The Golf Swing Slice

The Golf Swing Slice

Article by Garry Booton

The slice is often a very common problem among golf players and once you have an understanding of what creates the slice you are in a better position to remedy your golf swing slice.

The slice is caused by the face of the club looking to the right of the course the club is moving through at the time of impact with the ball. This leads to clockwise spin on your ball making it curve towards the right. Typically the club will also be travelling towards the left significantly increasing the angle on the glancing contact even more.

To begin with we need to distinguish between a slice and a hook shot. If you happen to be right handed and the ball is going to the right when you hit it that’s known as a slice. If the ball is moving too far to the left then this is a hook. One of the causes of your slice is that you may have been trying to hit the ball far too hard and you had no feel for what the club face was really doing.

So what can you do to cure the slice shot?

You will need to have a feel for squaring the club and there is an easy exercise you can apply to achieve this. You need to use a 5 or 6 iron and hit the ball softly so that it travels no more than 30 yards. You need to make sure that you square the face on the shot so the ball goes straight. When you can achieve this you need to use the same club and hit the ball so it is travelling about 100 yards. Remember to be sure that the club face squares up with every shot and that the ball is moving straight.

Keep carrying out the same exercise in time moving up to your driver. Do exactly the same procedure as before by hitting the ball no more than 50 yards in a straight line. It will pay off if every now and then you move through your downward swing in slow motion and slow it right down so that you stop right behind your ball, feeling and seeing the position of the club face at that stage.

By taking some time to generate a feel of squaring your club your body will adapt for the swing you are working on, and soon it’s going to become second nature for you to present the club face correctely to the ball consequently preventing a golf swing slice.

About the Author

I also developed a slice shot in my game and put up with for months before finding a simple way to eliminate it.

The Truth about how to correct a golf slice

The Truth about how to correct a golf slice

nearly all advice given to fix your golf slice is incorrect. By that, I’m also referencing numerous professionals who have probably cured their personal golf slice.

Personally, I’m not a pro – I’m actually not even really good. Nevertheless, I’m going to teach you a technique that, should you keep in mind and implement, will fix your golf slice every time.

Definition of a Golf Slice

This is almost a absurd question, since I doubt many of you are reading this without having experienced a slice. Nonetheless, bear with me.

You have hit a slice when the golf ball starts travelling a single path and then curves towards right (for any right-handed golfer) while in the air. Put simply, the golf ball may well begin by flying still left of, straight at, or right of your intended target. Nonetheless, during flight, the ball will veer to the right (again, for any right-handed golfer).

It isn’t a slice when the ball simply flies directly to the right!

Golf Slice Cause

A golfswing is quite complex and, consequently, frustrating. Nevertheless, the cause of the golf slice is comparatively easy, as there’s only 1 cause.

In case you routinely hit a golf slice, it is invariably because your swing is “outside-in”.

Picture a top or a ball spinning on the floor. In case you wanted to keep it spinning, you may possibly use your hand and ‘swipe’ the top or ball in the direction that it is currently spinning. You would NOT use your hand to hit the top or ball this kind of that the impact was straight At the top or ball. A slice is caused by the exact same general ‘swiping’ motion. The golf club head has ‘swiped’ the golf ball rather than hitting immediately at and through the golf ball, thereby causing the golf ball to spin.

Don’t get me wrong: I’m not pretending that it’s not a problem if your golf ball starts out way too far right. However, that alone isn’t a slice. Getting a golf ball begin out too far right is induced through the clubface getting way too open upon impact with the golf ball.

A single quick trick to Fix your Golf Slice

Focus on your follow-through! Invariably, if you are hitting a slice, the simplest method to fix it really is to make sure that you simply end your swing with your shoulders square to your hips and together with your hands (and the golf club) either directly in front of you or else to your right a little. I think that the least complicated method to recognize this is purely to take a bit of time next time you might be at the driving range and attempt to conclude with your hands further and further to your right. Rather than thinking about finishing with the golf club pointed back above your left shoulder (which is how numerous men and women picture the conclusion of their swing), picture finishing with the club pointed back over your right shoulder.

Now let me throw out this caveat: focusing on your follow-through is somewhat of a “trick”. By that I mean that it will not necessarily give you the perfect swing plane, nor will it fix several other problems in your golf swing. However, focusing on your own follow-through will teach you tips on how to feel whether you’re hitting “outside-in” or “inside-out” and will offer you an quick method to fix your golf slice.

If you want a truly impeccable swing, then you need to concentrate on a single basic (grip, positioning, and so forth.) at a time and produce a basic, repeatable swing. Personally, I’ve discovered that one particular specific ebook, The Simple Golf Swing distills a whole lot of info into a very easy and easy-to-follow set of instructions. This book has helped me dramatically in my capability to simplify and improve my golf swing. Click here to go through a review of The Simple Golf Swing.

Hi!  I am 36, from Columbus, and I am currently unemployed but looking for a job in sales.