Natural Health Helps when Medications Can’t.

Natural Health Helps when Medications Can’t.

Article by Viktor

There are plenty of alternatives to pill popping when you feel the flu setting in. With the right preventative measures you can usually avoid getting sick altogether. Obviously sometimes, even if you do everything right, you get sick anyway and without any warning start feeling like the people you see awake all night in the cold and flu medication ads on television. It’s tempting to take a bunch of antihistamines and sleep for a few days in the hopes that the flu will go away while you slumber but don’t do it! Sure it’s tempting but there are better ways to help yourself feel better and to get over your flu. If you are looking for something to help ease your cold and flu symptoms and to, hopefully, cure your cold completely there are plenty of natural options available. Read on to learn about some natural health ways of fighting the flu.

Believe it or not, one of the best natural health remedies is taking steps to prevent the illness from getting into your system in the first place.

A nutritious and balanced diet, working out on a regular basis and washing your hands a few times a day are all easy and natural things you can do to stay well. These are all things that will keep you and your immune system strong and healthy. “The best offense is a good defense” doesn’t just apply to sports! Using old metaphors to help you stay healthy is smart.

You don’t have to eat a bunch of oranges to meet your vitamin C requirement! Leafy green vegetables contain quite a bit of vitamin C as well. If you feel yourself starting to get sick, aim for the green and leafy as well as the orange and round. Other citrus fruits contain vitamin C as well, so change out your orange juice for some lemonade or limeade.

Another great source of vitamin C is the bell pepper, so why not chop or slice some up and add them to your meals? Adding bell peppers to your meals won’t just enhance the flavor of the food it gives you the nutrients you need to build a strong body that is able to fight off illness.

Don’t eat sugar. Your immune system is weakened when you consume sugar and you are more likely to catch a cold. If you want to feel healthier, eating less sugar is the way to go-just ask someone who used to eat sugar but has stopped doing so. Sugary drinks can be comforting when we don’t feel well but plain water is better for our health. Eating a lot of sugar will undo all of the good that your other healthier habits might be doing for you.

The size of the variety of natural health methods for curing an illness is staggering. Instead of dropping a bunch of money on over the counter drugs, check out the remedies you already have on hand! Natural cures for sickness will often have better results and more quickly than over the counter medication. Don’t be afraid to try a natural alternative to over the counter meds, you might be surprised at what you find!

About the Author

Viktor website’s : belajar bisnis online , belajar bisnis online gratis , baju bali , and baju bali murah

The Benefits of Antioxidants and Vitamins – A Personal Experience

The Benefits of Antioxidants and Vitamins – A Personal Experience

Article by Tony Luck

A few years ago I had never heard of antioxidants, and vitamins were something that were supposed to be good for you but were only to be found in vegetables – ugh! Today I am a relatively healthy 62 years old and I probably owe my life to antioxidants!

Two days before Christmas 1999 I suffered an attack of pancreatitis. I was rushed to hospital on Christmas eve and stayed in for 3 weeks, after which I was sent home with the doctors telling me that I had suffered a life-threatening illness which would probably occur again. Whereas most pancreatitis cases suffer because of excess drink or gallstones, I was a non-drinker and my gallbladder was fine, so I was classified as idiosyncratic; which basically means the doctors didn’t have any idea why I experienced the attack.

Two months later, as forecast I had another attack. This time I was in hospital for a month (it’s so boring!), hooked up to various tubes and unable to eat for the first 3 weeks, and once again I was told there was no cure.

When I got home I thought there must be some sort of treatment so I did some research on the Internet (thank God for the Internet!), and found a hospital that for 20 years had been successfully treating pancreatitis with antioxidants. That hospital was too far away, but the articles mentioned another that followed the same treatment and was nearer. So I went there and, to cut a long story short, I started on the course of antioxidants – vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin E, selenium, and methionine (which is actually an amino acid).

Thankfully the pancreatitis attacks have stopped. I have to be careful with my diet and drink is banned – which is not a problem. I now take so many vitamins that if you shook me I would rattle, but these wonderful antioxidants are fighting those free radicals or whatever caused my pancreatitis and I have been healthy for six years.

About the Author

For more information about vitamins, nutrition and antioxidants, visit the website.

How to Get Rid of Pimples Easily

How to Get Rid of Pimples Easily

How do you get rid of pimples? Pimples can be embarrassing in an age which stresses beauty. Sometimes you need to get rid of pimples in a hurry as they can happen at the worst times. You are made t0 believe you need expensive products to eliminate blemishes. None of these products are guaranteed to get rid of pimples. You can get rid of pimples easily without expensive products by following these tips. Avoid prolonged sun exposure. Y

ou won’t be able to get rid of pimples by staying in the sun too long. The sun will only redden the blemishes. You do need a little bit of sun for Vitamin D and fifteen to twenty minutes is sufficient. If you go out for longer periods of time, wear a sunscreen of at least 15 SPF. Avoid the sun between 10a.m. and 4p.m. when the rays are strongest. Pay attention to the products you use on your face. Some of the cosmetics and creams you apply to get rid of pimples may worsen the condition. Avoid products with heavy perfumes, alcohol, and chemicals .T

hese components could strip the skin of natural oils.. In turn, the skin will make more oils to compensate. Choose creams and cosmetics that are non-comegenic. Wear loose clothing if pimples are on your back. Loose clothing is recommended while exercising. Tight clothes irritate skin and aggravate pimples not to mention being uncomfortable. Sweating adds additional unwanted material in the clothing. Let the skin breathe.

For a natural way to get rid of pimples, drink green tea green tea has been used as a treatment for many ailments of thousands of years. It is made differently than other teas retaining ingredients that fight free radicals. The antioxidants are beneficial to prevent pimples. The antibacterial substances in green tea regulate hormonal activity thus reducing breakouts.

Supplement your diet with Vitamin C .selenium, and zinc. To effectively get rid of pimples, your diet needs these nutrients. Pimples may mean you are deficient in these nutrients. Zinc and selenium are essential trace elements abundant in Brazil nuts and dried fruits. Vitamin C gives the skin a healthy glow and has alkaline properties which eliminate bacteria. Bananas are not only rich in Vitamin C but contain but are high in potassium and healing properties.

A few fruits can be used to get rid of pimples externally on the face. Tomatoes work well for small areas of acne. Slice a ripe tomato in half. Place the inside wet portion on your face. Leave for around an hour and rinse. You can do the same thing with slices of apple. Apples have cleansing properties that eliminate bacteria. Lemon juice is another remedy to get rid of pimples. It serves as a gentle exfoliate to remove dead skin cells. Apply lemon juice to infected areas. Let set a few minutes then rinse.

For more beauty tips visit

How to cook Carrots on the Stove

How to cook Carrots on the Stove

Article by Musarrat Sheikh

Carrots are one of the several vegetables and these are rich in vitamins, nutrients as well as antioxidants. The nutrients of carrots are supposed to be preserved and this is by ensuring that the carrots are never overcooked and they should also retain their crunchy quality. Peeling of carrots is not a must as you can rinse them and put them in boiling water immediately. Carrots are classified as root vegetables and they have a crisp texture when they are fresh and they always have the color orange. The orange is as a result of carotene which when metabolized by the human body becomes vitamin A.

There are several nutritional facts in carrots that will include iron, calcium, Vitamin B6, Vitamin C, Thiamin, Niacin among other nutrients. Eating too much carrot may however cause hypercarotenemia and this turns your skin to orange. Preparing of these carrots can be done in a number of ways and in some cases they are found in several kinds of foods to act as vegetables to these dishes and in some cases they are also used for adding color. The preparation of carrots may also include them being steamed and here you will only need water.

You can also opt to use your favorite spices which you are supposed to put into the boiling water and these may include lemon juice, wine, soy sauce as well as some garlic and slices of onions. The water should however be portable whichever the spices you choose to use. Cooking carrots on the stove is quite popular and this will need you to have several ingredients including 8 to 10 pieces of carrots, 2 teaspoons of tapioca, 1/8 teaspoon of ginger, 1 tablespoon of butter, 1 ? cup of orange juice, ? a teaspoon of salt as well as ? cup of brown sugar.

You should then start the preparation process of how to cook carrots on the stove after obtaining all these ingredients. You should start by using a small bowl to mix the 2 tablespoons tapioca, 1/8 of ginger, 1 ? cup of juice, a tablespoon of butter, ? a teaspoon of butter, ? a teaspoon of salt and ? a cup of sugar. All these ingredients are supposed to be mixed thoroughly in a bowl. The fresh carrots should then be added to the mixture and placed in an electric slow cooker. This is supposed to cook for about 8 to 10 hours if you are using low heat or 4 to 5 hours if you are using high heat.

When the carrots are cooking the pot should always be covered. The mixture should be stirred thoroughly before it is served. If you end up having left over’s you should use a sauce pan to preheat them later and only at low temperatures. The main purpose of doing this at low temperatures is to maintain its thick sauce. If you will not be satisfied with the thickness of the sauce you can as well add some tapioca and the sauce will be thicker.

About the Author

This article touched the basics of the topic. I have 2 more resources related to the above. They are how to cook baby carrots and how to cook carrots. Do consider reading them.

Natural Acne Treatment – 4 Effective and Natural Ways to Remove Acne

Natural Acne Treatment – 4 Effective and Natural Ways to Remove Acne

Article by Archer Goodchap

Are you having the same problem as me trying to find a natural way to treat acne or remove acne scars? It’s not easy to find an effective and natural way for acne scar treatment – I have spent a lot of time and effort researching and I know that. To save your time, in this article I am going to share with you some methods I have tried personally before. Hope they will be useful for you as well.First of all, with so many creams and antibiotics available in the market, why should you bother to find a natural acne treatment? The answer is actually pretty straight forward – it has long lasting effects, doesn’t cost you a lot or damage your health. Natural acne scar treatment is also simple to implement. Follow 4 tips I listed below consistently and you will see effects.Tip #1: Cut the Sugar intake.You are what you eat. Too heavy sugar-intake actually harms your health, and your skin. The skins tends to produce more oil if you take too much sugars and excess oils are the root cause of acne. However, I know it’s not easy to change your diet habit especially those who like eat sweet stuff. But no pain, no gains. You need to take action to make changes happen. Once you do that, you will see not only your skin will be better, your body and healthy will probably too.Tip #2: Get Plenty Vitamin C & Water. Drink a lot of water to detox yourself and speed up the process of your skin regeneration. Taking enough Vitamin C is also crucial because it’s a key component for skin repairing process. This is more important for girls than boys as girls skin needs more water. Vitamin C is available in fruits like oranges & apples. Eating more fruits on a daily basis will give you enough vitamin C and also help you cut sugar intake by eating less starch like rice or breads. Vitamin C tables are also recommended as a supplement.Tip #3: Use Lemon on the PimpleRich in Vitamin C, Lemon is one of the most effective natural acne treatment. You need to buy a fresh lemon, slice it into small pieces and then rub a piece of lemon on the pimple. Leave the juice to soak in for around 20-30 minutes and wait for antoerh 20-30 minutes for it to dry (depends on your own skin condition, please be flexible). Then rinse it with warm water to remove the stickness. Lemon is effective and natural acne treatment because it citric acid – 100% natural, which when dried out can have an antibacterial effects. Lemon also helps tighten up your skin,Tip #4: Use Tea Tree OilActually tea tree oil is one of the most popular and natural treatment for acne – most of the time, you can find one in your nearby convenient store and it doesn’t cost you a lot. Tea tree oil can kill bacteria, viruses and fungi. To use it, wash your faces thoroughly and patting it dry, simple apply tea tree oil directly onto affected skins with acne. It immediately reduce pimple size and hasten healing.However do bear in mind that, all above 4 natural acne treatments don’t make your acne disappear over night. It takes some time for your to see effects, but if you do it persistently, you will see long term effects. While applying creams or simply eating antibiotics are more a short-terms solutions.For effective natural acne treatment, the above 4 steps are proven useful. Pay attention to your sugar intake, drink a lot of water and take Vitamin C, use Lemon or Tea Tree Oil for pimple treatment are proven effective ways to cure your acne.To get more tips and and proven techniques for natural acne treatment, visit

About the Author

Archer Goodchap specializes in acne treatment and acne scar removal. He write articles constantly to review acne products and share experiences with readers worldwide. His personal website Fade Acne Scar ( is free for subscribers.