How Your Golf Can Benefit From A Few Simple Drills…

How Your Golf Can Benefit From A Few Simple Drills…

Article by Stefan Dyke

If you’ve ever wondered why, no matter how much golf you seem to play, you don’t see any improvements it could be quite simple: you’re repeating the same mistakes over and over again every time you play. The reality of golf is that sometimes you just have to work on the little details through the use of specific drills in order to get the most out of your game; it’s just not enough to go out and play as much as you can if you want to see big improvements in your game. With a few decent golf drills you will find that those small things that made you frustrated each time you played can be easily overcome, so read on to discover more…

If you’ve ever thought that putting was going to be easy you may have discovered that this is far from the truth, however the good news is with a couple of golf balls and your putter you can easily work on this aspect of your game anywhere with flat surfaces and a little space.

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Golf Slice ? Golf Tips to Cure the Problem

Golf Slice ? Golf Tips to Cure the Problem

The two dreaded words that every amateur golfer fears, the Hook and Slice. The thing is low handicap and pro golfers use these two shots to steer their way out of trouble.

The pro’s will hit a hook spin shot or Draw the ball to provide a shot that can hold straight in a left to right wind and when it hits the fairway it will roll for ages on the grass due to the type of spin imparted on the ball.

The slice spin shot or Fade is used to hold a ball straight in a right to left wind and this shot will land and check quite quickly on the green. For the high handicapper these shots are usually mistakes.

In this article I will give you some tips to cure your slice.

The slice is a very common mistake that 90% of amateurs have to live with. Every golfer has experienced this shot. The slice is so common that every magazine will have an article on the subject.

So what causes the slice?

It is caused by an out to in swing path and usually the club face is open at impact with the ball. The big mistake that most high handicap players make to try and stop their slice is that they aim their body to the left of the target hoping that the ball will land on target.

What they fail to realise is that they set themselves up for an even bigger slice shot.
A Big mistake.

Before anyone can hit a perfectly straight shot you need to line yourself up square to the target line. A handy way during practice is to lay a golf club on the ground aimed at the flag. Set yourself up with your toes against the club and your shoulders and hips in line with the target.

The next thing to do is lay a club on the ground behind the ball as you are looking at it. It should also be lined up to the flag and parallel with the club laid down at your toes.

As you start your golf swing downwards, aim to swing the clubhead through the ball, but also try to keep the club travelling along the line of the club laid on the ground. This is done to keep the club head on a straight path through the ball.

With correct body posture and practice using this method you should see a marked improvement and reduce the likelyhood of that slice.

If you want to improve at golf and take your game to the next level. Subscribe to the Authors Free Golf Tips Newsletter at free golf e-books are included to start your golf improvement today.

Slicing The Ball? Understand Why And Cure It Forever

Slicing The Ball? Understand Why And Cure It Forever

Curring a slice can seem like a lifetimes work but it doesn’t have to be that way.If you understand the mechanics of the golf swing you can get rid of the slice affliction forever. Untill the time comes when you need a great raking curve ball around a tree to half the match with your playing partners.

Ok that said what causes the slice?

The slice happens when the club comes into the impact area from outside the target line, with the club face open and with a steep angle of attack.

This is caused by the upper body ( shoulders ) starting the downswing, throwing the club out and away from the body which is the complete opposite of what you should be trying to achieve.

So if you take the club to the top of your backswing, and we’ll take it for granted that you have made a full shoulder turn ( 90 degrees ) and only 45 degrees in the hips. From here a slice would come from the hips staying still and the shoulders starting things down. This you’ll notice makes the club move away from you and travel towards the ball from about two feet away from your right toes and on a path towards around six inches from your left toes. So steep and outside the target line inside.

Now compare that to the right way.

Back to the top of the swing and now start by rotating the hips first. You’ll notice the right shoulder naturally drops somewhat. Now continue turning and watch the path this time. The club is now coming from about 6 inches from the right toes to impact, more from close to you to impact and away. The opposite to the slice.

The way I got this motion was to hold a football in both hands at your right hip and now take your golf stance and throw the ball over your left shoulder ( right motion ).

Hope this article will help to cure your slice for good.

Steve has been a keen golfer for over 30 years. He still loves the game and plays on a regular basis. His current handicap is 2. If this tip was helpful to you and you would like to see and hear more of the same. Please go here.

How To Fix My Golf Slice For The Desperate Golfer

How To Fix My Golf Slice For The Desperate Golfer

Article by Victor Lorentzo

I’ve been there before and know how embarrassing it is to be the only slicer in a group of golfers. Everybody knows that your ball is going right, no matter how hard you try! The further left you aim the further right it goes. The harder you hit, it disappears in the rough to the right…ouch.

Click here to fix your slice problems

You’ve probably heard suggestions from others, but it gets old. You are looking for the right book or TV show on how to fix my golf slice, but so far nothing is working!? Maybe a few tips from this article will help alleviate some of your pain.

Desperate golfers please listen. There is help! Here are a few basics which will alleviate your slice or at least limit its severity. The first step is probably your stance. Try standing with your big toes about 16 inches apart and slightly pointed outward (move your left toe about an inch forward of your right).

Your heels should be about 6 to 8 inches from each other. Stand up straight and bend from the waste (an arched back is a big mistake), keeping your back straight. As you start to bend, bend your knees slightly and start to sit until you feel comfortable. Remember to keep your weight on the heels for balance. This stance is the one you will use!

Addressing the ball is your next step. This routine will help you get comfortable before swinging. Use an 8 iron and drop the ball about 2 or three inches right of center. (Note: the more left of center, the more slice). Grasp the iron with your right hand as though you were shaking hands with someone. Do the same with your left hand.

Shift your hands to the right on the club slightly. This is a stronger grip and promotes a draw! When you slowly bring your club back keep your right elbow against your body. Keeping your elbow next to your body throughout your swing promotes an in-to-out swing.

Always take a practice swing to relax. Remember to only hit the ball about 75 to 80 percent of your hardest swing. This will help your control! You should make your practice swing the same speed as the swing you’re going to make! When you start your downswing, start slow. Speed up only when you’re about to hit the ball. This will promote follow-thru and control.

If your balls are still slicing, make small adjustments stroking a little more to the RIGHT. That’s correct, RIGHT. For the desperate reader who wants to quit slicing, this should help! Practice these basics for a while and find the swing that works for you! Good golfing!

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