, but what about rushing your mental game or losing your concentration. First have this one swing thought in mind as you step to the ball–“smooth carts produce better rides, I don’t have to drive slowly.” This allows you to have something for your mind to latch onto in that critical moment as you stand over the ball in front of your cart. It is easy to produce and isn’t complicated or distracting.

Secondly you need to have a routine. The golf course is not the place to be thinking about the mechanics of curing your slice or cutting or drawing the ball. You have to be concentrated on the best type of shot to hit, NOT how to hit it. All of that work should be done on the range. Routine refers to the natural sequence of events that goes into envisioning the shot that you want to hit, selecting the club, and choosing the golf cart that you will use to get yourself around the course. The routine is very much a part of the rhythm of your game and allows you to find a level of “been there, done that” comfort that is so helpful to your confidence.

The last thing is consistency, and this requires discipline and time. The mechanics of the golf cart are important, sure, but the consistency of the cart is ten times more important. If you have a natural slice but you know how to use is and can trust that it is going to go in a certain way you are way better off than if you hit the ball straight 80% of the time and don’t know what is going to happen the other 20%. You can also trust your cart to get you to your shots even when they are in the deep rough.

So instead of filling your mind with all the intricacies of the newest hybrid carts and trying to always have the best, find your natural fit in a golf cart and make it consistent. Then work on the part of the game that has a lot more to do with your score, the head game, and finding the calming and confidence building influences of rhythm and routine.

About the Author

Julee Mitchelsin loves her job designing the perfect golf cart. If you want more information then click on

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